
Young Writers Society

Prologue of an, as yet, unnamed novel

by roon

This is my first attempt at a novel in a while, so please be as harsh as you need to be! I think I may use 'it' too much in the first section!


As the shadowy figure stole down the bleak alleyway, fleeting glimpses of fear protruded from the disguising cloak the lonesome being wore. The mission upon which it was about to embark would change a great many things. Time can do its part to heal wounds, but not for this one.

The Administration had decided, generations back, that magic was too dangerous a gift for mere humans to bear. They carried out great purges, which nearly destroyed magic forever… nearly. They were unaware of the Rogues that they had left behind, only the very strongest had survived, and they hid. They hid from society, the Administration and the desire to conform.

The cloaked echo found its desired location and uttered something under its breath, the night itself seemed to wonder upon its presence. The rotting door seemed an anticlimax, when the mystery of the cloak surrounded the visit. Nevertheless the door held secrets of its own.

Despite its appearances, behind that door was the safest place for this being to be. Slowly the form looked down at the ornate door knob which seemed, now it had been noticed, to demand attention. A single pair of eyes caressed the swirls and the beauty of this entrancing object, it cried out to be viewed, as though it had been neglected, it wanted to be seen.

A gentle hand reached towards it, but stopped. A pause, and then it returned, a thin piece of cloth providing a barrier between the hand and the dainty ornament. It seemed as though it would give way under the pressure to look at, but it was stronger than any mortal could imagine. The low moan of the hinges signalled to the room, that someone had arrived, and had avoided their trap, the doorknob had a spell attached to it, alerting the members of the party of any intruder.

The mood was sombre as magicians looked on, expectant. The hood was removed, and the mystery began to deepen. A young lady was revealed, her hair was a pale blue that was almost white, and her grey eyes looked out onto the crowd, with an understanding beyond her years. Her simple brown cloak hid her slight figure, but none of her beauty.

“I suppose you are wondering why I called you here?” She said, her voice barely carrying itself to the other side of the room. She looked around expectantly, the room was silent as she was looked upon with awe. She looked around the room, knowing that before her sat some of the most powerful men and women in the known world.

The wooden clad walls were beginning to rot and the chairs were crooked and riddled with woodworm, as were the beams and the floorboards. There were signs that this had once been a fine house. But never had it been so blessed as it was now, with candles lighting it eerily, with just enough light to see the faces of those around you. This was an honour indeed for such an understated place. It was inconspicuous, and therefore perfect.

She smiled and continued, “Well, the reason I called you here is to tell you that I have need of a small army. Now I know that many of us have not…” she was cut off by a deep voice.

“You want an army? To do what? You can’t really be planning an uprising? Who do you think you are? You can‘t just gather us up and ask us to walk to our dooms, we aren’t play things little girl!” He spat.

“This is not all of us.” She replied, her face devoid of all emotion.

“You say us, as though we‘ve already said yes!”

A flicker of annoyance passed across her face now, “If you’d let me finish…” she paused and waited for a challenge. None came. “Good, well I know it seems futile to try to battle against the Administration, but I have reason to believe that they are weakening, and that our forces can win.” A throng of voices began to fill the room. Anger and disbelief was rife amongst the magicians that had been gathered.

“You have to be joking, surely?” said one woman. “I have two children, they will be killed if I rebel, I cannot endanger my loved ones so. Do you not know how much you risk by gathering us all her tonight anyway?”

“It is a bold move I know, but no one will suffer due to this meeting. I have a camp ready for all the remaining magicians, your family would be safe.”

“And, pray tell, how many is that?”

“300 are old enough to fight.”

“Just because they’re old enough, it doesn’t mean they will.” retorted the man with a deep voice.

“They will." She stated bluntly, "I‘m just waiting on your replies now. You are... The elite, you would be my strongest asset, I need you. Without you we haven't even the hope of success.”

“Who are you?”

“I…” Her mysterious grey eyes bore into the hearts and minds of all present, “Am your leader, and that is all you need know.”

“I’ll not let a child lead me!” cried the deep-voiced man.

“I am no child! I have seen more in my 19 years than you have in your 50, I am more powerful than you can even dream of being. You have no inkling as to how big a mistake it would be to cross me, do I make myself clear?” time seemed to stand still as she threatened the man who was, in stature at least, almost twice her size. After the initial shock, the room became a throng of voices.

“Perfectly” came the reply through gritted teeth and a false smile. “But if I am to be led by you, then I will need a name.”

“You can call me…” She was interrupted as the door swung open, a scruffy youth clad in a dark grey cloak stumbled in.

“Sorry I’m late.”

“What business drew you away from us for so long?” Questioned the self-proclaimed leader.

“I… was detained.”

“We gathered, would you care to tell us how and why?” she said her small voice laced with sarcasm and condescension.

“My mother needed me.”

“Well we won‘t pry anymore.” She said, oozing false sympathy and impatience.

“Who are you?” the man asked, he seemed a little dazed.

“As I was about to say, before I was interrupted…” the young man hid his annoyance at her comment. “My name is Allysia Kayr.”

“How have you stayed unknown to us for all this time?” Demanded one of the magicians. “How do we know you aren’t with the Administration?”

“...You don‘t. I have been serving under my master… Kyranon, the greatest mage the world has ever known.”

The whole room gasped, and a murmur began again.

“Will your master be aiding us in this quest miss Kayr?” said the man with the deep voice, with a newfound respect for the dainty little figure.


More whispers filled the room, and people rushed to press their seal on the page on the desk in front of Allysia. Plans were arranged for the Gathering, War was already playing on the minds of the magicians.

