
Young Writers Society

lil help please? choosing an idea for my novel

Which idea do you prefer?

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Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:36 pm
Autumn says...

I want to create a fantasy novel, but can never think of a decent one which I stick with, and avoiding cliche is so hard for me. >.<'

These are my ideas so far.. no real plot right now.. as for the angel/demon idea from my other thread I’ll probably drop that cause of the clichéness… unless I can think up something more original for it.

any of these ones half decent / one that you might read?

I have also attached a poll asking which you prefer.

1) 4 kids are locked in a kind of prison from the moment they are born because of a power inside them which could enable them to destroy the city. One day the city is completely destroyed by monster/demon like creatures which also break the walls of the prison, setting them free. Now that they are free they find that they are able to take off the seals which contain their power and they discover they can transform into these powerful, mystical animals. Like for example, the main character discovers she can transform into a phoenix. I started writing the prologue for this here –http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/topic26413.html

2) Andria discovers she has the power to read people’s destinies just by looking at them. When she meets a new friend, she reads his destiny and discovers, horrified, that he will die in an accident in a weeks time. So when that time comes, she doesn’t want to admit to having this power so she leaves him a note explaining that if he goes to so and so place then he will die. So he avoids the accident and doesn’t die. Now, whenever Andria reads people’s destinies and discovers that they have an avoidable fate, she leaves them a note warning them about it.

3) Due to a birth defect Dawn can never become a real magician, because the magic inside her is so weak. The only gift she has is that she can talk to and understand animals. Since everyone else in the city is a proper magician, and magic is everything, she is hated by them. One day an evil mage with royal connections discovers a way to control the magicians, by controlling the magic inside them. Dawn is the only one who isn’t affected, because her magic is so weak, so she’s the only one that can save them. started writing the prologue for this here - topic26219.html

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Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:06 pm
khfan890 says...

I've read your first idea and loved it. The third one I haven't, but I'll have to. It sounds good, though.

About the second one... That's an interesting ability Andria has, but what is the point? Does she just go around saving people? Or is there actually a moral or something and a plot to the story besides just, "I'll keep you from dying, and you, and you, and you." Etc, etc. It does sound like it could be good if it has a point. Honestly, I can't tell you which I would prefer if I were you.

And with the problem about being cliche, honestly, what fantasy story isn't in some way cliche? You know what I'm saying? I finished my fantasy novel this past week, and yes, my six main characters are suddenly thrown into something where they are given powers and told to defeat the lord of darkness (although I did avoid the whole prophecy thing). However, defeating the lord of darkness is not the only thing they must do; it is only a small thing in a much larger picture. I'm just saying that cliche isn't always bad, so don't worry so much about it.
Death is no respecter of persons. Just felt like saying that.

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:00 am
thunder_dude7 says...

I like all of the ideas. You should do all off them. But my favorite would have to be #1.

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:07 am
chocoholic says...

I like the first one the best, although the others sound cool.

I'll read the prolouge for number one later today.
*Don't expect to see me around much in the next couple of weeks. School has started again, and it'll be a couple of weeks before I've settled in. If you've asked me for a critique, you will get it, but not for a little while. Sorry*

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:30 am
zankoku_na_tenshi says...

Hmmm.... I really like one and three... perhaps I'm slightly more fond of three. They all seem like great ideas, but for the first two, I don't really see what the conflict is. You'd have to elaborate on them a bit more, I guess? The premise seems cool, but it's sort of like... So they can turn into animals? Okay.... What now? Eh, I'm probably not a good judge of plot.

The second one seems to have a bigger problem with lack of conflict... maybe she discovers that if she saves this one person, it will indirectly cause the death some other? For example, I dunno, if she saves some guy, he'll... I dunno, let someone ahead of him in the line at the grocery store, and that person will get hit by a car on their way out. Something like that. XD That might add some interesting inner conflict. After all, she is messing with the future, that can't go without complications of some sort.

These all sound interesting, though. I'm going to read the ones you've posted so far. ^_^
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Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:39 am
khfan890 says...

I just read the one about Dawn, and it was really good too! So, that or the first one shows a lot of promise, I think. You definitely have talent.
Death is no respecter of persons. Just felt like saying that.

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:01 pm
Autumn says...

thanks alot for the feedback everyone! =]

I'm edging towards idea #1, so I'll get working on the plot for that. I have a general idea of where it will go and where the conflict will come from, but I won't give it away here :P The other ideas I'll save for possible future story lines.
But there's still tomorrow
Forget the sorrow
And I can be on the last train home

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:07 pm
Periwinkle says...

I'm leaning towards three. Number one sounds like a roleplay mostly...it doesn't sound like a plot to me. Then I also like the second one, but I don't think there's enough in it like the previous person said. Why does she want to safe people? I mean, sure we can say that "Why wouldn't she?" But after the first few times a normal human, as selfish as this sound, would probably give up in frustration or would begin to despise the ability to see someone's death. She needs some sort of fire to keep her going and saving other people to make it a good novel.

So to conclude, I like three the most. I find it interesting...it sounds almost futuristic for some reason...
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:44 pm
Vrtra says...

3 is more cliche, but probably your soundest one. Thin bloods are always never happy, but are far from powerful. The guise under which they can perform activities is better. Just make sure she has a reason to save them, chances are she's been emotionally hurt and maybe even abused for her lack of power. What compels her to save them and not just a friend or family?

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Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:19 am
Adnamarine says...

I like the second one, but it doesn't seem to have a conflict.
Number 3 strikes me as kinda cliche. Talks to animals, other people don't like her cause she's different? And anyway, she needs a reason for wanting to save them, if they all hate her.
If I were you, I would write a page or more about each one, or write about each one for a certain amount of time (and not a prologue type thing), and see which one you like best, which comes easiest, which one you want to finish.
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