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Brace For Warfare!

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Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:51 pm
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TinkerTwaggy says...

Brace For Warfare

↑ I have a thing for yellow.

Hello, dear readers! *chuckle* Not that I actually expect many people to come here, but for those who do, welcome to my Last Man Standing project: Brace For Warfare! Let's move right into it, shall we?


•The setting of this story is in the land of Jigomon, a wide, desert area filled with Humanoids, a race of humans with the ability to mechanize themselves via various means. Because of that, Jigomon sees a constant contrast between being a largely uncivilized, lawless place, and the place's inhabitants having access to enough resource to create various pieces of futuristic technology for their daily lives. Explorers of Jigomon are often called to go out in expeditions to discover what lies beyond the desert, catch criminals, or perform other missions – any type, provided that they’re paid in money, parts, or other valuable resources - whereas it is seen as valuable or not depends on the individual, so, negotiation is common.

•Certain companies specialize in certain types of activities, and among them stands the Ärmoni Works Company (pronounce it "air-mony"), or ÄWC for short. That organization specializes in sending its Chimeras – autonomous Humanoids closer to robots than humans who mechanize themselves with animal-looking parts – to perform the duties of explorers and bounty hunters. Though their attempts have been questionable, they are trying to make things easier for the Humanoids who die on the job, or are too old or wounded to continue.

•In Jigomon, people make tools with the little resources they had. Eventually, the Humanoids of the place set their sights underground to dig up everything they needed to create a roughly organized society until more organized companies began to create their own set of tools and services to respond to the needs and desires of all. The Ärmoni Works Company is one of those, and our story begins when Anj, the most recent creation of one of their employees, is completed and launched into the outside world for her very first adventure.

And that's pretty much it for the overview! I got a 26-page document on how everything works, so, I'll avoid copying and pasting everything to, y'know, not spoil you on some of the content I have in store for those who'll read through the project. So, I'll try to inform y'all on everything that's general, such as characters, nomenclature - super important for a name-giving freak like yours truly - and of course, the power system. The next post, m'dears, will be about the nomenclature!
Last edited by TinkerTwaggy on Sun Jul 08, 2018 1:09 pm, edited 9 times in total.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:52 pm
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TinkerTwaggy says...


Now, in case some of you don't know, nomenclature is the devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other disciplines like, y'know, literature.
↑ Thank my dictionary for that one, though I think you could find that definition online. The point is, I don't give random names to my characters. I always fill them with meaning, purpose, to increase the immersion within a world, or simply, to make them "sound right" according to my own tastes, or my own style, if you will. Let's talk about the Chimeras, for example.

Spoiler! :
They will tend to have very simple, three to five letter names based on altered writings of French words due to their need for having a simple way to refer to them, without it sounding too robotic or factory-like in the eyes of those who call for their services. Example: Anj, the altered spelling of the French word “Ange”, which means “Angel”. It also refers to her peculiar personality, as she is childish and passionate, which led to her being known for her violent tendencies - which itself is a reference to the fact that angels are gentle messengers of God, but should you actually be evil, oh boy, they know how to punish them filthy sinners.

↑ Aside for these references, the French language appeals to me specifically because it is my native one, and also because Anj is also a reference to Remiel, an angel I had to defeat in Tales Of Symphonia, an old game that made me, uh, rethink my life and what religion meant, to say the least. The point is, I was always attracted to the idea that purity meant neutrality, and wasn't necessarily good in itself - since it also means you can be easily influenced, or easily act in an evil way without even realizing it. I mean, look at Kirby. He's a fictional hero that looks like a puffball, is the cutest thing in the world, and yet his primary way to defeat people is by happily eating them alive, and should he choose to absorb your natural abilities, you stay alive inside his dimension-of-a-belly (it's canon) until he decides to discard you, thus killing you as he eats someone else.

Yes, It's still a puffball I'm talking about, and none of what I just mentioned takes away the fact that Kirby is absolutely adorable, both in looks and personality, and can easily become your best friend forever - provided he doesn't think you stole his cake.

