
Young Writers Society

what's your school (education) like?

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Sun Apr 03, 2005 4:35 pm
Midnight says...

My education pretty much was...

A pre-nursery place before I was five.
Then from when I was five to eleven I went to Martins Infant School and Martin Junior School (they were state primary schools). Martins was my local primary school which was a nice mix because the majority of people in its first language (their language) at home wasn't English. So I think the people I met there broadened my horizons and cause it was very mixed in terms of backgrounds (class and stuff) I dunno I think it helped me be a more open minded person.

Then I went to my local Comprehensive which was massive (though probs not in comparison to American schools.) As it had 9 classes in a year. A Comprehensive is a mixed intake of ability school and I that was ok.

Then for sixth form (so from when I was 16) I went to Latymer which is still state but it was a grammer school so basically if I had gone there from when I was eleven ( My parents don't agree with grammer schools when you're younger so I only applied to comprehensives when I was eleven) I would have had to take a test to get in. And to get in at sixthform you needed to have done pretty ok in your GCSES. Anyway so that's where I am now/

For university i've applied for a number but I've narrowed it down to Cambridge and Durham (ur only allowed two) so after my gap year i'll hopefull be going to one of them.

Enough about me I was wondering what people's experiences of Education have been on this site?

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Sun Apr 03, 2005 5:10 pm
dreaming_mouse says...

I went to a nursery up the road from me...that got burned down a few years ago

I went to an infant school that was right across the road from me (seriously the gate is like right outside my door)

I went to a junior school 10minutes away by foot and got bullied but met my mate davyd who then moved to dover at the end of year 6 T_T it was in year 3 when I met him that I started writing.

My secondary school was totally gross in my last year I slipped over in the toilets because there was a puddle that had been there 2weeks before summer hols and 2weeks after that no one deciced to clean up till I slipped over and tore all the ligaments in my foot. I now can't run because I get killer twinges, we were enemies with 3 other schools and two of them came over with knives once and tried to start a fight...didn't need to try very hard. I managed to pass all my GCSEs with an A* in religious studies :| how the hell that happened I'll never know!

I go to a sixth form a few towns over and get there by train, it's really posh town and it's kinda funny/scary when people find out what town I come from. Only 4 of us from my old school go to the college and when people mention the town we come from they automatically think of "slappers" (and worse) one guy said if you asked a guy if he beat his wife in our town you'd get a different answer. EVeryone laughed except me and Charlotte, the guy sitting next to him then whispered we were from that town lol. I'm taking 5 AS courses and haven't decided whether or not I'm going to University, I really want to go to the Queen Mary University in Edinburgh but I don't know if I can a) afford it and b) get the grades to get in.

So apart from college which I love I hated school, the only things I liked was the Connaught Group (a website I started up with a few mates) that got popular but then when we started college none of them went on and I had to close it down :( I also liked some of the teachers but that was it. School sucked ass and I'll never miss it lol.

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Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:37 pm
Areida says...

I went to a small (as in 150 kids, nursery-6th grade) school just five minutes away from the time I was three until second grade.

Then I started going to a school of about 300 (nursery- 8th grade) that was half an hour from my home in a different town. I was there from third grade thru seventh grade and I recieved only a so-so education...in seventh grade I never had homework and we barely did any work during the day at all.

Then a new school opened in my city. It is a classical curriculum, Christian school that started in a church with 15 students, K-5th grade. It was housed in a church and run by the families of the kids. The year I began there (8th grade) the school bought a building and started the school year with 35 students, Kindergarten thru 10th grade.

Now, as a freshman, I still go there and we have 65 students, not counting the homeschoolers that come in for one or two classes. It's small, but I like it, and I know I'm getting a really, really good education.

Where else do they expect 7th graders to take Algebra and read Homer's Iliad? I'm a year behind in the curriculum because I started it in 8th rather than 7th. So I've gotten it "easy" by reading books such as Dante's Divine Comedy, Beowulf, Eusebius's Eccelsiastical History, Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English Peoples, The Song of Roland, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

It can be challenging (especially when you add the fact that I take Latin, Logic, Biology, and Geometry) but I love it.

As for college, I'm aspiring to more than most of my friends, who are content to go to ATM or UT at Austin. I'm thinking Stanford....but we'll just have to see.
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Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:07 pm
Kylie J says...

Wow, that makes my schooling sound easy.

I was in preschool from 2-4 years. Actually, that's what it's supposed to be. I dropped out of preschool when I was about 3 1/2 (I can't really remember why, other than it was my own choice and looking back I really wish I hadn't done that).

I've been in public schools my whole life. I started elementary school at 4 in kindergarten. Elementary lasts kindergarten - 5th grade. Actually, it used to last until 6th, but that changed the year I entered first grade. I stayed at the same school for my entire elementary life, which is more than I can say for most of my close friends. Compared to following schools, it was pretty small, only about 750 students.

