
Young Writers Society

16+ Language

Group Therapy, Wednesday

by jenni321

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for language.

there are three men called Jesus

one is named after his uncle from Granada and the other two believe they are the Son of God

I hoped one would pull out his lighter and bless the other with fire but instead they reasoned that Blue Eyed Jesus was from an Alternate Universe

Ruth says the multiverse is like sugar water shaken up and we’re just the glucose congealing at the bottom of the glass

she says she is dissolving

I hold her hand and tell her to breathe because that is what the therapist did before he stopped coming to the meetings

Jesus with an uncle from Granada says there are 2,465 satellites orbiting earth and what if they all fall at once

who will feed his fish

I was his second time and he said I was much softer than his uncle

there is a woman named Mary and that might be the funniest thing in a room of Christs

but Mary is an atheist who accidentally ran over her son

now he’s in a wheelchair and she drinks too much and calls everyone motherfucker

John sits in the corner and does not speak because the government is watching him

he is also not Jesus but he tastes like God

he bought me booze for a blowjob last week

he paid for the booze in cash

we huddle in the middle school every Tuesday to exchange recipes in case the world ended and all we had left was canned carrots and rice

I sit silent while they compare medications

diazepam is the clear favorite

sex is a close second

I don’t belong here

I am not Jesus and my skin does not taste sweet like Ruth’s

Mary tells me not to do anything for free if I’m good at it

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6 Reviews

Points: 275
Reviews: 6

Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:25 pm
CaraF wrote a review...

i am in love with this - like seriously in love. I prefer poetry like this compared to traditional rhyming, verses, etc so this was like a blessing to find an unorthodox piece such as this on a website such as this. I just don't know what to say because i can't find any faults it is witty and funny whilst also being intriguing and raw. But my personal favourite bit was where ruth described the multiverse - i am a sucker for metaphors, similes, and that just hit the spot.

really i can't summon words for this
from CaraF x

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Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:58 am
Hannah wrote a review...

Love absolutely love the narrative here. I think pretty much most of this gold at first glance -- the kind of poem people would look at and think "hey, that's solid", 'cause it pretty much is. In terms of the poem as it is, the ending is the only place that's week, because although you have a logical narrative and logical descriptions throughout, you get to something more abstract in the "my skin does not taste sweet like Ruth's (haha, bible name)" which wasn't mentioned in the rest of the narrative and throws the reader off into confusion right before what's supposed to be the resolution.

Now, I don't know if you're interested, but I think you can move past this point in poetry now. Here are some of my thoughts. At first glance, it seems like the line "I was his second time and he said I was much softer than his uncle" is a really subtle, surprising way to completely characterize someone. We learn a lot about his past in one moment.

At the same time, that's kind of just going for shock value. We don't learn anything about this person, and even though it seems like it's a deep, terrible event to those of us who haven't experienced anything like that, he's still just one-dimensional, defined by that one "flaw".

This kind of environment, too, is way worked over by people in their twenties -- drugs and rawness. It's natural. We're often coming out of pretending to be good like we did when we lived with our parents, and now we want to bring all that freedom into our writing. But in ten more years, we won't care at all. It doesn't usually appeal to anyone outside of their twenties!

So I'll encourage you to look beyond these horizons and apply your considerable talents there. Hope that makes sense. :) Lemme know if you have any questions~
Good luck and /keep writing/!

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89 Reviews

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Reviews: 89

Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:45 am
ANADIR wrote a review...

Ok, Andy Here for a review!

Well, I am really not sure what this is. You have it listed as poetry, But It doesn't seem to be that. You don't seem to rhyme either. On the other hand, This doesn't have full sentences, and seems to be fragmented.

So the first thing you need to fix is the grammar. You frequently forget to capitalize your sentences, and you are missing periods/commas/ whatever needed. Could you elaborate more on what on earth is going on here? Thanks- Andy

jenni321 says...

so sorry if it seemed a bit strange; I probably should have explained the style. I'm experimenting with a form called prose poetry, which is exactly how it sounds: incorporating poetic devices into a more prose-y format. The original poem actually doesn't have line breaks, and the sentences are broken up by white space. So the lack of punctuation and capitalization was completely intentional. Sorry for the confusion!

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— Mo Willems