Booshian No problem, thanks for the follow back!
Jan 18, 2015
Vivian You're welcome.
Jan 18, 2015
Booshian no problemo!
Jan 12, 2015
Hey anybody know how to put poetry into stanzas when uploading on this? It's not letting me skip lines :/
turtlethatroars Copy your poem into a PM, format it into stanzas like you want it, then copy it from there into the uploading area. That always seem to work for me.
Sep 1, 2014
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Hello all! Im back I dont know if anyone even noticed if I was gone but oh well. Just thought I'd share that I got into my dream English class at University. So happy. I hope to be more active on here in future
xoxo Booshian (Gossipgirl)
Booshian Thank you!
Jul 19, 2014
Booshian Thank you! And your very welcome
Jul 16, 2014
Aww welcome! I just read "body image", but I'm too tired to review today *_* tomorrow! I just think that your comment threads are the cutest thing @wifikolton , welcome you too!
Booshian Thank you so much! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it awww yoooou stop *blushes* haha
Jul 16, 2014
Booshian Many thanks! I am loving it so far, everyone's absolutely lovely:)
Jul 16, 2014
Booshian Thank you newbie buddy I feel like less of a awkward noob now :3, ok game plan for today : three reviews then I'm uploading a sonnet! Thundrcats are goooo! Haha. How are you liking it on here so far?
Jul 16, 2014
wifikolton Same
Damn, you're moving way quicker than I ever will 0-0 I can't wait! Link me when it's up, okay?
Pretty good, everybody's so nice. You?
Jul 16, 2014
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You have probably gotten this a lot but Welcome to YWS! I hope you have fun writing and reviewing peoples works as well as joining in on all the fun competitions and other things we do here.
RoxieRain Oh and feel free to ask any question that you may have.
Jul 15, 2014
Booshian Another warm welcome is always appreciated! Thank you very much. I have a huge backlog of work from over the years that I have to upload so I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts
Jul 16, 2014
Booshian Thank you! This is a bit daunting I usually don't let people read my work but everyone seems very supportive!
Jul 15, 2014
ccwritingrainbow Well, on a site like, we are only trying to help each other
Jul 15, 2014
Welcome to YWS. I figured I would be the first to say hello and welcome you. I hope you like your new life! If you have any questions ask me, someone with a green username, or big brother.
Booshian I love it already! I hope to be a frequent user in the future. Thank you for the warm welcome.
Jul 15, 2014
Jan 20, 2015