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Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:25 pm
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Meep says...

Please do not post here unless you've been accepted as a mentor. If you're not sure, send Rydia a PM and she'll let you know.

1. What is the Buddy System?

The Buddy system is where two people are paired up as mentor and mentee, the mentor being the experienced member and the mentee the newer member. It aims to help new members feel more settled during their early days on YWS and gives them the opportunity to have someone more experienced answer any questions they have.

2. What can a mentor do for me?

As mentors we do our best to make you feel welcome, to help you meet other members if you are shy or having difficulty and to do anything we can to make your experience at YWS the best it can be. We will also make an effort to review at least some of the writing you post during the official mentoring period (which lasts for one month) and sometimes we will continue to review you afterwards.

3. How do I get a mentor?

There are two ways to do this. You can either read through the bios in this thread and send a message to any mentor you're interested in being paired with, or there's a thread where you can post that you're looking for a buddy and one of our mentors will reply to you. That can be found here.

4. What if I want to be a mentor?

If you're interested in joining the mentor programme please pm Rydia and she will give you any information you need.

Also, if you're interested in either being a mentor or having one, there is now a group you can request to join here which will provide you with further information and give you a chance to chat with fellow mentees or mentors.



- Aley
- AquaMarine
- ArcticMonkey
- AriaAdams
- Auxiira
- Baal
- BlackNether12
- BlueAfrica
- Blues
- CaptainFinick
- Carlito
- ChocoCookie
- Clarity
- Craz
- Cspr
- Demeter
- ghost-writers
- GrantBlayfur
- HostofHorus
- Iggy
- JabberHut
- jordin
- Karzkin
- Ktg17
- LadyPurple
- megsug
- Meshugenah
- noninjaspresent
- Nutty
- Paracosm
- polinkacreations
- Rosey Unicorn
- Rydia
- Sapi
- Searria H.
- Shadowlight
- ShadowVyper
- Skorpionne
- SparkToFlame
- StellaThomas
- SushiSashimi333
- TheMessenger
- umaima
- WritingWolf
- xXmusicaXx
- yubbies21

(If your name is in this list and you would like to once more be a mentor, please send a pm to Rydia)

Spoiler! :
- fire_of_dawn
- Flower~Child
- SubjectBlue
- Twit
- Justagirl
- LavenderBlue
- sarebear
- Katlyn67
- HomelessPorcupine
- Crysi
- Kylan
- Meep
- Cade
- Dream Deep
- Sam
- Teague
- Emerson
- alwaysawriter
- Monki
- thunder_dude7
- Wisemann210
- Juniper
- Insomnia
- Lost_in_dreamland
- Angel of Death
- Meep(:
- OverEasy
- Adnamarine
- *writewatiwant*
- Chirantha
- Canislupis
- Vampyre
- eldermimmi
- Calligraphy
- BrooklynWriter
- Maddy
- Rascalover
- harshita3chaarag
- TheLuckyTurtle
- TheMessenger


Mentors, after you have been approved by Rydia, please fill out the form below!

If you're not accepting new buddies, please put "NOT ACCEPTING" at the top of your profile, thanks!

Code: Select all
[b]name:[/b] (what you want your buddy to call you)

[b]what you write:[/b]
[b]what you review:[/b]

[b]what you read:[/b] (published works, not on YWS)

[b]your "specialty":[/b] (eg: character development, punctuation in poetry, writing action scenes, &c.)

[b]what times you are online:[/b] (include time zone!)

[b]five random things about yourself:[/b]

[b]anything you'd prefer not to read:[/b] (eg: if you don't read slash, you might not want to buddy up with a Harry/Draco 'shipper, and so on)
Last edited by Meep on Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:56 am, edited 8 times in total.
✖ I'm sick, you're tired. Let's dance.

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210 Reviews

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Points: 6040
Reviews: 210
Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:28 pm
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Meep says...


