
Young Writers Society

Meet the newbies and all of you newbies meet us!

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12 Reviews

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Reviews: 12
Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:58 am
unsterblichkeit36 says...

First Name:
Favorite Color:
Who inspires you:
What do you write:
Hints for life:
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here:


First Name: Sarah
Nickname: Sara
Favorite Color: Green
Song: Can I Keep You
Food: Plums or anything without meat
Author: W.E.A. Axon
Who inspires you: Libby and Lizzie
What do you write: Dramatic Poetry and Romantic Fiction
Personality: Shy, but witty
Hobbies: Writing, reading, dancing
Sports/activites: Dance
Books: An Axon Treasury
Hints for life: Realize all beauty, because some people have such great lives, they don't realize beauty away from the fame.
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here: I'm a small girl in a small town. I have voices in my head that scream at me and i live my life as a copaface.

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61 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 61
Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:08 am
cheese9975 says...

First Name: Shannon
Nickname: Shanno
Favorite Color: Green
Song: at the moment, middle management, bishop allen
Food: Salsa
Author: John Green
Who inspires you: people who can rise above their obstacles
What do you write: anything that comes into my head. mostly short stories. occasionally essays.
Personality: shy, but loud when im comfortable, goofy
Hobbies: listening to music, watching movies, making fun of reality tv
Sports/activites: newspaper, debate club
Books: looking for alaska by john green, atonement
Hints for life: be yourself. cliche, but true.

I've been on YWS since April. I love it when people just want to say hello and sign my guestbook, so feel free! If anyone needs a review, or just wants somebody to read their piece, I'd be glad to!
"The manatee has become the mento." -Tracy Jordan

"Live every week like it's shark week." -Tracy Jordan
^30 Rock is love

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280 Reviews


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Points: 794
Reviews: 280
Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:33 am
Nutty says...

First Name: Cheyanne
Nickname: Chey
Favorite Color: green
Song: Um..... I have a lot of those. Forest by system of a down, Sad but true by Metallica, anything by pearl jam
Food: Icecream... and savolakis, and chocolate, and mexican ^^
Author: David Gemmel and Terry Pratchett
Who inspires you: Above authors :p
What do you write: Fiction
Personality: I've been called weird, strange, crazy, nutty (haha) but I can be serious too ^^
Hobbies: Reading, writing, clarinet, art, drama
Sports/activites: I don't do sport. Lol. I am in ATC though (Air Training Corp)
Books: The assassin's apprentice and Tawny man series by Robin Hobb, Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett
Hints for life: Remember, you will survive. Bad stuff happens, but you can always pull through. Don't let your past rule you.
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here:
I've been here since march last year. I live in New Zealand in a tiny backwards little town, and am happy to help anyone around the site who needs it ^^
I started writing when I joined this site. Before then I had been interested but had only really written at school.
My weapon of choice is the unholy holy spork of the zombites (loooong story...) which is why my avvie is how it is :wink:
It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

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192 Reviews

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Points: 4332
Reviews: 192
Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:05 am
Aet Lindling says...

First Name: Aet
Nickname: Aet
Favorite Color: Black
Song: Climbing the Walls? I dunno.
Food: Something.
Author: Card.
Who inspires you: Druggies, serial murderers, and serial rapists.
What do you write: A variety of things.
Personality: Awesome.
Hobbies: Being awesome.
Sports/activites: Wall climbing. That's coincidental, really, the song has nothing to do with actual climbing walls or climbing any sort of wall.
Hints for life: Be awesome.
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here: I am awesome.
dun worry
it's all gun be k

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594 Reviews

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Points: 6831
Reviews: 594
Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:13 am
Crysi says...

First Name: Samantha
Nickname: Sam, Sami, Ms. Awesome
Favorite Color: Blue
Song: Trouble - Pink
Food: Yes.
Author: Me.
Who inspires you: Me. And John Ruys, Ph.D.
What do you write: Novels.
Personality: Awesome.
Hobbies: Being awesome.
Sports/activites: Fencing. Flying. And being awesome.
Books: My own. Salvatore's stuff is okay, too.
Hints for life: Be awesome.
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here: I am awesome.
Love and Light

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208 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 208
Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:30 pm
Merry_Haven says...

First Name: Merry
Nickname: Don't really have one. But dad calls me the "Mar"
Favorite Color: GREEN!!!
Song: My Worst Nightmare by Forever the Sickest Kids
Food: Chocolate whoppers. For now.
Author: A lot. Ex. Anna Godbersen, Regina Scott, Meg Cabot, L. J. Smith, and so on...
Who inspires you: friends from ABS
What do you write: mostly romance fiction. In other, romantic, but mostly historical.
Personality: Weird. Definitely that. Then again, I can be crazy, at times.
Hobbies: Dancing to the radio. Okay. Okay, writing, then.
Sports/activites: Don't go to a regular H. S. But I do walk around the park.
Books: Read my favorite authors.
Hints for life: Enjoy your life! And NEVER take it for granted or think it's pointless.
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here: Dude, Concerts! Freakin concerts to go to.

Any who...

