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Extreme Harry Potter Word Crawls: An Adventure

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Sun May 24, 2020 3:25 pm
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Carlito says...


Extreme HP Word Crawl: Year 3

We're up to 44,237 words in the total manuscript. Counting the unnecessary words I cut out when I reached a chapter milestone, I wrote 9558 words in year two! Even better than year one! :)

Let's see what writing adventure await this school year!

We begin in Diagon Alley, and I need to write for ten minutes while I visit the shops and pick up all of my supplies: DONE
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Mon May 25, 2020 1:47 pm
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Carlito says...


I run into my good friends Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Magical Menagerie and I have to write 300 words because Hermione's new cat Crookshanks (<3) jumped on my head in pursuit of Scabbers: DONE

I'm hanging out in the Leaky Cauldron the night before we'll hop on the train so I need to word war for 15 minutes while I play wizard chess with Ron. No one is word warring, so I'm going to use a galleon, making my galleon count: 5

On the train, we share a compartment with Professor Lupin! He tells us about Sirius Black and how he's after Harry and I have to write 150 words while I worry about what's to come this year: DONE

Uh oh. The train stops and the lights go out and it's a dementor!! Lupin makes it go away and gives us some chocolate but I have to do a 50-headed hydra before I can eat my chocolate (but since I'm a Ravenclaw I can skip this round for free 8))

My first class of the term is divination. We're supposed to read our tea leaves and I have to roll a die and multiply by 150 while I stare at the bottom of my friend's cup and try to decipher what it means. 4x150 = 600 words:
323 and I'm done with a chapter!

Quick interlude to research some agents:
1. Tepid
2. Tepid
3. Medium

Now to finish divination class: DONE

Next I get to go to another new class, care of magical creatures with our dear friend Hagrid. He shows us hippogriffs and I have to write to the nearest 1000 while I ride one around! That'll be 460 words: DONE

Then I get to go to defense against the dark arts with Professor Lupin who is incredible! I have to write 300 words in 10 minutes while I learn to defeat a boggart: DONE! 339
Since I succeed, Lupin is impressed with me and gives me a galleon, making my galleon count: 6

Halloween is here and I get to visit Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione (sorry Harry!) and I have to write 3% of my word count while I visit Zonkos and and Honeydukes. That's 1390 words: took a minute, but DONE

Quick interlude to research some agents:
1. Tepid
2. Medium

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Thu May 28, 2020 3:05 am
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Carlito says...

Starting off today with a doozy. I arrive back in the castle and find out Sirius Black attacked the fat lady! We have to camp in the great hall and because I'm a Ravenclaw I have to write for 30 minutes while I try to study: DONE

At the Gryffindor/Hufflepuff quidditch match, dementors show up and I have to write for 15 minutes while I hurry off the field away from them: DONE

We go to Hogsmeade again and this time Harry sneaks out with us. While drinking butterbeer we overhear a conversation about Sirius Black and Harry's parents and I have to write 200 words while we eavesdrop: DONE

It's Christmas morning! I have to write for 15 minutes and the number of words I write determines what my present will be: DONE, 454. As a half-blood that means I get three galleons!! Making my galleon count: 9

Oh no!! Sirius Black tried to break in again and this time he went after Ron! I have to roll a die and multiply by 100 while I spend another sleepless night in the great hall. I rolled a 1, so 100 words: DONE

It's time for the quidditch final - Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. I have to word war with a friend but no one is warring, so I'll use a galleon on this one making my galleon count: 8

Over the Easter holiday I write 400 words while I do nothing but study for exams and do homework: DONE

On the last day of exams, we go down to comfort Hagrid because Buckbeak is about to be executed :'( I have to do a 50-headed hydra (write 500 words in 5 minutes LOL) while I'm forced out of the hut as to not witness the execution: 428!!!!!
Literally it's all typos...brb fixing that now :p
After actually trying, 450 :)

We spot Scabbers on our way back to the castle and Ron is dragged under a tree by a large black dog! Uh oh! I have to write 300 words while Harry, Hermione, and myself struggle to get ourselves under the tree: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:50 pm
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Carlito says...

OOPS IT'S BEEN A MINUTE. I'm actually going to finish this crawl today.

Okay so with Ron dragged into the tree, we follow and meet Lupin and Sirius Black! I have to write for 10 minutes while the whole story about Pettigrew and Sirius and who really betrayed the Potters is told: DONE

Scabbers is Petter Pettigrew and I have to write 350 words while he changes into his human form: DONE

Finished a chapter so interlude to research some agents:
1. Lukewarm
2. Pass
3. Pass
4. Pass

Oh no! On our way back to the castle Lupin begins to turn into a werewolf! I have to write 400 words in 15 minutes as we flee: DONE
And since I got past 400 words I try to tell Fudge what really happened but he doesn't believe me and thinks I've been confunded and that I need the hospital wing.

