
Young Writers Society


by mandylynn16

Readers, this is not the beginning of the story. If it seems like it needs a beginning, that's because I havn't typed it out yet. I will, soon, especially if I have some pleading... :) So yeah, this is my first, posted story. And i hope y'all enjoy!


Austin could not stop thinking about the lady he’d met last night.

Sure, she wasn’t a rich, gaudy blonde; but perhaps that was why he could not cease thinking of her; she was different in a good refreshing way.

Everyone of course figured he would end up with one of the blondes, but after meeting her, he thought a change would be nice. So easy to talk to and about things that were actually fun to talk about. Not stock market or the latest millionaire’s agenda.

No, they had talked about their favorite music at first escalating into books, then new movies…hey maybe she wouldn’t mind going to a show. He could reserve a whole room for them to do as they pleased.

Hah, he was kidding himself. Someone so wonderful and gorgeous had to have a guy already and if not, did not want to hang out with the likes of him! He was in dreamland if he thought otherwise. Which, he thought, would not be so bad after all.

I got up the next morning and looked out the window. It was a perfect day and there were several people out and about in the sunshine. I thought this was a wonderful idea. Church was until not until eleven and it was luckily just a block away. I still did not have a car and knew Vanessa would not be up in time. I called my dog to get ready for the early morning walk. Lucy loved walks and knew when she was being called for one.

It was almost as if God was calling me out to the sunshine and it was a wonderful feeling.

I got in my pink Nike jogging suit, a gift from Vanessa, and set out to enjoy the sunshine.

First stop, Raleigh Park. Where the rich and famous walked their diamond-studded pooches. But that was O.K. with me. Its spectacular beauty distracted me from the uppity walkers.

After once around the trail, I retired to a metal bench painted a gold color. “We did good Lucy! Doncha think?!” Lucy barks excitedly responding to the excitement in my voice. “It’s time to go home, now though, I got to get dressed for church! I’m all stinky like you!” I laugh heartily and we set off.

“Addi! Addi, wait up!” I whirl around and see the winded, but handsome face of no other but Austin Kirk. My eyes sparkle a moment, then I remember his status and mine and remember to frown. He was way out of my league and the sooner I accepted that the better. “Hi, Addi.”

His genuine smile tore at my heart’s guard. I can’t help but smile back.

“Hi. Well, what brings you here?” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I want them back. The real question was why was I here? This park was here for him and I was asking what he was doing here? Sometimes I wish I could just kick myself. But Austin doesn’t seem to even notice and he answers as if it were a question such as what time is it.

“Well, every day or other day I try to get out and exercise Alix, my Greyhound.” I look down and see a magnificent creature of the perfect combination of the colors steel blue, chestnut, and brown. She is a splendid looking dog.

“She’s pretty,” I say, trying to hide my awe.

“Yeah, well, the owner was to put her down because of and eating disorder, turns out, Alix just need some body to love her and personally take care of her. That’s where I came in. And now look at her! I’m just so glad I found her in time. What a horror to waste such a marvelous creature, I say!”

“I say,” I echo, suddenly feeling like he was reading my thoughts. It was eerie. “Well, Mr. Kirk, I simply must go. Church is at eleven and it’s nearly that now. It was good to see you again.”

I smile, and turn away, fully prepared to get home before he asks for anything having to do with time. I really do not want to be involved with this man; especially since he is my boss. That’d be just weird.

I start walking trying to get away, but all the sudden I feel his hand on my shoulder, turning me around. No getting away, I realize. He is determined to ruin my already pretty erred life.

“Addi,” there is a convincing tenderness in his voice that I find hard to bear, “I really would like to go see a movie with you sometime. Pristine Waters is having a premiere next Friday and I have the best seats in the house. I’d love it if you could be my escort.”

Pristine Waters, you might not know is a highly awaited movie expected to hit public theaters a month from now. I am dieing to see the movie and told him so, unknown to his identity at the time. It’s difficult to decline, but I am serious when I say I do not wasn’t to be involved with him. The Press is a small problem. It is the very thought of dating my boss that I will not stand for.

“Of course if there’s someone else…” I hear him say after my long pause.

“No!” I say a little too loud, "no, it’s not that, not that at all. I…” How do I say what I want to say, and why do I care what he thinks? “I just can’t… see you, I mean, anyone right now. I really do appreciate the offer, but I just can’t. Sorry.”

I turn again, but really hook it to my street this time, not caring if he finds out where I live. I just want to get out of here, away from hurting somebody I like, away from the complications of my annoying life. If he was not my billionaire boss, I might consider it. He met a couple of my standards: he was not married (that I knew of anyway) and was not ugly. He was actually very handsome with his unruly dark brown hair and those intense blue eyes. But that is the life of Addison Marie; find somebody unwed and handsome and he ends up being my boss. Ugh.

“Well, Ala, looks like I stroke out. She’s not seeing anyone, literally. I thought for sure she’d agree to the movie. That’s why I bothered with the tickets. Now it’s hopeless.”

Austin sighs, and Alix barks in agreement. “But I don’t want to give up. She’s the most intriguing, beautiful women I have ever met. I can’t just let her slip through my fingers. If I get down to the real reason of why she won’t accept, maybe there’ll be solution.”

