Hi there, once again! Ellie here again to leave a review on these lyrics of yours Let's jump right in to the review!
Take away all of my pain
Make me laugh again
Stuff my face with your candy
Want to die in sugary oblivion
One thing that I noticed that you did really well was maintaining a theme and mood for this piece. Right from the start we see this clown theme. You mention laughter and candies, but also with this bit of a dark twist. We mention dark from this sugar and in the next parts of the poem, you talk about wanting to be hugged and squished until your organs come out of your body. What I love about this is how creepy it is, but also it is speaking of love, perhaps in the only way that someone understands. I love it! Also the Spanish aspect was a nice touch too.
You’re sweet and you’re sour
Mi payaso, mi amor
You’re a friend and you’re a foe
Mi payaso, mi amor
You know how to rid me of my woes
I adore your use of opposite words here! And the repeated Spanish in between the lines was awesome. Sweet and sour, both opposites, but we are describing the same person. Maybe they can be kind, but also terrible at times. A friend and a foe, makes sense. Nice work on this formatting too. It is simple.
They tell me you don’t exist
You tell me you only want to kill kids
Who cares what they say? Who cares what you are?
I’ll let you end me
Together, you and I will stay
Make me feel young again
And I loved this whole section as well, because we really see some of the evilness. "You only want kids" sounds like a kidnapper. This reminds me of one of those stories where a victim falls for their kidnapper. Overall, this was incredibly well written. Probably the best lyrics of yours I have read (though they are all incredible) just because of the added Spanish, asking questions, and the creepy but romantic mood. Great work!!
Your friend,
Points: 59705
Reviews: 613