
Young Writers Society

The Package

by hershey

This is the edited version, which I like better.

"It really is cruel that you have to go to school the day after Halloween." Kayla thought. "Everyone is tired and hyped up on sugar, but no, we still have to get up before the sun does and get on the smelly bus to go someplace that nobody in there right mind wants to go to."

Sitting at her desk thinking this, she struggled to complete extremely difficult algebra problems while surrounded by piles of papers and back-breaking heavy textbooks. Feeling the sudden need for sugar, she reached into her bag of quickly-diminishing candy and pulled out a chocolate bar. Just before she could take a bite, the doorbell rang.

"I bet it's that creepy salesman with the too-tight pants again." Kayla said to herself as she ran down the stairs. She really shouldn't be answering the door, what with nobody else home, but she hated listening to the doorbell ring for ten minutes by some persistent person. Opening the door, she found that no one was there. Thinking it might have been the UPS man delivering a package, she looking down. She found a bulging brown paper bag on the doormat.

"Weird," Kayla thought. "UPS guys deliver boxes, not paper bags."

She picked it up gingerly. It wasn't ticking like a bomb, so she brought it into the house. As she carried the bag over the threshold, she felt liquid dripping through it. But the liquid wasn't clear, like water.

It was red.

Dark red.

It was blood.

She screamed, and dropped the bag on the floor. Feeling queasy, she ran into the kitchen and grabbed a pair of salad tongs from the drawer. Approaching the bag cautiously, she poked it with the plastic utensil.

Nothing happened.

Gingerly she picked up the bag and started to walk with it. But before she could take one step toward the kitchen sink, the brown paper split, sending its contents to the floor.

It wasn't a check for a million dollars that landed on the floor.

It wasn't some childish prank of dog crap.

It was a hand.

A real, bloody, cold, and lifeless human hand.

Kayla screamed so loud, Koreans could probably hear her.

She did the first thing that came to her head; calling the police. Almost tripping in her haste, she ran to the phone and dialed the number.

"911 what is your emergency?" a calm female voice spoke.

"Send help, someone sent me a----"

Kayla dropped the phone.

"Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?" the operator asked.

A hand was closing around Kayla's throat, making her incapable of speech and fighting for air.

Kayla never got a chance to finish her Halloween candy.

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Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:56 pm
hershey says...

'Ello, CK,
Thanks for the critic. I like this story better than the other one too. I'm thinking of deleting Dead But Not Gone. What do you think?
I'll edit this one later, after more people have looked at it.
Thanks again. And thanks to everyone else who replied.
PS. Using your term, the Severed Hand of Doom might not have killed her off. I'll say no more.

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Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:13 am
CK Lynn wrote a review...

'Ello, H.

First off, I like this better than the story about the girl who her's ghosts. That was good, but I like the tone off this piece better. It doesn't lead you in mental circles like other was wont to do.

I agree with Ella-- there needs to be more description. This felt a bit rushed. I didn't have enough time to start to feel for Kayla before the Severed Hand of Doom killed her off (by the way, you either have a thing for the name Kayla or this girl has had a rather interesting life). I like the rythmn this piece has.

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Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:31 am
Ella J. Black says...

hershey wrote:No, Ella, I have not edited it yet. I am right now.

And I'm glad you did :D
This story is much better, and really didn't take much :D

[ps: description can be your best friend :wink: if you let it]

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Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:22 pm
hershey says...

No, Ella, I have not edited it yet. I am right now.

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Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:51 am
patience_isnt wrote a review...

Okay, quite a few grammar mistakes. Try to fix them before posting, because this is something you can easily do yourself. Plus, it shows that you enjoy your piece enough to fix it up. The things I changed are in bold.

"It's so cruel that we have to go to school the day after Halloween." Kayla thought. "Everyone is tired and hyped up on sugar, but no, we still have to get up before the sun does and get on the smelly bus to that torture chamber of a school."

She sat at her desk, thinking this while surrounded by piles of papers and back-breaking heavy textbooks. She reached into her bag of quickly-diminishing candy and pulled out a chocolate bar. Just before she could take a bite, the doorbell rang.

"I bet it's that creepy salesman again." Kayla said to herself as she ran down the stairs. Opening the door, she found that no one was there. Thinking it was just a ding-dong-ditcher, she started to close the door. Looking down, she found a bulging brown paper bag on the door-mat. She picked it up gingerly. It wasn't ticking like a bomb, so she brought it into the house. As she carried the bag over the threshold, she felt liquid dripping through it. She ran down the hall to the bathroom and was about to dump the bag into the sink when she realized the liquid on the bag and her hands wasn't water, as she had originally thought.

