I'm losing control. One plot to the next without an actual story line... I'm lost..
Mikko You'll get used to it. xD
May 28, 2012
When I write, I get lost in the words. I don't stop til the words start to blur and then float across the page...
Yanni1995 Yeah sure... good luck!!
May 22, 2012
Nov 13, 2011
Hello! want to review my chapter two for me..?http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/viewtopic.php?t=89084
Lofty Oh. well that link failed:3
Nov 1, 2011
Soo Ally is chapter 12 on the way??? Im dyiing here u_u LoL Or are you still having your writers' block? :3
Yanni1995 I'm working on it... it's d last chapter then the epilogue... just wait okay?? then can you check out 'The Camping Trip'?
Aug 3, 2011
Doxie00 okay cant wait! and yeah ill check it right now!
Aug 4, 2011
school year ends tomorrow, now i got nothing else to do... i'd really like to write but i'm currently suffering a severe case of writer's block...
Lofty well, i have another week and a bit to go... so you can get to work get rid of that writer's block... it's infectious-- i've got a case too! XD
Jul 13, 2011
Yanni1995 yeah i know... i don't know why but i can't seem to find the inspiration to continue my old stories and yet i am urged to write new ones... stupid plot bunnies hopping all around in my head...
Jul 14, 2011
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Qoh16 Me 2!
Jun 19, 2011
Thank you so much for your review on my poem "Gummy Worms"! It's much appreciated.
Mar 26, 2020