
Young Writers Society

Oooo... An actual writing website

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Fri May 11, 2007 2:14 am
jessicarabbit says...

Hi, I'm Jessica. I live in a little redneck town in Canada. (eh) I just want to say that i am so glad to find a website where you are actually critiqued. I was totally ignored by the last group i joined. I found this website because it was on Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites. (Congrats!) I have a love/hate relationship with my writing. Ever since i was little i would tell myself stories to help me get to sleep, and some of those stories are just itching to get out. However, I have self-confidence issues, and whenever i start a story, i lose confidence in my abilities as i writer and i tend to give up. I'm trying to fix that, and i've started a new project and am making progress on it, although i'm not ready to start posting it here, but i might post some smaller works.
Oh, yeah, and before i forget, i really wanted to reccomend a book to everyone here. On Writing by Stephen King is an excellent book for writers, especially those who are just getting started. Although I am not personally a big fan of King's, I really enjoy this book. It is half memoir, half writing instruction, andi find it very useful. I carry it in my purse for when i need a little advice or inspiration. (how many teens carry seven pens and a book in their purse? probably just me :wink: )
Well, thats all i can think of for now. I look forward to reviewing your pieces and having you review mine.
Ta ta
“Every human being has hundreds of separate people living under his skin. The talent of a writer is his ability to give them their separate names, identities, personalities and have them relate to other characters living with him.” -Mel Brooks

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Fri May 11, 2007 2:34 am
sworddance says...

It's ok, you're not the only one who carries way too many pens (all though it's pencils for me!) and a book in her purse.
Anyway, welcome! I'm a newbie too, but I've been enjoying it here. What kind of things do you write- poems, stories, fantasy, sci-fi, fiction...?
I'm fantasy/fiction, personally. I'm usually around to review, so you'll probably hear from me on things you post, depending on the genre :D
So, just wanted to say welcome!

Drummer, beat, and dancer, fly
The floods of war are crashing nigh
Raise the mountain, blade the fire
And woe to they who voked your ire…
-----People do speak in semicolons; they just don't know it.------

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Fri May 11, 2007 3:12 am
Emerson says...

Bonjour et bienvenue,

One more canadian, eh? I like canada. You should get some more self esteem! Everyone is their own worst editor.

If you find yourself needing help on the site or would like a critique, feel free to PM me and I'll do what I can.

Enjoy the site! It's a really good place if you put the effort into it ;-)
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Fri May 11, 2007 3:49 am
wildlove100% says...

Welcome to YWS, Jessica.

I carry pens and notepads around with me all the time- I feel so bear without them :)

And I know how you feel about the whole self-confidence thing...it troubles me a bit too.

Well, I really want to see these stories that are just itching to get out!

And I'll crit your story, coz I know how it feels to be ignored as well, lol.

Have fun, and check out the chatroom....we should bump into each other.


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Fri May 11, 2007 4:18 am
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JC says...

You don't need to feel self-contious around here. Everybody is really nice.
I was nervous the first time I posted, but since then I've gained so much confidnce in my writing, I even let my friends read some of my stuff now.
I'm sure you'll find that people are very helpful around here! If you ever need anything feel free to send me a message =D

I love reading people's works and giving feedback, so when you post you might see me around!!! hehe.

Well, that's about it, I feel I've rambled too much hehe. Once again, welcome! I hope to see you around a lot!

But that is not the question. Why we are here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come. -Beckett

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Fri May 11, 2007 4:19 pm
Swottielottie says...

Hello Jessica,
and welcome to YWS.
Just PM me if you have any questions, I am happy to help.
You should have more confidence, I'm sure you are a great writer.
Even if you think you are rubbish keep trying.
Eventually, you will write something and realise it was brilliant all along.
(It feels strange giving advice to someopne older than me!)

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Sat May 12, 2007 9:07 pm
Alainna says...

Hola Jessica, cool user name. :wink:

Welcome to YWS!!!!!! I have a tendency of carrying around my little black book which I do all my writing in.......so you're not alone on that!!!!

Well, if you need any help, a crit, or a chat, feel free to pm me and I'll get straight back to you!!