Chapter 2

After church I go to rent some movies so I can veg on my last day off.

I get home, and watch National Treasure. I like that movie much. The adventure is just so cool.

It’s then that I fix supper because after the movie it’s around 5. It’s when I sit down to dinner and have nothing else to think about that I think about today’s encounter.

But the pointlessness of that train of thought stops me in my tracks and I consume my brain with other things, such as how I am I going to pay next month’s rent and such; the life problems of people who work for the billionaires.

And then a funny thought crosses my brain. If I marry the billionaire, then I don’t have to worry about the lowly problems of employees.

As soon as the thought passes through, I feel so angry at the evilness of that menacing thought that I almost slap myself.

I do change tracks, though. I finish my sandwich and iced tea, grab some cookies and milk and go into the living room to finish my movies. The movie ends and the phone rings. I wonder who in the world that could be at 10:00 at night.

“Hello?” I say. “Addi, HE PROPOSED! He really did, just as I suspected! We went to this five star restaurant in the most expensive hotel around and after our desert of the best cheesecake you could ever imagine, he got down on his knee by my chair and holds out this two-carat diamond ring lined with gold and more yellow and pink diamonds. It’s totally FABULOUS!!!!! You have to see it.. Ahh, it was such a good night. I said yes of course, and then he kissed me and then we left after he paid the bill of $89. We went driving around in the moonlight talking about general wedding plans. It was the best night of my life. And I am going to love being Mrs. Matt. No more work, just total pampering. I am EXCITED! And I am completely in love. I think I would marry Mat if he were poorer than me. And, Addi, you know me, that’s not the norm for me! I always dreamed of marrying a rich guy. So yeah, I yacked your ear off, I just had to tell you. I am too excited.”

“That’s realty great, Ness! I’m happy for you. When’ the wedding?”

“We are thinking about Valentines’ day. What do you think?”

I wasn’t about to tell her I’d always dreamed of a May wedding. That would be stupid. Valentines’ was a classic date, but also pretty cool, I guess.

“That’s neat Vanessa. I think that’s a good day to get married.” My tone was downtrodden, I didn’t want to talk about marriage, It made me want to cry.

I had the perfect wedding planned out. A dream wedding, of course. I could never afford anything that was in my dream wedding. But I had a dream and I always wished I could fall in love and get married to Prince Charming.

But it was not looking to promising. The girl who had to turn away 25 guys before prom, now had to dream of getting one.

It was sad.

But I guess Vanessa did not catch the sadness in my tone. I mean, how could she? She was to be married to her dream guy and would have her dream wedding.

She went on talking about things she and Mat had talked about and eventually I had to tune her out. It was a little unbearable. Finally she said bye and it was about 11:30.

I knew this was not going to be good for work tomorrow.

I did have to get up at 6 after all. Oh well. That was life and I would have to get over it.

But I did need to go to bed, now, that was for sure. Tomorrow would be a new day of a new week. I could start over, maybe.

The next day, when I arrived to work, Vanessa was all smiles.

She of course paraded her ring to me and anyone else who cared to gawk at the $5,000 ring.

I had to admit, it was pretty extravagant. I couldn’t get over how much God had really blessed Vanessa. She wasn’t even a Christian that I knew of. She had fallen in love with the man of her dreams, and received the added bonus of his wealth. It amazed me.

A depressing thought crossed my mind. I served God as fully as was possible. I talked to Him every morning, read my Bible, listened to his voice on my heart, regularly went to church and tithed and here I was struggling to survive.

No car, a dinky apartment that half the time ran out of hot water and here was Vanessa the atheist marrying off to a near-millionaire.

It bothered me.

But then I remember a verse in a previous quiet time that asked “why do the way of the wicked prosper?” I wondered that same thing right now. But I ignored the thought.

It was quite selfish of me to be jealous of my best friend. Quite un-Christian like.

So I just smiled back at her all morning and acted excited that she was so blessed. I guess I had had a chance to marry a rich guy and be happy because I had had fun with him that night.

And God had blessed me; with my family, with Lucy and with a gorgeous face. Not that it was doing any good in this town, nope. Only attracting unwanted attention from immoral men and of course, my boss.

Oh, whatever.

I’d given my life to God 15 years ago and I‘d still entrust him with my life. It was too much for me. Much too much. He’s figure out the details and I’d reap his results with my life. For now, it was time to work.

Maybe some overtime for my car...

“Hey, Mat, you interested in going to a premiere Friday? Busy?” Austin asked his employee.

“Well, I was going to take Vanessa out on a date, but I’m sure she’d agree to Premiere. It’d be O.K. to bring her, right?”

“Oh, yes, I was going to ask that you would, actually.”

“What do you have up your sleeve, Austin?”

“What do you mean? I can’t ask a buddy to a movie?” Austin asked in mock innocence.

Matt laughed and then sobered up. “No, really, man. What are you inviting me and Vanessa to a movie. We’re engaged, we don’t need any help pairing up.”

