
Young Writers Society

Angels and Vampires-Part 3

by forgottenfallen

“Where are we going, may I ask?” I asked so quietly that I thought she might not have heard. But, sure enough, she turned around to reply. Her expression was tight that it could have been carved in granite, and it was a snarl. But as soon as she saw my reaction to that, she smiled sweetly.

“Not much further. Two miles at the most? What, are you tired?” She sounded generally interested, but there was something in the back of her eyes that made me think that she was putting it on. Maybe I was just being cautious, but that was reasonable when you were being led to an undetermined place by a stranger. Scary.

“No, I’m just curious. Can’t we stop here so we can talk or something? It’s getting dark.” And that was true. It was the latter end of dusk, the orange fading out of the sky and being replaced with a deep purple. I was lying through my teeth about not being tired, I was absolutely exhausted, but I would stay up if she was willing to tell me anything. I was intrigued to find out.

“Okay, we’ll sit and talk. Willing to sit on the ground?” She asked, turning round and saying whilst collecting some dry wood off the ground. Obviously to dull the cold using a fire. After a few seconds of not answering she knocked me on the forearm with her elbow and I nodded quickly. She laughed genuinely, making me smile. It was a homely sound.

“So, how we going to light this? Think I forgot my matches.” I felt inside my pockets and up my chest pretending to look for some and she laughed again, provoking another smile. Maybe I shouldn’t have judged her so fast.

“I think I’ll find a way.” She took her hands and touched them together at the palms, and whispered some fast foreign words into her fingers. Sounded Greek or Latin. Then, sure enough, she touched a single finger onto the middle piece of wood and it set alight, her arm jerking back so she didn’t burn herself. I had to stop myself from letting my jaw drop in amazement. Who was she? She sat on the floor cross legged, and patted her knees with eagerness.

“Stories?” She asked, and her voice sounded surprising childish. I walked over to sit opposite her, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me down to the ground next to her person. Maybe a bit too close.

“Want me to start?” She asked after a few seconds of me staying quiet and I nodded. I think she already knew enough about me for now, and I would tell her more when we were even.

“Well, my name is Tempest Kaden and I am 16 years old. I have 7 brothers, all older than me. They aren’t all born of my father, as my mother moved around a lot. Anyway, I’m my mother’s little girl, and I used to make her very proud. All of my siblings, including myself, are named after emotions because my dear mother used to say that if people didn’t have emotions they would be empty. I think that means that she thinks people need us. But, not too long ago, I did something I shouldn’t. My eldest brother, Revenge, and I went out together and he suggested we do something that I didn’t think was right. When he insisted that I helped him complete this task, I did something I shouldn’t. That’s all I am going to say. When I returned home there was blood on my hands, and my mother wouldn’t speak to me again. She out-casted me, never to come back again. That was about 6 months ago. As you can see, I can suitably look after myself, but I needed purpose. So....you, Lexus, are my purpose.” I smiled. I knew I shouldn’t, because she had just been implying that she had killed her eldest brother. But, I couldn’t help it. It was a beautiful moment in the helpless heap of my useless life. Maybe, just maybe, things were going to get a little better from now on.

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Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:07 pm
forgottenfallen says...

I would just like to thank everybody for the amount of help I got on EVERY part of Angels and Vampires so far!!!!! :) Its been so helpful, and its you guys that has made it the amazing story it is today x

Forgotten x

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Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:05 pm
AspiringAuthorA..M. wrote a review...

“Where are we going, may I ask?” I asked so quietly that I thought she might not have heard. But, sure enough, she turned around to reply. Her expression was #FF0000 ">so tight that it could have been carved in granite, and it was a snarl. But#FF0000 ">, as soon as she saw my reaction to that, she smiled sweetly.

#FF0000 ">The things in red I added. :P

“Not much further. Two miles at the most? What, are you tired?” She sounded #0040FF ">generally interested, but there was something in the back of her eyes that made me think that she was putting #0040FF ">it on. Maybe I was just being cautious, but that was reasonable when you were being led to an undetermined place by a stranger. Scary.

Genuinely would work better than generally. And changing "it" to "me" would make the meaning clearer.

“Okay, we’ll sit and talk. Willing to sit on the ground?” She asked, turning round and saying whilst collecting some dry wood off the ground. Obviously to#FF0000 ">o dull the cold using a fire. After a few seconds of not answering she knocked me on the forearm with her elbow#FF0000 ">, #0040FF ">and I nodded quickly. She laughed genuinely, making me smile. It was a homely sound.