↑ Well, that is what I'm going for with Anj, and that's why I gave her a simple and, hopefully, memorable name.
Now, moving on to Humanoids!


Spoiler! :
Humanoid Characters, like Lyna Purprille - usually simply referred to as Miss Purprille - will have names of four to twelve letters to make for at least two syllables, with the nomenclature depending on the place the Humanoids belong to. In Jigomon, English and French are planned to be the main basis for the names, as well as general Greek or Latin for sound-based inspiration and/or hidden meanings. They may also make direct or indirect references to colors, such as Lyna Purprille being known for wearing purple/violet.

Lyna (pronounced Lee-nah), for instance, refers to the meanings "sun ray" or "free man" (as in, human). As for Purprille, it isn't only a reference to the color purple, but also a boss from the game Megaman ZX, called Purprill the Mandroid. I took inspiration from this particular boss mostly because a) he's the only robot boss that actually enjoys killing people, and became a boss not because he was built for his task, but because he was good at his job, and b) because I like the idea that he evolved in the worst possible way, but strives for more because of it.
"Evolution" is a concept that really resonates with me, and the Megaman series tends to tackle it quite a lot - which is one of a reason why it is my favorite game series of all time.

Expect a lot of hidden Megaman-related references in Brace For Warfare!
And finally, Jigomon itself:

♦The land of Jigomon:
Spoiler! :
The place itself refers to the word “gate” in Japanese. Jigomon itself is an abbreviation of Jigoku no Mon, which means Hell’s Gate - which is an altered reference to... grin the etymology of my own name, actually. Don't worry though, my parents didn't know they chose something so ABSOLUTELY METAL terrible since the etymology that made it happen is very ambiguous.

To come back to Jigomon, I really wanted to have something close to home for that name. Something personal, unique to me, and most importantly, something that would be different than the rest of the chosen nomenclature. And well, what's more unique to me than my very own self? XD It's pretty much all I own for real.
So, after a lot, and I mean a LOT of thinking sessions with myself, I came with the conclusion that The Third: The Girl With The Blue Eye was my favorite anime, and the setting of said anime is in a desert. The first episodes tell and show how the environment brings peace to the main character, and every time I watch the opening while listening to its theme, Sajou no Yume, I... Wow, I do feel at peace. I have an "I feel excited" equivalent to that, and it's Trust, the opening theme of Vandread, but... Yeah. Peace-wise, The Third wins. I usually prefer energetic-sounding music, no matter its genre, but Sajou no Yume is special to me.
I rewatch that anime every year, so, y'know, I wanted to pay homage to it in some way.

So, there you go! That's the process behind my nomenclature. Again, it may not necessarily be important to many of you, but... names are super important to me, so, might as well explain how I come up with them, y'know?

Now, what's my schedule again... Ah, yes! The Power System. That'll be for next post!
Last edited by TinkerTwaggy on Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:22 am, edited 8 times in total.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:00 pm
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TinkerTwaggy says...

Power System:

•The power system in Brace For Warfare is quite simple. The Humanoids are humans with mechanical enhancements that are either added to them externally, or born with them naturally. These enhancements could be anything, from a gun-like gauntlet that serves as one’s hand, from a leg-mounted flame-thrower to, for those who prefer cooking-related enhancements, a hand or arm that can naturally transform into the shape of a spatula or a knife. The gear depends on where you live, what you do, or what you need.
↑ Currently researching the topic.

•Now, Humanoids can naturally adapt their bodies to the type of tool they wish to gain, the process of which being shorter or longer depending on the individual. This means that, if they live near water, they can naturally develop body parts to properly swim, see well in water or not, y'know, rust away if they're covered in metal. Those with natural enhancements tend to be especially good at using tools, whereas those who add them to themselves as extensions of their bodies tend to be better at making them. These two features and differences aren’t mutually exclusive, but are reserved to those who lived for a long time, or have a lot of experience and/or talent.

