
Young Writers Society

Random story I got one night

by sephalump

Ok, so this is really only the second time that I've sat down and wrote. Its honestly not that good but I was told I should put it up for anyone's opinion. The plot is still underway, but it starts off with a group of boys imprisoned for being flame elementals so they can be studied. They've been tortured and neglected. The three center characters so far are Ezalp, who's oddly cool-headed for a flame. A bit powerful overall but nothing extravagent thought his powers grow. He's 15 at the start of the story. Iggy: a young boy who was taken in by the other two when he'd accidently lit a day care center on fire because one of his toys were stolen. And last but not least: Azul, he's one of the rare dying Saphire Flames. They're more powerful than any other breed except black. He's cocky and arogent at a whole 16 years of age. Also has no problem with violence. So without further stalling here we go?

Ezalb paid close attention to the rythmic taps against his cell wall. "We need out of here," they translated to. He stretched, discreetly keeping an eye toward the black sphere centered on the ceiling. With his back arched and arms extended he rapped out "You think I don't know? Stop being so headstrong."

"I know you know," came Azul's taps, "but it needs to be soon. Lil one isn't taking well to this and Ignites whenver he feels helpless. For Emalf's sake he's been doused out four times this week."

Ezalb let out a whimper. Poor Iggy. A whole seven years old and living through hell for being what he was born. Slowly he repositioned, sitting against the wall and banging his head back, "We need a plan first"

"I've got a plan." He could almost imagine the cocky tone in those words. Ezalb banged his head back harder, thanking Emalf his bone was harder than any brick but still cursing because his ears rang and vision blurred, "NO" Azul let out an annoyed sigh, "It isn't suicide. I can take all of them no problems. I'm not afraid of their squirt guns."

"Even for you that's a dumb thing to even think," he laid down, resting his head on a pillow. His body was positioned to hide one hand from the watching sphere above him, "Besides. We'd be helplessly caught. I doubt Lil could manage to repel water, let along for minutes straight. Just wait. We'll come up with something."

Azul let loose a primal growl.

"We don't have time," from what Ezalb could tell the last tap was done by a fist.

Ezalb sighed in understanding. He wanted out too. Six months in this hell hole was too much to ask of anyone. And for being born into a life of Flame? It was rediculous. Still though, he found himself fearing the fate of anyone who'd be caught in Azul's wrath. He'd been the one worst affected by the confinmant no matter how much he worried for Iggy. Azul was a boy of freedom. Now he was in a sterile white cell with a bed and camera watchin their every move. Luckily their bodies used up every ounce of energy to keep burning beaneath the putrid human flesh. That way no food was transformed to waste because if that weren't so their room would reek.

Ezalb spent everyday with his cheap no.2 pencil, sketching on the walls. Iggy spent it crying, being soaked with water for fun while he cried out in pain, or cuddling with his teddy bear. Azul spent it brooding, contemplating murder of all sorts on every man and woman within these walls to a wide varity of music blasted from his I-pod. Somehow Ezalb found the ability to send another message.

"Regardless, we don't have the numbers to be throwing each other out to die"

A long moment of silence passed. Ezalb thought maybe he'd angered his closest friend. The thought stabbed him deep into his core. Then a number of quick knocks came, "K I've got it. I'll break out when they come with food. I'll break out and take their keys. Then, you gotta destroy the sprinkler valve in your room," Ezalb sent a weary glance up to the small steel starburst looming over his bed. "Melt. Don't break it. Do that when you hear this all start. After that's done I'll get Ig out and stash him in there with you. Ill use the keys then melt the lock so they can't open the door to get at ya. Baracade yourself behind the matress with him so they can't get you with their super soakers easily. Use the matress too. Those things will still cut through but the beam will defract so just have Iggy heat up as you do too. That'll keep it at bay. I'll be sure to hurry. Keep him safe. And when I'm done weeding the place out for the S.O.B.'s I get you out and make a good life for ourselves."

