
Young Writers Society

chapter 13 and 14 and 15

by tigs6969

They are all small so i put them together, the last last chapter was just put there for randomness cause I wanted a horse chapter :P

and yes the real ending is evil :P but lol it works up into the 2nd book

Chapter 13: The true end? We will see wont we in short amount of time

I woke up very quickly after getting knocked out. I had a dream about killing some fucking midget with a chainsaw at the same place I got knocked out at. It was some strange shit, I mean, a midget with a chainsaw; it’s like a baby with a tower in its hand.

I came to and looked around. I was at the top of a tower, naturally, and there was the main asshole looking at me. He was a normal looking guy, slick black hair, short as Hell, blood red eyes and he was wearing a black and green combination of clothes. “Ay, shithead, you butt licker! What the fuck did you do this shit to me for? This is a load of shit! I hate you, fucker! This bottle is gonna rape you so damn hard it’s gonna be like you’re begging for it when it comes. I swear to God, you piece of shit, you wait. In ten minutes you’re gonna be praying to every God ever made, because I am gonna do so many things to you,” it came blurting out of me. The sight of this prick was enough to piss me off beyond belief, and if I wasn’t tied down, like I always am, I would’ve ripped his head off and pissed in it and drank the piss blood combination, but just wait and see.

He walked towards me and smiled an ugly toothless grin. “Well, Tigs, you foulmouthed fucker, nice of you to fucking join me finally. I knew that little midget prick wouldn’t be able to handle you, no, that’s my job. He didn’t even soften you up, but never mind. How the Hell did you kill him while you were knocked out? That stupid goddess bitch helped you probably. Ehhh, well, fuck it, you’re here now, right for the destroying,” he looked down at me and smiled once again. “I love this part. The part where the bad guy always wins! It’s just so damn fun.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red bottle. “This is full of lava; this will make sure you don’t ever win. You can’t ever win. Never, fucker, never,” he said jumping for joy.

Seriously what the fuck?


Not from Tigs Memory Part 6

The goddess got up and looked down at the tower. This is the end of Skillbi; I’ll make sure of that. Oh fuck, he’s got Tigs. Shit! “Charlie, come here,” She said to a beautiful blue and green bird shark combination. As he rose his feathers fluttered all around him giving him a graceful but hideous look.

“Yes, your Highness?” he said flying over to her, his shark face serious looking.

“Tigs is in danger, we must go to Plan B. You must act straight away or all that is, will be finished in a matter of minutes,” she said quickly to him.

“It will be done, your majesty,” the bird said starting to fly downwards towards the top of the gigantic tower surrounded by the fires of Hell. Skillbi doesn’t know what he is doing she thought to herself.


From Charlie’s Memory

Yes, I know he doesn’t, your majesty I thought back to the goddess.

Shit. I looked down and saw Skillbi with the lava bottle in his hand. Do I take it now, majesty? No, not yet, we have to keep time going. If you snatch it out of his hand straight away who knows where it can fly. You know what must be done, Charlie, do not try to get out of it. Once the bottle is open you must eat it. That has always been Plan B, so stick to it. Yes, your majesty. I flew closer down, waiting for him to open it, but he sure was taking his damn sweet time. All he was doing was bloody dancing. Stupid git.

Finally, he opened it. I swooped right down and saw him tipping it over Tigs. Fuck the universe, this is my damn body, not yours, queen bitch, and I’m not giving it up for any reason at all. What are you doing, Charlie? You must eat it. The fate of the universe is at stake for fuck sake. Like I give a shit, I have been a stool boy for too long, well, not anymore. I flew back up towards the goddess’ tower. I looked in and she looked horrified. I licked my lips and pounced onto her. Her head was gone into my stomach in a flash.

Bye-bye bitch.


Back to Tigs Memory, I forget which part well you guys can fill it in if ya want k?

I heard a horrible scream come from above the tower and something in my mind said “Bye-bye, bitch.” I looked up and saw this evil thing with the bottle in hand tipping it over me. The lava started falling on me and next thing I knew I felt pain, but not like when Joey attacked me, this was brutal pain. I looked up at Skillbi expecting him to be happy as Hell, but he was screaming as well. Over his screaming I heard a loud rumbling. I looked up and saw a big fiery thing coming towards the planet.

Chapter 14: The true end is an even shorter story

“SHUT UP! He’s waking up. Just be damn quiet, so he doesn’t get scared off. Hey, I’m talking to you. Quiet, Joey,” I heard voices around me, familiar voices. I roused awake and opened my eyes. I looked around and saw I was in my room in the ship. Everyone from Tylon, well, as many as could fit in there, was looking at me.

