
Young Writers Society

Harry Potter fanfic

by vixeyt

Tonks stared at her reflection in the mirror. She looked almost as bad as she felt. Since Sirius dying everything had gone wrong. What had she done for all of this to happen to her? She hadn't done anything wrong, now that she thought about it. It was meant to happen. Maybe all of this sadness was to show her that life isn't a joke. To show her that though one may be sad about tragedys not close to them, they need to experience the tragedy themselves to be able to grow stronger, and fight better.

"Sirius, Dumbledore." She shook her head and a tear ran down her cheek. All of her sadness was, however, marked with something wonderfully happy. Lupin had eventually realized that Tonks would want him no matter what. That she loved him as much as Mrs Weasely loved her children and that Tonks felt the way that Fleur felt about Bill about him. They were, a merry couple wasn't the right phrase. More like a saddened couple, but a couple nonetheless who loved each other very much for Tonks was not the only one to love. Lupin loved Tonks although he had been very effective at hiding it. He had thought that rejected her would save her pain but it didn't. It only increased the pain she was going through.

" How are you?" Tonks turned away from the mirror to look at Lupin.

" Fine." She said quietly, her voice shaking slightly. Lupin walked over to stand beside her.

" You don't look fine. You look as if you've just been crying." Lupin spoke so softly that Tonks just wanted to confide everything to him, in his arms.

" True enough." Tonks lifted her wand to conjure a tissue which she was about to dab her eyes with to wipe away the tears. Before she could use the tissue however Lupin had taken it from her hands and was very gently dabbing her eyes and cleaning away the salty tears from her face. When he had finished both Tonks and Lupin looked at there reflections in the mirror.

" What's going to happen next Remus? Who's going to die next?" There was a sharp and upsettingly sad edge to her voice. She put her head on his shoulder, still staring at her reflection. He wrapped his arms round her and answered.

" I don't know."

The door creacked open and Hermioni poked her head round the door.

" Tea's.." Hermioni stopped speaking and smiled as she looked at Tonks and Lupin. Tonks head was resting on Lupins chest and her eyes were closed. Lupin had his eyes shut too and his arms were holding Tonks tighlty. They were lying on a the bed together and Hermionie softly shut the door behind her, not wanting to disturb them. She silently crept down to the kitchen.

" Are they coming?" Asked Mrs Weasley in a slightly harrased voice.

" They were sleeping." Hermionie whispered. Allthough Tonks and Lupin were upstairs in Tonks room, 4 flights of stairs up Hermionie still whispred. The reason for this being the sight was so beatuifal that it brought tears to her eyes. Tears of sadness and happiness. The tears of happiness for it was wonderful that such a beautifal thing as that could still exist during these dark times but tears of sadness because Hermionie did not know how long such beauty could remain.

" What's wrong Hermionie?" Asked Mrs Weasley kindly. Mrs Weasley waved her wand and a chair pulled itself out from under the table and waited for Hermionie to sit on it. Mrs Weasly drew up a chair for herself and sat down next to Hermionie.

" Nothing Mrs Weasley."

" It does not look like nothing to me." Said Mrs Weasley.

" Oh. It's just that how can something so beautifal as Tonks and Lupin last?" Mrs Weasley nodded her head in understanding.

" I know what you mean Hermionie. Remember this, even though we may be livng in dark and troubled times as long as humanity exists then beauty can and will be found." Hermionie smiled slightly and Mrs Weasley hugged her quickly. She stood up and started bustling around in the kitchen again.

" Can you do me a favour dear and go get Ron, Harry and Ginny?"

" Yes. Of course." Hermionie stood up and walked out of the kitchen and into the garden to get Ron, Harry and Ginny. They were practising Quiiditch and Harry and Ginny were trying to improve Ron's goalkeeping.

" RON! That was an easy save! How could you have missed it?" Asked Ginny angrily. Ron was the same shade of red as a quaffle.

" Well. That was a really easy save Ron. How could you have missed it?" Said Harry, trying not to laugh.

