
Young Writers Society


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Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:06 am
Yamachi says...

Last edited by Yamachi on Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:35 am
Meep(: says...

Hi Yamachi! :D
Welcome to our wild and wacky YWS family! *shakes hand with over-enthusiasm*
Whoa, that's a rather thorough description of yourself XD
You've got an interesting ethnic background there :)

Anyway! There are a few things you should know first:
Rules to take note of:
--> The 2:1 ratio rule. For every 1 piece of work you post, you should review 2 pieces done by others. That way, its fair ;) You'll need points to post your work, so reviewing will help you accumulate points.
150 points to post a piece of fiction/poetry, but you get back 50.
--> Keep chatspeak and CAPS lock to an absolute minimal.
--> Rate your work appropriately. Strong language/violence/gore, adult content and such should be rated 'R'. The moment the F-word appears in your work, its an 'R' rated work.
--> Keep such obscenities confined to your work, please :)

The supercallifragilisticexpialidociously awesome colours of YWS usernames:
Grey - The normal, but fantastically awesome, members of YWS! <3
Blues - Greeters! Like yours truly, our job is to make the new members feel welcome and help them settle down in YWS comfortably. So you can approach us for questions and stuff.
Purple - Instructors! They help you out with posting your works, giving you writing tips and if you're nice, grant you reviews/critiques.
Light Green - The Junior Moderators! They assist the Moderators :D
Dark Green - The Moderators! They maintain the forums in tip top shape and make sure we behave ;)
Red - Administrators! They oversee just about everything that goes on in YWS. We've got 3 of 'em: Nate (The Creator of YWS), Meshugenah and Firestarter. Awesome people *nods*
Orange - Distinguished members! Retired Mods.

Some things you could check out in YWS:
1) Our newly refurbished YWS chat! Get to know other members and just hang out :D
2) Blogs. Yes, we keep blogs! You can create one yourself to keep us updated on your life.
3) Usergroups. We've got groups such as debate, novel-writing, manga etc... You can join any that catches your interest!
4) Community forums! We've got lots of things there! Like the Lounge, where we relax and socialise, the word play forum, homework help forum, contests forum, even a randomness forum! :D

Other things you should note:
Sometimes, people can be really strict with their critiques, which might come across to you as harsh. Don't take it to heart, they're just trying to help. If you would prefer lighter critiques, then you can request it in your work. Otherwise, don't get defensive and challenge their views because their intentions are good. However, if they say things such as: "Your work sucks" or "You shouldn't be a writer" and such unconstructive and insulting remarks, then report it to a Junior Moderator or a Moderator, because we don't tolerate such hurtful comments.

We've even got an Art & Photography forum, so you can actually post your art there for us to appreciate. Some of us can even offer you reviews to help you improve on them :D
[We've got plenty of bona fide photographers and artists here!]
If you're a budding songwriter, we've got a Lyrics forum too :)

Have I mentioned I absolutely love lasagna? :D
You like drawing too? High-five!
So, do you play any sports? *sports nut*
Any favourite books? Authors? Band? Song?

For more info on our rules and ways, you can go to this help page

Every member also has a guestbook on their profile page, so when someone writes in your guestbook, it would be nice if you wrote back ;)

Anyhoodledoodle, feel free to PM me if you've got any questions or just want to talk, I'll be happy to help you out.
Have a great day then! :D
~Liverpool F.C Supporter~
"You'll never walk alone"

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:29 pm
Carlito says...

Hey Yamachi, welcome to YWS! :D

(Wow Meep, just wow) :)

Japanese, Irish, and French, what a combo, that's awesome :D
I love pasta. I think I eat some form of pasta every day. It's not very healthy but oh well. I love lasagna that has no meat in it, mmmm:)
You just covered several of the questions I usually ask, (cookie, music, movies). Oh well, that will just make the questions harder....

If you could see any singer/band in concert and then meet them afterwords, who would you see? What's your favorite kind of soup? What's your favorite kind of ice cream? If you were a piece of furniture, what kind would you be and why? If you were a marine biologist, what animal would you study and why?

I hope you have a great time here and if you have any questions or need anything, feel free to PM me! :D

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:28 pm
mizz-iceberg says...

Hello Yamachi!

Welcome to YWS! I love it when new members introduce themselves, and so thoroughly, right off the bat. However, I just want to add here, that you might not want to post your full name. This is after all the world wide web. It's okay to take precaution. You've given us the name of your school, your city and also your full name. Too much information. So, I hope you'll edit that out.

The beginning of your whole intro made me lick my lips. Pasta! Lasagna! Tacos! I can't say the same for pickles, but they're alright once in a while. Chocolate milk and coffee are my all time favourites.

You are an interesting writer, Yamachi! So, get posting, reviewing, and writing!

See you around!

Oh and if you have any question, concerns or just want reviews, feel free to PM me.
I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that.
--Ellen DeGeneres

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:34 pm
Angels-Symphony says...

Yamachi Berry ^^ I didn't know Berry was a last name! Why can't I have a food-y last name?! Welcome to YWS :) I'm shina :P Another one of those blue-titled people known as greeters. It is my job and my pleasure to greet the newbs of YWS, so welcome!

Whoa, that's a nice intro there. And Meep, whoa.

Since it seems all the technical stuff is out there, I'll just give you my best advice:

Don't take all reviews to heart. Yeah, the instructors (purple people) will probably shred your work to pieces. It's all in the hope that you'll improve, though ^^ Don't feel down because you get some bad reviews. Take their suggestions and it'll really help. You'll get 10 times better just by applying their reviews to your work. Only take the reviews you trust, though.

When someone signs your guestbook, sign theirs back. It's nice (:

Be nice! Be professional! I stress this!

Good at descriptions, eh? Well let's see what you've got! I'm challenging you Yamachi! I want to see what you can do :D

You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself into one.

The writer, when he is also an artist, is someone who admits what others don't dare reveal.

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Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:41 pm
Night Mistress says...


Welcome to YWS.

If you need anything, feel free to pm me.

See ya around.

"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
— Henry David Thoreau, "Walden"