Spoiler! :
name: Meep
age: 19

what you write: poetry, fanfic (esp. slash), short stories // gen, fantasy, steampunk (all character-based)
what you review: anything (poetry, short stories, novels-in-progress ...)

what you read: fantasy, YA

your "specialty": character & concept development, developing a voice (also: canon in fanfic)

what times you are online: random times during the day, almost always from 5-11pm (EST)

five random things about yourself:

1. This "mentor" thing was my idea.
2. I'm a sophomore in college.
3. I love play-by-post role playing games.
4. I prefer reviewing/revising to actual writing.
5. I'm currently studying Japanese!

anything you'd prefer not to read: I probably can't help much with action, and I can't read horror. (It gives me the creeps.) I also can't help with fanfics in fandoms I'm not familiar with, and would therefore prefer not to waste anyone's time in reading them.
Last edited by Meep on Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:12 pm, edited 7 times in total.
✖ I'm sick, you're tired. Let's dance.

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594 Reviews

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Points: 6831
Reviews: 594
Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:19 am
Crysi says...


Spoiler! :
name: Crysi
age: 19

what you write: Poetry, fanfiction, fantasy, historical fiction, modern fiction.
what you review: Poetry, short stories, fantasy.

what you read: Modern fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, historical nonfiction.

your "specialty": Character development, dialogue.

what times you are online: Generally from 10pm (PST) to midnight or later, everynight.

five random things about yourself:
1. I'm working toward my private pilot license.
2. I've been here since the beginning.
3. I have synesthesia (Google it!), so I'm very sensitive to capital letters (so don't use capslock, please).
4. I'm an avid band geek, playing both the flute and the piccolo -- I also play piano and various other instruments outside of band, however.
5. In fact, I'm so much of a band geek that I served as a counselor at Silver Lake Band Camp this past year (and hope to continue working as a counselor in the future).

anything you'd prefer not to read: Romance. If I have to, I will, but... I'd rather not. I generally don't like to read fanfics, either, because I usually don't know what they reference. If I do, I sometimes don't agree with how certain things are portrayed... It's a touchy subject. But, again, I'll do it if I have to.
Last edited by Crysi on Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Love and Light

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Points: 6235
Reviews: 2631
Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:58 pm
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Rydia says...

name: Rydia, Kitty, Kit, Heather, Kitty15, Sabre, Shopa, Pat Buchanan, Pulchra, Ry. I answer to a lot of names, even 'you over there' would suffice.

age: 22.

what you write: My favourites are fantasy, science fiction, satire/ dark fiction and poetry. But I also like historical fiction, other fiction and non fiction. And I have sometimes experimented with mystery, tragedy, romance and lyrics.

what you review: Anything. I review poetry, historical fiction, fantasy, science fiction, non fiction, lyrics, art, photography and basically whatever other people post. I'm not very interested in fan fiction and I can be iffy on romance but I'll review them if you really want me to, I just can't promise to be nice ;)

what you read: Fantasy, science fiction, satire/dark fiction, classics, comedy, historical fiction and occasionally books from the other genres.

your "specialty": Description and Poetry.

what times you are online: It varies but generally I'm on in the evenings GMT time.

five random things about yourself:

1. I used to study Law, but I changed my mind after six months and now I've completed a Creative Writing and English degree.
2. I love the name Rydia which means lotus floating on the water or sometimes rose petals floating on still water. It's Greek and I use it often as a username. In fact it's now my username on YWS!
3. I enjoy basketball, rounders, swimming, skiing, ice skating, tennis and horse riding but other than those I'm not a big fan of sport. And I really don't like watching sport. I also hardly ever do any of the above at present, which is sad!
4. I had a 'buddy' in real life at my college when I was a second year Ambassador.
5. I work as a Researcher at an IT company and one of my duties is editing their daily gazette, which is a newsletter we send to bankers to tell them how bad the economy is!

anything you'd prefer not to read: Fan fiction.
Last edited by Rydia on Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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758 Reviews

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Reviews: 758
Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:47 pm
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Cade says...


Spoiler! :
name: Colleen
age: 16 (junior in high school)

what you write: Mostly poetry.
what you review: Mostly poetry, but I'll look at short stories, essays, and art as well.

what you read: Lots of poetry. In terms of my favorite authors...basically, make a list of everyone who wrote in the last century but is dead or almost dead now. Most of my favorite writers will be on that list. I love Harry Potter to pieces, but that's the only fantasy I've really liked since I was about eight.

your "specialty": Poetry. Word choice. Sentence structure. Grammar.

what times you are online: Usually evenings (any time between 4 and 10, later on weekends) Eastern Standard Time.

five random things about yourself:
1. My left ear is missing a little bit of cartilage on the upper tip, creating the image that a weensy part of it was bitten off.
2. I'm a bowler on my school's varsity team.
3. I want to be an editor "when I grow up". I'm currently on the editorial staff of my high school's literary magazine.
4. I'm awfully attracted to shiny things.
5. I play the piano. I used to play violin and piano, but I hated the violin. Piano, on the other hand, is great. I love to play jazz and popular music.

anything you'd prefer not to read: I'm not a big fan of fanfiction or fantasy.
"My pet, I've been to the devil, and he's a very dull fellow. I won't go there again, even for you..."

