
Young Writers Society

Alexandra Chapter 2 Final

by kathy45662


“Never mind Alex. I meant…well you’re like a sister to me.” Joshua hesitated.

“Well then let’s head to the gates. Let’s get this day over. Maybe the sooner we leave the sooner it will all be over with. I hate being around Michael.” Alexandra grabbed a small decorative purple bag she put over her shoulder. They swam out and headed toward the city gates.

They saw Michael standing and waiting, trying to show off for the guards who obviously didn’t care. They stood guarding with their arms crossed, and not even cracking a smile to laugh at the jester. Michael was dancing like a fool. Or rather, he was a fool dancing.

“Honestly, I think dad found the worst jester of all time,” Alexandra whispered as they swam closer. When Michael saw Alexandra and Joshua, he swam over to meet them and still continued to dance around Alex.

“It’s the mating dance of the jester!” Michael exclaimed.

“Please Michael, stop. You’re such a fool.” Alex added with a serious face.

“I’m just trying to make you smile, Alex.” Michael swam in front of her with a big grin. It didn’t work.

“You want to see me smile?” Alex questioned him.

“Yes I do!” Michael replied and stood still.

“Well sorry. You’ll never see me smile. The only way I’ll smile is if you leave and get out of my sight!” Alex finished. She swam around Michael and headed out the gates. The guards continued to stand like statues with their arms crossed as Michael made a fool of himself.

“Toddle-do guards! At least I can move!” Michael finished swimming in spirals up and down. Alexandra and Joshua swam on both hoping to lose track of Michael. Alex was Joshua’s responsibility to keep his eyes on her. Michael was not so much his responsibility. He wasn't a royal family member like Alexandra.

“Can we lose him?” Alex whispered to Joshua.

“I wish. He’s my pet peeve.” Joshua glanced behind them and saw Michael trying to quickly catch up.

“Where are we headed anyway, Joshua?” Alex asked glancing behind them and speeding up.

“It’s a small birthday surprise for you. I…didn’t know what else to get you. It’s not something I can really bring to you either. I just hope Michael doesn’t ruin the moment.” Joshua laughed.

“What is it?” Alex questioned.

“You’ll see soon.” Alex gave him an evil glance, squinting her eyes.

“Hey guys, wait up! Why are you going without me?” Michael caught up behind them. Neither answered him and continued to swim. “Joshua? Why didn’t you guys wait on me?”

“Michael,” Joshua stopped to explain. “We don’t have time to waste while you spin around in circles and try to impress the guards who hate you. Believe me, they don’t envy you because you swim around in circles like an idiot.” Joshua didn’t wait for a reply, but swam next to Alexandra. Michael stopped for a minute before he tried to catch up again.

“I’m just trying to entertain on our journey.” Michael added.

“We don’t need entertainment Michael. Right now you’re more of an annoyance. I wish you’d just disappear!” Alex shouted. Joshua stayed quiet.

Michael stopped swimming again and let them swim away from him. “All I want is some friends,” Michael spoke to himself. They had already swum far away from him. He wouldn’t be able to catch back up.

After a couple of minutes Joshua took another glance behind them. “I thought something seemed odd,” he paused.

“What is it?” Alex looked as well.

“No Michael. It’s actually quiet for once.” Joshua grinned at Alex. Alex returned the smile.

“Let’s go. I want to see what you are giving me for my birthday. I’m sorry I really haven’t gotten you anything.” Alex insisted.

“Don’t worry about me, we share a birthday and get to spend an entire day together, that’s enough for me every year. It just improved unless we run into Michael again.” He started swimming again. Alex followed next to him.

They soon reached the Twin Mountains. There was a flow of water that went between the bases of them. IT was the normal way of travel to other cities. As they swam through the darker part of the path, they heard a loud boom. It sounded like a bomb or explosion.

“What was that?” They asked each other at the same time.

“It sounded like it came from the city,” Alex said nervously. “Are they planning a birthday party?”

“What party?” Joshua asked.

“Oh, um…I figured that’s one reason father wanted us to leave the city, so they could set up for a party like they do almost every year.” Alex had a confused look. They both jumped when they heard another loud boom. They couldn’t see anything blowing up or a change in water current.

“Maybe it’s nothing?” Joshua suggested.

“Nothing? Nothing! How can two loud booms be nothing?” Alex was beginning to freak out. She began to pace. Joshua grabbed her arm just enough to stop her. Her pacing drove him crazy.

“Stop Alex. Please don’t worry. We’ll be going back. Until then, let’s enjoy the afternoon. Let’s enjoy it before we end up running into Michael again. Maybe he’s goofing off somewhere.” He motioned for them to swim on.

They made it passed the Twin Mountains without any more loud noises. Alexandra was still worried but didn’t fret aloud to Joshua about it.