Sanity is for the unimaginative.

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Sun May 13, 2007 1:23 am
LowKey says...

I know! I know! I'm two days late!

But I want you to know that I, too, carry a book in my purse sometimes. Sometimes. :wink:

So (sorry it's late) WELCOME TO YWS!!!!

If you need anything, just pm me, and I'll do my best!
Necropolis SB / Necropolis DT

Once was Dreamer, is now LowKey_Lyesmith.

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

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Sun May 13, 2007 1:37 am
Insomnia says...

Welcome, Jessica. I think most writers have self esteem issues of some kind lol. My story got published in a book and I wouldn't let most of my friends read it! ;) But I've found that there's no need to be like that on here. Everyone's really nice with their crits, and they're really constructive. So, hope you have a good time here. :)


P.S- Dreamer, don't feel bad about that. I've posted on someone's story from a year ago lol!

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Sun May 13, 2007 3:40 am
Via says...

Welcome to the YWS!

We are very proud of our top 101 placement :wink:

On Writing was not one of my favorite books, I have to diagree with you. I mean it was interesting, I now realize why Stephen King is so psycho, but I didn't find it helpful in the least for my writing. It was more of an autobiography, in my opinion. All I recommend to you is that you check out some other writing books as well, don't get stuck on King's. The best writing book I have read thus far is called Writing for Your Life by Deena Metzger. Check it out some time!

Anyway, hope you enjoy the site and know that you can always PM me about anything--especially conversations about writing books!

My Literary and Arts Blog

"I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met." -The Wedding Date

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Sun May 13, 2007 6:11 am
Firearris says...

Hi, Welcome to YWS! ;) Hope you have lots and lots of fun on YWS! You're from Canada? I want to visit Canada. (I want to visit Canada in warm weather though.) Isn't it like ten months of cold and two months of warmth? Anyways, welcome and have lots and lots of fun!


PS.If you need help feel free to PM me!
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard appears "We have weasels now!"
[Firearris] 10:45 pm: askes the guard for the weasel!
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard gives Firearris the Weasel.
[Firearris] 10:46 pm: aquires the weasel and renames it "Cat"

Take that, Lumi.

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Tue May 15, 2007 9:51 pm
jessicarabbit says...

Wow you guys are right, everyone is really friendly. To answer your comments:

I write romances, but i tend to think of them as romance/character studies. At least, that's what i'm working on right now, but i like to try other things. I wrote a few mysteries when i was in junior high, and i once tried to write a humorous action hero story (Super Nerd and the Attack of the Giant Beaver) That was interesting, but it turns out that i can't write humor, even though anyone who knows me well says I have a great sense of humor. So, that kinda blew up.

I totally agree with write me. Yes, Stephen King is a total psycho. Any guy who publishes his memoirs and mentions the time he used poison ivy as toilet paper must be a little unstable. :roll: However, I feel that I must defend him, but i'm not sure why. Although I didn't get much out of the memoir half of On Writing, I did find his advice rather helpful, mainly because we seem to think the same way. We both put our characters in situations and see what happens (almost like watching tv) instead of actually plotting. However, I believe each to his (or her own). I wouldn't force that book on anyone, and i don't follow his advice unconditionally. I will have to look for Writing for Your Life and give that a try as well.

One more thing: I posted a story called The Swan a few days ago under Other Fiction. I've posted this story at three different websites and haven't had a single review. I only posted it a few days ago, but i'm horribly impatient, so if someone would hunt it down and give it a quick review, i would be so greatful.

Great talking to y'all again, and i look forward to reading your stuff! :D
“Every human being has hundreds of separate people living under his skin. The talent of a writer is his ability to give them their separate names, identities, personalities and have them relate to other characters living with him.” -Mel Brooks

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Wed May 16, 2007 10:23 pm
gymnast_789 says...

Hey there! Welcome to YWS! I'm gymnast_789, but people just call me gymnast. Your from Canada huh? I would like to go there someday, since I live in Montana and it isn't that far away :) . Anyways if you need anything feel free to PM me! See you around!

Patience is the strength of the weak, impatience is the weakness of the strong.
— Immanuel Kant, Philosopher