[Inside the classroom of an American high school, Teacher is looking over some papers. Student enters the classroom with a bag.]
Teacher- [Putting papers aside.]
Why are you late to class?
Student- (Pulls an empty bottle of thyme seasoning out of the bag.)
I'm sorry Mrs. Teacher, I ran out of thyme.
Teacher- I don't see how that's related to you being late…
Student- (Pulls out parsley.)
It was only parsley my fault.
Teacher- What? Why are you late?!
Student- (Beets and an orange.)
Well, I was playing some sick beets when I saw a pretty cool orange truck.
(Salt and pepper.)
and then I was feeling pretty salty until, I saw my girl pepper get out out of
that truck.
Teacher- What kind of game are you playing?
Student- (Taco, lettuce, and olives.)
So I told her, let's taco about this truck!
She was like, no I don't want to speak, lettuce just drive!
So I was like, olive you! And we drove around.
Teacher- (Puts her hand on her face.)
This is nuts… I mean crazy!!!
Student- (Peach, peas, and egg.)
I told my girl that she was a peach, and she was like peas stop!
When we got back from driving I was so eggcited to tell everyone about
my gal and her truck.
Teacher- And that is why you are late?
Student- yep.
Teacher- Let me get this straight?
No thyme. Only parsley. Sick beets. Orange truck. Salty emotions. Girl
named pepper. Let's taco. Lettuce drive. Olive you. A peach. Peas stop.
so eggcited.
Student- exactly.
Teacher- you could've used egg again, what am I saying! Lettuce talk about this
later! Go to your seat and romaine there until I've eggscused you.
Dang it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Student- Are you okay?
Teacher- Just peachy.
Points: 73
Reviews: 30