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by dogsrule5

I could never understand 

Why you shut me out

But I think about you often

Even though you're not around


I miss the way

We used to play

Out in the sun

Every day


We rode bikes

We even role-played

We stayed inside

And played computer games.


I remember how

We used to sing

And write songs

About hopes and dreams


I really miss seeing

Your smile everyday 

It hurt to say goodbye

When you moved away


We haven't talked in years

And I don't know what I did

But when you shut me out,

It hurt, it really did


I tried to contact you

Each and every day

And when you wouldn't respond 

I knew what I had to say


I had to say goodbye

And it's really hard to do

I just really miss you

And don't know what to do


If you came back

Just one last time

I'd hug you really tight,

And say a proper goodbye


Sometimes I feel lonely

When you are not around

Because I could talk to you about anything

Even when we clowned around.


I will always miss your smile,

And the way we used to play

In the bright summer sun,

Almost every day


I will always miss your voice,

Oh how you could sing

I guess I will just miss you

And continue aching.


I guess I'll never know

Why you shut me out

I'm sorry if I did something

But I'd never know, since your not around


It's hard to say goodbye

In fact I really can't.

Because a friend like you,

Is someone I could never forget.


I'll still have the memories

Of the good old days,

When you had my back

Even in my darkest days


I think about you every day

And wonder if you're okay,

But I'll never know,

Since you shut me out and walked away.


I'll love you forever,

Even if you're not here

Because a friend like you,

Will remain dear.


Goodbye, I love you

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Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:23 pm
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postmalone wrote a review...

Hey, it's just another teenage person wasting her life on YWS. But hi!

Not wanting to just slam down problems I noticed, I briefly skimmed through the reviews below. You had said your friend was close to killing herself, but someone stopped her. I'm so sorry. I've been there - not as a bystander or the one talking the suicidal one down, but rather as the depressed one who can't take it anymore at times. So, I unfortunately relate to your friend. I truly am apologetic about the entire meaning of this poem. You tried to help, you both had different paths to take, and maybe sometime in the future you'll wind up being buddies again. That's a good thing to experience: meeting up with an old friend and forgetting the bad times, starting anew and happy again.

But enough about me and my personal connections. I have some things that could really boost your work. Before I forget, you marked this as a poem. As a reader, this certainly could go as a song, too. I kinda sang it in my head :) despite the sad overall topic.

1. There are seventeen stanzas, with exception of the last four words. Shorten this! The maximum I would rewrite to is ten. Keep a copy of the original and make a new one, removing all of the repeated lines and repetitious phrases.

2. Some phrases are too - short - and some are too loooonnnnngg with cliché sayings. Too many syllables crowded into one line at times. You also tend to end with words thst don't rhyme - or you use the same word twice at the end of every other line in a phrase.

3. Please fix the forced rhyming. It is clunky when reading and does not always turn out well. Also, there was a quick little spellcheck error. You used the wrong "your", where it should be "you're" in the line *But I'll never know, since your not around*.

To leave on a positive note, I did enjoy this. It was very delicate and fragile in sense of emotions. But it also reminds readers of how losing a friend can be difficult. Thank you for posting. I hope you have a wonderful day! :D

~ roll of the pizzas

dogsrule5 says...

Thanks for the review!

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25 Reviews

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Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:15 pm
Murphy2493 wrote a review...

Hello! Time for a review.

I really liked this. It was smooth to read and easy one the eyes. I can definitely relate to the story. I had a friend a very long time ago and we were close. one day I would call her and she would pick up and hang up right away. When I went to her house she would look in the window and walk away. She never gave me any explanation as to what I might have done or said. That kind of stuff hurts and honestly I think those kinds of people are cowards. When you are little its acceptable but after reaching adulthood that's a whole new level.

I honestly have no critiques for this. The rhyming is good and like i said it flows well. It is long but I feel like with something this personal it kinda needs to be. There's a lot of emotions there and part of writing is getting how you feel on paper. So well done you!

dogsrule5 says...

