
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone


by rainforest

A giant green and blue ball,

located in space.

A planet name Earth,

home of the human race.


Land is where we dwell,

it is very green.

It grows, and grows,

so it looks very clean.


Water runs throughout oceans,

it flows through lakes and streams.

One amazing thing our Earth does,

is hold abundant dreams.

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Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:15 am
Variks wrote a review...

Straight from the beginning I could tell this was a free-form poem, no rhyme scheme. Which, in my opinion, is perfectly fine and different from most of what people imagine as poetry.
What I disliked about this was that it stated strictly obvious things. There seemed to be no meaning behind this poem, which is what poetry is really meant to do. Because of this lack of theme, lack of moral, I believe this poem, although good, was hindered in how good it could possibly be. Perhaps with an addition of this, it could be much better.

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Sun May 31, 2015 8:33 pm
BlueSunset wrote a review...

Hello, Captain. Happy Review Day!
So... Lets take a look at those nitpicks ;)

Land is where we dwell,
it is very green.
It grows, and grows,
so it looks very clean.

You confuse me here. I don't get what you mean by "clean". Were you trying rhyme with "green"?
Okay, one last one for you:
A giant green and blue ball,
located in space.
A planet name Earth,
home of the human race.

Switch "name" to "named".

Overall, I liked the whole concept of this poem. I loved the way you tied the poem up by saying what the Earth does for us, holding abundant dreams. It felt sort of.... soothing? >.<
Whether you consider and change my suggestions or not, this poem was great.

Review on!

- Sunset101

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Sun May 31, 2015 8:09 pm
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Eros wrote a review...

Hi Dear CaptainSaltWater!!

THis is Eros here!!

I read your poetry "Earth". It is a beautiful poem composed on our mother Earth.

The first stanza is all about location of the Earth and how is the Earth. It is a blue ball located in th space. It also tells us that Earh is a place whre all the people live or we can say that Earth is a place where life exists.

The second stanza is about the inside of Earth. Here is land inside the Earth and on the land life exists. It says that land is green with the trees and grass and it grows making it look clean.

The third stanza is about Water--a precious resource in the Earth. It is described that it runs through the Oceans and Lakes and Streams.

I loved the last line of the poem:

"One amazing thing our Earth does,
is hold abundant dreams."

Overall your poem is written beautifully. It expresses a simple Idea in a unique way. This is the main reason of why I loved it. Moreover the language of your poem is easy to understand.So this is another reason of loving your poem.
You are doing great!
Keep writing CaptainSaltWater!
We love to read your stuff!

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Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:41 pm
GLaDOS wrote a review...

xJ to the rescue! Hello, CaptainSaltWater.

Firstly, I like your style. You may need to work on your flow but you do get your point across. At the beginning I wish you would've used a different word that "ball". Perhaps "sphere," would do nicely. And on the 3rd line of the 1st stanza you made a minor spelling error: "name" should've had a "d" on the end. And on the 2nd line of the 2nd stanza as well as the 4th line "It is very green" isn't the strongest of lines as well as line 4 of stanza 2, "So it looks very clean." Try to write with better words than "very green." or "very clean."

But I must say you nailed the ending on the last stanza. "Hold abundant dreams" is my favorite line of this poem. Not bad, try to improve. ^.^

May your travels through space and time be merry,


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Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:35 pm
erilea wrote a review...

Hi, unknown391625! Wisegirl22 here. Happy Review Day! :)

First of all, I recommend using some more vivid descriptions. This one is so cliche.

"A giant green and blue ball,"

How about, "A prodigious mass of blue and green,"? Hope I'm not being too bossy/picky.

I think this is a typo. A D after "name", please.

"A planet name Earth,"

Okay, this stanza wasn't too good. These two lines were bad.

"it is very green."

"so it looks very clean."

Please think of another two lines to replace these.

The first and third stanzas were awesome, though, and it really described Earth. This was blunt, so try to use more vivid description and less telling.

Hope this helps,

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Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:23 pm
Markontheworld wrote a review...

Aynonoumous!!!! Probably spelled that wrong, but anyways I like your poem. The message behind it is what I like about it, the world is a beautiful place. However, the one thing I'd like to point out is that the world isn't always a clean place. It can be dirty, and smelly, and just plain nasty at times. It's what's beneath all that dirt and grime that makes the world beautiful. Another thing I don't like is your last sentence. The fact that earth is home to all these life forms alone is amazing feat, since you stated this up top it seems kinda weird to say "One amazing thing our Earth does, is hold abundant dreams." It seems like it's starting something rather than ending it. Don't get me wrong this is good for someone your age, and you have a lot of potential. So don't give up!!! Looking forward to watching you grow!!!! =^_^=

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Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:49 pm
Cithara wrote a review...

Hey, Writer here!

So this poem is on point. You describe the Earth, what's on it, etc. etc.
I'll go through nitpicks and then what can be worked on.
Let's started, shall we? :)


Land is where we dwell,

it is very green.

So I think poetry is a form of writing in which every single word counts. Every word is supposed to hold meaning and importance. "It is very green" is very bland and vague, and you could add so much more to that than just that simple line. What green? Is it all green? It's not just green, some of it is bombarded with buildings, factories, homes, concrete, etc. I mean you're on point with it being green...but you should really focus on description and imagery :)

It grows, and grows,

so it looks very clean.