" I was distracted. By Hermionie." Ron pointed over at Hermionie who had walked over to where Ron, Harry and Ginny were on there broms. She had been standing watching them for about 2 minutes.

" Oh. Sorry. Your mother asked me to get you to come in for tea." Hermionie said sheepishly. She was very embarrassed and once she had said what she had been asked to say scurried away into some bushes nearby.

Hermionie was embarrassed beyond all believe. She sat down in the bushes and stared at the leaves all around her.

" Hermionie, what are you doing?" Asked Harry as he apperated next to Hermionie.

" Oh! Harry don't do that. You know how jumpy I am. What with Ron apperatingall over the place like Fred and George did just so he can prove that he can do it properly."

" I didn't know you were jumpy about apperating." Said Harry in a shocked voice.

" No. Harry.About other people apperating beside me. Not about apperating itself."

" Right got it. Anyway, back to the point, why did you tell us what Mrs Weasley had asked you to say and then dissapear inside these," Harry pluked a leaf from the small bush branches around them.

"Bushes." Harry finished.

" Well. I was a bit embarrased. I mean, because if Ron had turned round and said you distracted him when you were standing on the ground waiting for the right time to say you were wanted for tea and you were looked at by me and Ginny and Ron wouldn't you be just a tiny bit embarrassed?" Asked Hermionie.

" Yes." Harry answered.

" But I wouldn't dissapear into bushes now would I?" Said Harry in a wise voice. There was a loud crack and Ron appeared on Hermionie's other side. Hermionie jumped slightly when he appearted.

" What's up?" He asked. Harry grinned at Hermionie and disapperated with a small pop.

" Uh. Hermionie. You know that your hair is stuck to the branches?" Ron said. Hermionie patted her bushy hair and then moaned.

" Oh. No. It's going to take forever to get out and it's going to be so sore."

" Hey." Ron said. He took his wand out and waved it at Hermionie's head. The branches vanished.

" hanks Ron. I'd forgotten we're allowed to do magic outside of school now."

" That would explain why you haven't been apperating and disapperating."

" Yes it would Ronald. It would." Said Hermionie. She disapperated leaving Ron sitting in th bushes by himself. Harry appeared next to Ron. He was grinning.

" What?" Ron said questiningly.

" What's all this with vanishing the twigs and branches and leaves in Hermionie's hair?" Asked Harry. The grin was still on his face.

" Don't know what your talking about." Ron said haughtily s he disapperated.

" Someone likes Hermionie." Sang Harry gleefully. He disapperated.

Tonks opened her eyes and yawned wildely. She streched her arms out and fell off the bed. She stood up and brushed herself down. She looked at the bed expecting to see Lupin but he wasn't there.

" We must have slept for quite a while." She said. She walked outof the room, shutting the door behind her and down into the kitchen were Mrs Weasley and Hermionie were engaged deeply in coversation.

" Hi." She said brightly. When Mrs Weasely and Hermionie looked up she waved at them. Mrs Weasley sprang up from the chair and immediatly began to busy herself with pots and pans.

" Evening Tonks." Said Hermionie. She pulled up a chair at the table for Tonks to sit on. Tonks sat on the chair.

" Molly."

" Yes dear." Said Mrs Weasley kindly. She had just cracked eggs into a bowl and was watching the whisker whisk them until they were fluffy enough to be put in the pan to fry and make scrambled eggs.

" Do you know where Remus is?" Asked Tonks.

" He didn't say. He just came down for a bite to eat about 20 minutes ago and then walked out the door."

" Oh. Ok." Said Tonks, crestfallen.

" But he said he should be back in 2 days." Added Hermionie quickly.

" Why couldn't he wake me and tell me himself."

" I asked him the same thing myself and he said he didn't want to wake you because. Well, he thought you were so beautifal and peaceful that he didn't want to disturb you to tell you something so trivial as that when you could easily be told by someone else." Mrs Weasley sat down at the table and handed Tonks a mug of tea.

" Drink it up. You look a little whiter than usual."

" Molly. I've just been sleeping." But Mrs Weasley wasn't listening. She was spooning scrambkled egg onto a plate which she laid in front of Tonks along with a fork.