Dumbledore believes us and instructs Hermione to use her time turner to save Sirius and Buckbeak. I have to do 3 of the last 5 challenges over again.
1. I'm going to do the 50 headed hydra (500 words in five minutes, lol) again to save Buckbeak: 497!!!! with a thousand typos, so after fixing it 482. That's the closet I've come I think!!
2. I'm going to write 300 words again as Ron is dragged under the whomping willow: DONE
3. I'm going to flee to the castle again and write 400 words: DONE

We save Sirius and Buckbeak and I need to write for 10 minutes while I celebrate my accomplishments and say good-bye to my friends for another year: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:51 am
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Carlito says...


Extreme HP Word Crawl: Year 4

We're up to 53624 words total in the manuscript! I'm about to cut out some unnecessary words though. That means I wrote a total of 9387 words in year 3!!

After cutting words: 53395

Alright here we go. Time to finish these edits! Only four chapters to go :)
I was invited to attend the Quidditch World Cup and I have to write 400 words while I take a portkey with the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, and the Diggorys: DONE

We set up camp and meet Ludo Bagman. We place a bet, if I can write 750 words in 30 minutes Ludo will double the amount of galleons I have. If I fail, he'll take half my galleons. Challenge accepted: DONE! Got distracted a few times, but I hit 783 words making my new galleon count: 16 Thanks Ludo!!

Next it's time for the match and it's time to place another bet on who will win by word warring with a friend. But since no one is warring at the moment, I'll spend a galleon and skip this round making my galleon count: 15

Oh no! The Dark Mark appeared above the camp site and I need to write 3% of my word count as we flee into the woods. Oy. That would be 1639 words:
ended the chapter after writing 1408 words!

Quick interlude to research some agents and will be back tomorrow to finish those final 231 words!

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Thu Jul 02, 2020 3:06 am
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Carlito says...

Interlude to research agents before I dive back into fleeing into the woods:
1. Medium
2. Warm!
3. Lukewarm

Onwards to writing those final 231 words as I flee into the woods: DONE

On the train, Draco brags about knowing something exciting happening at Hogwarts this year. My friends and I ignore him and I have to write 500 words as we eat our treats off the trolley: DONE

At the feast, Dumbledore tells us the Triwizard Tournament is happening this year but only people of age will be able to enter. I have to write for 20 minutes while I conspire with the Weasley twins about how we might be able to enter: DONE

We meet our new defense against the darks arts teacher, Mad Eye Moody, and in our first class he demonstrates the unforgivable curses on us! I have to write 600 words after he put me under the Imperius curse: I wrote 152 and then finished the chapter!

Quick interlude to research agents before I finish writing under the Imperius curse:
1. Pass
2. Lukewarm
3. Pass
4. Medium
5. Lukewarm

Okay, now to finish the remaining 448 words of being under the Imperius curse: DONE

It's the day before Halloween and the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive. I have to write for 10 minutes as I noticed Victor Krum among the students: DONE

Fred and George give me some aging potion too so we can try to put our names in the Goblet, and I should have to write to the nearest thousand as I go to the hospital wing with a beard, but as a Ravenclaw I can skip this round for free because I knew not to take the potion :p (it wouldn't have even been that many words... like less than 20).

On Halloween night, four champions are selected including my friend Harry! I have to write 300 words while we work on summoning charms to help him with the first task: DONE

It's the first task and Harry goes up against a Hungarian Horntail! I have to do a 50-headed hydra (500 words in five minutes LOL) while I celebrate his success with the summoning charm: 566!!!!!!! Howwwwwww??? I finally did it!! It's literally all typos so let's see how many I have after I fix it! 549. THAT'S A 50 HEADED HYDRA RECORD FOR ME.

Hermione is worried about the house elves and takes us down to the kitchens. I have to write for 15 minutes while we talk to Dobby and Winky: DONE (actually finished the chapter with time to spare).


But first! Interlude to research agents, because I'm almost done with that too:
1. Tepid
2. Pass
3. Pass


The Yule Ball is coming up and I have to decide who to ask. Neville isn't an option </3 but I can choose between my friend Luna or my friend Seamus. Um. Seamus is lame, so I'm taking my friend Luna as friends (because as we learned from HP6, she loves to go to events with people as friends :p). Because I chose her, I have to write 500 words: DONE

It's time for the ball and I have to write for 30 minutes while we rock out to some wizard rock: DONE

It's time to help Harry with the second task and research ways to breathe underwater. While we work on this, I need to write 400 words: DONE

Went way over but that's okay because WHEN I WAS ANNA IS FINISHED.

63336 words! (Truly love that I managed a pattern!)
:D :D :D
Sort of can't believe it! I've spent so much time with this cast recently!!

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Jul 05, 2020 2:46 am
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Carlito says...

No rest when you're inspired!! It's time to start the next novel, charmingly referred to as the untitled computer nerd love story (just "computers" on the scrivener file :p) until I write enough to find a better title!

It's now the day of the third task and I have to walk down to the lake alone because Ron and Hermione are somehow part of this task, and I have to console Neville who thinks he killed Harry by giving him gillyweed by writing for 20 minutes: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:51 am
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Carlito says...