•Then comes the users of the Cyber World. The Cyber World is similar to what we refer to as Internet today: it is a virtual realm that connects a place to another no matter where they are in the world, provided that they have access to each other via the right “Doors”, which are like servers. Information and data of the real world can be stored within the Cyber World, and entering through the right door allows the user to enter through the right type of information in order to gain knowledge on it.

•The most skillful Humanoids can use that feature to gain access to the Cyber World and materialize data from it into the real world. For example, if a Humanoid were to gain access to data related to, say, a nursery tool, the Humanoid would be able to materialize said data into the actual tool, from the Cyber World to the real one. It is a rare ability that not all Humanoids have access to, but they could should they be exposed to it enough. There are, too, a number of animals, plants and another mysterious type of beings created by the Humanoids of the Old World that have natural access to that ability.

Aaaand that about wraps up the Power System! Now I'll talk a bit about some of the characters. To avoid spoilers, i'll only mention their names, and use the nomenclature behind it to introduce what they're supposed to be, or what they're supposed to do - because, as you may know, that's bound to not reflect the entirety of who they actually are, thereby avoiding spoiling that surprise.
Last edited by TinkerTwaggy on Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:26 pm
TinkerTwaggy says...


Reference Pool:
Vile/VAVA (Megaman X series), Miyavi Valdios (Storybook character from Aether), Susie ( from Kirby: Planet Robobot), Kamikaz (from Muster Heroes, my previous LMS project)

Spoiler! :

•As previously mentioned, Anj is the main character of Brace For Warfare. She is one of the many Chimeras created by the Ärmoni Works Company, designed for the sole purpose of being useful to her environment - that makes her quite the jack-of-all-trades, though she tends to specialize in activities that require her to build, fight, collect and destroy.

•Her name is an altered spelling of the French word Ange, which means angel - itself being a reference to the fact that she's pure, passionate, always smiling and rarely negative about anything.

•She does, however, have a serious side, which tends to come out during her jobs. Unlike many Chimeras, she looks and acts closer to what you'd expect from a fully organic human being than a robotic-like Chimera and that is related to the secret behind her birth, which shall, of course, be revealed during the story. Hope you'll like her!


Reference Pool: Scarlett (a never-published character of my dreams/experimental writings), J/Jolta (Muster Heroes), Inaho (Aldnoah Zero, main character), Dynamo (Megaman X5 & X6 ← Which would be surprising to you if you knew the guy)

Spoiler! :
•Scarlett is an ever-scowling Humanoid that didn't get many enhancements but is known to be fierce and efficient nonetheless. Her name refers first to the color scarlet, which she likes to wear discreetly hidden by an all green, military-themed outfit, and second, to the word "scar" - something that I really wanted to explore for her character. She is both mentally and physically scarred, and she represents the downside of living in the harsh world that is Jigomon, as opposed to Anj, who represents the "ROBOT PARTS ARE MANDO COOL" mentality that many have.

•Scarlett is actually younger than Anj - assuming that Anj is around 17 to 18, Scarlett is around 16 - but where Anj has much more theoretical experience due to her upbringing, Scarlett had to do anything from scratch, has a lot of on-field trials and errors, and has therefore a lot more field experience than most when it comes to get the job done, whether it be amassing resources, defeating wanted criminals, or anything else that mercenaries like herself are paid to do.
Oh and, unlike Anj, Scarlett actually has a social life. Not much of one, but she still does. She likes singing. Singing calms her down.
Ah, and she's bald. By choice. Don't insist on that fact, though, or at least not in front of her.

♦Lyna Purprille
Reference Pool: Purprill the Mandroid (Megaman ZX), Miss Purprille (Storybook NPC for Aether), Mad Scientist Archetype (like, all of them)

Spoiler! :
•Now, Miss Purprille (I always call her that myself, strangely enough XD)
is an odd one. Her previously explained name refers to the fact that the way she thinks is much different than her co-workers, and she is an absolute loner, to such a degree that she usually works in her own lab, away from her co-workers. She always looks like she's busy, does not like to mess around, and is usually brutal in both her words and facial expressions - when she's in a good mood, she's deadpan-lookin'.