After elementary came middle school, grades 6 - 8. I was at Crestdale Middle for 6th grade. After that, a new closer school opened. Though the new school, Robinson, was half the distance from my house compared to Crestdale, my stupid school system still had Crestdale as my "home school." Luckily, my mom put in for a transfer form during my 6th grade year, so I started at Robinson in 7th. My school system, CMS, demonstrated one of its major flaws with this: Robinson had the exact same layout as Crestdale. In just a couple years, Crestdale would be overcrowded, so obviously, Robinson won't make it thorugh five years without the use of trailers and additional classrooms. I'd say Robinson was about 1200 kids.

Now I'm a freshman in high school. The freshman class alone is 800-850 kids, so our school has approximately 2600 students. Can you say crowded? To me, I think all the studying is pretty easy. A lot of my friends are in the IB program at a different school where they take much much harder courses said to prepare you for extensive college or whatever. They have at least two projects at once and next year are being forced to take two difficult sciences, physics and chemistry, to remain in the IB. I've had two projects the entire year! So yeah, it's easy.

CMS' main problem is overcrowding. Since the opening of Robinson Middle in 2002, two other middle schools have been built within 5 miles of it. Of course, a high school must be built too, and it's set to open in 2006 - my junior year. While I know I won't be switching to the new high school, a lot of my friends will and they'll have to go through a year at a new high school with new teachers and a new clueless administration. On top of that, that will be the year they take the S.A.T. and begin looking at colleges. It will stink.
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Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:58 pm
Sam says...


Went to preschool just two blocks away from Long Island Sound, then was supposed to go to some elementary school there but we moved to WI. Stayed there until fourth grade when the local high school wanted a better football team and so our school got closed down to pay for it...(i would say something about our administration but I would be kicked off the site :twisted:). Was going to go to crap-o middle school because all the fifth graders were supposed to go there because there wasn't anymore room in the elementary schools because of above...then we moved here, I went to fifth grade, survived...(because I got to skip english/spelling to work with a writing person because i am quote en quote "gifted"...*rolls eyes at brad*) and now I am in middle school. wheee *limply waves banner above head*

Can't wait for high school though because they have a marching band that rocks, plus I could walk to it. Then...

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Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:52 am
Incandescence says...

I started Private school when I was 18 days old in a Pre-Nursery place.

When I turned three, I was placed in the first grade (at the same Private school).

At ten, I entered Pearland Ninth Grade Center as, obviously, a freshman.

At eleven, I took the SAT and scored a 1530. That same year, I was enrolled at Lamar University.

At fourteen, I graduated with my B.S. in English.

At fifteen (now), I am working on an M.S. in Comparative Literature and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, and Organic Chemsitry.
"If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing on my shoulders." -Hal Abelson

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Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:05 am
emotion_less says...

Hmph. My education isn't as exciting as some people's... like some people named Brad...

Age 3, started school at a private school. Pretty small school. By 5th grade we had around 13 kids. Nothing really happened, no skipped grades. At age 11, I switched to another private school for middle school and 6th grade. It was bigger, 105 students in our grade this time. I attended this school until... well I still go to that school. 8th grade this year, but high school in a few months... yikes...

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Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:24 am
Chanson says...

some montessori in Yale that my mum left me at during class for the bit where i was little.

kindergarten at the same private primary school i went to through 1st to 6th class (except for 4th class where I went to Italy for the year with my parents). it was all girls, very private, very privleged. Alexandra College: School for Young Ladies. brown uniform, red tie. hideous. and full of snobby, pole-up-my-arse girls who thought that there is only one kind off acceptable person and that was the person JUST LIKE THEM. my parents wanted me in the public, mixed school but... well, i have no idea how i ended up there.

anyway, Alex has a secondary school but my mum said there was no way in hell i was stepping foot in that place and set me to st.andrew's, which is also private but has a huge mix of people from all over the world and is mixed, thank god. it's all about diversity, accepting different cultures...yeah, it's a cool school. not even a quarter as snobby as Aex, even though half of ireland wants their daughters in Alex. andrew's has about 160 people in a year, which is quite big for an irish school. when i go back next year, i do 5th and 6th then hopefully on to either central st. martin's or NYU after a gap year.

this year i am in SoCal, in 10th grade. i am sorry but i cannot stand the american system. i am just not capable of adjusting to it at all. it's probably better in the long run churning out hard workers etc. but my god is it boring. there are about 500 (maybe 600?) in my grade, it's public and right across the road. huge drug problem. lots of rich kids with too much money, too much time. it's very...different. but i love being able to drive into hollywood at 3am, there is something incredibly cool about that. that has nothing to do with the school though! it's one of the best public schools in california (an in the nation) and gets just about a gazillion dollars of funding...up until this year where they are floundering for lack of funds.

hey reading over my education i sound like just another boring, spoilt kid. i definitley need to run away to africa, or something vaguely crazy.

interestingly, my parents sent their other kids to a small, private Buddhist-based primary school that teaches Sanskrit, greek, karate, indian dancing and meditation as required subjects.