#FF0000 ">You used "to" instead of the proper "too" And what I have in blue sounds kind of awkward perhaps, "and I was quick to nod" or "I quickly nodded" would sound better?

“So, how we going to light this? Think I forgot my matches.” I felt inside my pockets and up my chest#FF0000 ">, pretending to look for some #0040FF ">and she laughed again, provoking another smile. Maybe I shouldn’t have judged her so fast.
Add a comma, and what I have in blue is probably were a period would be appropriate :D .

“I think I’ll find a way.” She took her hands#FF0000 ">, touching them together at the palms, and whispered some fast foreign words into her fingers. Sounded Greek or Latin. Then, sure enough, she touched a single finger onto the middle piece of wood and it set alight, her arm jerking back so she didn’t burn herself. I had to stop myself from letting my jaw drop in amazement. Who was she? She sat on the floor cross legged, and patted her knees with eagerness

The red words are a small tweak that i made hoping it would help.

“Want me to start?” She asked after a few seconds of me staying quiet#FF0000 ">, and I nodded. I think she already knew enough about me for now, and I would tell her more when we were even.

“Well, my name is Tempest Kaden#FF0000 ">, and I am 16 years old. I have #0040FF ">7 brothers, all older than me.

#FF0000 ">I added a comma, and I believe that numbers are spelled most of the time. So 7 would become seven.

#FF0000 ">Hope this helped some. And don't forget, never stop writing. I think you're are going to go places. :D

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Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:41 pm
maegardens wrote a review...

Hello, forgottenfallen, maegardens here to review. I'll start with the nitpicks.

forgottenfallen wrote: “So, how are we going to light this?

I think you forgot to add an 'are' to his dialogue.
forgottenfallen wrote: “Stories?” She asked, and her voice sounded surprisingly childish.

I think you meant to say "suprisingly" because suprising childish doesn't make too much sense.
forgottenfallen wrote: But, not too long ago, I did something I shouldn’t. My eldest brother, Revenge, and I went out together and he suggested we do something that I didn’t think was right. When he insisted that I helped him complete this task, I did something I shouldn’t.

I think maybe you should say something else for the bolded text rather than "I did something I shouldn't." Possibly "I did something very bad."
I liked it. I liked the meeting with the mysterious woman, who I take to possibly be a vampire...? I like this story a lot, you have a very good talent.

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Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:39 pm
Iamyoursacrifice wrote a review...

I must admit I really like this story, I'm not very good at seeing corrections so it's difficult for me to try and find fault with it. I want you to keep writing this. You have to keep writing this story!*TERMINATOR VOICE* I VANT ITZ NOW!

Iamyoursacrifice xxxx

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Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:33 pm
Ranger Hawk wrote a review...

Okay, well AddictionToFiction really nailed it all, so I'm just going to point out anything that you may have missed in your edited part.

forgottenfallen wrote:“Lexus!” A shrill voice shouted in my ear, it #0000FF ">sounding still silky even with the loud volume. She shook my #0000FF ">me with her long-fingered hands. I had already been half awake, the freezing blanket of snow under my back not disturbing me. It was just the silence, it disturbed the way I thought and dreamed. But, still, I had slept in a lot worse.
My feet scrapped #0000FF ">scraped against the ground as I got up, my hands rubbing my eyes which were still adjusting to the morning light. It had been a long time since I hadn’t woken up in a city. The hills in the distance were dotted white, but the morning sunlight had already started to melt it. It #0000FF ">Too repetitive, having two "it"s in there. You change it to something like "...started to melt the snow. It looked..." etc. looked stunning.
We had walked for hours and hours to get out of the city, and for hours more to get into a place not so conspicuous. A fire had been made inside a ring of trees, and stories of our childhood were told. #0000FF ">Would he really explain his childhood to some strange woman who seems to know all about him? I'd be creeped out. It was the most interesting and fascinating night of my existence, but was also shrouded with despair and fear. There was just something about her, which compelled me to get to know her but also wish to run away. It was just a distant reflex at the back of my mind. She had given me some new clothes, including a new pair of denim jeans and a button up cotton t-shirt, all from the heavy backpack on her back that seemed to carry a lot of weight. She didn’t look distressed by carrying it all the time.
After stretching and kicking over the ashes of the burnt out fire, we started to walk through the rolling hills again. It was cold, overcast, and rain clouds hovered over the horizon. Today was going to be hard. Tempest didn’t seem to eat much, but smiled when she saw me devour anything she gave me. No wonder she was so thin. This made me point back to the possibility of her being human, as humans always watched what they ate in the hope that it would make them more beautiful. #0000FF ">Very true. I like this sentence. If only they knew the laws of immortality. #0000FF ">New paragraph --> Her eyes weren’t as bright as #0000FF ">they had been two days ago; they didn’t have the same shimmer. The gold had became a light hazel and the emerald a dark green. It was just something about her.