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504 Reviews

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Reviews: 504
Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:20 pm
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Dream Deep says...


Spoiler! :
Name: Well, most everyone around here calls me Dreamy... DD works fine as well. Or you may call me Bechka, Becky, all other such variations, etc.

Age: 16

What I write: Poetry, dark fantasy, urban fantasy, surreal fantasy, historical fiction, anything really - I like to experiment with genre.

What I review: Poetry, short stories, fantasy, most fiction... again, anything, really.

What I read: Russian literature, historical fiction, historical nonfiction, poetry, literary fiction, essays.

My "specialty": Character development, description.

What times I am online: Usually in the late afternoon, early evening (GMT -5) university. Also late at night, should I get randomly insomniatic and/or have an exam to study for. ^~

Five random things about myself:

1. I'm majoring in mathematics and music performance - going to be a uni sophomore next semester!
2. My instrument, if you're wondering about the above, is piano.
3. I know some random bits of French, Italian, German and this mess of a Croatian-Ukrainian-Russian-Polish hybrid that spills out at random points in time...
4. I fence. Amateurish and poorly.
5. I have absolute and selfless affection for tea.

Anything I'd prefer not to read: I'm not very keen on sci-fi or sword-and-sorcery; I avoid them if I have half a choice in the matter. Also, fanfiction is not my forte for giving criticism and impressions.
Last edited by Dream Deep on Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:09 am, edited 9 times in total.

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488 Reviews

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Points: 3941
Reviews: 488
Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:23 pm
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Meshugenah says...

NOT ACCEPTING - to be re-evaluated in June 2013

Spoiler! :
name: Mesh! Or Bekah, Bek, Her Royal and Supreme Highness, etc.

age: 20 23 - 24 in January 24

what you write:I tend to stick to poetry, but I do write some fiction, but i tend to not have the patience for it. I've also been known to write fanfic (none is posted here, though). And I'm all over the place genre-wise: I'll attempt sci-fi, I've written fantasy (some attempts on YWS, though mostly pretty old), and I'm horribly long-winded about it all!

what you review: Poetry, mostly; I'll do fiction and fanfic (HP and SW and YW only), too, though I'm much out of practice with them.

what you read: Too much! I love OSC. Juliet Marillier, Jack's (firestarter) making me read Neil Gaiman, and i love it... Charles DeLint is fun, some SW, HP, a bit of historical fiction, fantasy and historical fantasy, LOTR -- that's the general idea. Oh! And I absolutely adore Diane Duane. She's amazing, basically. I like modernism. I'm familiar with the Romantics (too much so, if you ask me!), I love early stuff. I recently discovered Rushdie, and he's my new love. Basically, I'll read *almost* anything. And I do love me some poetry.

your "specialty": Poetry. Poetry I can usually do something with. Usually. Poetry and since posting this initially, I've gotten much better with fiction, especially in the scifi/fantasy areas.

what times you are online:Again, too much! College has proven to give me far too much time on my hands, most of which i should be using to study. Oh well. I'm on most waking hours of PST (pacific standard, CA-8 GMT). Summer hours: I'm more limited, since I'm working full time, but I'm usually on evenings PST, and weekends
Uh. I'll update this once I have a firm schedule for the semester (see below). Odds are it'll be rather less then I'm used to, though.

