
Young Writers Society


Photo of Krupp

About Krupp

Been writing since the age of ten. Have written at least seven or eight novellas, and I finished my first novel, It's in the Blood, at 369 pages long.

Currently I am working on ideas, trying to push back writer's block. Listening to lots of extremely experimental music, and getting some results. My next novel is uncertain, but hopefully something will happen eventually.


Christ, Music, Writing, MMA, and Girls


Student and Music-Man.

I say Wolf, for all wolves are not of the same sort; there is one kind with an amenable disposition – neither noisy, nor hateful, nor angry, but tame, obliging and gentle, following the young maids in the streets, even into their homes. Alas! Who does not know that these gentle wolves are of all such creatures the most dangerous!
— Charles Perrault