
Young Writers Society

I'm new...kind of

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Thu May 28, 2009 6:49 pm
stilltyping says...

Actually, I posted here for a little while a few years ago but never really got to know anyone. Anyway, I've been writing again lately, and I thought "how wonderful would it be if I had some people who were interested in writing to discuss my ideas with!" And then I remembered.

So, yes, I thought an introduction might be in order before I start posting. My name is Beth. I write incoherent fiction and I'm hoping to remedy that:)

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Thu May 28, 2009 7:05 pm
*writewatiwant* says...

Hi Beth! *waves* I'm Kat, nice to meet you. Ohhhh :shock: I love incoherent fiction! I also do it myself, some times.
YWS will help you improve your writing skills. Be sure of that! YWS turned me into a grammar freak! :P

Anyway, I think you might have knowledge of the rules, since you have been here before, but what the heck, I'll explain them again. These are the three regular rules:

:arrow: Rate your work. If it contains rough language or adult scenes, rte it as R (the f word gets an immediately R). Rated works will appear on the Home page, but because this is a family site the rated R won't.

:arrow: Keep the 2:1 ratio. that means that for every story/poem you post, you should review two other. A review has to be at least 250 characters long to count.

:arrow: No chat speak and keep capitalizing to a minimal! So turn off your Caps lock. We're all writers here, so we appreciate proper language.

And that about it! But I still advise you to check out The Rules

What kind of incoherent fiction do you write? Do you have any particular genres you like to read, review to point out?
Ice cream or cookies?

As for discussing ideas, you can post on the Lounge or so, to discuss things, or check the Groups.

If you need anything, just PM me!
Last edited by *writewatiwant* on Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don't spell it. You feel it.

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Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:34 am
fragile_heart(!) says...

Hi there!

Well, Kat pretty much covered the rules, and since you've been here before, you probably know the site/Mods/etc.

So, you probably already know that in every forum there's a dicussion forum. That's a great place to get other writers' prospective on ideas you have brewing in your mind, or if you have questions that need answering. Also, everyone here is friendly and very willing to help out.

Well, that's all! PM me if you need anything!

- Avery

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Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:46 pm
Chloe(: says...

Hey Beth, just like to remind you about the awesome user groups around here. Go up to the toolbar and click "Groups." They have groups on a huge variety of topics, it's amazing. And if you can't find one of a topic that you like, there's a link in bold on the page bringing you to where you can make one. Have fun!
:D :D :D

Feel free to PM me if you want me to critique something or need further help!
Formerly known as Vivacious.

Full of Cliches:a challenge to see who can write a piece with the most cliches.

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Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:03 am
deleted_5 says...

Hey Beth!! Welcome to YWS! :D I have to say, I love your username. I'm Lucy Pennykettle, but that's a mouthful to say, so you can call me Lucy, Luce, Penny, Bridge, Briggs, or Bridget. (Or you can come up with a totally new nickname. :wink: )

So, on YWS, among the wonderful things here are blogs. You can set one up easily. Click on the Blogs button and click on the Your Blog icon. It should have a piece of paper and a quill pen picture. From there on, it's as easy as snapping your finger. (And don't say you can't snap. If that's the case, it's as easy as clapping. :P ) Simple enough? Of course.

OK, so if you look around, you've probably seen usernames with very colourful names. (like mine, Vivs, Kat's and so on...) They are colourful because they make the YWS staff stand out. So the colours stand for that person's job.

Orange :arrow: They are the Distinguished members.
Red :arrow: These guys are the admin. They run the site and keep the site going.
Green :arrow: Greens stand for the Mods. They help the admin and keep the people in order.
Light Green :arrow: They help the Mods keep people in order and moniter places like the chat.
Purple :arrow: Purples are the instructors. They give really really really really good reivews. They are the #1 people to contact if you want a review.
And last but far from least, Blues/Cyan :arrow: We are the totally awesome greeters. We bombard the community forum and greet you newbies. (We also are the most inquisitive and ask the most questions. :P)

So those are the Colours. Now, you need to have them memorized...... got them down yet?? :D Didn't think so. Luckily, the admin shed mercy on all of us and put up little signs that tell what they are. If you need to look them up for their colour, go to the Writing Forum Page and scroll all the way down. Or you can look in the Community Forum page and do the same thing.

*Sigh* Have I bored you yet? :D I'm done now. So welcome again, and if you have any questions or just want to talk, feel free to PM (private Message) me anytime. I'd love to help.

I hate television. I hate it as much as I hate peanuts. But I can't stop eating peanuts. I also hate being on television, I hate it as much as people hate chocolate. But they always want chocolate.

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Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:16 am
doodle:] says...

Hiya Beth! My name's Becca!
Glad to see you're back, even though I wasn't a member at the time or know you.

So tell us... do you have an awesome talents?
What kind of hobbies do you have (except for writing, if you would count that XP)?
There's all kinds of weird hobbies out there...

Don't be afraid to ask anybody with a colored name a question! Or me!

Can't wait to read some of your writing!


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Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:51 am
Snoink says...

Mwha! Incoherent is the best kind of coherence. Unless, of course, the grammar is horrible and the writing makes my eyes bleed. But I doubt that is the case! ;D

No, really, I'm a fan of crazy stories that make you scratch your head and wonder (in a good way, of course). It's awesome. In fact, there was this one popular writer here... she sort of disappeared off the face of the Earth, but her username was Poor Imp and she was possibly the best incoherent writer I've read. It was awesome. After exams, I'll be sure to check out your work. :)

If you're worried about writing coherent stories, check out the writing tips or knowledge base... there is A LOT of resources written by our very own members (including a lot by me!).

Anyway, glad you remembered and glad you're back. Hopefully, we'll be able to meet more. :D
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

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You have been de-shenaniganed.
— WaffleCat