“What is going on?” I asked out loud. Joey stepped forward to answer this question, “You were in a coma. It was a bloody long coma also. Seemed to be about five hundred years. The coma happened after you took that strange flight. No one remembers anything. We tried everything possible to wake you, but nothing seemed to. You were making loads of noises while in the coma, like you were on some adventure. Me and Seven never left your side, well only to go to the toilet. You gave us all quite a scare but, we are just so glad you‘re back,” he rushed forwards and hugged me. Well, everyone did, they all came up to me and hugged me. Frankly I was worried this was all a load of crap.

“Where is Amy?” I asked looking around the room.

“Um, well, when we all woke up, she was nowhere to be found, we searched high and low, but no trace of her,” I looked around for my chainsaw and saw it lying on the side of my bed. I got off the bed and stood next to it. “We left your chainsaw in here, we didn’t want a familiar friend leaving your side,” Joey said gladly.

“Thanks,” I said to them all. I picked it up and started it up. No need to say what I did, ay?

“HEY, DAD!” I look up and see Seven in front of me at her control panel. We are about to go for the big space trip. I must’ve dosed off. I look at her and she seems very angry at me. “Finally you wake up, I‘ve been screaming at you to wake up for a while now,” she says to me. “Let me ask you again. What music do you want for this flight?”

“Metal,” I say to her.

“Thought so,” she says to me and starts up the engine with a beautiful metal piece I created starting our adventure.

The True End

Chapter 15: The Horse Fucking

The horse looked around. No pussy around here he said to himself. As he watched the soft breeze in the meadow, there was still no pussy in sight.

He stayed there for days and days, his big pulsating cock swinging, between his legs, from side to side like a tail just a really big and long tail. My how that cock was huge: it never ended. It was so long that he had to dig a hole in the ground for it to fit so he didn’t feel the pressure of it. 500 feet it went until it was, finally, happily resting in the dirt.

The cock swung from side to side underground and this removed most of the dirt the horse was standing on.

Woe is me he thought as he started to tumble. Maybe in the molten lava below the earths crust will there be pussy. Lava pussy he thought as he showed his buck teeth.

Unfortunately for him, as he fell, his gigantic pulsating cock went into the molten lava below and so did he.

Mod edit: Rating changed to R due to language.

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Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:08 pm
tigs6969 says...

if anyone does actually read it all and wants to read the 2nd book pm me and ill upload it

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Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:07 pm
tigs6969 says...

bla so it seems no one was interested in my story?

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Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:56 am
tigs6969 says...

TL G-Wooster wrote:O hai. ^^

It's very hard to get a clear picture of what's going on as I don't have the previous chapters, but even so, it's worded a little strangely and you switch tenses.

At the beginning you're in past:

I woke up very quickly after getting knocked out.

and then you change to present in the middle of a chapter:

“Metal,” I say to her.

The ending with the horse seems extremely random and just thrown in as an attempt to get a laugh.

What instantly detracted from this, though, was the excess of foul language. That may be just me, but if I look at a page and see that almost every other word is a curse, it doesn't immediately make me want to read it. Like the horse at the end. It was so random, it seemed as though you were being coarse just for the sake of being coarse.

I know that other people probably wouldn't be bothered by it, but still. Unless bad language is a fundamental part of your character, there's no point in throwing loads of it about. It seems amateur, as though you haven't got a wide enough vocabulary to express yourself without it. And it scares away your more sensitive potential readers. ^^

the tense changing was sposed to happen as he just woke up from a dream :P i took the cowards way out and made the whole story a dream in the end.
the swearing is there cause its meant to be as the character is a foul mouthed prat. (read the whole story itll give you the whole idea)
and the horse thing was written while i was completely hammered one night and i thought i need a horse chapter for this book and yes it was meant to be random. and yes it was also meant to be coarse just to be coarse :)

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Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:26 pm
Twit wrote a review...

O hai. ^^

It's very hard to get a clear picture of what's going on as I don't have the previous chapters, but even so, it's worded a little strangely and you switch tenses.

At the beginning you're in past:

I woke up very quickly after getting knocked out.

and then you change to present in the middle of a chapter:

“Metal,” I say to her.

The ending with the horse seems extremely random and just thrown in as an attempt to get a laugh.

What instantly detracted from this, though, was the excess of foul language. That may be just me, but if I look at a page and see that almost every other word is a curse, it doesn't immediately make me want to read it. Like the horse at the end. It was so random, it seemed as though you were being coarse just for the sake of being coarse.

I know that other people probably wouldn't be bothered by it, but still. Unless bad language is a fundamental part of your character, there's no point in throwing loads of it about. It seems amateur, as though you haven't got a wide enough vocabulary to express yourself without it. And it scares away your more sensitive potential readers. ^^

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