Well, truth be said I don't really have a burning inspiration for the short juvenile novellas, I'm rather doing it a bit mechanically, on autopilot. But I've meditated, I've outlined my deficiencies, inclinations and possible genre potentials, and am working on various projects, even if my heart isn't a 100% in all of them. I see it as an investment
Mastering the simple cliches of various genres in the end must be a good way of gathering experience. In order to compose a covincing heavy metal or rock song one must first learn the elementary rules of the Blues, etc.
...I want to become a top notch author by 2014. Better of course by 2011, but that's kinda unrealistic . And that means I gotta write juvenile novellas, fantasy and sci-fi adventures, small town and big town horror scenarios, conspiracy thrillers and postmodernist transgressive texts, fairy tales and mystery stories, until little by little experience is accumulated and I stop feeling helpess in the face of the empty page. Or maybe that never goes away, time will tell, hehe.
...So I guess y'all feel the lack of a 100% inspiration in the story. But! As you know I place value on the internal logic of a narrative, and once this one is done you'll see that the elements of the story are not randomly collected, they do tie in together, and they are plausable. Once disbelief is suspended that is.
Points: 1040
Reviews: 117