
Young Writers Society

Asylum Part 1

by shutdownpupppymills

“Can you tell me what happened?” The man across from me asks me in a fake soothing voice. I just stare at the pimple that is pulsing on the tip of his nose. His greasy hair fell over his eyes and he pushes his glasses up to the bridge of his nose. “Serenity? Can you answer me?” I narrow my eyes, my arms folded over my chest.

“Why should it matter? I’m going to the Looney bin anyways.” I said my expression on my face blank.

“You are not going to the Looney bin. We just need to know what happened so we can figure out what mental state you are in.” I sighed and looked away, thinking of the events that happened early that day.

It was the beginning of the school week and it had already been rotten. I woke up late this morning and missed the school bus so I had to walk to school in the rain. By the time I walked the three miles to school, my shoes were like heavy cement blocks around my ankles. My black curly hair was now plastered against my cheeks making it heavier with every rain drop. Groaning, I pushed my bangs away from my eyes and trudged to the front steps of the school. A splash behind me made me stop, I know that stomp. Oh great, it’s Marybeth. Gulping, I turned around to face her. “Your late freshman,” She said in her man voice.

“Yea so, I-I slept in late.” I stuttered as I shifted my back pack to my other shoulder. I blinked away the water on my eyelashes and stared at her.

“You know what I do to people who are late.” She growled and took a step towards me. I nodded and looked around, the clock on the tower said quarter to seven. I have fifteen minutes to get to my first hour class. If I don’t get away now, my punishment would come. I stared at my shoes and I bent over and took them off so I could run faster. This was not the smartest idea I have ever done. While I was bent over, Marybeth came and kicked me right over. I landed on my back with the wind knocked out of me. I sat up but was kicked down again. Gritting my teeth, I held in a scream and took what I deserved. The kicking and punching and being stomped on seemed to last forever, finally I heard the warning bell, and it was five to. When the bell rang I heard Marybeth clop away with her heavy feet. I lied still, waiting for my body to give up. But my brain kept sending signals about pain. I closed my eyes and covered my head with my backpack and waited for the day to end.

But the day didn’t end. I felt a tap on my shoulder and my backpack being lifted off of my face. “Hey you, get up and get to class.” My eyes snapped open and I turned and attacked the unidentified person behind me. I sat on their chest and just knocked the snot of them. I got up and kicked their sides and stomped on them, just like what Marybeth did. I walked away, turned and ran quickly ready to land on them, but hands grabbed me and I almost fell. I kicked and screamed and swore as I was sat down on the front steps. I heard screams, and crying. People were asking me questions but I just curled up, covered my eyes and blocked out the world around me.

“Serenity, come back. Please answer my question.” I blinked back and I looked back at the man in front of me.

“I didn’t mean to do anything.” I answered finally, “I was late for school and Marybeth attacked me first.” I looked down and played with my hands. “I thought it was Marybeth coming back to finish the job. I didn’t mean to do it!” I screamed and fell of my chair and coiled up into a ball on the cheese colored carpet.

“Why did Marybeth attack you?” He asked me writing down notes on a clip board.

“I don’t know. I was late for school. I deserved it.”

“Why were you late for school?”

“I-I,” I paused, “I slept in late.”

“Really?” He said slowly, more of a statement not a question.

“Yes.” He nodded slowly and scribbled some more notes. “So I answered your question.” I stood up, getting ready to go.

“Sit down Serenity.” He ordered and I did as I was told. “Your mental state is not stable. I’m going to have you stay at a hospital over night for observation.”

“No way am I staying in a Looney bin.” I objected standing up slamming both hands on the table.

“Its not a Looney bin. It’s just a normal hospital. We just have to make sure that you don’t have any after shock.” He said calmly handing me a glass of water. It wasn’t even a glass, it was a foam cup. I snatched the cup from him and swallowed it in one gulp, and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

“Just one night, no more” I growled, “Or you’re going to lose your job.” He nods and scribbled it down. The door opened and a large woman with broad shoulders came in and took my upper arm and literally dragged me out of the room.

We pushed through a couple of doors that we had to be buzzed to be let in. I looked down the long white florescent lit hallway as the doors opened. I felt my cheeks flush of panic as we started down. The guards to my left and to my right stared straight on, not even acknowledging me. As we walked, I looked into the small windows of the rooms. Little kids up to adults sat, locked up, in a solitary room with white rooms just like the hallway. A young girl, only about four, ran up to the door and peered out, her cheeks stained with tear trails. Her mouth was moving but I couldn’t hear what she was saying. I tried to stop but I was just pushed along. A teen girl about 13, my age, sat on her bed wearing only a hospital gown was rocking back and forth on the green plastic mattress on the iron rod frame. Her long blonde hair was covering her face but I could see her lips moving. The next room had a little boy, not even a year, who was sitting in a crib. He didn’t have a blanket, or a pacifier. Just the same mattress like every other room. We just kept walking past the other rooms.

