blondeshorty01 your welcome!!!! ^.^
Jun 20, 2011
blondeshorty01 yay for Gorillaz!!!!!
Jun 3, 2011
Vramel Sugar Sugar; Sugar Sugar Ah Ah!
Jun 3, 2011
blondeshorty01 it was really good!!!
Jun 2, 2011
Hey! I just thought I'd drop a comment and say Gorrillaz rule. ^-^ 2D is my dude. Although, I would trade for Murdoc in the Clint Eastwood video any day.
blondeshorty01 haha! i <3 2D too!!!!!!!
May 26, 2011
Welcome! Thanks for the review! Well basically, the IRA were freedom fighters. I live very close to Ireland and random people were arrested and imprisoned in the name of the cause. Google it and you'll find out the sheer amount that were taken against their will and tortured and killed. And, If you liked it, could you please go back to the page and press like? I've got four and if I get more I may get it featured! Thanks! xxx
blondeshorty01 i will, but i didn't like it, i LOVED it!
May 18, 2011
AmeliaCogin Oh i'm so grateful thanks! Xxx
May 19, 2011
blondeshorty01 THANKS ME FRIEND
May 14, 2011
Jun 20, 2011