“You might not, but I do. I talked to this girl that night at the party and we got along really well and I had more fun than I’ve had with a woman in along time. Plus, she’s Wow-gorgeous. I caught her in the park yesterday, though and asked her to come with me to the Premiere and she said she couldn’t see anyone right now.” Austin burrowed his eyebrows remembering the confusion of that last encounter.

“What does this have to do with me, Austin?”

“Well, your fiancé is her best friend and I thought that if her best friend went, then she might be more convinced to come.”

“Austin, I know I’m your lowly employee, but as a friend, my thoughts on the matter are that if she said she couldn’t see anybody right now then don’t push it. It was either a polite excuse to declining your offer, or she really can’t see anybody right now. I wouldn’t want to cause her uncomfortable circumstances in having to decline again. Don’t you agree?”

“Oh, I guess, but like I told Alix, she’s the most intriguing beautiful women I’ve ever met and I don’t want her to slip right through my fingers. I would really like to be with her again. Like that night at the party.” Austin emitted a long, helpless sigh and looks at his friend with hopeful eyes.

“I have to stick to my statement, Austin. Sorry.”

The two sit there a moment.

Suddenly, Austin snaps his fingers.

“I got it.! You can ask Vanessa to talk to Addi. Ask her why she’s so uneasy about accompanying me. Press? Something else? Addi’s got to open up to her friend.”

“Perhaps; but that’d kind of be betraying her trust wouldn’t it? Not the best way to win a girl’s heart. That’s for sure.”

“That may be true, but I have to know. And you know me. I’m used to getting what I want.”

Mat snorts and replies, “Perhaps that’s why she’s reluctant about dating you. You’re a spoiled-rotten little kid.”

“Hah. Very funny,” Austin says dejectedly.

“O.K. Austin. I’ll ask Vanessa for you, but whatever it reaps will be on your shoulders, not mine. Just remember that.”

“I sure will, Matt.”

It was Mat’s turn to roll his eyes.

“Addi, hi!”

“Hi, Vanessa. What’s up?”

“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to eat out with me tonight. We haven’t talked like we used to in a long time.” As much as I wanted decline, I found I couldn’t. Vanessa’s offer was much too tempting and talking with Vanessa might actually be good and fun. “Well, I guess, Nessa. Sounds fun.”

“O.K. I got reservations at that new restaurant on Raleigh Blvd called Hollywood and Vine an-"

“Hollywood and Vine?! How in the world did you get reservations for us there?”

“Well, not only that; I got us our own table in our own room so that we could actually talk. I mean it’s going to be crowd-“

“Our own little room Vanessa?! That’s awesome, Vanessa! How did you manage?”

“Comes with the territory of being engaged to Matt Fischer, girl!”

“Wow! This is going to be fun, you being married to Mat and all.”

“Told ya! Well so, you wanna go.”

“Yeah! I wouldn’t turn this down for the world.”

“You would’ve had Austin asked you.” My face immediately transformed from elation to melancholy.

“How’d you know about that?”

“About what? That you turned down the most eligible bachelor in the state of California?”

I glared at her.

“He is not! That is a gross overstatement and even if it were true, that doesn’t change the fact that he is my boss!!”

“Addi, he is not our boss. He is the owner of the corporation, sure. But the boss is the man in charge of our building that Austin hired to run the place. Charles Cunnings is the boss. Austin is not. And besides, if you are going to say Austin is our boss, and that is the only reason you deny his offer, what does that say about me? I’m marrying Mat! He is right under Austin, not near as rich of course, but whatever. He is an employee above our status!”

“That was your decision, Vanessa! And it’s your life. I make my own decisions based on my own convictions and I don’t care what you do with your life, that’s your problem, not mine. Just let it go, already! I am not going to date Austin!”

I stop, near tears, and take a deep breath. I don’t glare or anything, because I am not mad at her. Just depressed with the complications of my life.

“I don’t know what to do. I really do like him, better than anyone in my past, but I just can’t bring myself to be with him. I just don’t feel right about it.”

Vanessa looks at me, and I realize I just said that out loud; my most privileged secret about life today I just shouted out loud, for everyone to hear.

I burst out crying, feeling like the weight of the world had just been lifted off my shoulders, such a refreshing feeling.

Vanessa reaches over and hugs me, knowing.

She’s such a wonderful friend; knew just what to do to make me feel better, rather I liked it or not, she made it happen, knowing perfectly well it would help.

I know men should not be this complicated, enough to ruin a weekend of my life, then make me burst into tears, but obviously they were. It was inevitable.

“Well, Ads, let’’s get to Hollywood and Vine. You’ll feel better soon, then we can talk. There is an awful lot that needs to be discussed.”

I could tell Vanessa would be a good mother; she had that calming, motherly voice.

“O.K.” I said, feeling like a little child, but thinking it was nice being cared for every once and a while.