“Are we almost there? What is it Joshua?” She continued to swim with him.

“Almost there. Remember how you always wanted to be a human?” Joshua began.

“Yes, but you can’t turn me into a human Joshua,” Alex giggled.

“I know. I want to give you the next best thing.” Joshua wanted to leave her hanging, still not sure of where he would take her.

They swam a couple of more minutes. The sunshine rays warmed the water where they stopped. Joshua looked up toward the sky. Alex watched Joshua to see what he was doing. He reached out his hand for hers. She grabbed his hand to follow his lead. She smiled.

“Alex, I couldn’t wrap it, but I wanted to do the best I could. It’s the sunset. I know we’re not supposed to go to the surface, but no one else is here but us. The other day you were sick I came out here to study. I noticed there were no ships or boats out here the entire day. Of course I wanted to make sure it was safe to bring you here before I decided to bring you and something –.” Another loud boom sounded and it was much closer. It sounded as if a large splash hit the water.

They both looked around as they stood still in the warm rays of the water. “Joshua, it’s closer. Whatever it is, it’s close.” Alex looked behind her and saw an anchor. Soon, their rays of sunshine went black with the spread of dirt.

“There’s a ship!” Joshua stated. They looked up. Quickly, they went to hide next to the Twin Mountains so they’d be in shadow. Alex still held onto Joshua’s hand as they sat quietly next to the mountains to watch. The anchor slowly but steadily fell to the bottom in the dirt and sand, making a big fog of dust shatter through the water. Everything was harder to see with all the dust that spread.

“Is that a pirate ship?” Alex whispered.

“I think so,” Joshua answered, still watching the anchor.

“Thank goodness! I found you guys!” They didn’t see him, but Michael’s loud, screeching voice was unmistakable. He coughed a few times from the debris floating around. Alex looked around her and couldn’t see him.

“Michael, stop! There’s a ship. We’ll be seen! You know that’s against the rules just to go beyond the Twin Mountains!” Joshua whispered. He could tell Michael was close but they still couldn’t see.

“Michael,” Alex whispered looking for him. “We can’t see you. Where are you?” She turned toward Joshua. “Do you see him?”

“Michael, do you see us?” Joshua asked still holding onto Alexandra.

“Joshua,” Alexandra whispered. “If the people spot him, we’re in deep trouble. They’ll find the city and—.” Joshua interrupted, kissing her on the lips.

“Alex, you’re my main concern. You’re my responsibility. Michael, well we know he’s not even responsible but you’re right. Stay hidden and I’ll have to find him. He’s not smart enough to hide with us. He doesn’t understand about humans. Maybe at Evart’s Palace, where he’s from, they teach differently about how humans treat merpeople. I don’t know. Just promise me you won’t go anywhere.” Joshua finished.

“I promise, Joshua.” Joshua kissed Alex on the cheek and disappeared into the dust. Alex stayed where she was. She kept trying to see. The dust began to clear. She saw a figure in the distance but couldn’t tell who it was. The way the figure acted, it wasn’t Michael. She thought it might be Joshua, undoing the anchor ropes.

“Joshua?” Alexandra whispered. No response. She swam a little closer. “Joshua?” She asked louder. The figure came closer. It was still dark in spots and dusty she couldn’t tell. She stood still in the shadow as the figure swam closer. A moment later, she knew it wasn’t Joshua. The figure was holding a dagger that reflected the sun. As the figure came closer, Alex went back to the hiding spot. The figure had legs.

“Oh no,” she whispered to herself. “I’m dead meat!” Alex closed her eyes but couldn’t keep them closed. She had to watch. She tried to hide her fin in the rocky spot where she hid.

The figure appeared out of the shadows and she saw. It was a boy. The boy must have been about her age. As soon as he saw her, his mouth opened in surprise to find her, and dropped his dagger. He swam up to the surface.

“Joshua?” She whispered. “I think they saw me. What do I do now?” Alexandra asked in a whisper, but knew he wasn’t there. He was out tracking Michael. Alex swam out to grab the dagger. She didn’t want the boy coming back for it and killing her with it. Alex put the dagger in her bag. She watched the boy above her. He caught his breath then started swimming back down. She hid in the dark hiding spot.

The boy squinted trying to see her. He grabbed her arms and pulled her to the surface holding tightly. Alex tried to pull him back down, possibly to drown him for what she thought was a kid napping.

“Calm down,” the boy said in a whisper once they reached air. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He struggled to hold onto her while trying to catch his breath. He grabbed onto a bar on the side of the ship to stay above so he could breathe.

Alexandra hesitated. She was glad to see the sky so clear for the first time, but didn’t think it would be with some human. She didn’t know what to do so she began to panic, still trying to escape his hands.

“Calm down girl,” he continued.

“Joe? Did I hear you? Did you get the anchor rope cut yet? Hello?” A rude and scratchy voice yelled.

