
Young Writers Society


Drip Drip Drip (Prologue)

by xxxXanthexxx

Warning: This work has been rated 16+.

Drip Drip Drip



The railing brakes.

I fall.

Falling; falling through what seems like an endless void of nothingness. The world spins around me, a mixture of dull, blurred colours passing me for a brief moment as I fall.

My hand is outstretched towards the ledge from which I had fallen from but my fingers grasp onto empty air. I have fallen too far. It is as if the world is in slow motion. It is almost. . . peaceful.

CRASH! My body hits the ground and I am brought back to reality, staring up at the dark ceiling through strands of golden hair. My entire body is paralysed. I hear a small scream escape my lips as the pain spears through my bones. Every bone in my body must be broken. The pain proves that the fall had not been just a figment of my imagination but was in fact real. I can even feel the warm, wet, sticky layer underneath me. My blood. My clothes are soaked through with it. The dull, cracked walls of the mansion seem tall and the ledge distant. Had I really fallen that far? I refuse to believe it.

At the very edge of the ledge are seven silhouettes staring down at me. I know them well. They are all parts of me. The bad parts of me. . .

They are coming for me! Save me! Someone help! I can't die like this! Take me home! My eyes close without me asking them to. They are closed so tight it hurts but it saves me from seeing my surroundings.The blood is draining out of me and onto the wooden floorboards so fast that I must only have minutes left. My heartbeat pounds in my ears, fast, trying to burst free from my chest. Don't let it end like this. . .

Thump-thump. The first figure drops landing with a thud. My breathing stops. Thump-thump. The second drops. Each of the others drop one by one until finally, thump-thump, the seventh and final figure drops.

I force my eyes open, tears escaping with their opening. The tears fall, turning red and disappearing into the pool of blood the second they hit the floor. My eyes strain to see the figures that have dropped but they can just make out the outlines of their bodies. I stare at them trying to find an escape even though I know my bones are broken. There is no escape as they surround me in a circle. Seven pairs of glowing eyes, crimson in colour stare back at me from the darkness. I cannot look away.

My heart beat. Too fast. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

My breathing. Too rapid. One breath in, one breath out. Repeated faster and faster, over and over.

The blood. Too much. Too much. . .

Too late... My sight blurs as I realise I am unable to keep my eyes open any longer. I am being dragged into oblivion. Too late... My eyes close. The only sounds that I hear before becoming fully unconscious are the thundering of my heartbeat and the dripping of blood.


I wake up once again. Bright light shines down on me. Too bright. Why is it so bright? The white wall beside me is painted with red paint, still wet and running down the wall. The bed underneath me is hard and cold. Could it be metallic? A twist of my wrist tells me that every one of my limbs are tied somehow to the bed beneath me. A glance to either side of me confirms it. The bed I am on is not a bed but a metal table. Something is on my head too. Some type of helmet. A constant beeping noise can be heard. It seems distant but I know its not. Is that a heartbeat monitor? I can feel my heart thumping in my chest exactly in time with the beeping. My head starts to throb with every heartbeat.

Drip. Drip. Drip. Why does the dripping sound still continue? Drip. Drip. Drip.

The red paint. . . It is not paint. It is blood. . . I almost choke on my own vomit at the realisation. The loud, high-pitched scream of a girl breaks the silence in the room. The scream is my own. The beeping gets faster as I panic.

A crash and the door is thrown open. People in lab coats rush through it and soon fill the room. It is all a blur to me. I hear a bunch of accusing voices and snippets of conversations.

“Who was supervising her? Why aren't they here?” Says one flustered voice.

“Sedatives!” Screams another.

“This has never happened before!? How was I meant to know she would wake? None of the others did!” A male voices argues his innocence.

My body fights the ties that hold me captive. I thrash around on the table, trying anything and everything to break the ties. The screaming continues. The pain that shoots through my wrists and ankles and up my limbs is excruciating. I have to try to escape! What are they going to do to me?

My eyes grow wide as hands hold my thrashing limbs, forcing me to stop moving. A face enters my view, young and feminine.