five random things about yourself:
1. I'm in my last year at uni (er, college), and am getting out (hopefully) a year early with a BA in Literature. From there, I'm not sure how or where, but I plan on getting my MA, most likely in Lit., but whatever I do will end up multidisciplinary. I'm in my last year of my MS in Library and Information Science. And also interning for the spring 2013 semester at a university library.
2. I am a language geek. Not exactly fluent in Spanish, picking up Italian, can insult people in Yiddish, have been/will be attempting Latin again soon, and plan on attempting Gaelic, though I'm not sure which form, yet, or when I'll have the time or how I'll manage it.
3. I work at a kids camp and am the equivalent of a camp counselor. Fear me -- I have the 8-year-olds. I now work as a sub in a bunch of after-school programs, primarily k-5, but I've also been known to appear at the 6-8 sites.
4. I'm an English major who loves music (band geek! Clarinet), anthro, linguistics, and sticking my nose in every department at school whether they want me or not, like the techs for theatre productions! They're still not sure how I ended up running AV/Sound for a show. Then again, neither am I!
5. I have an unhealthy affinity for sarcasm and really bad Harry Potter/Star Wars jokes/references/puns

anything you'd prefer not to read: fanfiction and romance are on a by-story basis, other than that, I'll give anything a wack, just no promises!s. While this still stands, I don't do much other than poetry, anymore (other than fangirl or whine), so. I make no promises at *all* with prose of any kind. Poetry usually ends better.
Last edited by Meshugenah on Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:34 pm, edited 7 times in total.
***Under the Responsibility of S.P.E.W.***
(Sadistic Perplexion of Everyone's Wits)

Medieval Lit! Come here to find out who Chaucer plagiarized and translated - and why and how it worked in the late 1300s.

I <3 Rydia

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387 Reviews

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Reviews: 387
Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:27 pm
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Kylan says...


Spoiler! :
name: Kylan
age: 16

what you write: Action/Adveture short stories and novels// Poetry // Science Fiction // Other

what you review: poetry, novels from any genre other than fantasy, short stories from any genre other than fantasy. (I don't mind fantasy if it does not include the traditional elf, dwarf, dragon, bronze age set of characters. There's hust too much of that out there nowadays.)

what you read: Thrillers, suspense, classics, sci-fi

your "specialty": Action, dialogue, characters

what times you are online: 11 PM to 1 AM GMT

five random things about yourself:

1. I'm a sophmore in high school
2. I've been writing for fun since age 6 (I absolutely adore writing)
3. I am an avid photographer.
4. I'd like to be a lawyer or writer when I grow up. Depends on which I'm best at.
5. I speak some french. Bienvenue mon ami!

anything you'd prefer not to read: Traditional Fantasy. It's so cliche. If you think you've got an original traditional fantasy story, let me have a look at it. Otherwise, I'll read and critique anything.
Last edited by Kylan on Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I am beginning to despair
and can see only two choices:
either go crazy or turn holy."

- Serenade, Adélia Prado

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Reviews: 497
Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:30 am
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Teague says...


Spoiler! :
Name: Teague
Age: 16

What you write: Mostly realistic fiction, although I have fiddled with fantasy fiction in the past. I really enjoy short stories.

What you review: Just about anything, although don't expect a decent review for photography and poetry.

What you read: Anything that catches my eye- mostly George Orwell novels, but I'll read almost anything good.

Your "specialty": I'm really good with dialogue and character development. My weaknesses are beginnings and description.

What times you are online: Pretty much anytime after school!

Five random things about yourself:
-I have more pet peeves than I can count, which don't mix well with my OCD. A lot is two words, kids!
-I tend to be a bit too brutally honest and nice for my own good. As in, if I think something you wrote sucks, I'll tell you it sucks. But I'll also say why. So be prepared for some brutal critiques. :D
-I'm very sarcastic. It does take some getting used to, and can occasionally be interpreted as something mean, especially through the Internet. Keep in mind that if I like you, you'll know, and any mean remarks are most likely sarcasm. If you're confused, just double-check with me.
-I am a grammar Nazi. Period. Get used to it, and get used to it fast.
-If there's ever a pirate trivia game show, I will so totally whoop everyone else's rear end. A pirate's life for me.

Anything you'd prefer not to read: I'm not very good with poetry, mostly because I'm not wholly sure about some of the finer points. A lot of fanfiction is probably a no, as well.
"2-4-6-8! I like to delegate!" -Meshugenah
"Teague: Stomping on your dreams since 1992." -Sachiko
"So I'm looking at FLT and am reminded of a sandwich." -Jabber

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2058 Reviews

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Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:51 am
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Emerson says...