When we got there, it was jam-packed with the rich crowd, which, in California, was a lot. But I was not worried; Vanessa had taken care of it and I trusted her. We went in, and the hostess greeted us warmly and showed us directly to our seat. Which was a secluded little nook in the corner of the store; one of the best seats in the house, said the hostess. I was very glad I was here; but was not blind to the plentiful glances my way. My eyes were probably puffy and my nose red, but I didn’t care. They’d get over; it. I had. The waitress came and took our order of one Strawberry Daiquiri and one Pena-Colada. She brought us our drinks and we both ordered the grilled fish platter. While we waited for our food, we talked-about everything. She’d almost had me convinced to accept Austin’s offer when this guy I’d seen on a billboard on I-35 came up to talk to us. I wondered what in the world he could want, but it was soon obvious. He was looking for a date. After seeing Vanessa’s ring, he turned to me. “Hello, ladies,” he said, still looking at me. “Hi,” I responded. Vanessa could just glare at him. “I just wanted to compliment you on your beautiful dress, Ms.-“ “Morgan; Addison Morgan.” “How are you this lovely night, Ms. Morgan?” He asked, trying to charm me with his smooth voice and cute smile. “I am fine, enjoying the night with my best friend here, Vanessa Martin.” Vanessa glared at me for giving away her name. I just shrugged. “Oh, yes, of course, I must tell you my name. I am Alex Johnson.” “Good evening, Mr. Johnson,” I say. “Please call me Alex.” “O.K….” “Well, I just wanted to ask if you would consider seeing the Premiere of Pristine Waters this Friday with me. I’ll leave with you my number and you can call me. I really would like to spend the evening with you this Friday if you don’t mind, Ms. Morgan.” He had a cute Southern drawl and perhaps that was why he was so attractive in a way I hadn’t seen before; he wasn’t from around here. Interesting. But let me guess, he was the second most eligible bachelor or something. I just kept getting lucky; the rich and famous were coming after me. I did feel a sense of giddiness from this knowledge. Alex gave me his card. “See you later, Addison Morgan; I hope.” I looked into his eyes because this is what I did to everyone that asked me out, and smiled. He smiled back and I saw genuineness there. He’d be considered if I didn’t get grilled by Vanessa. She was set on Austin, and the more I thought about him, so was I. But this dude was eligible too. I’d consider. I broke contact and looked back to Vanessa. Mr. Alex Johnson left and Vanessa piped up. “How could you? Consider somebody else when we are in the discussion about Austin?” Vanessa Martin was not happy. “Vanessa, I never said O.K. to Austin and I’m still not sure about him. I can consider more than just one guy who I talked to for a couple hours. God has not written a statement saying that Austin is my husband and that I should not look at any one else. I hardly know the guy!!” “ Oh, and so Mr. Alex is an old chum. You know him?!” “No, but like I said; I’m not bound to Austin any more than I am to Alex. What is so important about hooking me up with him anyway?! Is he gonna pay you some money if you convince me to go out with him? What is your problem tonight, Ness? You’re acting kinda weird. And don’t say I am. I can talk to another male just because Austin said “hi” to me.” I could not get over Vanessa’s strange behavior and I wished she’s just tell me what was up. “Sorry, Addi; I know you aren’t bound to him and can talk to anyone you want. And I know I’m acting weird. It’s just, he stood me up in college where everyone hung out. Everyone saw me waiting for an unknown someone and being stood up was the most horrible thing at that school. No one ever forgot, and I was the outcast ‘til I graduated. I never forgave him for it and hated him ever since. Turns out he was sleeping with some other girl and forgot about me.” “Oh, Nessa; I’m sorry for yelling like that, I didn’t know.” “It’s fine, Addi, but if you’re smart, you better stay away from him. He’s bad news.” “O.K. I’ll take your advice. But why didn’t he recognize you?” “I don’t know. I don’t think he ever wanted to see the person, if you know what I mean.” I nodded and we continued eating. All was well…for now.

Over dessert, we talked some more about Austin. “Vanessa, I just don’t know.” “Well, just don’t think. Just take a step of faith and see if he’s enjoyable company.” “Vanessa, I know he’s good company. I spent the whole party talking to him!!” “Well, Addi. I think you should forget about his job and think about him as a person. He is a person, Addi and you need to accept that. In this case, he’s a person that likes you as a person and you need to at least give him one more date. Who knows, you might decide you like him much more than worrying about him owning the corporation we work for.” I sat there a moment and mulled over what Vanessa had said. She was absolutely right and I knew it, just didn’t want to accept it. But I believed her when she said he was just a person and I should give him a chance. And it was the chance part that got me excited. Another night with the fun-to-be-with billionaire seemed like a mighty fine idea. I still wasn’t sure, but knew I’d be doing some deep considering of the handsome billionaire if nothing else.

“So, Matt, what’d Vanessa say?” Austin asked enthusiastically hoping it was something that could be solved. He now, more than ever, wanted to see her again. He’d only spent a few hours with her, but strangely enough, he missed her. “You really want to know?” asked his friend, earnestly. “Well, no duh! I asked you to do this for me; why would I not follow through?” “Oh, I don’t know. It just might shock you or you’ll regret it later… something.” “Matt, I have to know. Please, just tell me!” “O.K.,O.K. I’ll tell you. Don’t get your knickers in a knot.” Austin was trying to be serious, but his goofy friend made it hard. Austin broke into a wide grin. “She said she doesn’t feel right dating her boss.” Matt said it so suddenly and without warning that it caught Austin off guard. His eyebrows contorted into a deep “V” and he exclaimed, “WHAT??” without realizing that he had asked for this information. It wasn’t her fault that it was audacious. “Her boss? I’m not her boss, I just own it, right?” that last word came out weak and squeaky. “Apparently she doesn’t think so. That’s what Vanessa has been trying to tell her all along. Addi is still not sure. She is still is iffy about accepting.” The news crushed him. There was nothing his ever-present money could do about this problem. Nothing. She had to be willing to accept, and then he could give her anything she wanted. Nothing was out of reach, money wise; her heart was what he had yet to gain. Feelings could not be bought for any price.