“I’m just catching my breath,” the boy replied. “I’m working on it. I dropped my dagger. The dust is still thick so it’s hard to see.” The boy finished.

“Well hurry up. We don’t have all day.” The scratchy voice finished.

“Yes Captain Coogle,” Joe said aloud. Alexandra gave up trying to escape. Joe had a good enough grip on her that she wasn’t going to escape unless he let her.

Alexandra glanced up at the ship. It was bigger than she thought. She looked to see if anyone could look down and see her.

“Don’t worry girl,” Joe continued to whisper. “I’m not going to tell anyone you’re here, unless you want me to.” He suggested.

Alexandra was afraid to talk. She shook her head no. Alexandra calmed down some more but was still nervous and shy.

“I’m Joe Mills. Captain Coogle sent me down here to find an abandoned city. We have…some business…to do there.

There’s another ship out here that you should be worried about, not ours.” Joe tried to convince her.

“I can’t be seen,” Alexandra whispered to him. She admired his blonde messy hair and his brown eyes. She thought he seemed nice, but didn’t want to trust him for anything.

“OK, but can we talk some more? I want to talk to you. I’ve never met a mermaid before. I won’t hurt you Alexandra. I give you my word. I know, you don’t know me well at all but do I seem like the type that wants to eat you?” Joe whispered.

“No. You’re the first human I’ve ever met and I don’t know what to think. I’m…scared.” Alexandra pulled her arm out of his hands. She could feel him loosen his grip when she said she was scared.

“You’re the first mermaid I’ve met that didn’t run away when I let loose of her.” Joe replied, looking at her purple eyes.

“Joe, hurry up now! I hear you talking to yourself again! What are you doing?” Captain Coogle said aloud.

“Almost finished Captain,” Joe yelled back. Joe took a deep breath and went back underwater. Alexandra was free. She didn’t know what to do. She looked back up at the sky once more then submerged her self down. She followed Joe to help him.

“Do you want me to help?” Alex asked him. Joe looked at her and pointed to his ear like he couldn’t understand underwater. She pulled out his dagger and handed it back to him. He looked at her, gently grabbed it, and cut the rope. She swam around trying to figure out why he was cutting the rope. Joe went back up when he cut the rope. She stayed under the ship but close enough Joe could see she was still around.

While Joe wasn’t looking, Alexandra held onto the bottom of the ship to keep her position. The ship glowed around her hand.

“What in the world?” She whispered to herself. She touched the ship again. The wood on the ship seemed to glow around her hand. She let go of the ship and swam in one spot.

“Captain Coogle, here’s the rope!” Joe threw the end of the rope back onto the ship. “I’m going to swim around here and make sure we didn’t miss the city. I’ll get back on when you reach the beach over yonder.” Joe yelled.

“Joe you better be there when we reach it or we’re leaving you behind.” Captain Coogle decided. The ship began to move.

Alex swam lower and watched Joe. He looked under the water and saw her. He swam toward the beach and then came underwater. Alex followed him to the beach. Joe stayed mostly above the water, occasionally looking under to see if he could find a city and to see if she was following.

Alexandra was curious more than anything as to why he was looking for a city. She couldn’t be seen from above. She swam low enough to keep an eye on Joe. “Joshua, are you around here?” No answer. She wondered what happened. Alex wondered if they returned for her and then she wasn’t there in the hiding spot.

Alexandra swam a little faster when she saw a couple of figures ahead. When Joe seemed to reach the beach the figures had disappeared. She raised her head above the water to talk with Joe.

“I need some answers,” Alex began. Joe crawled onto the grassy beach and sat, shaking the water off his hair. He breathed heavily looking at the ship in the distance. The ship took a while before it could pick up speed.

“OK, I…OK I can probably answer them. Long as you don’t kill me after or anything…I’m game.” Joe took a deep breath and rubbed his face with his hands. “What…what do you want me to tell you? Or what do you want to ask?”

“Why are you looking for a city? Is it abandoned? What city is it? Are you looking for someone?” Alex began asking her questions.

“Slow down. One question at a time,” he finally caught his breath. “We’re looking for a city that we heard was abandoned, but we also heard it still existed. The other ship you should be worried about destroys underwater cities. They know mermaids and mermen exist and they want to make them extinct. Also, they’d eat you. So we are not very happy with them, so we’re trying to find the city and warn them, if the city exists, to be prepared. It’s risky because some cities underwater, they hate humans. So we’re always in a…lose-lose situation. You seem pretty nice so if you’re from the city…you’ve been warned.

I think Captain called it Crystal Waters,” Alexandra gasped as he continued. “It’s something like that,” he heard her gasp. Joe knew that must be where she was from. “It’s not abandoned is it?”