It was blood.

Before she could put the now-red bag in the sink, it ripped down the middle, it's contents landing in the sink and spraying blood all over the mirror and herself. Horrified, she looked into the basin.
Lying in the sink, cold and lifeless, was a severed hand.

Kayla fainted.

This was an okay piece. Not really suspensful, and not really that exciting. I'm not exactly sure there's something you can do to change it or make it better. This needs more work, and if you really want people to like your pieces, please edit somewhat before you post. It helps. Trust me.

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Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:34 pm
Ella J. Black wrote a review...

I'm sorry, this is going to sound rude but, did you even edit at all? :oops:
I couldn't find anything different, but I did find a two things that I didn't put in the last review.


hershey wrote:now-red bag

I don't believe you need a hyphen between now and red... but I could be wrong :D

And 2. I found alot of repetitiveness in the whole 'She' did this, and 'she' did that. It got a bit boring after a while when most sentences started with she.

Other than those two it's good, but I think it still needs work :)

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Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:06 am
hershey says...

Thanks for the critic everyone. I'll edit it. Read again and tell me if I need anything else.

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Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:13 pm
Sunny wrote a review...

"It really is cruel that you have to go to school the day after Halloween." Kayla thought. "Everyone is tired and hyped up on sugar, but no, we still have to get up before the sun does and get on the smelly bus to the torture chamber that is school."

I agree with Ella on this one.

She sat at her desk, thinking this while surrounded by piles of papers and back-breakingly heavy textbooks. She reached into her bag of quickly-diminishing candy and pulled out a chocolate bar. Just before she could take a bite, the doorbell rang.

Yeah, I thought she was at school, too. Maybe it was late at night the day before or it was early in the morning?

That was good written. I agree with Ella J. Black on what she said, though. I think it needs a little more description, it was really confusing at some parts. But overall you did pretty good. Just add a little here and there and walla, you've got a really nice start to a horror story!

Good luck!


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Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:11 am
Ella J. Black wrote a review...

hershey wrote: Everyone is tired and hyped up on sugar, but no, we still have to get up before the sun does and get on the smelly bus to the torture chamber that is school."

The idea that school is a "torture chamber", a "prison", "hell", et cetera, et cetera.
This idea has been done to death, and unfortunately, makes it harder for authors such as yourself to make it fresh.
Maybe if you hint that she doesn't like school but don't actually say it right out. Not a very good suggestion but it might give a different perspective on things.

hershey wrote:She sat at her desk, thinking this while surrounded by piles of papers and back-breakingly heavy textbooks. She reached into her bag of quickly-diminishing candy and pulled out a chocolate bar. Just before she could take a bite, the doorbell rang.

This bit threw me. I thought she was at school?

hershey wrote:Looking down,

Why did she think to look down? Did something catch her eye? Did she hear a noise? Or did her neck just loose its strength causing her head to fall? I need reasons.

hershey wrote:she felt liquid dripping through it. She ran down the hall to the bathroom and was about to dump the bag into the sink when she realized the liquid on the bag and her hands wasn't water, as she had originally thought.
It was blood.

Okay now blood is red, and if it's soaking through a bag you're going to see it.
Not to be rude or anything but I'm pretty sure she would have seen it when she picked it up :oops:

hershey wrote:Lying in the sink, cold and lifeless, was a severed hand.
Kayla fainted.

Okay, that was somewhat anti-climactic. It ended way too abruptly for my tastes, so maybe if you dragged it out instead of her fainting right away. Maybe you could describe how she's feeling, her thoughts, or maybe what she's doing [i.e: She reeled at the thought of a severed hand laying in the middle of her floor] not the best I know but what do you expect for off the top of my head :D

Okay, so overall it was a very well written story :)
Other than the few things I've pointed out above [which are easily fixed] you've got quite an eye for horror :D
Good job!

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Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:31 pm
hershey says...

I see what you mean about adding suspense at the end, but I'm going to wait for others to comment on my story before I edit it.
Thanks for the advice. it really helped.

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Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:47 pm
bisquit wrote a review...

This has been written really well. :)
obviously rather shocking at the end! a severed hand. ! this adds in an element of mystery to the story.
i thinks its definitely something you could extend on! :)
there are a few things i would like to suggest.
Firstly, i think that perhaps you should change the bit about school being a torture chamber cause this is commonly used. try and think of a different phrase perhaps.
also you could add a little bit more suspense into the end section. :) keep the reader guessing for a bit longer.
i really love how you have taken true aspects of school life and put them in. especially the bit about the textbooks. they are back breakingly heavy! hehe
good job with this.
hope i have helped!

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