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Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:06 pm
roon says...

Wow, thank you for that, I'm honoured that you looked over it so thoroughly, and that you looked at my work! I will take this back to the drawing board, and post up the new and improved version when it's ready, thank you so much for this, your advice will be extremely beneficial to me!

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Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:10 pm
Squall wrote a review...

Hey there Roon. My name is Squall and I'm one of the instructors on YWS. I'll be your reviewer today.

As the shadowy figure stole down the bleak alleyway, fleeting glimpses of fear protruded from the disguising cloak the lonesome being wore.

Fleeting glimpses of fear? I don't really like this part because it seems kind of abstract and vague (I would even go as far as to say that it sounds kind of purple). Be honest here. If you are trying to show that he's kind of afraid, then use descriptions that we can relate to.

Time can do its part to heal wounds, but not for this one.

Eh. I disliked how you resorted to using a cliche to express the idea that what has happened in your society cannot be fixed. It feels detached from your piece and makes it seem quite bland. The only time that I would ever resort to using a cliche is if I use it as a counter-point under a very specific context. Here, the cliche seems to be just there.

The Administration had decided, generations back, that magic was too dangerous a gift for mere humans to bear. They carried out great purges, which nearly destroyed magic forever… nearly. They were unaware of the Rogues that they had left behind, only the very strongest had survived, and they hid. They hid from society, the Administration and the desire to conform.

This bit was pretty much the reason why I decided to read the rest of the piece as you have established a good reason as to why this must be fantasy in order to work (that is, you are expressing the main theme of who actually deserves to possess supernatural abilities and how that is influenced by politics-quite clever. The problem I had however is that it's expressed in a "telling" sort of way, leaving very little for the reader to interpret for themselves.

It would have been better if you could somehow weave this idea into the narrative somehow. Think about it, what can you actually show that can help suggest to the reader of this point? Are there propaganda posters on the streets that advertise this? Are there refugee camps hiding from the Admin? Are towns/cities reduced to rubble? What about the 5 senses? Consider using them too.

The cloaked echo found its desired location and uttered something under its breath, the night itself seemed to wonder upon its presence.

Cloaked echo?

Overall impressions:

Alright. After re-reading this several times, I decided that the flaws of the piece would be better off explained here than by line by line (I was never a good nit-picker anyways lol). Overall, this is OK and you have a interesting idea here. However, it's blandly written and doesn't have any perspectiveness to it. In fact, you could have cut out quite a bit of the prologue and it would pretty much have the same message.

Your flaws pretty much lie in your characterization, descriptions and choice of situation.

Allysia is a pretty flat character. All we know from this prologue is that she's kind of bossy and up herself as a leader. However, you don't really focus as to why she is chosen as a leader. Anyone can be bossy and up themselves, but to be a leader there has to be a certain depth or quirk in character. As much as I love the idea a teen leading a battle, you need to figure out how to convince me that she is capable of being a leader (she seems like a spoiled teen to me at the moment).

Part of this is due to the situation that you decide to use. A meeting isn't exactly a good way to make your characters seem convincing because the point of meetings is to discuss the agenda. In fact, you would of have been better off using a situation that is better suited to characterize a leader (such as her organizing the reports) and to take it from there.

Really, the meeting isn't particularly a good situation to use. All we learnt from the meeting is that there is going to be a fight and that the adults are hesitant (Why are they such wimps? Elaborate). It's fine in dressing the surface ideas of your piece, but fails in elaborating and convincing the audience as to why they are in the meeting in the first place and how they are currently behaving.

The prose itself was also quite bland at times because the descriptions are not connected with the characters to help suggest meaning to the audience. You seemed more focus on describing how worn down the place is (what's the point?) than to use descriptions to develop your story more. You could of had used descriptions to make things seem more convincing. For example, you could show a body of one of the members mounted on the walls to help suggest as to HOW she leads and could also help explain as to why they follow her. Maybe you can show more of the setting? I mean a room filled with old tomes and skulls would suggest a totally different thing about the girl than if its filled with stuffed animals.

Also (as above), use descriptions to show more of the setting to really convince the reader that genocide has taken place. Broaden the scope of your descriptions.

Nevertheless, I can tell that a good effort has been made on this piece. It is certainly one of the better pieces that I've read on YWS.

Good luck.


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Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:21 pm
roon says...

Haha, yes indeed! That is so true, thank you I'll try to think of an alternative! That made me laugh thanks!

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Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:11 pm
blaster219 wrote a review...

“I suppose you are wondering why I called you here?”

I almost burst out laughing when I read this line. I suddenlly had the image in my head of Gandalf doing the bit from every single Agatha Christie novel where she gathers all the characters in the "accusing parlour".

However, apart from that incredibly minor thing, I enjoyed reading this. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep up with future instalments.

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Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:23 am
roon says...

Hello and thank you for the review, I have made the changes you suggested, and I hope it is more aesthetically pleasing now!

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Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:25 am
marnie.grace wrote a review...

This is really good! I love the whole idea and what going on. Theres only a few things I would change, but they are only small suggestions so dopn't take them to heart;
“They will, I‘m just waiting on your replies now, you are the elite, you would be my strongest asset… I need you, you are key to the success of this mission.” ~this is really good and I understand what you are trying to say, but the sentence is a little long. Try and break it up with a full-stop here or there.
That is really the only thing I picked up on. Just another suggestion though; try and break up your paragraphs a bit. They are a little too long, it draws the reader away, but other then that, it was wonderfula nd I can't wait to read more :)

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
— Albus Dumbledore