“I…I heard some loud booms earlier coming from what it seemed our city…I…I hope everyone is OK…” She didn’t know what to do or say. She wanted to go back home but didn’t want to go alone incase she was followed by Joe. She didn’t want to say too much but it was too obvious not to say anyway.

“It still exists right? Be sure to warn them when you go back to your city. Um…I know you’re wondering why we aren’t attacking? I…well we’re good pirates. There are good and bad ones out there. We heard some of these other pirates talking in the local market about Crystal Waters and we wanted to warn them. I don’t know how close they are. I haven’t seen their ship. They might be on the other side of these mountains. Just be careful, mermaid.”

“I’m…Alexandra.” Alex said.

“Joe Mills. But you already heard from Captain.” They smiled.

“Alexandra?” A familiar voice asked from the water. Alex looked around. Michael popped his head up. “Talking to a

human are we?” Michael asked.

“Yes, please go away Michael.” Alex insisted.

“Um…no. Joshua is looking for you. I heard a bomb or something coming from the city.” Michael continued.

“We did too. Joshua and I did.” Alex added.

“We should go back. Joshua was just headed to check your hiding spot. We need to go meet him there.” Michael looked at Joe and grinned but said nothing to him.

“OK. Give me a minute,” Alex turned toward Joe. Michael watched him closely.

“Alexandra, keep this…as a…souvenir. I don’t need it and it may bring you some good luck.” Joe stood up and handed Alex the silver dagger he used earlier on the anchor’s rope.

“Thank you,” Alex reached up to grab it. As she touched it, the dagger glowed. It didn’t glow the first time she picked it up. Joe made a strange look toward her.

“I don’t know why it did that Joe. It seemed to glow when I touched the ship earlier.” Alex added.

“Could you come with us? On the ship?” Joe insisted.

“I…no. I can’t. I have to get back to the city and warn them.”

“Come after, you swim fast. You can catch up to us.”

“Joe, it sounds tempting, but I have to stay.” Joe seemed disappointed.

“It would be hard to keep a mermaid on this ship, wouldn’t it?” he chuckled. “Don’t forget me. The ship is getting closer. You’re right. You better go before you’re seen. I won’t tell anyone. You have my word.” Joe finished.

Alexandra put the dagger in her bag. “I will hold you up to that, Joe.” Alex finished.

“C’mon Alex! Hey,” Michael turned to Joe, “how do we know you won’t follow us?”

“Even if I did, we don’t kill anyone but bad humans. We like to help others, humans, or mermen.” Joe shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t know how else to say it.

“Joe, I’m glad I met you. I hope I see you soon.” Alex finished.

“Bye Alexandra. I hope to see you soon too. If you ever walk on land, most of my crew and I are from ___(name of city they visit later on land)__.” As he stood up to wait on the ship, Joe waved good-bye. Alex and Michael both waved as they went underwater to hide from the ship.

“We need to get back, pronto princess!” Michael insisted. Alex didn’t answer as they swam to meet up with Joshua at the hiding spot. They met half way between there and the beach.

Alexandra hugged Joshua as soon as she could reach him.

“Are you OK?” Joshua asked hugging her back.

“Yes I’m fine. I met a human. A pirate. A…good pirate named Joe Mills. He told me of another ship out here, one that’s searching for the city to destroy it.” She let go of Joshua and looked at him.

“I’ve heard of that name. The elders have said that name before. We’ll ask more about him later. Let’s go warn the city about the ship.” Michael insisted. He wasn’t being his normal, goofy self once he learned of the other ship.

“Yes lets warn them before it’s too late.” Joshua finished. He grabbed Alexandra’s hands and they all began swimming back to the city. It was dark out when they finally reached the city gates.

Alex was the first to notice…

“The city…it’s destroyed!” Alex panicked.


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58 Reviews

Points: 1040
Reviews: 58

Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:13 pm
kathy45662 says...

Thank you so much for the reviews! I'm glad I have at least one person reading as I post the newest version. I hope I can keep this up. Work ends end of May, so my goal is to at least re write the 1st novel of Alexandra by then. During summer, I'll have a summer job, most liekly McDonalds and there's no way of writing at a job like that lol. I'm lucky to be doing it at all ehre at a school, but finals coming up some and busy, but not busy. HA! Well, hope I can post more soon.

My goal is end of May because if I can't get it done by summer, it'll be harder and I wnat the flow to stay. At home I don't relaly have time to write because we hav ea baby and summer projects have started and so mnay things to do! Well, I'll update asap!

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378 Reviews

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Reviews: 378

Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:12 pm
Soulkana wrote a review...

I love this. Its a very good expansion and edited version of chapter 2. I hope you are going on with this. It will be amazing to read more. ^^ Good luck. I really really really will keep reading this. I am having to do homework for Business as it is very long. LOL I loathe checking accounts and registers but I will read more so I can follow on with the plot. Good luck and Happy Writing!!!!

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