
Young Writers Society

First Blush: Prologue

by nativecatcher


Thursday was when it first happened.

Ms.Carson’s third class was having recess, and everyone was enjoying themselves. The sky was a gorgeous bird egg blue, and the clouds looked like snow in contrast. The wind was light enough to blow hair away from my face, but not knock me down to the ground. I was waiting in line at the new slide that was recently built by the school. Ahead of me was one of my best friends named Lucian preparing to go next and as excited as a little kindergartner who just got ice-cream.

“This is gonna be so much fun!”, Lucian said turning around to face me. His cheeks were bright with excitement, and his eyes were wide with joy.

“Yeah it is”, I said enthusiastically.

Ahead of Lucian the girl in front of him climbed the starts and took off.

“It’s your turn”, I said pointing to the ladder.

As Lucian as about to ascend the stairs a short, round boy named Troy got in front of him, and begin climbing.

“Hey what are you doing?” Lucian barked at the boy.

I was surprised by this coming from Lucian. He was usually a good-natured person very down to earth and friendly. He was always polite to others, and dint mind people getting in front of him, or asking for something.

“Jumping you”, Troy said putting a mischievous smile on his face, and continued climbing.

I can’t be exactly sure, but from what I can remember within a five second time span Troy was on the ground with a bloody nose using his hands to shield his face, and Lucian was pounding him,his arm like a jackhammer going to work.

“Lucian get off him!” I screamed horrified by what he was doing.

All of the kinds by the chaos were chanting, and making bets as to who would win.

“I bet Troy’s gonna get up any minute and pound him...”

“Not with what Lucian is doing to his face...”

“Lucian Gallows get off of Troy this instant!!” Ms. Carson yelled running towards the scene.

Trying to help the situation I sprung into action. I was somehow able to pull Lucian off Troy, but still got pushed and hit sometimes. Once I pushed Lucian a few feet away I saw Troy’s deformed figure. His face looked bloodshot red, and his body was curled up in fetal position. His hands were on his face, and he was rocking himself back and forth like mental patient inside a ward.

“My face, my face, my face, my face”, he kept crying to himself.

Suddenly Ms. Carson was bending over Troy trying to pry his hands away from his face, and examine how badly he was hurt.

“Troy come on sweetie get up you have to go to the nurse”, Ms. Carson said sweetly attempting to sit him up.

He slowly got up looking out the corner of his eye trying to make sure Lucian wasn’t going to try to surprise attack him.

Ms. Carson looked around frantically until she spotted me by Lucian.

“Aydan honey go and take Troy to the nurse and tell her what happened okay”, she instructed me.

I walked away from Lucian and over to Troy who was still on the ground next to the teacher. Slowly he got up, but still covered his face wary of whether he was going to get attacked again.

“Come on Troy,Lucian won’t hurt you”, I whispered to him.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, and began carrying him towards the door that led to the school. As we continued walking I looked back, and abruptly stopped. Troy stopped at well wondering was I was looking at.

“Wh-what are you doing? Why are you stopping”, He mumbled his voice shaky as he spoke, yet I ignored his questions.

Lucian’s appearance caught my attention. His head was tilted towards the ground, and his body was hunched over. He seemed to not notice anything, not even Ms.Carson disciplining him. A few seconds later he focused his attention on me as if there was nothing occurring, and I could see something as wrong. His face was cold and hostile, and his eyes seemed to burn holes through me. I quickly turned away feeling intimidated by his menacing gaze, and continued to walk Troy back to the nurse’s office.

Thursday was when it happened.

Thursday was when things began to change.

So did anyone think the story was good? Please review my story because I would really like some tips,and critiques I could use for my story. THanks Everyone!Also everyone is in third grade in the story, and it's called "First Blush" because of the plot.

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Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:05 pm
Sae wrote a review...

Okay, I'm going to try to review...

