What's up, gang? I just got back from doing nothing and decided to write something.
Roxanne Hey! Awesome to see you around again
Jan 15, 2024
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Hey man! Yeah....uh...I am back? Yeah I do not think you even remember me at this point. Anyway...I uh...found this meme. Also it is 55 degrees where you are. ha ha...it's 44 where I live.
TheCornDogEnthusiast Uh, yeah. I remember you, it's just been awhile since I posted.
Nov 14, 2023
Razor it has...it...has.
Nov 14, 2023
The Yellow: Chapter 2 is out! Hope you all enjoy. It's kind of a long one.
AkuRashomon oh, i didn't know it was out already because I'm busy but I will review that probably when I'm not busy<33
Aug 24, 2023
Experiences 10 and 12 are out! Both of them are in one post. Hope you all enjoy.
Sorry I haven't been active as much as I used to. Got abandoned on an island for a few days. Exp. 10 and 12 will be out soon, as well as Chapter 2 of The Yellow as well as a new project I'm calling Scuffed Up. It'll take the form of a collections of poem like structure. It's about a boy and his life throughout highschool. Some might recognize him from another story...
Experience 10 and 11 are up! Forgot I posted 10 a while back. Hope you all enjoy!
I'm glad that Experience 9 was in the literary spotlight! Sorry I was not there when it occured. Thank you all!
Experience Nine is out! Sorry it took awhile. Probably won't post Exp. 10 for awhile.
Probably gonna take a break from the site for a while just to get myself together. Don't know if anyone cares or not. Just don't expect anything soon.
Apr 13, 2024