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Foxmaster- who is she really? intro

by foxmaster

Foxmaster's life used to  be normal. She thought it would be like that forever.

Until it wasn't.

Foxmaster's name was actually Morrigan simmons. She lived in Colorado, but she had no idea of what awaited there, when they moved to the "Cennetial State." 

(She still had no idea what cennetial really meaned. It sounded like a type of lettuce.)

Morrigan fround herself adjusting to new life pretty quickly, to be honest. She got along with children. She lived life. There were no spiders to be seen. And then- the unthinkable happened.

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Wed Sep 06, 2023 5:11 pm
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dragonight9 wrote a review...

Hi Foxmaster! Been a while.

Right off the bat I wanted to ask if this is the character your profile was based on or vice versa.
I was really excited to get to know more about you (or the persona you've created).

This is definitely a cool intro and I'd love to know more. I really liked the description of Cennetial sounding like a kind of lettuce. It totally does.

I also liked how we get a few key details about her. Her affinity for children and dislike/past experience with, spiders.

One quick spelling correction. In the last paragraph 'found' has an extra 'r' in it.

Overall I am excited to start reading your stories again, I have a lot to catch up on. I do hope you continue with this one (especially if it is connected to your profile).

foxmaster says...

thanks for the review! :)

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113 Reviews

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Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:01 am
alpacaboss wrote a review...


That is what first entered my mind when I read this lol

The first two lines never fail to make me laugh despite how others may see it as cliche. It can work as a comedic opening and one that holds suspense. I wonder indeed what the origin of the legendary Foxmaster.

Well, hello Morrigan Simmons.

I also checked the word “cennetial” and it was spelled wrongly. Whether this was intentional or not, I find that amusing. And also I learned a new word! Centennial! Yayyy

Oh yeah it does sound like lettuce. I could already imagine the definition of it. Anyways HAHAHHA

Normal life then…? I wonder what is next.

Overall, this is a great introduction!! Cannot wait for more :D

This is alpacaboss, signing off.

foxmaster says...

Thanks! But what does cennetial mean? Can you ever know??

alpacaboss says...

"cennetial" is probably a scientific term to describe a certain species of plant that grows around your area.

I don't know, it's a guess

foxmaster says...

ohh, I'm gonna google it. *Googling it*

alpacaboss says...

It may also be a type of animal habitat

*Side note: I'm just kidding about the cennetial definitions HAHHAH*

foxmaster says...

It actually means, like an anniversary or something.

alpacaboss says...

oh really

I didn't know hahhaha

thanks for the info!

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Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:27 pm
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Kaia wrote a review...

Hello, foxmaster!
I'm here to leave a review here. I have to say I was a little disappointed to find that this was so short. I was just getting interested, and then, the end came, but that does really leave me on the note that I want to know more. So, you may very well find me reading the next part of this if you release it. :)

I love the humor with the lettuce. I actually really agree with that. That does sound like a type of lettuce! That, and the bit about the spiders. Yep. Life's great when there are no spiders around. I agree. :)

I do have a quick suggestion for you. Capitalize "Simmons." This is part of Morrigan's name and should be capitalized. Other than, that, nice job of getting me hooked right away! *Thumbs up*

foxmaster says...

Thanks! I actually had no idea what to add here, so I decided to stop on a dra!attic note.

Kaia says...

Haha!! Well, it worked. :) Nic profile pic, by the way. ;)

foxmaster says...


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— Elbert Hubbard