Happy Birthday!!!
Agrh I missed it, but still, I guess it counts.
Hmmm you're now older then me Boo.
Oh well talk to you when your on next. Hope you had a fantastic day! *hugs*
CaptainFinick *Hugs back* Awww, thank you dear! I'm sorry I haven't been on much but schools just been getting in the way of things. Plus I was in Salisbury for a few days with Amelia (my girlfriend) aha. So I should be on a lot more now
Nov 5, 2013
EscapeToNeverland it's fine
Nov 5, 2013
Hey, thought I'd annoy everyone before free post day. LONGEST CASE NAME EVER!
Sheridan Holmes: The Case of the Disappearing Witness PART 21
This will be a very exciting case, and very different for my comfort zone, but the one after it will be less in my comfort zone so...
I'm gonna try to get the rest of this case posted for review day, but I'll have to do some reviewing tomorrow to post the 2nd part of 4. Hope you like it, and the case after this is "Sheridan Holmes: The Last One to Drop"
CaptainFinick Hmm, just looking for some new people to follow and your name cropped up so I followed you.
Oct 15, 2013
ChangeTheWorld yay! Let's start a conversation
Oct 15, 2013
22 More Replies
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Ugh... Mum's all shoutie because I'm up late.
I don't even have school tomorrow!
Replies in the morning for messages.
Caesar hit me up
Oct 12, 2013
EscapeToNeverland Yeah ask me!!! I'd love to help!!!
Oct 13, 2013
So coming up soon will be an original piece of work by me, myself and I. It'll be called "The Great Game" and focus around a terrorist attack on London. That's all I'm gonna say for now but I can guarantee you'll like it... and if you don't then oh well.
WillowCutz Can't wait to read it. Given your fasination with Sherlock and crime fiction and "The Game" being associated with the Doyle pieces can I assume that this has Holmes?
If so, yeah!
If not...yeah anyway!
Oct 8, 2013
CaptainFinick Believe it or not there's no Sherlock Holmes in this one.
This is new and different. It's sort of like a one shot thing for me.
It's nice to do something new
Oct 11, 2013
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I just posted the last two parts of "Sheridan Holmes: A Cold Case"
Sheridan Holmes: A Cold Case PART 12
Surprise twist ending!!!
11th part of Sheridan Holmes just posted. Can't wait to post my next case.
Spolier Alert:
[spolier] I will blow up a building, Sheri meets Moriarty (sorta), Eli and Sheri go clothes shopping, BIG PURPLE ELEPHANT, I kill off Lestrade, Sheri reads a book for the first time ever recorded (again...sorta), blackmail, and the attic theory and sewing [\spoiler ]
So, yeah, you may not want to open that.
If you do the world will sink into a firey pit. BWAH HAH HAH HAH. Just Kidding, that doesn't work over the computer. Its not that bad. Big Purple Elephant is my code for something that you will just have to figure out.
Sheridan Holmes: A Cold Case PART 11
Sep 1, 2013
Sorry to bother, I just posted like 5 Sheridan Holmes'.
Thought you might be interested.
It is 5 in the morning, I'm knackered. Nighty nighty.
Well actually morny morning... Well you get the idea.
See you in 4 hours.
Mar 17, 2014