I had decided. I did not want to be romantically involved in a relationship with Austin. But he was very fun to talk to and be with and I could use another friend in my life. I hoped he would understand and want to be my friend. I hoped he did not hate me for asking this and hoped I did not hurt his feelings. He was so kind and I could not bear to see sadness in his enchanting blue eyes. I decided to call him right now and talk to him. I was kinda elated at the thought of talking to him again, for though I had only talked to him a few hours, I felt like he was a long-lost friend that I needed to catch up with right away. Weird, I knew, but so very true. I found his telephone number and called. “Something company, Jana Barnes speaking.” “Oh, hi. I’m Addison Morgan. I’d like to speak to Austin, please.” “Austin Something?” She sounded surprised. I guess people didn’t call very often and say it so bluntly. Oops; I’d already forgotten his status there and I was already messing up. Go me. “Yes, is that a problem?” “Austin is not available Miss Morgan. I’ll tell him you called. You said your name was Addison Morgan?” “Y-“ All the sudden I heard a weird clanging sound like Ms. Barnes was wrestling the phone or something. Odd, I thought until I heard a familiar male voice on the other line. “Addison! I’ve waited so long to hear from you! So…how are you?” “I’m fine. Just fine. Uhhh, what was that noise?” “I had to, um, take the phone from Jane. Long story.” I laughed, “Oh, I see. Anyways I needed to talk to you and I was wondering if maybe we could meet somewhere in about an hour. There was a long pause as I suppose he was inquiring about his schedule. “Would it be O.K. if I came by tonight and picked you up? I’m really sorry, but my day is booked.” Of course, he was a billionaire business man; and here I thought he was to be free any time I decided to go out. Stupid me. “Unless, of course, you want me to cancel…” Austin, I realized, was speaking. “No, no don’t cancel. It’s not that important; I just wanted to talk to you about your offer. But I’ll see you tonight at…” “Seven. I’ll pick you up at seven.” “O.K. Bye.” I hung up and realized I was going on a date with the very person I was trying to avoid dating. I don’t know how it had went from a simple spur-of-the-moment talk we needed to have, to a date, but oh well. I guess I couldn’t cancel now, I thought with dismay. I sat there wondering on whatever I was going to do about this predicament, when my phone rang. “Hello?” “Addi, wear something pretty nice. I want to go to Risqué de Falimos, but it’s kinda formal. Is that O.K.?” I was shocked at first. Risqué de Falimos was the most expensive restaurant in a fifty-mile radius and I had always dreamed of dining there. And then I remembered he was practically made of money and two meals at the R.F. would be pocket change to him. “Yes, I’d love to. And I hope it’s O.K. if I wear the same thing as I wore to the office party. I’m afraid that’s all I own that’s formal.” “Yes that’d be fine,” he acted as if he wanted to say more so I waited. When he was silent I said ‘bye and hung up. I guess I really was going on a date. It didn’t matter though, this was the first and this would be the last.

Austin had had a hard time not saying more to Addi when she asked if her one gown was O.K. He’d wanted to shout, “Yes! It would be fine. You look absolutely stunning in that dress and I would love it if you would wear it again!” She’d looked so beautiful that night and now he was eager as ever for tonight to come. He found it hard to sit through the meeting after meeting at work. He’s never been so eager about dating anyone, and it was strange behavior he had, but it couldn’t be helped. And he didn’t really want the feeling to go away. It was a good feeling and he enjoyed it. Now all he had to do was get through today and he’d be able to go home and get ready for tonight.

I decided to take another shower and re-style my hair. Emma-Marie had done it before, and now I had to do it myself. I t wouldn’t look as great, but it didn’t really matter. It was a talk for crying out loud! Why did I feel such an urge to dress to impress. I had no idea and tried to push the uncanny thought from my silly little-girl mind. I dried my hair and helped out the natural chestnut locks to have a more fixed look. I pinned some of it up so it would cascade onto my bare shoulders. I looked in the mirror and decided it was O.K. for now, good as it would get anyway. I donned on the accessories I’d bought that day with Vanessa and put on the new shoes. I hadn’t thought I’d ever need this outfit again, but I guess when you dated a billionaire, that’s what was normal. Ugh, there went that word again. Dating. I was not dating Austin, just talking about important things…at 7:00 at night….in a formal gown…at an exquisite cuisine…oh, O.K., so it really looked like a date. I had to admit the blunt truth. This was not turning out like I’d planned it before I’d called him a few hours ago. But he…oh, he had a sneaky way of tricking me into stuff without me even realizing it until later. With his smooth speech and convincing tone…he was eventually talk me into a full-blown relationship. But no! I would not allow that. I’d made my decision and he’d just had to accept it, and hopefully be gentlemen about helping me out with my decision.