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Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:41 am
niteowl says...

18 days old, Brad? And I thought MY parents were pushy about making me The Smartest Kid In the Universe. They obviously failed.

I had a fairly normal preschool life, except for the part where I had a speech problem and had to go to therapy/daycare in Beaumont.

My mom distrusts the public school. To make a long story short, she went to a Catholic school her whole life until her senior year, when she moved to the public school so she could do the co-op work thing since she only needed three credits. She skipped most of the time. It was a crappy school.

Anyway, she ended up resigning to putting me through the standard public system. I don't really remember second grade, except that I was miserable. My parents ended up testing me for TAG (Talented and Gifted) and I got in. I got a 154 on my IQ test, but my mom said they gave me extra points because I was so young.

Anyway, I went to Miller Elementary from 3-5 grade, and things were a lot better. Then I went to middle school, which sucked.

And now I'm here, a freshman at a huge high school with over 5000 kids. I like it. I'm finally getting some sort of social life, meaning I have more than two friends.

(edited to remove identifying info)
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Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:36 am
Midnight says...

I wrote my education stuff up in the first post. But this is the website of where I am now. Thought it might be kinda interesting. If anyone has websites of schools I would love to see them.


Also wondering about uniform? I had to wear a uniform in Junior school but not in infants, secondary school or now or sixth form.

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Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:49 pm
Areida says...

The school I first went to from K-2 switched from uniforms the year after I left, but I went to a school that wore uniforms and the school I go to now has them. So basically I've worn uniforms since 3rd grade and I'm in 9th. Unless the world falls apart and my dad sends me to public school, I'll be in a uniform until I go to college in three years.

But ours aren't THAT bad....just dorky. And our dress uniform (the thing we have to wear when we go on field trips and stuff) is really Pentacostal looking...so that's annoying.
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Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:23 pm
Firestarter says...

I can't really be bothered explaining my education, as it's not very exciting.

Here's my school though (I'm part of the 6th form college attached to it):


Terrible site, but it's being re-done at the moment with flash and stuff.

Midnight, your school is similar to me. A Grammar school, selective, picky 6th form.
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Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:43 am
Nate says...

I have no idea why I never saw this before... but I'm really interested in education, especially since I do intend on becoming a teacher (one day)

My education...

Nursery school from about 3-4

Kindergarden at Providence Elementary in Virginia Beach, VA when I was 5 until April, 1989 when my family moved to Conn. and I went to another elementary school for May and June (absolutely hated the latter since at the former I was learning how to spell, rhyming, addition, etc., whereas at the latter the class was still stuck on the alphabet)

First, second grade at Sacred Heart School (Catholic private school) in Groton, CT

Third thru eighth grade at Little Flower School (Catholic private school) in Bethesda, MD

After eight years in Catholic schools, I went back to public schools in ninth grade and attended Walt Whitman High-School in Bethesda, MD until twelfth grade. Of course Walt Whitman is no ordinary public school... it was cool to be a nerd and the average SAT score was 1240, and that number is still going up.

After Whitman, I started going to Saint Mary's College of Maryland (public college) where I am still at (for three more weeks). Here I'm getting my degree in Economics with a lot of focus in Math and Education.

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Fri Apr 22, 2005 3:23 am
faith says...

I was homeschooled for basically my entire school years except for second grade, when I went to a private school. Graduated high school at 15, getting an associates degree in about three weeks, going to some boring state college now to get my B.A. and masters degree. I'm not especially enthralled with the whole college thing, the stuff I'm learning is mildly interesting but formal education doesn't hold that much appeal to me, it's just what I'm doing to satisfy my parents until I can make a career as a writer.

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Fri Apr 22, 2005 4:42 am
uniaeca says...

Pre-school began at four and Kindergarten at five when I lived in Mukinbudin

Year 1 and 2 at Mandurah Catholic College

Year 3 and a bit of year 4 at Yakamia (Albany)

The rest of year 4, year 5 doing two schools at the same time, KSOTA (home schooling program) and at Wananami (Mt Barnett)

Year 6 and a bit of year 7 at Middle Swan Primary

A bit of year 7 and 8 doing KSOTA, SIDE, and Wananami (Mt Barnett)

Half of year 9 at St Brigid's College, then a quarter back home doing SIDE before going back and doing St Brigid's College

And at Year 10 i'm still at St Brigid's College
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