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Midnight Work

by jimmywashere788

Jimmy- Middle schooler, honor student, lack of sleep, lack of motivation, usually doesn’t have to study or try hard to get good grades, doesn’t have a lot of energy, introverted. He/Him pronouns.

Anxietas(anxiety)-Quick to put someone down, persistent, repetitive, can get angry quickly, quick to change topics when they are bored or when it is to put someone down, seems nice and chill at first. They/Them pronouns.

Motus(motivation)-Quiet at first, kind, focused, hardworking, positive, easy going, tries to lead, similar to a dog they are always happy to see you and wants to make you happy, has a lot of energy but most of it goes into their work. They/Them pronouns.

Setting: A bedroom with a desk, laptop, notebooks and paper everywhere, a tv, a ps4, a desk light, most of the room is dark except around the desk where it is bright, but it gets brighter when Anxietas and Motus are introduced. Present time

Scene 1

[Opens with Jimmy sitting in front of his laptop. He has his hands on the keyboard but isn’t typing. He is mumbling quietly to himself about his writing assignment. He looks like he is zoned out.]

JIMMY: [shaking his head]What was I doing? (beat) [sighing] Oh yeah that stupid play thing. [looking at the time] 1 A.M… its already 1. I started at like 8 and still have nothing. How am I going to get this done?! It’s due in like 7 hours and I still need to sleep!

[Anxietas enters stage right. Jimmy doesn’t notice them walking up to him. Anxietas walks up to Jimmy as he is talking. Anxietas stops behind Jimmy.]

JIMMY: What can I even write about. I can’t write based on experience. Nothing interesting has happened to me.


[Jimmy puts his arms and head on the desk. Sighing. In a sad voice he says.]

It doesn’t really matter if I’m happy doing it. I just have to get a high number then they will be happy with me.

[Anxietas is now behind Jimmy, smirking and nodding their head as he listens. Then puts their arms on the back of Jimmy’s chair.]

ANXIETAS: [In a deep but calming voice.] You’re right you know.

JIMMY: [screams. He grabs a pen and points it at Anxietas. Anxietas puts their hands up while laughing.] W-who are you?

ANXIETAS: [Putting a hand dramatically on their chest.]Oh, you wanna know who I am. [Sticking their hand out for Jimmy to shake] I am you, I am what you are feeling right now, I am your anger, fear, sadness, I am the true you, but you can just call me Anxietas.

[Jimmy hesitantly shakes Anxietas hand]

JIMMY: Why are you here?

ANXIETAS: I am simply here to help you… So why don’t you get up so we can play some games.

[Anxietas stars walking to the bed but stops when Jimmy doesn’t follow them]

JIMMY: I can’t, I need to get this done. [Turning back to his laptop.] I can’t get distracted.

ANXIETAS: You said it yourself, they don’t care about you so why should you care about them. You're just some number to them. They just want you to grow up and work in an office. You’re just a worker to them not a human who has emotions.

[Jimmy paused staring at Anxietas for a few seconds. Then he sighs.]

JIMMY: I guess you’re right…taking a break wouldn’t hurt. Right?

ANXIETAS: A break won’t do anything [ Anxietas said slyly] Come on lets play some games. Won’t it be fun. [Anxietas sticks out a hand, Jimmy grabs their hand as they walk to stage left to the bed and tv.]

JIMMY: Are you sure I should be doing this?

ANXIETAS: Yes, yes, it’s fine stop worrying. Won’t you feel better playing games then writing? It’s not like you have to turn it in now. You have time so relax.

JIMMY: O-ok… what should we play?

ANXIETAS: How about [points at a box on the shelf.] this one.

JIMMY: I guess we can play that. [Picks up the box and puts the disk into the console. Then sits back down on to the bed.]

Scene 2

[Hours have passed the bed is messy. Anxietas is sitting next to Jimmy on the bed. There are bags of chips around them. Motus is now at stage right watching them on the bed whispering something the audience can’t hear.]

ANXIETAS: Don’t you feel better now? But aren’t you tired?