“Quinn, I need you hold very still. We will make it better. We will take the pain away. Just hold on a second. It will all go away.” Her voice does not comfort me. It speaks lies! Don't listen to it, Quinn! They will never make it better!

There is a sudden smash and the room is now only half lit. Glass showers down from the ceiling like heavy rain. The screaming starts as the tiny glass fragments cut the doctors surrounding me. Despite the light breaking above my head, not a single piece of glass touches my skin.

The pounding continues as the needle is plunged into my arm.

My sight blurs as my eyelids close. Soon, everything turns to black.


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21 Reviews

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Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:01 pm
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SetSytes wrote a review...

I'm amazed you're only 15 as this is pretty great work. Certainly far better than what I or most of us were writing at that age. I think you're only going to get better and better. I couldn't find many flaws with this. I noticed a tiny grammatical mistake with 'seems distant but I know its not' - where its should be it's. Also there should be no capital letter after a quotation, as in "such and such!" screams so-and-so.
Also, I'm unclear why the wall would be wet with blood. Surely if she was in some hospital-like enviroment the doctors wouldn't have just left a wall covered in blood. How would it get there even? A strange place for blood to end up when she's on a bed. Perhaps these are all questions that will be answered.
Anyway, the writing was precise, suspenseful, dark and chilling. I like the powerful short sentences, something I use myself. Well done!

xxxXanthexxx says...

thanx :3 the blood thing was gonna be explained later on in the story, if I get to writing it. It's like this asylum place. people there are insane :/

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44 Reviews

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Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:47 am
NerdBird wrote a review...

Helping you with grammar/mistakes and the like here :)
Everything in ' ' is a word change or spelling correction :)

"Falling. falling through what seems like an endless void of nothingness." (Change of punctuation.)

"ledge from which I had fell(fallen? wrong tense.) I have fallen too far. It is as if the world was(is? wrong tense again^^)"

"CRASH. My body hits the ground and 'I' am back in reality"
"cracked walls of 'the' mansion seem tall"

"At the very edge of the ledge are seven silhouettes staring down at me. I know them well. They are all parts of me. The bad parts of me. . ." I LOVE this!
"find 'an' escape even 'though' I know my bones are broken."
"There is no escape for(as?) they surround me in a circle."

"A twist of my wrist makes(tells?) me that every one of my limbs"

"The pain that shoots 'through' my wrists and ankles and up my limbs"

Altogether a very intense piece, so much drama, so much panic! I want to jump right in there and help Quinn out!
I agree with all of Skim's comments too, just a few small changes will aid the direction and effect that you're hoping to achieve.
Look forward to reading more! I hope you to see more of your dramatic writing!

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Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:22 am
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shadowartist wrote a review...

This is a really good beginning to a story. It is very exciting and thrilling and I am left wondering what is about to happen next. The only things I really have to say grammatical wise is first off, replace those colons in the first paragraph with semicolons. And don't be afraid to shorten your paragraphs a bit. There are a few that are more than one paragraph.
But yes I did really enjoy it! I look forward to reading your other stuff!

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Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:07 pm
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emjayc wrote a review...

Hey there :)
I agree with skim's suggestions and believe they would improve your writing piece.
I really enjoyed reading the story and your use of present tense and first person suit it perfectly. Your description is great, especially when you describe the sounds that she hears.
It was suspenseful and kept me intrigued until the end. So far a great beginning!
I would give a more in-depth review of your grammar, but I can't at the moment. The other reviewers covered that for the most part though. Your errors were not too distracting, which is good.
Write more! :)

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Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:53 pm
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skim93 says...

Hi Xanthe,

An interesting prolouge, here are a few ways I think you might improve this piece. (This is all my opinion by the way).

1.) "fingers grab onto empty air" --> here you may want to use a better verb, maybe grasp? Grasping or any other verb that seems more desperate may provide better imagery.

2.) "The first figure drops landing gracefully on their feet with a thud" --> 2 things: 1) shouldn't it be "the first figure drops, landing gracefully on his/her/it feet with a thud" 2) the words here don't play as nicely as they should. Its hard to imagine something "dropping gracefully", and then you add the sound effect of "thud" which indicates a not so graceful fall?
-I think you should decide what effect do you want here? Some phantom like being perhaps descending toward the ground? Or do you want them falling and landing with a thud?

