So, it's almost the holidays soon. I have two months off. And I know to most people that would seem like a godsend, but in my case it is not. I won't be able to see my boyfriend for two month, and for five of those weeks I'll be unable to talk to him. I'll most likely be grounded for something I didn't do and will therefore be stuck in my house for at least half of it doing nothing being bored out of my mind. One of my best friends is going to Sydney for most of the holidays, probably, so I most likely wont be able to see her either. My brother is going to try persuade my mum to let me go down to my nan's for a few weeks after Christmas, but if that doesn't happen then I'll probably only have half a brain left after hitting my head against my wall for a source of entertainment.... Yay Christmas break!!
Nov 2, 2015
Yay Christmas break!!