As we got to the end of the hallway, we turned a corner and buzzed through the next set of doors. This was a larger room and there were many more guards and some typing at desks. We stopped at the first counter and I was told to sign a bunch of papers and had my fingerprints copied and my picture taken. We continued to the next counter, which I was searched and given new clothes. I changed into the oatmeal colored scrubs and my shoes were taken and replaced by slippers. This caught me off guard because I was only supposed to stay here for only one night. The next counter I was given my room number, my room was number 999. How many rooms does this place have? I thought as a different nurse escorted me to the female ward level 2. Level two was set for serve mental patients. Why was a being sent up there? There is nothing wrong with me. Or is there?

As my information was being processed, I was given a tour of where I was allowed to go without an adult and where I cannot go without an adult. The common places where the lobby, cafeteria, hallways, nurses’ station and rooms. Places I couldn’t go by my self where the treatment rooms, nurses’ office, men ward, kitchen, and the physical training and treatment room. I was only allowed to see the various cases of insane men during lunch or when we are allowed to be outside for good behavior. I know I’m not going to be able to go out because my behavior is going to be shocking.

My first day at the Looney bin was lonely. I sat on the hard bed and stared at the walls. When I was in my room, I had to wear the ugly checkered hospital gown and I had to wear the scrubs when I was outside of my room. I scratched at the rash I was getting on my back from the fabric of the gown. I rubbed my back against the smooth wall which didn’t really help. I quickly switched to my scrubs and walk out of my room.

As the door closed behind me with a click, I stared down the hallway. Both sides were empty, except the soft murmur that came from the room beside me. I tiptoed up to the window and peeped into the little window. Helia sat on her bed; her legs were swinging back and forth while her head was bent down. She looked up and saw me, and smiled. Her smile was not a smile. The doctors where thought that they would be a weapon to her and removed all thirty-two teeth, without anesthetic, and due to this painful operation she could not talk anymore. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her so I continued down the hall to the nurses’ station.

Sitting at the desk, was the head nurse. Tama looked up from her work to look at me. “What can I do for you Serenity?” She asked me, and inhaled on her cigarette.

“I need to see the doctor.” I said coughing a little form the smoke. Tama nodded and slide the bullet-proof glass window closed and came out. I followed her to the back room and sat on the rigid wooden table.

“What is wrong?” She asked her voice mono-tone.

“I have a rash on my back from the hospital gown.” I explained twisting my arm around to scratch at it.

“You cannot get a rash from the gowns.” She chuckled and wrote it down.

“Well, I’m allergic to the material.” I stated raising my voice.

“Calm down Serenity. I’ll have the doctor look at your back.” As if on cue, the doctor walked in wearing the creepy white shirt with the black apron.

“Well Serenity, what’s the matter today?” He asked me bending down to look into my eyes.

“The-the hospital gowns you-you make me wear are giving me a rash.” I stammered, as he made me lie down on my belly. He lifted up my shirt and looked at the rash that started on my upper neck and all the way down my back and around my sides. His cold hands felt good against my scorching skin.

“I see.” He muttered as he turned to the tray of tools next to him. “This may hurt.” He said as he brought the scalpel down to my back.

“Wait! What are you going to do?” I asked, panic settling in my stomach.

“I need to eliminate the blisters that are on your back. You have put them there.”

“No I didn’t. The gown did.”

“Do not blame an inanimate object Serenity.” His tone stern, “Now stay calm and quite.” I took a deep breath as I felt the blade put pressure on my spine. Roaring pain shot up my spine as it exploded. I screamed out, jerking my body away from him. “Serenity, darling, this isn’t going to get better it you don’t stay still.” His fake voice didn’t work with me; I jumped off the table and ran to the door. I tugged and pulled and twisted the doorknob but it wouldn’t open. I screamed as he came towards me, and one of my kicks connected with one of his shins. He grunted and took a hold of me.

“No!” I screamed, “Let me go!” He placed me on the table, one hand on my neck another strapping me to the table. The leather rubbed against my bare back making the pain worse. I kicked my feet up while my mouth was slammed against the stiff table. The racket caused a nurse to come in with a gag in his hand. The nurse wrapped the thick gag around my mouth and walked away letting the doctor finish. The bursting of the blisters was unbearable and soon the cloth in my mouth became sour and wet with saliva and tears.

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Points: 890
Reviews: 2

Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:56 pm

Thanks guys. Thanks for the tip, i am going to explain Serenity's relationship with Marybeth. Thanks for the help! Part two coming soon!

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541 Reviews

Points: 370
Reviews: 541

Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:09 am
Lauren2010 wrote a review...

Woah. That's so creepy. But in a good way! It's a different type of story, which is good. Variety is the spice of life they say.

I didn't understand exactly why Marybeth felt the need to attack Serenity for just being late, maybe you should elaborate on that.

Gramatically speaking, there weren't many errors I caught. But I think I ran across some tense changing errors. You switched between was and is when it should have probably been is. Maybe read through and check it. (I would quote some parts but I have yet to figure out how...)

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86 Reviews

Points: 2608
Reviews: 86

Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:38 pm
borntoshop wrote a review...

WOW! what can i say?

I think this is good and it is very violent and strange. But in a good way.
I found it strange how the girl at the start marybeth started to kick her.
Also what the doctors are doing to Serentiy now. Either way i think it is very
good and it kept me gripped the whole time.
I love your starting for that im going to give you a gold star.

You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot stop Spring from coming.
— Pablo Neruda