wickedlymuggleAHH! So sorry! I have not been on in forever. Will definitely check this out. Have missed your stories and reviews! How are you? Jul 11, 2016
WaddlersI'm awesome! Have missed you, too! How r u? **U dont have to read that now all that is posted here is veeeery old now haha ** Jul 15, 2016
My dear YWS buddies, I am glad - and a bit nervous - to inform you that I have posted another chapter of HWiMTWaJALBiN! It's an inbetweener with a name change. The first bit - maybe the first THIRD - of this may be recognisable to you, so feel free to skip and ignore the bits up to the new stuff with the lovely Tei!
Hey, @MusicalTheaterGirl17 and @FeatherPen , I am here to tell you that I have posted chapter 8! It is a very short chapter and wasn't intended to stand alone originally; so I would like to see what you think of it!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOHH!!!! ^U^ LET'S PARTAAAAAAAAAYY!!! Srsly tho, us three should make our own clan or something!!! XD
FeatherPenYou can make a club for you book you know, then we could be a clan with a hideout others have clubs for thier books too. Jan 22, 2016
Waddlers@FerranWright I must look in to doing that!!! Also, which of your reviews would you like me to review? Pick a few and try and find common characteristics and such! *YWSBFF HIGH FIVE* Jan 22, 2016
FeatherPenI don’t mind, just pick a review you either like or disliked. As an incentive to get you to post your next chapter and to review some more; once you have done enough reviews for chapter 7 (200 points approx. 2 reviews) I will give you 200 points to post the next one, chapter 8. I just noticed that I have a stock pile and it seems stilly hording them. Jan 26, 2016
WaddlersOkay! That sounds like a fab idea!! Jan 26, 2016
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1. Everybody I know!!! Especially my sister, mum, brothers and pets! They are all so lovely, they make me laugh! Everyone I know has! And I love them all ever so much!!
2. Lovely online folks; there's nothing I enjoy more them gong online to see that lovely people have acknowledged you in lovely ways! It makes me smile a whole lot when I realise how lovely humans are!
3. My brain - from the age of 0 - 12 I centred my life over enjoying things that others made. Movies, comics and fangirling - Then I told myself "What if people like something I made, instead?" So I've centred the past three years on making a GREAT story. My brain still makes me smile with it's new lightbulbs - I dont know how it affords them.
4. Music!!! Music is the most calming thing and it helps my imagination generate in my mind - like moving pictures! And it just sounds great!!!
5. Dreams - Where my idea started - I had a nightmare that a tall blonde man tried to steal me (in a really forward, kinda stupid, way). The fear felt so real!! Then for some reason I pondered over it and thought - maybe he was trying to kidnap me for a reason? Maybe I'm special? What am I good at? What would I be good for? (Being nice! ) And that's where it's seed was!!
Thanks again, @MusicalTheaterGirl17 !!
wickedlymuggleThis was awesome! Loved this! Sep 20, 2015
WaddlersThanks! C: Sep 21, 2015
wickedlymuggleOh yah, who are you tagging? Sep 21, 2015
WaddlersNo idea. XD Sep 22, 2015
FeatherPenYou have nominated me! Or I nominate my self... Interesting to know the origin of faith, so many stories start as dreams. Sep 25, 2015
WaddlersOk!! I nominate you @FerranWright !!! Sep 27, 2015
TheLittlePrinceWow! Jan 12, 2016
WaddlersXD, yeah! Mar 30, 2016
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WaddlersYes!! Totodile is the pokemon of Brock!!! XD Jul 25, 2015
speakerskatIf you ever write any poetry , shoot me a pm and I'll review it . Happy review day , not sure how much I'll be able to do if any Jul 25, 2015
WaddlersOh, thank you so much! Review day is always so conveiniently hard for me, too! XD Have a lovely day! Mar 30, 2016
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Hey @OliveDreams, @MissSugarPink and @MusicalTheaterGirl17!!! The next chapter of H.W.M.T.W.J.A.L.B.N is out! (Jeez!!! Even when abbreviated the title is still huge!!! XD)
wickedlymuggleThanks for telling me! I will review it as soon as I possibly can with camp and stuff. Jul 11, 2015
May 17, 2017