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Young Writers Society


  • My Breakfast Egg

    Today I dropped an egg
    As I stared at the shattered pieces
    I cried.
    There was no need to
    The yolk wasn't broken.
    When I went to pick it up
    I fumbled with it,
    And still it didn't break
    It didn't break.

    A little poem that I just love that I wrote after... you know. 🥚

  • Happy cake day <33

  • Happy cake day!! Hope things are going awesome for you <3

  • RangerofIthilien
    Oct 11, 2024

    Happy cake day!!!

  • Starting my first day of musical theater college tomorrow... what even is happening

    KaeRae88 Ahh, goodluck!!
    Aug 25, 2024

    EllieMae Good luck!!
    Aug 26, 2024

  • I'm rereading three different books right now;
    1. Eragon (in audiobook form so I can do other things while also sort of reading)
    2. The Legend of Drizzt (books 1-3, I love this series so much please talk to me about it if you've read)
    3. The Count of Monte Cristo (kind of a weird addition but I love this book and I haven't read it for like six years plus the musical is craZy good)
    I don't know why I've decided to split my attention this way when I need to be packing for college (which is another crazy thing)

    TheMythMaster Ayyy I just read The Count of Monte Cristo!

    It is really cool.

    Aug 5, 2024

  • CRAZIEST D&D session just ended:
    1. Rolled a nat 20 DIRECTLY after a nat 1 (we also had high numbers of natural rolls from ALL of our party members)
    2. Went down twice, once from full HP at 97, and then from 13 in the NEXT TURN
    3. The great BBEG reveal finally happened and it was so horribly amazing

    (This session was also directly after going to ren faire so today was like the best ever)

  • Boop :)

    Wanted to talk to you about potentially joining an SB. Its a fairly new one that has quite a few free slots and it has some fantasy elements I feel are up your alley so thought I'd ask you if you'd like to join? :)

    The Battle for an Age Forgotten

    SoullessGinger The story seems SO cool and very up my alley!! I generally go for RPs that have a few less participants, and I'm in a couple at this point and I want to be able to give those my best <3 but thank u for thinking of me :)))
    Jul 28, 2024

    kaitlyn Of course <3
    Jul 28, 2024

  • thank you for the follow!

    SoullessGinger Of course!!! I was going through my followings and noticed I'd missed you 😭😭
    Jul 22, 2024

  • Just posted on my blog for the first time in ages...
    I think I'm gonna keep putting writing that I love, writing that I want to write, that I don't need feedback on there. Writing I want to share and know if it touches someone else. Anyway. That's enough being corny for today

  • y'all ever just:
    yay for people

  • Aww, thanks for the follow! ^^

    SoullessGinger Of course!! I feel like I see you around all the time so I figured why not :))
    Jul 20, 2024

  • Wait you guys I just had the most strange realization that I have in fact run a roleplay before, but it was while we were still in COVID isolation. So I didn't remember any of it. Soooo weird to just like,, not remember that.
    How goofy.
    Anyway, I guess Akhates will not be my first RP but my 2nd, whenever it goes up. I'll prob wait until after I get settled in at college and can figure out how much more I can take on.

    kaitlyn Omg I remember being in that xD
    Jul 20, 2024

    SoullessGinger @KateHardy Yeah i was glancing at it and it made me so nostalgic for the Land of the Eternally Bound. That was so fun. Genuinely could not have asked for a better intro to RPing
    Jul 20, 2024

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  • I think that if I don’t go to sleep
    I won’t have to wake up.
    I can stay in this hour
    When you are still just two miles away
    And I am still warm from today.

    I sit and think
    Or read or write
    And my eyes grow puffy
    My body begins to ache
    The sky begins to lighten
    The birds begin to sing

    But if I stay awake,
    I can stay in this night
    When you are still in your house
    Two miles away

    Tomorrow, tomorrow
    I will fly away from you
    And my house and my sister and my mother
    And even though I am flying to my dreams
    All I can dream of is being near you

    If I just stay awake
    Time will slow down
    She will wait for me to crawl into bed,
    And if I don’t,
    She will wait forever.
    I will never have to wake up
    And face a new day
    In which you are a thousand miles away
    Too far to see

    Messy little thing I wrote while trying to stay awake

    OrabellaAvenue Wait I love this so much
    Jul 20, 2024

  • Helloooo, I love Six

    SoullessGinger YESSS literally I'm obsessed with it, I just closed the show, it's all I can think. Whose ur fav queen?
    Jul 17, 2024

    winterwolf0100 I love K Howard, especially Samantha Pauly’s version. Who did you play?
    Jul 17, 2024

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"Beneath this mask, there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask, there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
— V for Vendetta