Austin arrived at 7:00 sharp and looked handsome as ever in a blue shirt and tie that brought out his striking blue eyes, and khaki slacks with copper Italian loafers. I was not really surprised, but I was pleased. There was nothing wrong with having an attractive date, nothing wrong at all.

“Hi,” I said, as I opened the door. He looked at me a moment and didn’t say anything, but finally he spoke. “Hi, Addi. Are you having a fine evening?” “I am, thank you. And you?” “I’m feeling a whole lot better, now.” He looked at me again and smiled. But as soon as he turned way, I rolled my eyes. That was such a cheesy line that I wanted to laugh, but a sudden outburst might confuse the man, so I kept my lips sealed. He escorted me out to his black Porsche and I tried not to be captivated. Another of my dreams. It seemed as though all my dreams were coming alive with this one man. We got in the car and I practically melted into the rich leather interior. It was extravagant. I was in love. The sound system alone was amazing, better than mine in the house. I also spotted a DVD player installed into the front where my radio would be. This was a sweet car. “Hello, Austin.” I gasped. Was there an unknown guest riding along with us? Austin laughed and told me it was just his GPS that he’d programmed to do that. I actually laughed too, because it was funny that I’d jumped at the GPS’s voice. As we drove toward R.F.’s we talked about each other’s days. I wasn’t about to tell him I’d spent about three hours getting ready for tonight. He said he’s had a hard time sitting through multiple meetings ‘cuz he’s been so excited about tonight. Well, I thought, men did not care about getting ready like we women did and so…so…yeah. And plus, some men didn’t have to try. Some men looked breathtaking in dirty tank top and wholly jeans. Like, unfortunately, I’m sure he did. It was no fair, but it was the way of life. We finally arrived at the restaurant, but it had not taken as long as I thought it would. We’d been so engrossed in conversation that it had seemed like five minutes. At least we knew how to talk. We went in, and while the hostess led us to our seat, I looked around. This was my dream restaurant; I needed to know every detail while I was here. The Venetian blinds were the color of Austin’s pants and the murals and tapestries on the walls were the most beautiful I’d ever seen at a restaurant. And the vases that graced the marble and gold-trimmed tables had the most intricate designs. The table cloths were of velvet and the napkins that were wrapped around the sterling silver silverware were of the finest silk. The glasses they brought our drinks in were of such clear, detailed glass, that I was afraid to drink out of them. Austin was not, however, and I could tell he was suppressing a smile as he watched me. “It’s OK, Addi. People break them all the time and it’s no big deal. With your gentleness, though, I bet you’ll be fine.” I shied away from that subject and went on with a new one. I wasn’t comfortable with compliments, especially personal ones coming from Austin Something. He unnerved me, and I just wanted to be his friend, not have a crush on him. “So, you heard Vanessa engaged to Mat, didn’t you?” I knew he worked with Mat and probably was told it was going to happen before it actually did, but I had nothing and I wanted him to stop looking at me with that unreadable expression. “Yeah, I did. Mat seems quite happy when he talks about it.” I nodded, “Yes, Vanessa is ecstatic. She can’t stop talking about him. She’s so happy that’s she’s not going to have to work any more,” I paused a second wondering what to say next. This was an uncomfortable situation, for sure, “But I’m going to miss her. She’s my only companion there where I work.” And that, along with my lovely statement at the park, made me want to kick my self in the teeth. Of course, he knew where I worked. He owned it, for goodness’ sake! “Yeah, I understand what that’s going to be like.” All the sudden I opened up, I guess because I had no one else to talk to. Obviously Vanessa was not an option. “And right now she’s my car pool, because my car is dead. One day it just went ka-plop. I ride with her now, I don’t have a cent to spare for repairs. I’m a devout Christian, but I’m struggling more than my atheist friend. I’m so confused, yet I trust God,” I felt like crying, but kept my cool. “Austin, I’m sorry I’m such a mess tonight. I have one friend here, Vanessa, and I can’t talk to her about everything and sometimes the burden is just too much to bear.” I stare at my plate for a moment, then gather up enough courage to look at Austin. He has sympathy in his eyes and though I usually try to brush it off when people are sorry for me, I realize sympathy is just what I need and I allow it. “I…” Austin starts to say something, but stops. I look at him, waiting. “It’s O.K. that you needed to talk. Really it’s fine. Sometimes people just need to share the load and that’s all they need to make them feel better. I’m glad you shared with me.” Eventually, we got off of that subject and in no time, he had me smiling again, enjoying the night. He was some kind of miracle worker. But I enjoyed it. There would be too many uncomfortable moments if it was not so. On the way home, we played the favorites game. It seemed so childish as we began, but where was the fun in always being an adult? Nowhere, I realized. I asked him his favorite food, and vice versa, his favorite town, and vice versa, he asked me my favorite color, and vice versa, he asked me my favorite material, and I did think that was a little odd, but answered it, not caring. I knew there were tons of cars he could own, and was curious about his choice. So I asked him. He told me and asked me what my favorite car was out of all of them on the market. I did not hesitate. See, I was a dreamer. I was almost poor, but had more dreams than anyone I knew. I liked dreaming up the impossible, and did not hesitate when people asked me stuff such as Austin. We continued on with each other’s favorites, ‘til we arrived at my drab apartment, even more so now that I’d spent so much time at that grand restaurant and in his car. I found I did not want to leave. He was obviously feeling the same way, I could tell by his body language, but for him, I could not tell. He was the rich one here. “So, Addi. Change your mind about the Premiere? Will you please go? Vanessa and Mat are coming and I’d really like someone to accompany me.” I surprised myself by wanting to shout, yes! Of course I’ll go, when just the other day, I’d been so adamant with my no. “You could have anybody you wanted to accompany you. You’re in no need for a date.” I’d probably end up agreeing, but I just wanted to hear the man beg for my company. As selfish as it was, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I liked it. “I can’t have anybody I want, because the somebody I want won’t agree.” He looked at me with this adorable puppy face, and I caved. “O.K.,” I said as I laughed, “I’ll go, but only if you pick me up in this car.” “Oh, really? I was thinking a white stretch limousine with plasmas and a personal soda fountain.” “Ahh, that definitely beats this, I guess!” I laughed again and turned to open the door. He tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see what he wanted. “Here, Addi, take this, please,” he said as he handed me a Visa Platinum credit card. “Oh, no, Austin, I may be struggling, but I don’t want you to give me money.” I backed away, not about to accept such an atrocious piece of plastic. “Oh, yes, Addi. You are going to accept it and use it, actually. You need to get an extremely, outrageously priced Armani trendy dress. You are going to do this, Addi. It’s for the premiere and here are the instructions you will follow. Go to the Raleigh Mall and contact Grace Pitney in the Armani store and ask her to find you the most in-style thing out right now, unless it’s way out of your moral code, then go to the next thing, but if it’s just wild, just trust me. It’s the thing to wear right now to Hollywood premieres. Ask her to pick you out a whole out fit and then, you are going to pick out five, yes five, things for yourself. Five complete outfits for work. Mix and Match would probably be best. Everything, Addi, five pairs of shoes, five shirts, five skirts and pants, five dresses, five accessories or more would be better and also two of the best coats on the market. Five scarves, five pairs of matching gloves, and a couple of winter hats, unless, of course, you find more, than please get them. And Addi, you are going to do this, because next week I am going to come by and see if you did what I said, and if you didn’t, then I am going to drag you back by the toes and watch you. The things we need, are not always the things we want, so just listen to me, and do this.” I was flabbergasted. Obviously, he had not just done this because of my little pity party at the restaurant. Now some might have been inspired, but he had not only done this because I was struggling from lack of income. Oh, no. He was just overly generous with his abundant funds. I nodded, then cracked up laughing. I t was pretty funny how serious he’d been, I thought. He started to laugh to, and pretty soon we both had tears in our eyes and pain in our stomach. I stopped to catch my breath, and so did he. He looked at me, and I looked at him. This was the uncomfortable ness I disliked. He reached over, and wiped the tears of my cheeks, and spoke in the lowest sweetest voice I’d ever heard. “It’s fine, now Addi. He is rewarding you for all your years of service to him, just in a unique way. Accept his gift and enjoy it.” I was flustered, from his finger on my cheek to his voice, it all made me uncomfortable. I think I said thanks, and then I ran inside. I had to leave. That was just too weird.