Azul hopped up knowing what was coming next. Ezalb cleared his throat twice. Azul nearly jumped with joy. Finally they were getting out. Azul knew he could easily take on everyone here. All they had was high power water guns and bullets. Neither of which would take more than a wave of his hand to disintigrate. As his happiness bubbled over on itself he walked over to an intercom on the far wall, pressing the button firmly. "Whatcha want Zippo?" came a curt reply. Azul leaned towards the speaker, propped up by one arm.

"Creative. Anyways, what about dinner? Maybe a bit more than toast this time?" A laugh on the other line.

"It ain't toast when we give it to ya!"

"Yeah yeah keep goin ya biggot. Either way, just bring us some food please?" By Emalf did Azul hate being polite to this bastard.

"Fine ya fatass. And don't call me no biggot. You ain't even human."

"I'm amazed you know what the word means. You don't sound too educated sir," and with that Azul clicked off the intercom and turned up his I-Pod. His expensive headphones were draped around his neck like always. Normally the colors calmed him down, but now his heart raced even as he stretched out the adjusting sides to look at their neon hues. He slammd himself down onto the matress laid against the back right corner while his mind raced over building lay outs.

A quick left as soon as he leaves his cell, a wave of flame to destroy Iggy's cell bars. Then snatch up the keys, lead him to the cell directly right of his. Open it up. Shove Iggy in and tell him everything will be fine. Grasp the lock and leak heat out. Head through the corridors, butchering everyone he could find. Azul reveled in that part of the plan. When he reached the end of this long hallway he'd take a left. As he walked he'd be sure to Ignite so the passive heat would melt any sprinklers that might pose a threat. Eventually he'd stumble upon the water supply room. He'd turn it off, saving himself some trouble. When he'd finished picking out all the weeds Azul would get the others. Then off to Disney Princess endings, happily ever after.

He felt a smile cross his lips while pulling on the head phones. A thought and violent shake of his head later he yanked them down. If he didn't hear the guards coming and they left without him knowing he'd screw the entire plan. Slinging them around his neck again he listened for the loudening foot steps and tapped a couple times on the wall, "Get ready," he told his flame-brother.

Three shapes appeared from the hall, both coated in fire retardent lab coats and a modified helmet meant to keep out smoke and head. Each was armed with a large flame thrower like devices with narrow nozzels. Azul had seen what they could do. If an average human were hit it'd cut them like a sword. For Flames it just really hurt, instantly returning flesh to your form so you weren't as powerful.

"Hey there," he said, getting up to meet them at the opening. One raised their weapon quickly, the water tank on his back sloshing. "Whoa , just going to help you with the food. I was wondering by the way," both looked at each other curiously. One lowered the weapon to retreive a piece of limp white bread from his long trench coat like garb. "Ok seriously, I'm just friendly today. Back to what I was saying, how many degrees does that protect to?" This time they laughed, rolling their heads back. The first looked at him through the thick glass of his gas mask, " Approximatly...970 degrees? Why, think you're hot enough to melt it?" One gloved hand tapped the metal.

"Oh god no!" Azul said innocently, raising his hand's defensivly. "I would never think that," he tried but couldn't keep his tone from becoming a bit sinister. "Its. Totaly. Redundent," he said forcefully, his hand glowing with blue flame. Both raised their weapons with a scream and sent two thin beams of water Azuls way. He whipped the ball of flame towards them, now the size of a volleyball. When the streams and orbs collided a burst of steam filled the air, but so did howls and sound of searing flesh. "And so it begins," he said already laughing with excitment while stepping foreward, music still blaring.

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Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:44 am
sephalump says...

As for the cell detail, I'm considering doing that while they're talking. And the layout when it goes over to Azul, saying that he tossed a glance towards the left side of the cell and pictured Iggy behind it wondering what was going on with him. If I actually keep going Azul would get a lot deeper, as I imaginged a great history behind him. Well honestly each of them has a weird history in my opinion. Sadly I forgot to mention in this little bit that Iggy is a Black, just not evil yet.