Thanks so much for the review! And yeah it's really tough losing someone very close to you, especially when they just shut you out. I'm a teenager, but unless I honestly don't think I could ever forget about her, even when I'm an adult and stuff.

Murphy2493 says...

There are people I still think about when I was a teen and younger. The more they mean to you the more it hurts when things go wrong and I think you captured that perfectly in this. You will remember the way you feel or felt. And that will help you become a better person and a stronger human being. I know it sucks and hurts and I'm sorry you had to go through that. Keep your head up because you really do have a talent and it deserves to be read and seen.

dogsrule5 says...

Thanks, you're so sweet! And I'll keep trying to keep my up :D

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Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:37 pm
shima wrote a review...

Look...hopefully you won't think I am too harsh on you or smthng...but I didn't like it that much. It just felt so...teenage, I dunno. That entire thing about how you used to be friends and now lost that and that person has shut you out. I do understand it, for a big part, but it feels like so melodramatic and over-the-top. It isn't bad, per se - I am sure that there a public for these kinds of poems, the same public that keeps YA fiction going strong. Although - and correct me on this - the person has just left the narrator? It ain't like she or he killed him/herself...'cause that (imho) would make it a bit nicer and a bit more original. At least for me. I am not so sure about the next guy, but anyways. The rhyming is good, although a little basic (or not, I don't know anything about poetry. :-) ) The emotions are described nicely, even if they are done to death. I like the fact that you mention a lot of stuff that you actually shared with the person about whom the poem is talking - this really works to its advantage, so that's really cool. That is, actually, one of the better parts of the poem and it really shows that you had a good and close relationship (friendship), which makes it easier for the reader to understand what you going through. I really, really enjoyed that.

The poem was maybe a bit too long - I don't know what the standard sizing is, but I guess you went over it. I, personally, didn't like it, but some other folks may think that is good. I don't know - personally like my poems to be rather short and powerful, hard-hitting. Maybe that was also one of the problems - it kinda dragged about for a bit. Despite me loving all the references to all the things you guys did together I think it would be better if you actually skipped them and tried to express your emotions in one fell swoop. People would just feel the impact much more and feel sadder for your situation since now the feeling is partially lost by the end of the poem, which lessens the memorability and the way that people remember it. That is sad, imho, since I can see that you really have a lot of potential and that the poem itself has a lot of potential.

dogsrule5 says...

Thanks for the review. I know it's very long because I actually wrote it a few years ago and then found it in an old notebook. When I read it, I decided to post it, and I was thinking about making it shorter, but I just kept it what it was. I'm sorry you didn't like it, and it has a lot more meaning than what people probably think it does. I didn't mention this in the poem because at the time that I wrote it, I didn't know about this, but the friend I was speaking to in the poem almost did kill herself (she didn't) but she was very close, and if someone hadn't stayed up with her until 2 A.M. talking to her she would've died.

Sorry for that depressing story.

Again, sorry you didn't like the poem, and thanks for the review.


shima says...

It is nothing to apologize for. People have different tastes and it just seemed that mine wasn't right for the poem. :-)

dogsrule5 says...

You're right!

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Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:05 am
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lemonboi wrote a review...

This really convey's an important message. I can relate to it because I also had a friend who shut me out and moved, but we've crossed paths again and our friendship has since healed. I pray that one day you can mend you're friendship as well.

I think you did a perfect job showing what you were feeling towards your friend. They shouldn't have shut you out and I hope they read this someday because it's beautiful. Splitting this into stanzas really helped emphasize the different ideas you were trying to convey. I love that you included what you miss and love about them in the beginning, and didn't immediately plunge into the fact that you miss them. The imagery is awesome and I think you are an awesome poet. I hope you find a way to reconnect with you're friend; it seems like you two had an amazing time together.

dogsrule5 says...

Thank you so much. This poem (as you can probably tell from it) is probably the most personal one to me, and I actually had a huge debate to myself about weather to post it or not. I hope I can find and mend my friendship with her again but even if we did I know it wouldn't be the same because there is a lot of drama between her and another close friend of mine that other people were involved in, but it's a long story. Thanks again, and I'm glad you liked the poem.

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— Voltaire