Okay, so like I said there wasn't much to nitpick on. Looking forward to reading the next part! :D

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Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:37 pm
Vampiress wrote a review...

Very good. I'm not the best at picking out errors, so I hope the rest are. Sorry, and I just have a bit of advice.... Lexine makes me think of a girl, sorry I know it's a guy, it's just it sounds like a girl. Sorry! Other than that your a very good writer.

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Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:21 pm
AddictionToFiction wrote a review...

Hey again forgottenfallen! Ready for a review? Well, ready or not, here it comes! :P

Okay, again with the paragraphs! I can't tell you how important paragraphs are! I'm going to try this a little differently this time; I've seen other people try it, so here goes.

“Lexine!” A shrill voice shouted in my ear, it still silky even with the loud volume. #FF0000 "><- shrill and silky seem to counter-act each other to me. Her small hands with long extended fingers shook my shoulders. #FF0000 ">I'd change this to, 'She shook my with her long-fingered hands.' I had already been half awake, the freezing blanket of snow under my back not disturbing me. #FF0000 ">Then why was he half awake? I had slept in a lot worse. #FF0000 ">New paragraph. My feet scrapped against the ground as I got up, my hands rubbing my eyes which were still adjusting to the morning light. Ah, #FF0000 ">(take out Ah, capitolize It) it had been a long time since I hadn’t woken up in a city. The hills in the distance were dotted with white, but the morning sunlight had already started to melt it. #FF0000 ">Take out with. It looked stunning. #FF0000 ">New paragraph. We had walked for hours and hours to get out of the city, and for hours more to get into a place not so conspicuous. A fire had been set inside a ring of trees, and stories of our childhood had been told. #FF0000 ">Change 'set' to 'made' and change 'had' to 'were'. It was the most interesting and fascinating night of my existence, but was also shrouded with despair and fear. There was just something about her, which made me compel to know her but also wish to run away. #FF0000 ">Take out 'made me' and change 'compel...' to 'compelled me to get to know her...' It was just something. #FF0000 ">You just used 'something', so maybe change it to 'a nagging feeling' or something similar. Also, new paragraph. She had given me some new clothes, including a new pair of denim jeans and a button up cotton t-shirt, all from the large backpack on her back that seemed to carry a lot of weight. #FF0000 ">Maybe change 'large' to 'heavy' and remove 'that seemed to carry a lot of weight'. Or even say something like 'all from the large, heavy-looking backapck slung over her shoulders.' Just a thought, but not necessary. She didn’t look in distress #FF0000 ">(change 'in distress' to 'distressed') by carrying it all the time. #FF0000 ">New paragraph. After stretching and kicking over the ashes of the burnt out fire, we started to walk through the rolling hills again. It was cold, overcast, and rain looked over the horizon. #FF0000 ">'Rain looked over the horizon'? Maybe say something like 'rain-clouds hovered above the horizon'. Today was going to be hard. Tempest didn’t seem to eat much, but smiled when she saw me devour the food that she had given me. #FF0000 ">This sentence doesn't flow well to me. It looks like it changes tenses, from didn't seem' to 'saw me devour'. No wonder she was so thin. This made me point back to the possibility of her being human, as humans always watched what they ate in the hope that it would make them more beautiful. If only they knew the laws of immortality. Her eyes weren’t as bright as two days ago; they didn’t have the same shimmer. The gold had because #FF0000 ">(just a typo, 'became' not 'because') a light hazel and the emerald a dark green. It was just something about her.

Okay, I know it looks bad, but these are just little things I tend to pick at. Quite honestly, I really like this story! The plot is unique, as are the characters. Congrats on this so far, it's very captivating! Keep writing and keep posting! Sorry if it's brutal, but hopefully it helps.:) I'll keep an eye on your stuff, because I really like it! Good luck!


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