JIMMY: [yawns] A little, but I still need to get to work now.

ANXIETAS: You won’t be able to work if you're tired so just lie down for a bit then you can get back to work.

[Motus is now slowly walking towards them. Motus' voice is very quiet.]

MOTUS: Don’t go to sleep yet you won’t get any work done. Don’t listen to Anxietas. They won’t help you.

[Anxietas froze for a second. Then glared at Motus. Motus crossed their arms and shook their head. Anxietas stuck their tongue out then went back to helping Jimmy to bed. Jimmy doesn’t see Motus.]

ANXIETAS: Come on let’s get you to bed. You must be so tired after working so hard.

JIMMY: [yawning almost every other minute. Jimmy lazily nodded his head as he lied back on to the bed and put the covers over himself falling asleep.]

ANXIETAS: [Anxietas cleaned the bed off. They checked if Jimmy was asleep then walked towards Motus. Talking in a whisper shout.] Why are you here Motus?

MOTUS: [Speaking in a whisper shout.] Why do you think I’m here?!You’re trying to compromise Jimmy’s grade!

ANXIETAS: [In a fake offended voice] Compromise! Compromise! I’m just trying to help him. You’re going to make him depressed!

MOTUS: Don’t act like you don’t want that! You! You are going to make him depressed. What is going to happen when he fails? You are just going to get more work and the rest of us must watch you destroy Jimmy.

ANXIETAS: [laughing] Oh, you are worried. Of course, you are. Always working aren’t you Motus. Never taking a break. Won’t you make Jimmy over-work himself if you lead. He is happy with me. Go back to where you came from and tell the others that I’m not backing down.

JIMMY: [groans and slowly gets up. Leaning on his arm.] W-what is going on…and who are you?

MOTUS: Hello Jimmy, I am Motus, your motivation. I’m here to help you get your work done.

ANXIETAS: [Pushing Motus away from Jimmy.] Don’t listen to them. Motus will just make you work and work. The same every day. Nothing new. You’ll just become some corporate robot. Won’t you hate that. Never getting to do what you want. Nobody cares about how you feel other than me. I’m the only one who understands you and accepts the true you.

MOTUS: [Walking back towards Jimmy.] Don’t listen to them, they are lying to you. They are going to make you fail. You won’t get anything done if you listen to Anxietas. Please let just go to the computer and start writing. You can use this to help you write.

ANXIETAS: [fakes cries]Please if you listen to Motus I-I-I’ll disappear. I would die if you listen to them. The only person that cares about you will be gone forever. How would that make you feel. You would be alone with no one to talk to. No one who actually cares. You will just be someone who doesn’t do anything to change the world. I could make you happy. You could make a difference in the world if you listen to me.

MOTUS: You are being overdramatic Anxietas. You won’t die, you will always be here. You are needed to keep Jimmy safe.

ANXIETAS: [Crossing their arms.] So, you admit that my job is to protect Jimmy! I need to protect him from the life you are going to give him, so why don’t you leave so I can do my job.

MOTUS: We both know that Jimmy needs his education. He won’t be able to do what he likes if he fails. I know it’s bad now, but it will get better.

ANXIETAS: It will get better, now where did I hear that before… Ah, right Jimmy, aren’t you always told to push through your work and that it will get better? But will it really get better?! Why should you try to meet others’ standards if you can’t be happy?! We can run away from it all and you can be happy for being you not for someone else!

MOTUS: Jimmy don’t listen to what they say. Anxietas is just trying to get you feel sorry for them so they can manipulate you to do what they want. I need you just to try to get your work done. It is ok if you don’t finish it on time. Everyone feels this way in their life. Everyone needs to take breaks sometimes, but you have to get some work done as well. Now that you have slept for a bit maybe you can write something.


[Jimmy flinched and moved away from Anxietas. Motus moved to hug Jimmy to calm him down.]

JIMMY: W-w-what is wrong with you.

ANXIETAS: [Sighing] Jimmy l-look I didn’t mean what I said. I-I just don’t want you to get hurt.

JIMMY: I think I’m just going to do my work now.