I found that this story had an intriguing story-line, and it captured my attention. It was rather descriptive, and overall was pretty good. In some places, there was some lack of punctuation, so you should definitely try to fix that.
In some places, the flow was cut off- maybe try reading it aloud, to see where the flow of the wording is disturbed. Overall, it was a good piece, especially for the first post. Keep on writing! With some editing, this could be a great piece of writing.

I hope that helped... first review on this site. :D

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Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:10 pm
KaylaLovesATL_x wrote a review...

I liked this piece :)
You should definitely write more! I'm intrigued as to what happened to Lucian...

Keep up the good work! :)

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Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:51 am
Chirantha wrote a review...

Hey nativecatcher. Welcome to the best site in the whole world. :D

Before I review this, I should probably tell you that there is a 4:1 ratio for reviewing and posting your own stories/poems, etc. So, you have reviewed only one, so go out there and start reviewing till you get a decent review account. :)


Thursday was when it first happened.

You elaborate this sentence a little more, by saying, "It first happened on a lovely, bright Thursday morning."

bird egg blue

Does a bird's egg actually give the image you hope to give. Because, I really can't understand what you meant by saying it was bird egg blue.

new slide that was recently built by the school.

Better to say, 'our school' that 'the school'

Lucian preparing to go next and as excited as a little kindergartner who just got ice-cream.

Should be 'and was as excited'

Ahead of Lucian the girl in front of him climbed the starts and took off.

I don't think it's necessary to write both ahead and in front of, because they both give the same meaning

Try changing it to, "The girl in front of Lucian climbed the ladder and took off."

As Lucian as about to ascend the stairs

Two mistakes,

1. It should the ladder not stairs, as stairs is something you find in a house.

2. This should be, As Lucian was about to climb the ladder.

and begin climbing.

Should be, "and began climbing"

and dint mind people getting in front of him

This should be, "and dint minded about people getting in front of him"

His face looked bloodshot red

Just say that his face was "bloody and wounded"

Troy who was still on the ground next to the teacher.

I thought he already got up before. :?

I could see something as wrong.

"something was wrong"


Try and keep those handy punctuations in check, because almost always, you seem to put the comma or the full stop after the quotation marks. They should be before the quotation marks. Remember that.


I'm not going over to the characters or the description part as this is only the prologue, but I like the way this seems to be going. Mainly, because it seemed unlike anything else I've read.

I should be telling you that, after the real story begins, you might want to include character descriptions, and dwell deep into their minds and see how they will act in each situation. Their emotions, feelings, etc.

Well, hope to read more.

Good luck :D

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Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:17 pm
cheez_burger wrote a review...

I agree! Going over the story a few times to check errors is something I've found very helpful in the past, and it also helps to see if you can fix anything that might not flow too smoothly...I really look foreward to reading the rest of your story/book. Why was this called first blush? And "petite plump boy" Doesn't really flow so well...how about "Short, chubby" or "Small, rotund"? I really like the details though! I could just picture all of this in my mind! Can you soon tell us what grade they're in? Loved the story! Keep up the good work!! ~Cheez_Burger~

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Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:20 pm
TigerShaard wrote a review...

First, Welcome to YWS!! It's always fun to have new members.

Now, this is a very interesting piece, very good for a first post really. You made a few spelling errors and such, let me see if I can find them all : )

"“This is gonna be so much fun”, Lucian said-"
You either forgot a period or an exclamation point, don't leave out punctuation!
"Ahead of Lucian the girl in front of him climbed the starts and took off."
"and Lucian was pounding him his arm like a jackhammer going to work."
Something seems off about this..."him his" doesn't flow so well. Maybe put a comma?
" “Come on Troy Lucian won’t hurt you”, I whispered to him"
Comma between Troy and Lucian.
"Lucian’s appearance caught m attention."

Okay, hope this helped. This was just from the quick sweep I did of it. I really do like this. Once again, welcome, and keep writing, you have a lot of potential : )


It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats—the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the hill —The Hill, as all the people for many miles round called it—and many little round doors opened out of it, first on one side and then on another.
— JRR Tolkien