Austin couldn’t explain what had just came over him. One second they’d been laughing and the next second he’s been wiping her tears. She was going to hate him for being so pushy and so forward. And she’d left so fast, that he hadn’t been able to tell her what a wonderful time he’d had talking to her and how honored he was that she opened up to him so early in their friend-ship. He felt like he’d forgotten something, and he knew it was thanks for a wonderful evening. For the best time he’d had talking to anyone since never. But it was his own stupidity and he’d have to call her later and thank her for the companionship she’d finally relented to. It was Tuesday, she’d just left and he was already counting the hours until he’s get to see her again.

What was wrong with me? I couldn’t figure it out. I’d gone there tonight to explain I just wanted a friendship, and hadn’t even done that. No, I’d cried him out and then received a credit card. Which reminded me, as much as I had not waned to accept the card, I was kinda giddy about going to buy some new outfits. I decided I’d surprise Austin and buy all he said and more. He was right, God had finally rewarded me in his own unique way and I did need to accept His gracious gift. Which brought me to another point, was Austin a Christian? He’s talked about him as if He was a very recognized being in his life. Was California’s “most eligible bachelor” also Mr. Perfect? Not only did he meet my dream-standards, such as cute and rich, but also my no-compromise standard of being a Christian. If this was true, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, comprehending, in my brain. It was shocking. The closest-to-perfect man I’d ever met was interested in me. Was God trying to tell me something? I’d been asking him for days if I should “date” Austin and had not received an answer, so I’d come up with my own. But now I wasn’t so sure. I definitely needed some more alone time with God. He’d be able to tell me all I needed to know.[color=indigo][/color]

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Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:00 am
Jackie-In-A-Box wrote a review...

Hello, my YWS friend!
Man, i love reading stuff like this. I agree, it's such a cinderella story, but it's cool. Im Christian too (god rocks) and it's nice to see christianity included in a story as someone's "Mr Perfect".
Yup, just the thing about the tenses really, and new paragraphs when people talk, but it is very cool. I think it's fine as a beginning for a story, now I just want to read the rest! What have you got as the beginning??
good luck,

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Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:37 am
writergirl007 says...

This was really good! I love your style! It is marvelous! I also like how you incorporate God into your story! So...don't be too mad at me when you read the rest. But in all fairness, it was a very long story! And I did promise you an indepth review!

"Someone so wonderful and gorgeous had to have a guy already and if not, did not want to hang out with the likes of him!"
End this sentence at already. Start a new sentence with something like, "Even if she didn't, she would not want to hang out with the likes of him." Just a suggestion.

"He was in dreamland if he thought otherwise. Which, he thought, would not be so bad after all."
You have 'thought' twice. Please change one of them. Also, make this one sentence, unless of course those are his actual like italicized thoughts. If you know what I mean. :wink:

"Church was until not until eleven and it was luckily just a block away."
You have until twice. You only need it once in this sentence. Take out the first until.

"Lucy loved walks and knew when she was being called for one.
It was almost as if God was calling me out to the sunshine and it was a wonderful feeling."
Called and calling. Too close together. Change one of them.

"First stop, Raleigh Park. Where the rich and famous walked their diamond-studded pooches."
Make this one sentecne.

"distracted me from the uppity walkers."
What is uppity? I have never heard of that word before.

"As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I want them back."
Wanted instead of want.

"every day or other day"
Add every in front of other. I know I told you not to copy words, but this sentence is an exception. You need every there to help it flow. Imo.

"Yeah, well, the owner was to put her down because of and eating disorder, turns out, Alix just need some body to love her and personally take care of her."
An instead of and, needed instead of need.

"such a marvelous creature, I say!”"
I'd say instead of I say. Also I'd say in the flowing sentence from Addi.

"Pristine Waters, you might not know is a highly awaited movie expected"
You don't need the 'you might not know', but if you decide to keep it, add a comma after know.

"I am dieing to see the movie and told him so, unknown to his identity at the time."
What do you mean by 'unknown to his identity'? I am confused! Also, dying instead of dieing.

"I say I do not wasn’t to be involved with him."
Double negative. I was not to get involved with him.

"But that is the life of Addison Marie; find somebody unwed and handsome and he ends up being my boss."
Colon instead of simicolon.

"maybe there’ll be solution.”"
A after be.

"I like that movie much."
Alot, love that movie, that movie is the best. Or something along those lines. Also, add an exclamation mark at the end.

"and have nothing else to think about that I think about today’s encounter. "
You use think twice in this sentence! Take out or change one!

"As soon as the thought passes through, I feel so angry at the evilness of that menacing thought that I almost slap myself."
Thought twice!

"When’ the wedding?”"
S after when'.

"My tone was downtrodden, I didn’t want to talk about marriage, It made me want to cry."
Period after downtrodden and marriage.

"Not that it was doing any good in this town, nope."
Take out nope.

"I’d given my life to God 15 years ago and I‘d still entrust him with my life."
With it today. Don't repeat life.

"What are you inviting me and Vanessa to a movie."
Why instead of what.

"she’s the most intriguing beautiful women"
Comma after intriguing.

"Told ya! Well so, you wanna go.”"
Question mark after go.

"rather I liked it or not"
Whether instead of rather.

"They’d get over; it"
Take out the simicolon.

"She is still is iffy about accepting"
You have is twice. Either place is fine for this word, but you don't need it in both places.

" ‘bye and hung up"
Need another ' at the end of bye.

"the meeting after meeting at work."
Take out the. When you use the, you make the object sound like it is the only one.

"he was eventually talk me into a full-blown relationship."
He would instead of he was.

"counting the hours until he’s get to see her again."
He'd instead of he's.

I think this was very good and I as well can't wait for more. Most of the things I found were gramatical which are hard to spot yourself. One thing you need to look out for is using two words close together. That happened a lot. But, that's okay. I love the story, however! I don't see the problem, however, with why she won't go out with him. But, it is marvelous nontheless. Keep up the good work! Writergirl

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Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:58 am
writergirl007 wrote a review...

Hey, Mandy! You write! Yea! I can't wait to read it! I have a prior commitment though! But I promise, i will get to this as soon as possible! Although, I am a hard critic. You may not want my imput! Lol. Well, I will read it anyways. I need to get to bed though! See you in algebra! Danie

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Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:14 am
Certainly Love says...

Hey, I'm a Christian too. There's something we have in common. Keep up the good work, but try to stay in whatever tense you're in. It gets confusing.

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Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:58 pm
Wiggy wrote a review...

This sounds like a magical Cinderella story! Please, please write more! :D

Just one complaint. If you could remember to start new paragraphs anytime a new person speaks, that would be great! :D

Poetry and prayer are very similar.
— Carol Ann Duffy