Spoiler! :
name: Suzanne or Suz
age: almost Twenty!

what you write: Historical fiction, poetry, short stories, longer stories. Things like that.
what you review: Almost anything! I'm very good with poetry, and even better with short stories. I do struggle with fantasy and sci-fi, though I can survive it

what you read: Dostoevsky, Wilde, Nabokov, Rice, Waugh, and many other things! I really love Russian lit.

your "specialty": People say I am good with dialogue? I am good with punctuation in poetry, too. Imagery is fun. I can't really pick a specialty, because honestly if you say, "I need help with this" I could probably find a way to help you, hahah.

what times you are online: I am in the USA central time zone. I'm usually on as much as possible on school nights, and a lot on the weekends.

five random things about yourself: Language is my form of nerdiness, autumn is my favorite season, I listen to a wide variety of music from classical to indie to metal, I love talking to people about their stories, and I would love to learn to play the accordion some day. :3

anything you'd prefer not to read: Fanfiction. That's pretty much it.
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:10 pm
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Sam says...


Spoiler! :
Name: *taps nametag* Sam! Not a whole lot of room for creativity there....

Age: 14

What You Write: Strange Fiction (Anything, really, besides high fantasy.)

What You Review: Same as what I write. Everything, besides high fantasy and poetry.

What You Read: A mix of old and new- Johnathan Safran Foer is my current favorite, as well as Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

Your Specialty: More abstract ideas- character development, avoiding clichè, appealing to readers, creating 'feeling' and emotion. I don't really have a preference. ^_~

What Times You Are Online: I'm in the Central US timezone, and I'm usually on from about 10:30 to midnight on weeknights, or 9:00 onward on weekends. It varies- and I do check email/YWS a lot- so I'll be sure to get in touch with you, night owl tendencies or not.

Five Random Things About Yourself:

1. I'm in both Japanese and German language classes.

2. I'm a marching band geek- alto saxophone.

3. I'm a rabid Decemberists fan.

4. I live at school. Seriously, I pull up a sleeping bag on stage...(Nein, I'm just there until late most nights. I'm a theatre techie and I do speech and debate.)

5. I'm addicted to YWS- and NaNoWriMo, year-round. XD Essentially, I'm a nerd among nerds.

Anything You'd Prefer Not To Read: There are a few things I don't know anything about- poetry, is a huge one- and a few things I do, but it would bring out the mean side of me because I simply don't like it. High fantasy (basically, if your story has elves) and fanfiction are those two things. I could still critique for you, but I wouldn't be as excited about it.
Graffiti is the most passionate form of literature there is.

- Demetri Martin

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Reviews: 56
Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:29 am
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thunder_dude7 says...


Spoiler! :
Name: You can call me any derivative of my name, DX, or "Awesomeness Person"
Age: 16

What You Write: Mostly fantasy, some sci-fi, songs, and scripts.
What You Review: Fiction, songs, poetry, and scripts - most everything, really.

What You Read: I usually read the blurb on the back, and if I become engaged, I know it's a good book and read it. I typically read fantasy and sci-fi. My favorite author is CS Lewis, with Charles Dickens, Erin Hunter, and Ray Comfort following him.

Your "Specialty": I am an expert in grammar, so if there is a problem there, I'll catch it. Style-wise, I'm best at dialogue and character development. I'm also decent with description.

What Times You Are Online: Eastern Standard time zone. In the summer, I can usually always be available. In the school year, I'm not on as often, but I'm usually pretty active here.

Five Random Things About Yourself:
1) I'm two years ahead of my grade level in math...but it's my least favorite subject.
2) I want to be an actor.
3) I can type over 60 words a minute if I want to. I uusually mkae qiute a few pselling errosr thouhg.
4) I actually didn't make any errors in the last sentence. I did that for "comedic effect". Teehee.
5) I have yet to find interest in any subject that could ever lead to reliable work besides teaching.

Anything You'd Prefer Not To Read: I can't stand romance. I'm not a huge fan of fanfiction, teen fiction, or historical fiction, but I will read it - you just might want to find another person, if you can.
Last edited by thunder_dude7 on Fri May 27, 2011 4:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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99 Reviews

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Points: 1210
Reviews: 99
Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:29 am
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Monki says...


