
Young Writers Society


by kwitcher

I am not a cookie

Through out my education, I have bee a cookie in a cookie cutter educational system. Assigned to a school based in the neighborhood I live in. I’ve been forced to take classes that I am not interested in, through my senior year. The biggest flaw in our educational system is that those who make the laws concerning education are legislatures not educators. Students who want to get ahead and start their college education early are discouraged and often punished fore their perseverance.

Most European countries allow parents to choose which schools they want to enroll their students in. Each student is given an amount of money by the government to pay for an education. Money is attached to the student instead of given directly to the school in their area. This allows students to go to either public of private schools. When students are allowed to choose their education, schools are forced to compete for students, make the schools better. Schools hire more qualified teachers, offer more extra circular activities, and allow for a broad range of challenging classes. Competition by nature makes the schools better.

Here in America we fail to follow this example. Students are assigned a school to attend based solely on their address. Students who live near a school that is notorious for gang violence, drug use, or simply unqualified teachers have no choice but to endure a mediocre education. Some families refuse to accept the laws in place and lie to a different, better school about their address. I find that it is terrible that a student has to lie just to receive an education. Parents who are caught lying about their address are kicked with outrageous fines and in some cases even jail time. Schools are cracking down on those who want a better education at their school (instead of being flattered.) When students enroll into a new school, they have to bring in a water bill or any other bill with their parents name proving their residency. Legislatures should not make laws hurting the school system.

As a cookie in the cookie cutter educational system our interest are of little importance. If a student wants to take a class that is not offered they are discourage. The internet is rarely utilized for correspondence courses in schools. Many students do take classes online or at the local college to get ahead and graduate early. Several of my friends who have chosen to challenge themselves by start their futures early were punished by not being allowed to walk across the stage and graduate in front of their friends and relatives. Many seniors who either flunked or were missing credits were saved embarrassment and were allowed to walk at graduation. This hypocrisy is a whole in the system.

I’m sick of being a cookie in the educational system. Learning is becoming highly discouraged but protocols and state-wide test that promote school funding are being upheld and taught. I don’t want to be a number or a test score. I want to be a voice, a student worth teaching.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:18 pm
Azila wrote a review...

I didn't read it. :oops:

You really should break this up. Especially when you post something longer, if it's just a block of text then not even these lovely people above me will read it.


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Tue Nov 20, 2007 4:28 am
kilroyCHIC89 wrote a review...

Sure the font is small and bunched together but I read it without a problem. I totally
agree with you 100 percent. I just wrote an article for my English 101 class about the
NO Child Left Behind Act.

Something needs to be done about our school districts for the sake of future generations. I would love it if they would spend half the amount of money they spend on distributing thier "standerized" tests to accually improving our public schools..by maybe giving them money to fix the leaky roofs??

But what do we know right?

Great story.


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Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:20 pm
Kim wrote a review...

I to read the entire thing and enjoyed it. everything you say is true. our school system is going down the drain. students are not important anymore, just scores for the no child left behind. i see way to many being left behind.

i do have to point out one error though, in your very first sentence you left off the "n" in been, that just jumped out at me.

awesome story.


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Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:36 pm
EnchantressMuffin wrote a review...

I liked the concept of this; it's very original and makes a tasty read (and no, that was not a cookie pun, I actually say things like that). I don't know how much I liked the execution... I guess I'll have to get back to you on that.

A word of advice: even though people like me and the above ^ will read a big chunk of text like you have, but other people - many people - won't, so breaking this up will definitely solve that problem.

So. There were a few grammatical mistakes in this, so I think that you should proofread this, or if you'd like me to give an edit on this, then just let me know, mmkay? :)

That's all for now.

Peace, love, chocolate,

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Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:28 am
scotty.knows wrote a review...

Well I read the whole thing, unlike someone, as I am not imposed by large walls of text.

On this website, the font on the pages is really small so it appears imposing to some people. I'm not complaining, but some people do.

There were only a few errors in the work. For example, you put legislature instead of legislator. Legislators write legislature. Other than this, I thought it was great.

I think you're right on. The public school has gone on too long without anything in its way. Because of the inadequacies in the school system, private-schooling and homeschooling is on the rise. The NEA is getting more and more hostile each and every year, like in California where you can't even home school your kids any more without jumping through a gazillion little hoops. Even after jumping through all these hoops, you still can't decide on what curriculum to use.

Now, don't anybody get ticked off at me, just because the public school has some problems, doesn't mean some people haven't prospered from it. The gangs have a great time with recruitment. All the kids grouped together provide an excellent target for psychos who want to go out with a bang.

Now, really this time, don't get ticked at me. The public school system is bad, the people are not. Most of my friends go to the public high school. So nothing against gang members, public-schooled kids, and loonies who want to kill themselves and take a bunch of innocent kids with them.

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Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:16 pm
Emily and the Oracle wrote a review...

First and foremost, this is just a giant wall of text. If anything repels a reader off, it's that. Try putting spaces between your paragraphs.

Ex. Instead of

The girl walked to the store and bought a box of milk.
As she was walking back she tripped and dropped the milk.

The girl walked to the store and bought a box of milk.

As she was walking back she tripped and dropped the milk.

See what I'm getting at? Once you do that, I will gladly come back and read it and offer more assistance.


— looseleaf