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Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:32 pm
beckiw wrote a review...

Hey, sephalump :) nice to meet you.

I really liked this piece, it was very gripping and you sucked me in. I don't do grammar and things like that in review because I am useless at it! lol but I think Moo got a lot of that for you.

I think you could stand to describe the cells a bit better. I was picturing like white cells with glass fronts rather than bars and then Azul shot that flame ball at them and I was like...oh is it bars? Maybe you could have a part at the beginning with just Ezalb considering his situation and the cell and then he hears the tapping coming from Azul.

I also thought Iggy was in the same cell as Azul and then when Azul was describing the plan I found out he wasn't and that was just a bit confusing. I think some of your descriptive paragraphs don't have a clear flow and so I kept getting confused and caught up having to re-read. I would read them out loud to yourself and see if they sound OK. if you stumble over words it probably means you need to change it up.

That's all I have to say really. I like the characters, I feel like I am already getting to know them and they have clear separate characteristics. Perhaps make their thoughts more clearly separated because sometimes I wasn't sure who was thinking what.

All in all though a very good start and I can't wait to see more :) PM me if you have any questions or if you want any help. Also PM me when the next part is up!

Bex x

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Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:47 pm
sephalump says...

Thank you so much =D And I was a bit rushed so spelling wasn't great. Ummmm yeah I was considering changing the head thing but wanted to show their despiration(?) to keep from being found out. As for the headphones you learn he tends to listen to them from around his neck just by blasting it. But yes, thank you for pointing that out so I can change it. And I'm new at writing so ANY tips you can give would help. I'd talk to my brother but we don't live together anymore*tear*

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Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:33 pm
Moo wrote a review...

Hi there, I'm Moo, and I'll be looking at your work :D

First of all, at the start of your post you gave us some info on the characters. You shouldn't really have to tell us this, your story should show us it. Like, you say Azul is violent and cocky, so show us he is with how he speaks and thinks etc.

Now, let's get started :D

Ezalb let out a whimper. Poor Iggy. A whole seven years old and living through hell for being what he was born. Slowly he repositioned, sitting against the wall and banging his head back, "We need a plan first"

You forgot your full stop at the end of this sentence ;)

Ezalb banged his head back

Would it not be a bit awkward to do morse code with your head? Just a thought.

He'd been the one worst affected by the confinmant

You spelt confinement wrong ;)

Now he was in a sterile white cell with a bed and camera watchin

Should be 'watching'.

That way no food was transformed to waste because if that weren't so their room would reek.

This sentence is a little dodgy. I'm not sure what you could change it too, but I think you should definitely put a comma after 'so'. It kinda draws the reader out a bit.

"Regardless, we don't have the numbers to be throwing each other out to die"

Full stop at the end here again ;)

Use the matress too. Those things will still cut through but the beam will defract so just have Iggy heat up as you do too. That'll keep it at bay.

Okay, CONFUSED! :? Try to explain this better. Somehow. Should be spelt mattress too.

He slammd himself down

Forgot an 'e' ;)

Then off to Disney Princess endings, happily ever after.

This made me laugh for some reason :lol:

Slinging them around his neck again he listened for the loudening foot steps and tapped a couple times on the wall, "Get ready," he told his flame-brother.

I don't think loudening is a word...

raising his hand's defensivly.

Another spelling mistake. I'm sure you can fix it :lol:

music still blaring.

I thought he took his earphones out, to hear the people coming?

Hmm, there is some more spelling mistakes but you can fix these yourself. I like how you write, you have me gripped! I hope you continue this. I'd like to find out some more about these Flames, and also how your characters look and stuff. Overall, for a story that you just randomly wrote, this is really good. Well done!
If you do decide to continue this, please PM me :D

Happy Writing!


You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.
— J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan