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It's Gift Giving Day! You can send up to 4 more free gift(s)! 553 gifts have so far been given away! Just 666 minutes remaining...

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  • ahhh happy (late) cake day, hailey!! 🎂🍰 hope it was your best yet! ^^

  • Hi happy cake day!♥

  • winterwolf0100
    Aug 10, 2022

    Happy birthdayyy!!

  • Mageheart
    Aug 10, 2022

    Happy birthday~! ✨🎊🎉

  • Hkumar
    Aug 10, 2022

    Happy Birthday :)

  • Obscura
    Aug 10, 2022

    happy birthday!

  • Hey guys! I know I haven't been on lately but I'm here again! And if y'all don't mind please check out my SB Erebus Kingdom! we lost a valuable person and need someone anyone. If you find yourself interested please message me or the SB's DT! Any one is welcome and we can talk it out. Its not gone very far RN bc I'm trying to get a double post out and were still at the begining.😁😅🍞🌈🍞🌈 and here's some gay bread. (Honestly if anyone gets where this is from I'm gun worship you. Hint its a streamers stream who I can't say but the words themselves comes from the account HarryNoxXD. :me:)

  • Thanks for the follow!!!

    Haileyg21 np
    Dec 17, 2021

  • HEY GUYS! So I haven't been on this sight all that much or very long but. I'm spreading the Christmas joy by My own gift giving. Anyone who receives a gift or points gets it for the things they do around the community or have helped me with something. As it is a gift No one can give it back (well there are ways around this statement like if i give you points blah blah blah)
    Yes YWS has its own gift giving and Christmas stuff this is my way of giving to a community that has given to me so much and has made me happy more often the not.

  • AlyTheBookworm
    Dec 8, 2021

    Thank-you for following me! <3

    Haileyg21 No problem. I love your picture
    Dec 10, 2021

  • Spoiler! :
    Why is high school so difficult. Im trying to sign up for the ACT and SAT right? and apparently I don't qualify as poor.. well lower middle class. Bc my dad just became a cop. So thats fun. So I'm in the middle of a mental break down over 120 dollars. I have to pay my school 120 dollars for one attempt at both of the test so 60 dollars each. But its gonna come out of my pocket money that I don't have so say good bye to collage and ever going anywhere with my life bc I'm broke and don't have a job...….
    Life's great guys how are you?

  • Have you ever thought that maybe life isn't what we believe it is. Like with all the fantasy stories and Genres of stories you think at least a small part of it would be real. Like where in the world do people come up with this. Like If werewolves, vampires or Aliens were real then.... that would open a whole new world of possibilities. Imagine the things that the world could do it they were. And the types of people who you would be able to meet.

  • Life full of adventure. Join the Erebus Kingdoms adventure to save their homes and families. Fallowing Prince Nox and his friends on their adventure.
    Story Book Erebus Kingdom is what I'm talking about. If you have any interest at all please look into it! Its worth it I promise


  • HEYO! So anyone who's interested should go look at the new storybook that I just set up. Its about a small group of friends that are trying to save their kingdom! From werewolves! Its called Erebus kingdom. I hope yall will check it out and Maybe enjoy it!
    Thanks and remember you are loved!

  • EsmerayaRose Good, you?
    Oct 21, 2021

    Haileyg21 I'm good @QueenMadrose Just trying to get through life. Ya know. ^-^
    Oct 22, 2021

The best speculative fiction peels your mind and shows you the familiar from a direction you have not looked in before
— Neil Gaiman