[Jimmy started walking towards the desk with Motus. Anxietas grabbed Jimmy’s hand to hold him back.]

JIMMY: Don’t touch me. Just leave me alone please.

[Jimmy pushes their hand off him and continues walking. Anxietas falls to their knees. The light around Anxietas fades so you can’t see them. Jimmy sits down and Motus stands beside him.]

MOTUS: I am very proud of you Jimmy for making the right choice. I know that must have hurt but how you feel is perfectly normal. [Jimmy and Motus smile at each other then turn back to the computer screen.] Now do you have an idea on what to write about?


MOTUS: That is fine. How about you could write about what just happened.

JIMMY: I could, will you help me?

MOTUS: Of course, I will now let’s get started.

[Jimmy is typing and talking with Motus quite enough for the audience can’t hear. The lights fade around them.]

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Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:10 am
SpunkyMonkey wrote a review...

Hi! Spunky here to review!


Jimmy- Middle schooler, honor student, lack of sleep, lack of motivation, usually doesn’t have to study or try hard to get good grades, doesn’t have a lot of energy, introverted. He/Him pronouns. Anxietas(anxiety)-Quick to put someone down, persistent, repetitive, can get angry quickly, quick to change topics when they are bored or when it is to put someone down, seems nice and chill at first. They/Them pronouns.

This paragraph should be separated into two paragraphs.

[shaking his head]What was I doing? (beat) [sighing]

I'm a bit confused with the "(beat)" thing. Care to explain?

I am simply here to help you… So why don’t you get up so we can play some games.

"So" shouldn't be capitalized.

Why do you think I’m here?!You’re trying to compromise Jimmy’s grade!

A space is needed after the exclamation mark.


Instead of doing caps locks, maybe just say Anxietas was yelling, or something along those lines.


I love this! It's super relatable, and you turned a pretty common struggle into a fun little play. Great job overall!

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Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:34 pm
Horisun wrote a review...

Hello there! And a belated welcome to the Young Writers Society!
This story tells a very interesting tale. I feel as if there really is some moral gray area here. I, personally, agreed with some of the points that Anxietas was making. I'm still in school, and I have felt like school doesn't care about my mental health, and I have wondered if it was even worth it. I think its cool that Jimmy's Anxiety made good points.
I do have a small nitpick, and that's that the argument between Motus and Anxietas escalated a little too fast. At the part where you use CAPS LOCK for their dialogue, I read it as screaming. You have to be very careful when using all caps, as it can seem out of place in a story.
Other than that, however, I really enjoyed this! I hope you keep on writing, and have a great day! :D

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jimmywashere788 says...

I do agree that it escalated to quickly, but I had to write it in one act for school. I tried to show the panic that Anxietas was feeling wen it was in caps so they were yelling. Thank you for your criticism and I hope you have a nice day.

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Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:44 am
Tanishka wrote a review...

Hey Jimmy!

Tanishka here. First thing, hats off to your creativity . It is a really well written play. The Imagery is perfect ,the setting looks amazing and it feels so realistic. I could have never thought of something like this . The interaction between the three characters is really well presented. I love how you stressed the idea that anxiety is actually needed to keep us safe. The interaction between Motus and Anxietas is really intriguing.

At some points , I think you could work on the depth and feel of the dialogues. Like towards the end when Jimmy leaves Anxietas , the word choice could be a little different but it is all up to you. It is really good the way it is too, I mean I rarely review such long pieces but when I started reading this I just couldn't stop. :)

At points , you could add a little picture , like a little more imagery. For example ,where Anxietas was pleading to Jimmy , at that point you could maybe describe his facial expression a bit. Just some advice.

All in all, it is a really good piece. Keep up the goodwork :D.


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jimmywashere788 says...

Thank you for the advice. I also think I should add some more detail.

Tanishka says...


That's just what translation is, I think. That's all speaking is. Listening to the other and trying to see past your own biases to glimpse what they're trying to say. Showing yourself to the world, and hoping someone else understands.
— Ramy (Babel by R. F. Kuang)