3.) "My eyes strain to see the figures from the ledge but they can just make out the outlines of their bodies" ---> here the way you phrase this is slightly confusing. I'm assuming that these figures are already on the ground, but then you describe them as figures from the ledge. Although its easy enough to understand you are describing them from before they fall to the ground, but this description is confusing at a first glance.

4.) "The pain that shoots my wrists and ankles and up my limbs does not matter but I scream anyway. I have no hope of escaping so what difference does it make if I try or not." --> this is an opinion by all means, but I feel like this last sentence contradicts the earlier two in the paragraph. She screams because she has hopes right? If she didn't, it sort of makes sense that she wouldn't try to get away.

Interesting start, would like to see this progress farther.

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Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:01 pm
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deleted5 wrote a review...

Hai! This is the AlexSushiDog here! I'll be reviewing you today :D
First off, I thought this was very good, I learnt a few things myself actually. Your varied sentence length, great and colourful vocabulary and the mystery of what the hell is going on, make for a very interesting read and a good hook. You got a very good balance of not telling and telling to keep the reader interested while also giving them a vague idea so they don't get confused.
You also seem to have a very good control over tension and fear and this prologue seems worthy of the title horror!
As always though, no novel is perfect:
"Take me home. . ." The ellipse would probably be better of being a exclamation.
"The white wall beside me is painted with red paint, still wet and running." Why would it "still" be running? Has Quinn been here before?
"It is not paint. It is blood." would probably be better of sentence structure wise being "It is not paint, it is blood..." But that is just my own opinion.
"It speaks lies! Don't listen to it, Quinn. They will never make it better. " Would make more sense with exclamation marks instead of periods.
Also the second half of it like @capriciouscoralyn said, would probably be better as a chapter 1.

Disregard all I have said if you want, some of the stuff might be on purpose for an effect I don't know.
I really enjoyed this read, it painted a rich picture in my mind filled with gore and fear! It was great! If this was a finished prologue I would definitely read the next chapter.
This is a great idea Xanthe, if you post another chapter I will be happy to review that too!
Good luck!

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Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:58 am
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capriciouscoralyn wrote a review...

Hello! This is Coralyn and here's my attempt of a review of this work of yours. It's still the prologue though so I can't say that I'm looking for an exact plot as I read through it. But for now, I shall leave the specific elements for later and point out some grammatical concerns (which I'm sure to be incomplete as for now).

"-- from which I had fell -- " in your fourth paragraph, if I counted right, should either be "I fell" or if you insist with "had," you might as well change it to "I had fallen"

For the next paragraph, "My body hits the ground and am back in reality" seems to point a bit of unparallelism since "am" doesn't refer to "I." So if we were to break it down into two sentences, it would be "My body hits the ground. My body am back in reality." which contains an error. So you could put "I" before "am back in reality." As for "in reality," I thought "to reality" was a better way to put it. In the same paragraph, you might consider "The dull, cracked walls of mansion" as "The dull, cracked walls of the mansion."

I didn't notice any more of these concerns so I better leave that. Or at least I didn't notice any more distinct since everything almost came out fluidly.

As for the work being a prologue, I thought that the part where she falls and the part where she wakes up were of different chapters. I mean, the first part could be the prologue and the rest would be chapter one because usually, a prologue depicts one scene. Plus, the latter part would do great as a first chapter. But I guess, the reason why they are squeezed into a prologue is because it is completely detached from the chapters, which I still have no idea about yet. Nevertheless, I like this. It leaves many questions and it could develop into a wonderful opening for a series of chapters. The readers are curious about Quinn which is good. Chronology-wise, it was perfect. Starting with a dream (or at least we don't know whether it was a dream or not) was a good way to go but we should have at least an idea why it was there in the first place. What does it reveal about the story? What was its purpose?

I look forward to this story nevertheless. I wonder what the prologue means so I'll be keeping an eye on your story for awhile if it justifies this well. Keep on writing! I like how fluid you write too, so I hope to see more of that! No awkward pauses well, at least until before she wakes up. The pause was needed there to construct a change of scene. (:

Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.
— Søren Kierkegaard