We are twins!! :lol: Seriously. Isn't green the best, ever?
Don't we all like a little romance. :wink:
Any who...Hey! Hi. Ho there! Welcome to the YWS family. I hope you are most welcomed. :D
If you ever wanna chat...feel free to pm me.
Well, off I go. Till next time...
Mary had a little lamb. Little lamb. Little lamb!

Ugh!! I really hate my name. >.<

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16 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 16
Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:29 pm
KissKiss08 says...

First Name: You can call me Kiss
Nickname: Kiss
Favorite Color: Green (ya'll are such steelers :) )
Song: I have to choose one.....
Food: anything Italian
Author: Me.. silly!
Who inspires you: You! yes, YOU!!!
What do you write: stories.. no, mostly romantic fiction.
Personality: Bubbly, with a dark side :D
Hobbies: Ice skating
Sports/activites: I like basketball, but I suck at it :)
Books: just one.....
Hints for life: Treat others how you would like to be treated.
Live in the moment
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here: I'm so cool...:D

Oh, I'm a greeter! I'm really excited about that. :D

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1162 Reviews

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Reviews: 1162
Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:52 pm
Carlito says...

First Name: Carly
Nickname: none...but if you think of one i don't really care if you call me it
Favorite Color: lavender!
Song: I love so many! Paramore and Evanescence rock. There's a bunch of great indie type music from the OC that I <3 (For the windows in paradise, for the fatherless in yplinski by sufjan stevens <3 <3 <3)
Food: cheese pizza...vegetarian stuff :D
Author: James Patterson is the bomb diggity
Who inspires you: Stephenie Meyer
What do you write: romantic fiction
Personality: easy going, nice, compassionate, easy to talk to
Hobbies: i'm a band geek. I play the trombone in marching band, wind symphony, the top jazz band, show choir band, and I have to play in the musical this year. I also knit and read and go on the computer a lot :D
Sports/activites: band...there is only time for band
Books: Twilight Saga, Harry Potter Series, Maximum Ride Series (many many more but these are the best of the best)
Hints for life: Be yourself! Don't try to be something you're not!
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
If you honestly can't be nice to someone, try to just be CIVIL
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here: I'm a vegetarian and a Christian! :D

PM me if you want to know anything else :D :D
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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Gender: Female
Points: 300
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Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:58 pm
ldsprincess says...

First Name: Kat
Nickname: Kat or M&M
Favorite Color: Green/Yellow
Song: lol, this changes day to day. Right now "The Antidote" by Story of the Year
Food: Chinese!
Author: I don't really have one. I have ones I really enjoy but not a favorite...
Who inspires you: God, My family, Friends, MUSIC
What do you write: Fantesy
Personality: Oh gorsh.....Ummm...I'm funny? lol
Hobbies: Drawing
Sports/activites: Sports? riiiiight.
Books: huh? My book? "The war path"
Hints for life: SMILE!
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here: I love it here! Also I'm a Mormon, so feel free to PM questions. Or anything! I love new people!
"She's got it out for me but I wear the biggest smile!"
-Misery Buisness by Paramore

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Gender: Female
Points: 300
Reviews: 0
Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:51 pm
pancake159 says...

First Name: Madison
Nickname: Pancake
Favorite Color: Lime Green
Song: that changes a lot......i guess "So What" by Pink
Food: Chinese
Author: there's a lot, some of my favorites: JK Rowling, Ann Brashares, Jodie Foster, Lois Duncan
Who inspires you: my mom
What do you write: Whatever I feel like writing at the time
Personality: shy around people i don't know, but outgoing and funny around my friends
Hobbies: reading, writing, baking, sports, playing guitar
Sports/activities: basketball, volleyball, cross-country, track
Books: The Harry Potter Series, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Peaches
Hints for life: Be random. Never regret something that made you smile.
Anything else you want us to know? Put it here:I love animals!
Friendship is like peeing yourself. Everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling it brings.

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99 Reviews

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Points: 1210
Reviews: 99
Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:23 pm
Monki says...

First Name: Melissa
Nickname: Mel, Monki, Gremlin, Gremlinita, Monkster
Favorite Color: Purple
Song: Rockstar by Nickelback AND Addicted by Saving Abel
Food: Chicken Alfredo Pizza
Author: Oof. I have no idea. Possibly Simon Elkeles?
Who inspires you: Definitely my older friends, Mandy and Dolly, who are awesome teachers and are loved very much. ^ ^
What do you write: Poetry, Romance, Historical Fiction, Horror, Parodies, and the like.
Personality: Pessimistic, yet a bit cheerful. xD
Hobbies: Writing (I know, SO wierd!), reading, eating, sleeping, movies, hanging out w/ friends, tutoring younger kids, music, shopping, guys, drawing, soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, track, and a bunch o' other stuff.
Sports/activites: Soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and track.
Books: Perfect Chemistry by Simon Elkeles, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, Marley & Me by John Grogan, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein, and more.
Hints for life: Don't be a fighter, but fight for what you love.
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here: Eh... not much. PM me with questions.
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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78 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 2256
Reviews: 78
Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:18 am
thefireinmeisJC says...