•Despite this, she suffers from some aspects of emotional dysfunction, which makes her unable to match her actions or tone with what she actually feels. This means that she can tell you straight-faced how much she hates you while cuddling with you, and usually, both the words and the action are true.

•Now, the main reason why her co-workers - and higher-ups - tolerate her eccentricities is because she's responsible for a huge advance in the making of efficient Chimeras and how to properly wire their minds so that they act like some sort of bounty-hunting, mercenary-like butlers and maids in both mannerisms and dialogue, which in turn made ÄWC's efforts to achieve fame and fortune much more successful.

•Yet she constantly feels like she should be learning more, doing more, and tends to blame Anj for her many self-imposed troubles and shout her hatred towards the happy Chimera. Usually, while hugging her for meeting her expectations.
That aside, Miss Purprille also hates herself for the monstrous behavior that she's perfectly aware she sometimes has - not that Anj minds - but more on that shall be revealed, you guessed it, during the story! Althouuuugh the few of you who read Miss Purprille's original appearance in Aether might have a decent idea on how monstrous she can actually be :mrgreen:

Reference Pool: Omega Zero (Megaman Zero 3), O-Legion (Danball Senki), Lawrence Blood (Fatal Fury)
↑Yeeeah, there's a lot of Megaman in those, as I said there would be XD

Spoiler! :
•Jion is a mystery that I shall not spend too much time talking about, but his name is supposed to be a parallel to the simplicity of the typical Chimera names (3 to 5 letters only, simple to memorize), and the fact that, like them, he's basically supposed to be a living breathing tool.

•He is, however, not a Chimera, is the very definition of deadpan, and is very,
very, very powerful. MOVING ON!

Reference Pool: Max Profitt Hartmann (Kirby: Planet Robobot, and yes, YES that's his name), Colette (Tales Of Symphonia)

Spoiler! :
•I don't have many references for Älma, mostly because she's a very... new type of character for me to experiment. That being said, her name is a reference to the Portuguese word Alma, which means "soul", and the French word "aile", which means "wing".
Why's Portuguese in there, you may ask?
Because it's my family's native language! That's right, I'm actually one of the first few ones that have French as native language instead, and I have bathed in Portuguese pretty much all my life. I associate it with family for that reason, and Älma's whole deal is that she's the super brilliant, super-rich young genius and supposedly enviable woman that created the Ärmoni Works Company. There's pretty much a cult of personality around her, but few things are known about what she's actually like, what she looks like and why she managed to make herself such a god-like status within the company.
No seriously, you could literally have employees from the ÄWC coming to your home and being like "Hello, would you mind sparing a moment with me to hear about our lord and savior Älma?"

Aaaand that's about all the info you'll get from her! She won't be introduced soon into the story anyway, so, I hope you can wait. A little secret, though...

...She is hilarious. ← And hopefully, I can show that properly :3

Reference Pool: Gabriel YuLaw (The One, action movie starring Jet Li), Dr.Weil (Megaman Zero series)

Spoiler! :
•Here comes our main villain! Yurloy's name is a mix between "your" minus the "o", and loy, altered, medieval-based spelling of the French word "loi", which means "law". So his name is literally supposed to mean: "Your law."
Intimidating? I sure hope so, because he's the villain!

•Just like with Älma and Jion, there's not much information that I can give you about Yurloy just yet, except that he's determined, has lots of knowledge on the world, and when he decides something, everyone is supposed to adhere to it. Suffer the consequences if you don't, because he is... your law.

*cue epic dramatic sting*

Aaaand there you have it, folks! That's all I have to share. I'll be working on Jigomon's maps, cities and places of interest in the meantime. I'll probably share a few before LMS begins, but to be honest, I don't know for sure. Hope this has been both informative and entertaining for you readers! Catch y'all on the flipside, m'dears.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

Noelle, you can lead a writer to their computer and give them coffee, but you can't make them write.
— CowLogic