Spoiler! :
Name: Monki or Melissa will do just fine.
Age: 15 years old
What You Write: Poetry, Romance, Non-Fan-Fic, Scripts. Those sorts.
What You Review: Anything except fantasy, manga/anime, or emo crap. Yuck. Fantasy just isn't my cup of tea, and manga/anime and emo stuff sucks. :p

What You Read: I used to only read romance. Now, I'm getting a bit more mature and the teen romance crap is getting old. I'm beginning to prefer poetry and just a tad bit of romance. And I love Greek plays; among my favorites are definitely Medea and Oedipus Rex. :}

Your "Specialty": I don't really have a specialty. It's more of a... package deal, you could call it. I really love to nit-pick at everything.

What Times You Are Online: Hm... this can vary. I have school, and work, and home, and a social life - believe it or not - so it's kind of hard to say...

Five Random Things About Yourself:
1. I'm an anti-Twilighter and proud of it. Twilight sucks!

2. Linkin Park rocks my socks.

3. My best friend is an ex-Atheist, now Christian.

4. My comfort food is Strawberry Hot Fudge Sundaes.

5. The longest I've gone without writing is three months - this happened currently because I hit a Writer's Block which I couldn't get past for a while.

Anything You'd Prefer Not To Read: I'd rather not be put through the torture of reading soppy romance stories, fantasy, manga/anime, or anything emo-sounding, thanksverymuch.
Last edited by Monki on Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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Reviews: 157
Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:48 am
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alwaysawriter says...


Spoiler! :
Name: alwaysawriter, always, al, writer, aw, Alas, Kat, Kit-Kat--I'm fine with anything.

Age: 17.

What You Write: Realistic fiction, generally with romance in it, sometimes Non-Fiction.

What You Review: I stay between romantic fiction, other fiction, and non fiction, although I will veer out into other genres or poetry, if asked.

What You Read: Everything, when I have the chance, although I'm twenty times more reluctant to pick up a book with fantasy in it.

Your "Specialty": Grammar. Unless I'm completely out of it (distracted or sleepy), I'll be the one to notice if you missed a letter off a word or didn't put a space where it needs to be. I'm a little rusty in everything else.

What Times You Are Online: It varies but no later than 10 PM (Eastern) on weekdays.

Five Random Things About Yourself:
1. I love animals.

2. I study Aikido.

3. I'm a senior volunteer at my local no-kill animal shelter. :D

4. Homework is the work of devils, especially on the weekends.

5. I once searched online for writing tips so much when I was ten that I didn't even hear about them til I was twelve or thirteen during school.

Anything You'd Prefer Not To Read: Fantasy and fanfics. I don't even bother to try to keep up with anime. I'll try fantasy, as I've been trying to get back into it for a while, but don't expect fantastic reviews.
Last edited by alwaysawriter on Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:33 am, edited 3 times in total.
Meshugenah says to (18:12:36):
Kat's my new favorite. other than Sachi.

WWJD: What Would Jabber Do?

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Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:23 pm
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Lost_in_dreamland says...


Spoiler! :
name: Basically any variation of my name; lost, dream, dreamland or just Kirsten :D
age: 13

what you write: historical fiction, perhaps some romance, but generally not too much. I like to experiment, but avoid sci-fi/ fanfic/ fantasy.
what you review: Again, I like to experiment, but I don't read anime stories, fanfiction or sci-fi, however, I'll happily read them if someone wishes me to do so. ;)

what you read: classical literature: Bronte, Hardy, Shakespeare &c. I love old plays and philosophy: Dostoevsky, Nietzesche, Jung, Plato, Socrates. etc etc.

your "specialty": That's dependent upon the individual piece of writing.

what times you are online: Ha! More like what times am I not online :lol: generally from around 4:30pm - 10:00pm GMT

five random things about yourself: 1: I'm a vegetarian.
2. I adore condensation, it sets about the house an air of such beauty and cosiness :D
3. I love crisps, Americans call them chips I think.
4. I love rugged countryside and dream of owning hundreds of thousands of acres of land miles and miles away from anyone. Perhaps on the moors or perhaps somewhere like Manderley, in Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier.
5. I am exceptionally talented at getting off the point and going onto something that has nothing to do with the subject in hand, rather like I am doing just now in a strange sort of way, that is to say... Okay, you get the point.

anything you'd prefer not to read: Anime and fanfiction are definite no-nos, there are a few others that I wouldn't consider my favourite, but I'm perfectly willing to review them, just not the two I have mentioned. :)

for what are we without words and stories?

Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door.
— Kyle Chandler