Hi there, just leaving a short review for your poem.
The rhyming of this piece, made it a bit sing-songy and fun to read. One problem I had while reading, was that the flow of the lines were a bit difficult to piece together in a way that made sense. This was partly due to a lack of punctuation marks. Also the topic sort of bounced from place to place. This poem covers a new theme in almost every line (identity, place, belonging, freedom, hate, dreams). I would suggest trying to figure out the theme or narrative you want to tell, simplify it, and then make the poem express that and take out anything that doesn't fit with that one vision. That way you don't have added information to distract readers from what you're trying to get across.
Overall, great start! I hope to read more of your writing in the future!
Points: 146400
Reviews: 1250