1. What is the Buddy System?
The Buddy system is where two people are paired up as mentor and mentee, the mentor being the experienced member and the mentee the newer member. It aims to help new members feel more settled during their early days on YWS and gives them the opportunity to have someone more experienced answer any questions they have.
2. What can a mentor do for me?
As mentors we do our best to make you feel welcome, to help you meet other members if you are shy or having difficulty and to do anything we can to make your experience at YWS the best it can be. We will also make an effort to review at least some of the writing you post during the official mentoring period (which lasts for one month) and sometimes we will continue to review you afterwards.
3. How do I get a mentor?
There are two ways to do this. You can either read through the bios in this thread and send a message to any mentor you're interested in being paired with, or there's a thread where you can post that you're looking for a buddy and one of our mentors will reply to you. That can be found here.
4. What if I want to be a mentor?
If you're interested in joining the mentor programme please pm Rydia and she will give you any information you need.
Also, if you're interested in either being a mentor or having one, there is now a group you can request to join here which will provide you with further information and give you a chance to chat with fellow mentees or mentors.
- Aley
- AquaMarine
- ArcticMonkey
- AriaAdams
- Auxiira
- Baal
- BlackNether12
- BlueAfrica
- Blues
- CaptainFinick
- Carlito
- ChocoCookie
- Clarity
- Craz
- Cspr
- Demeter
- ghost-writers
- GrantBlayfur
- HostofHorus
- Iggy
- JabberHut
- jordin
- Karzkin
- Ktg17
- LadyPurple
- megsug
- Meshugenah
- noninjaspresent
- Nutty
- Paracosm
- polinkacreations
- Rosey Unicorn
- Rydia
- Sapi
- Searria H.
- Shadowlight
- ShadowVyper
- Skorpionne
- SparkToFlame
- StellaThomas
- SushiSashimi333
- TheMessenger
- umaima
- WritingWolf
- xXmusicaXx
- yubbies21
(If your name is in this list and you would like to once more be a mentor, please send a pm to Rydia)
Spoiler! :
Mentors, after you have been approved by Rydia, please fill out the form below!
If you're not accepting new buddies, please put "NOT ACCEPTING" at the top of your profile, thanks!
- Code: Select all
[b]name:[/b] (what you want your buddy to call you)
[b]what you write:[/b]
[b]what you review:[/b]
[b]what you read:[/b] (published works, not on YWS)
[b]your "specialty":[/b] (eg: character development, punctuation in poetry, writing action scenes, &c.)
[b]what times you are online:[/b] (include time zone!)
[b]five random things about yourself:[/b]
[b]anything you'd prefer not to read:[/b] (eg: if you don't read slash, you might not want to buddy up with a Harry/Draco 'shipper, and so on)
Points: 6040
Reviews: 210