" Eat up." Mrs Weasley walked out of the kitchen leaving Hermionie and Tonks on there own. Tonks started eating the scrambled egg whilst Hermionie sat there in silence. Just as Tonks had finished her scrambled egg, Harry walked into the kitchen and pulled up a chair next to Hermionie.

" Hello Tonks." He said happily.

" Wotcher Harry." Tonks answered. She sat back in her chair and let out a sigh.

" What's up with you?" Asked Harry.

" Still a bit sleepy Harry. She's just woken up."

" I wondered where you'd gone to. I thought you might have liked to join Me, Ginny and Ron for a round of Quidditch."

" Never was that good at Quidditch Harry."

" Hey, Tonks did I tell you about Ron?" Asked Harry exitedly.

" What?"

" Me and Ginny think he likes Hermionie." Tonks and Hermionie looked at Harry in confusion.

" Of course he does Harry. He likes you too."

" No, no." Said Harry in a tone of voice which suggested that both Tonks and Hermionie were stupid.

" Ron likes you Hermionie, in the way that I like Ginny." Tonks was just about to take a small sip of tea but ended up taking a big gulp and she started to gag. When she had finished she massaged her throat.

" Harry. Can you maybe not say something like that when someone's drinking hot tea." Hermionie said irritably. " And what's this about Ron liking me the way you and Ginny like each other?"

" Ask him yourself. He's right behind you." Said Harry smugly.Hermionie blushed a bright shade of magneta as she spun round in her chair to see Ron, standing behind her. His hands were gripping her chair and his knuckles were white.

" Hello there Ron." Tonks said brightly. Ron hardley took any notice of Tonks. He was staring at a dirty patch on the kitchen wall behind her.

" Hello Tonks." He said mechanically.

" Ron. I think Hermionie wants you to let go ofher chair." Ron stopped staring at the dirty patch on the wall and instead stared at Hermionie. She was sturggling to rip the chair from Ron's grasp. She was unsuccesful and as she gave up and slumped back in the chair, sighed.

" Hermionie. Apparate and dissapearate is no legal." Harry said slowly and loudly so Hermionie could understand him.

" Harry." Hermionie said sharply. There was a crack and she had dissapeared. Ron sat down on the chair Hermionie had been in moments before.

" Harry." He croaked.

" Yep." Harry said happily.

" What are you saying to Hermionie that I like her when I don't."

" Oh come off it Ron. Honestly. Your as bad as Ginny was for telling me that she liked me. Everyone knows that you like Hermionie. You would either have to be blind and deaf or Hermionie not to notice it." Ron's eyes flicked back to the dirty patch on the wall. There was a small pop and Ron's view of the wall was blocked by Hermionie. She had just apperated onto his knee. There was a few minutes silence and no one moved.

" Oh. I'm so sorry Ron." Hermionie jumped off Ron's knee suddenly and stood next to Ron sheepishly for a few minutes.

" Oh. Is that Ginny calling me?" Hermionie said in a voice which suggested that Ginny wasn't calling her and that she was really just wanting a way out of the ituation she was in.

" I'm going to see what she wants." Hermionie dahsed out of the kitchen.

" How come you didn't push her off Ron?" Asked Harry. A wide grin was plastered on his face.

" Shut up Harry." Ron said. He was back to his usual self and he followed Hermionie out of the kitchen leaving Harry and Tonks.

" Seems that you and Ginny and I and Remus aren't the only romances blosseming around her." Tonks said happily. There was a sunny smile on her face and her hair suddenly changed from the stringy blonde it was to a bright, bouncing green. Tonks stood up from her chair.

" Do you think green's my colour?" She struck a pose and Harry laughed.

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Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:06 pm
ginnyp0tter says...

watch the grammer and editing again, but it was good. try spell-check if you have a word processing software that has a good one.
love the scenes with tonks!

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Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:08 am
mizz-iceberg says...

I LOVE HP too!! :) enjoyed you writing!!

Find wonder in the everyday, find everyday language to articulate it.
— Maurice Manning