Hey there texmex. I'm on a campaign for revmo to give reviews to all the wonderful pieces of poetry, that never quite got them in the past.
I always jump to recommending this first but stanzas are what you need here. I'm surprised that no one pointed this option out to you in the previous reviews, considering recommending stanzas is a standard in my time. I think this might be your first and only piece on the site, so you might not have been too familiar with formatting poetry.
Stanzas and more punctuation are the easiest ways out that I see here, formatting wise. There's equal work to be done on the formatting and the content. The formatting is just the first thing that the reader really notices, before they even get a chance to start reading through the thoughts presented. I don't mean to say that you have to write for an audience but that is the best way to imagine it when writing a piece of poetry.
How would the audience react to this?
You've got a lot of strong, emotional lines here but they're just very overlapping. Way too many ideas going on at once and this is an issue that can't be fixed just by rearranging some lines. This takes serious thought and a bit of removal to get that clean and finished product.
So I like the concept idea.
Some strong points.
Just needs a bit of editing work when it comes to the wording and formatting.
Happy revmo.
- lizz
Points: 650
Reviews: 766