Sirius wants to meet up with Harry and the rest of us in Hogsmeade and I have to write 500 words while we sneak away: DONE

Now it's time to get caught up on my classes before the third task. For every class I study for I have to complete the challenge, if I study for all of my classes I get a galleon. I don't really need any more galleons, but I am a Ravenclaw, so all five it is!
1. Transfiguration - turn a guinea fowl into a guinea pig and write 200 words: DONE
2. Potions - brew a wit-sharpening potion and write for 30 minutes: I think I wrote for about 10, and I'm going to pick up here tomorrow!

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:31 pm
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Carlito says...

I got 10 hours of sleep last night and am therefore invincible so I will finish this crawl today!

Picking up with my final 20 minutes of writing while I study for potions: DONE
3. Divination - study out of the Dream Oracle and write 150 words: DONE
4. Charms - perform the banishing charm and write 300 words: DONE
5. Defense agains the dark arts - work on counter-curses and write for 20 minutes: DONE
Making my galleon count: 16

It's time for the third task and I have to write for 45 minutes as I wait for the champions to leave the maze. Haha I'm actually not going to finish this crawl today:
I think I did about half.

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:17 pm
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Carlito says...

Okay now to really finish this word crawl! (I actually did this over a few days shhhh :p)

I'm going to set the clock for 25 minutes to finish watching the third task: DONE

Harry appears with Cedric's dead body. A hush falls over the stands and I have to write 200 words: DONE

But no time to grieve! Professor Moody is really a former death eater, Barty Crouch Jr. and I need to write for 15 minutes while I grapple with this information: DONE

At the end of the year feast, Dumbledore explains that Voldemort is back!! I need to do a 3 digit challenge while Harry fills in the rest of the info to me. My current word count is 2877, so that means I need to write 877 words: DONE

We've finally made it through this school year! I have to write 500 words as I take the train home with a heavy burden on my heart as I prepare for my 5th year: DONE

Year 4 complete!!


RIP Cedric!
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:23 am
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Carlito says...


Extreme HP Word Crawl: Year 5

Year 4 was my best year yet! I wrote 9712 words of When I Was Anna (and finished it!) and 4304 words of my new project, making my total a whopping 14,016 words written in year 4!!

We journey now into O.W.L. year. Hopefully it's kind to us!

I've had orders this summer from Dumbledore to live with a woman on Harry's street named Mrs. Figg. I don't really understand why until I have to go investigate dementors on Privet Drive with her! I have to write 500 words while we investigate together: DONE

I don't see Harry after this incident until a whole guard shows up and together we all take off for "headquarters". I have to write for 30 minutes while we fly:
(this isn't going to happen today, I just want to write 200 more words so I'll be at 5000 total and then I need to go to bed).
I didn't quite do that either oh well! :p
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:14 pm
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Carlito says...

Now I'm actually going to write for 30 minutes while we safely get Harry to headquarters: DONE

At headquarters we see Sirius again and he tells us all about the Order of the Phoenix. I have to write 500 words in 10 minutes while we try to convince him to let us join: DONE, but I didn't quite get to 500 so I don't get in the Order and Sirius doesn't give me a galleon. Oh well!

While Harry is at his trail, we're going to help Molly clean up around the house. For every chore we do, we get a galleon. I have a lot of galleons, but I'm still going to do all the chores because I'm a Ravenclaw!
Clean out some upstairs bedrooms and write 250 words: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:30 am
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Carlito says...

Still helping Molly clean up the house!
Next I'm going to make dinner and write for 15 minutes: DONE
And finally I need to write 500 words in 10 minutes while we get rid of the boggart upstairs: DONE, but only 389 so I won't count this one.
That's two chores completed, so two galleons, making my galleon count: 18

It's time to go back to Hogwarts! Harry and Hermione get to sit with the prefects and I get a spot next to Ginny, Neville, and Luna Lovegood. I have to write for 45 minutes as we head to the school: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:24 pm
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Carlito says...

At the start of term feast Hagrid is missing and we find out Umbridge is our new defense against the dark arts teacher. In our first class I speak out against her and I have to write 3% of my word count which is 245 words: DONE

Umbridge is out of control, so I attend a secret meeting at the Hog's Head about starting a group with Harry teaching us. I have to write 500 words while we figure things out: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:32 am
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Carlito says...

Our new group, Dumbledore's Army (<3 <3 <3) needs a place to meet and I have to write for 20 minutes as I try to find a good place, and then Dobby the house elf tells me about the Room of Requirement: DONE

Hagrid is back! I go visit him with Harry, Ron, and Hermione and I have to do a 50-headed hydra (write 500 words in 5 minutes LOL) while he tells us about giants: 293, decent!!

Oh no! Harry had a dream in which he saw Mr. Weasley get attacked by a snake! I have to write 600 words while I spend the night comforting the Weasleys until we know whether or not it's true: DONE

It's Christmas in Grimmauld Place! There are members of the Order here and they have challenges for me! If I complete them all, I get a galleon (so I will do them all :p)
First up, Tonks has me write 500 words as she explains to me why she hates the name Nymphadora: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Life is about losing everything.
— Isabel Allende