First Name: *shifts eyes* you can call me JC lol
Nickname: JC
Favorite Color: silver (shiny...)
Song: ahhhh...awakening by switchfoot or never alone by barlowgirl
Food: Chocolate Chip cookie dough anything
Author: Marcus Zusak/Erin Hunter/Ellen Hopkins/Caroline B Cooney
Who inspires you: Jesus Christ (see username)
What do you write: Everything. Or atleast I try
Personality: Weird, loyal, loving, friendly, stubborn, argumentive, introverted (INFP for all you Jungians), shy at first
Hobbies: writing (no way..), reading, writing emails (LOL), guitar, [s]studying[/s]
Sports/activites: I'm so unathletic...activities? the above, school, and YOUTH GROUP!!!
Books: Too many (see authors)
Hints for life: Dude, follow your heart already. Gosh, don't make this so difficult.
Anything else you would want us to know? put it all here: I'm a Christian. I want to be a missionary doctor when I grow up. Music is my life though that doesn't mean I have particular talent in it. I'm not your normal 14yr old girl. Beware. (This means I hate Twilight and everything Disney Channel related.)
Give hugs not bombs or whatever that saying says

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127 Reviews

Gender: None specified
Points: 4299
Reviews: 127
Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:41 am
Incognito says...

First Name: Jenna!
Nickname: Incognito, because I am just that stealthy. You know it.
Favourite Color: It is a tie between indigo and orange.
Favourite Song: Boston by Augustana
Favourite Food: Chicken Fingers or anything Italian
Favourite Author: There is a couple of them. Cornelia Funke, Kenneth Oppel, Cassandra Clare, and Ann Rice.
Who inspires you: My father, because even though he may not admit it, he is just as weird as my sister and I on the inside.
What do you write: Other Fiction, even though my novel is Fantasy at the moment. Bizarre, I know.
Personality: How do I put this? I am the kind of person who likes watching you through windows? Just kidding. I have the personality that kids a lot.
Hobbies: Drawing, Photography, Writing, Video Games, Computer, Internet, and YWS. Wait, YWS is not a hobby, it is my life!
Sports/activities: Hockey, Soccer, Soon-to-be-Rowing, Canoeing, Working out at the Gym, and Swimming.
Favourite Books: No! How dare you ask this question! I will only list a couple, not all. City of Ashes (Cassandra Clare), City of Bones (Cassandra Clare), Eragon (Christopher Poalini), The Other Boleyn Girl (Somebody whose name escapes me), Kiterunner (Khaled Hosseini), The Inkheart Series (Cornelia Funke), Airborn (Kenneth Oppel), Skybreaker (Kenneth Oppel), Starclimber (Kenneth Oppel), The Vampire Chronicles (Ann Rice), The Mayfair Witches series (Ann Rice), Under a War Torn Sky (Another name that escapes me). There are so many others though! This is unfair!
Hints for life: Life goes by a lot more smoothly if you have an imaginary friend, and believe everything people tell you because it may be true.
Anything else you would want us to know?: I sleep with my clothes on and my eyes open, for all you Internet stalkers!

'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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122 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1656
Reviews: 122
Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:34 pm
WaterVyper says...

First Name: Emily
Nickname:[/b] Em, Vyper, etcetera
Favorite Color: Grayish silver
Song: Papercut by Linkin Park
Food: Eggs, I guess.
Author: *cries* Don't make me choose. Cornelia Funke, Eoin Colfer, Darren Shan, Kenneth Oppel, Margaret Peterson Haddix, Kevin J. Anderson, George Orwell, Avi, and tons more.
Who inspires you: My friends, my family, and life, really.
What do you write: Mostly other fiction, sprinkled with a bit of romance, sci-fi, and poems.
Personality: Hm, I'd be the quiet nerdy type. But I am very random once you get to know me.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, doodling, and being random
Sports/activities: For sports, it'd be tae-kwon-do. My teacher is the man who discovered tae-kwon-X. o.o Other activities include Monopoly, Clue, and most other board games. Card games too, now that I think about it.
Books: *takes deep breath* The Saga of Seven Suns, the Saga of Darren Shan, the Inkheart trilogy, the Thief Lord, anything Matthew Reilly, the Silverwing trilogy, the Artemis Fowl series, the Shadow Children series, the Demonata series, most of King's works, the Horrible Science series, the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, most of Jeremy Robinson's stuff, Eats Shoots and Leaves, and tons more that I can't remember right now.
Hints for life: You only live once, right?
Anything else you would want us to know?: Um... I'm not the type to strike up conversation in real life. I wouldn't know who the celebrities or pop stars are, but maybe the outdated people. I keep confusing Jacob Black with Jack Black, and... my favorite animals are the ones that eat each other. For example, snakes, sharks, Komodo dragons, etcetera.
There once was a cat.
He wasn’t particularly fat.
Fuzzy was his favorite mat.
And really, that was that.

Oh, but did you really think so?
Keep reading, it’s just the start of the show!
And as for how far this tale will go…
Well, even the cat doesn’t know.

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
— Apple Inc.