Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),
Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!
Anyway let's get right to it,
Once upon a time,there was a vampire named Ipos.He was happily in love with a woman named Moira Higgins,a witch.He thought she loved him too.They dated for an extremely long time.They even had a kid together.A girl named Vanessa.
But Moira broke up with him,stating that she only needed him to help her have a child.
He was crushed.He loved her dearly and she didn't love him back?!
Ipos left her,but he changed.He wanted the whole world to suffer from pain.Pain that he was feeling from having to leave his beloved and his daughter behind.
So,he started a cult.A vampire cult.A cult that would consist of vampires and kill to gain power.
After some time with the cult,Ipos recruited Auirella,a woman he had been watching for awhile.She was brave and clever.Perfect for the cult.
He made sure Auriella would join him,even if it was unwillingly.Why should he care? He didn't want to break up with Moira and he did.People deserved to suffer,like him.
Ahhh here I am back at yet another origin story and somehow this one manages to be different yet again. This is definitely the first time I've heard of vampire cults being involved with one of your stories if my memory serves me currently and once I'm again I'm just sort of blown away by the variety of things you manage to come up with.
This one has an interesting arc too. It seems to be yet another case of someone leaving their significant other but this time it seems we have some sort of very clear path with this one deciding to plot revenge and from the looks of it actually spread the pain that he's feeling not just to the person that caused him that pain but to anyone that he ends up encountering.
I like how different it ends up making him feel so different to some of the others because its not just a thought or a quiet acceptance but instead he's very much going in with malicious intent and you can see he really wants the world to pay for all the things he ended up suffering from there.
Aaaaand that's it for this one.
As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.
Stay Safe
Points: 310223
Reviews: 4377