Again, these lines feel unnecessary in the poem...the words are vague. Green grows...are you talking about grass? Does it always grow? If this is about nature, that's totally fine! I love nature poems, and when you discuss the earth and its nature, you should be more descriptive and specific with the nature you're talking about. Since you go from Earth, then to its ground, then to its ocean, it gives me the impression this is a nature poem. Therefore you should make it more nature like. Sorry, I'm not the best at explaining things, blah

Water runs throughout oceans,

it flows through lakes and streams.

One amazing thing our Earth does,

is hold abundant dreams.

Hee hee, the two last lines are so beautiful and hold so much truth in them. Good job! But this stanza feels so random. You immediately switch from talking about oceans to BOOM the message. what does abundant dreams have to do with oceans and lakes and water? Make the connection more visible and clear.
The last line was very good, but what you build it up to isn't as impressive. I think you should have a more clear and organized poem here. You can talk about nature and describe it (good job with that) but then you should have a clear connection with the nature and then the message you tell us at the end. How does it hold abundant dreams? What does nature have to do with it? Those are just a few questions you might want to answer if you ever rewrite the poem :)

I really hope I didn't sound mean or harsh or nasty. This poem holds a lot of potential and I was just explaining how I think it could grow and thrive. Of course, you don't have to take any of my suggestions to heart, though I hope you might want to XD ;)
If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask. I'm not a master poet or anything, but I can help if you need it.

Also what one of the reviewers saying about how it could be a children's poem is great. That being said you don't have to get too descriptive or anything, but just make sure everything is connected and makes sense ;)

Keep writing! :D

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Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:33 pm
paula08 wrote a review...


This is a very simple poem with basic imagery. Due to the simplicity of the language used and imagery, the image portrayed of the earth is not very hooking and intriguing. In order to arrange this I advice you to induce more literal techniques in your poem and more complex adjectives.

I liked the sense of rhyme of the poem. There is only one fault in the rhyme scheme which is in the last stanza, the verse before the last. Maybe you should alter the last word.

Apart from that I think that this poem is actually great to be a children's poem. This is because it is educational and makes children appreciate more our planet. Apart from that with its simple format it is easily understood by readers of a younger age.

Great job :)

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Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:23 am
ChipsMcCoy wrote a review...

Hey, Chips here with a review.

I liked the focus you kept with each stanza and the simplicity you expressed the Earth in.

However my main issue with this is that, as much a the simplicity was was nice, it would have been even better if you added something more interesting that stands out, more creative imagery and metaphors. Your intention may have been keeping things simple which is fine but the poem didn't build much momentum as it went along everything stayed at the same level which doesn't always capture the reader or make it memorable. The Earth has many concepts to look at and It seems you took the physicality of the Earth's structure, which is good too.

So, I have a few suggestions which may be of help to you.

"A giant green and blue ball,

located in space.

A planet name Earth,

home of the human race."

I liked the minimal rhyme scheme here, though it worked in some stanzas. In the first line here, I think you could have included more vivid imagery than describing the Earth as, "A giant green and blue ball", it was kind of stating the obvious.

"Land is where we dwell,

it is very green."

Here, you've repeated green already in the previous stanza, perhaps a more interesting shade of color. Since here the concept of "Land" is brought out, you could also elaborate on it and creatures/nature too as your poem is looking at the Earth in the physical geography aspect.

"Water runs throughout oceans,

it flows through lakes and streams."

Here, again it was more just telling what is already known perhaps expressing it using more poetic devices?

"One amazing thing our Earth does,

is hold abundant dreams."

This was my favorite line, it began to create a real sense of emotion and stir away from the pure geographic aspect of the Earth, because ultimately the Earth is more than a planet it holds so much more, it holds life and "dreams".

Overall nice poem. Hope this review helped. Keep writing!


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Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:16 am
Arcticus says...

It's sweet :)

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Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:10 am
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TheOnlyHotCap wrote a review...

Very bare minimum and full of simplicity. Which is sometimes a good thing, but this doesn't really paint an interesting or grasping picture. That being said, the last line about abundant dreams is a very nice line and sort of touching. If looking to expand maybe touch on that a little bit more, gives the whole thing a little more substance. I'm not really sure the theme of the poem over all though?

I'm sorry, It's very nice for the surface level it sits on. I just think it's too light.

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Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:52 am
Purple29 wrote a review...

What a beautiful poem! I love your use of imagery here; you do a great job at painting a picture for me. The tone is light and uplifting, which is great! I like the feel of this poem, you do a really good job.

One part I would maybe advise taking a look at is the second stanza. Your final stanza is by far your best; you have great imagery, word choice, and your ending line is killer. But, I feel your second stanza is lacking just a little bit. After reading the third stanza I know that you could write something just a bit more compelling to match the majesty of the final sentences. I know you want to rhyme something with green, but ending the stanza with "so it looks very clean" just seems to bring down the eloquence that the piece was formerly riding on.

This really was a great poem. You obviously have a flare for writing, and I really hope you keep popping out more amazing work! Keep it up!

rainforest says...

Wow! Thank you purple29! I will take up your suggestion about the second stanza and I will definitely do more!

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.
— Plato