
Young Writers Society

Chasing Rainbows Chapter 19

by deleted6

Chapter 19

Alex lay in his bed, a headache pounding through his skull. He groaned and leaned away from the bed to empty half his stomach contents out. That was one thing he knew now, never drink, his stomach couldn’t handle it. The night before a blur, a sense of bliss flashes of naked flesh and feelings of europhia. However, the face was a blur and the rest was gone. He had no idea who the girl had been. He was sure he had when he’d come back.

He sat up, glancing at the sky through the cracks in the ceiling.

It was dawn. Alex decided a walk with fresh sea air to clear his headache. Standing up he saw he was only wearing trousers, no top. This really made these wild flashes seem true.

He went over to find his clothes way far from the bed, a memory flashed through his skull a suggestive smile and warm hands touching him all over.

A gasp escaped his lips, he was shocked, had he been under the influence of alcohol when he had done it or had this actually his own choice.

No, he clearly needed this walk more than he thought, with one last yawn he threw his top on and ran out the distant noises of the wharf workers reverberating inside his skull, the smell of the salt and the occasional site of a ship leaving. His headache already felt like it was beginning to leave now. He did wonder why he was risking this walk, but surely, he could find somewhere to hide if he needed too.

The wharf was devoid of life. As he walked around this became apparent, it was a shame the slavers had taken it, for it did have a sort of sense of adventure, in its many twists and turns. A young kid would love to play there. Also with the sense of danger too. Alex smiled he had been obsessed with being the best when he was younger. Tea was the same, though her reason was she loved the feeling it all gave. A tear fell from his eyes as he realized, Tea was dead, so quit talking about her as if she’s alive he thought.

Alex walked around a few times. He we was feeling a bit better after breaking down. When he was suddenly swung round, forcibly. He struggled to get away. Looking up he saw Jacob sneering face, “Finally, you’ve been a problem to capture now, so don’t think on causing me more trouble or I’ll forget the contract and kill you for all the bother you gave me.”

Alex stopped staring at Jacob’s skull like face. Jacob smirked, “You caused me so much bother, you and your little slut, you do know she’s only using you?”

Alex rubbed his head as a headache began to appear, “I’ve no idea what you’re on about.”

Jacob laughed drawing his dagger; “Maybe I need to make myself more clear.”

Alex punched Jacob in the gut quickly using his agility to disarm him. Jacob growled and kneed him in his manhood. Alex bent over to feel another impact on his back. He fell down. He sat up staring at his enemy looking over him as if he was nothing more than an insect, “No more resistance or I’ll forget the contract and make you squeal like a pig while I take great pleasure in killing you, slowly.”

Alex stood up his back and manhood still aching, Jacob smiled evilly, “Good, now heres the deal, you enlist in the army now, I get my reward. You die, everyone is happy.”

Alex sighed defeated partly due to his hangover. He stood up clumsily and followed Jacob. He looked back, and realized what he was losing. It was then he could no longer deny he loved Quinn he had almost slept with her and only now he wished he had. With a depressed sigh he had left her. Would she mourn his loss? did she loved him as much he loved her, or was he just convenient at the time? He knew he’d never love anyone as much as he loved her. No doubt, he’d be forgotten. A tear fell as he turned back round mouthing the words “I love you Quinn”

Jacob laughed, “A war will make you into a man.”

Alex followed silently, ignoring Jacob’s remarks about his love for her.

They came to a bland building with a badly done sign saying “Recruitment”. Jacob dragged Alex in. The room, as Alex noted, was smaller than it appeared. On the inside it was just a one-room building with a table, a chair, a chest of drawers, and nothing much else. A middle-aged man sat reading some papers wearing glasses in and a military uniform. Jacob coughed, the man stopped reading and the glasses vanished into a box that had appeared to come from nowhere.

He stood up and walked over to Jacob, “Excellent I got Raed’s message. We’re to empty the streets of all down and outs sending them off to war.”

Jacob smiled loosely and muttered just so Alex could hear, “What you do know maybe you’ll still get your slut after all.”

Alex bared his teeth and thrashed about wildly screaming, “You leave her alone you bastard, you do anything to her I’ll kill you.”

The recruiter sighed inwardly, “Please try control people you bring.”

Jacob looked at the recruiter frowning, “You’ve got a use now, be glad that one came.”

Without another word, Jacob walked out.


Quinn rubbed her eyes tiredly. She lay only in her underwear, slightly damp, and she felt blood rush to her face. The dream was nothing like she’d ever experienced. Her feelings in it, the way he held her the way he had excited her last night. She had sworn after she’d lost her sister she’d never feel so close to anyone.

Alex was more than her lover, she loved him as a friend. Quinn couldn’t remember this feeling ever early on in life. The closest friendship she had had was with Miranda, the perfect sister always looking out for her. She stood up, she’d surprise him by waking him up with a kiss from her. A short giggle emitted from her lips. A girlish giggle she’d never felt so happy ever. She pulled off her panties and changed into a clean pair. Then considering for a while, she decided whether to wear her street clothes or to surprise him more and put her one of her brightly coloured dresses.

Quinn shook her head. He had caressed her last night, he didn’t care what she’d wore. Lets not get ourselves vain Quinn, she thought. She found her discarded rags scattered around and for the first time since she cut her hair short she mourned the loss. Alex loved her he wouldn’t care would he? She saw the mirror and tried to think of some way to beautify her. Was her hair okay short? Would he care about her lack of looks? Quinn shook her head mentally hitting herself. Sheesh she needed to chill. He loved her enough to be with her almost naked. Maybe it was he alcohol though?

Fixing her layers of clothing, (only wearing three) exposing the bumps in her chest a bit. She blushed. It wasn’t to flirt, but she felt more confident. a little flirting before they went out would be okay. With one last look in the mirror, she skipped over humming the music from their first kiss. Quinn felt so happy she wore a wide crazy grin, but when she came round to his bed, he wasn’t there. Instead stood a tallish individual leering at her. She stopped, “Where’s Alex?”

He smiled secretly, “Hmm I don’t know, he said something to me about leaving this ugly slut.”

Quinn shook her head walking back in disbelief, “He wouldn’t 'e luvs me.”

Jacob smirked, “Maybe, his words were, “she was a good ride”.”

Quinn shook her head once again tears appearing in her blue eyes, “Yer’re wrong! Yer’re lyin'!”

Jacob frowned in mock sorrow, “He even went on to say, that kissing you her was like kissing a slug.”

Quinn by now had grown tired of his lies so had ploughed through his mind seeing what had happened to her dear Alex. With an angry edge in her voice she snapped, “Yer’re lyin'! Yer’re a pervert! I’ve met better 'oores than yer… Where is Alex?”

Jacob looked at her in disbelief, “What… but how? You bitch I was going to reunite you with your dumb lover, now I’ll kill ya, I’ll fucking kill you!”

Quinn giggled, “Yer’ll 'ave ter cotch me first!” With that reply, she zipped off through the warehouse. Jacob growled, and pursued her screaming threats. She sniggered and ran through every twist and turn, the selves a blur. She knew where she was heading.

Quinn stopped a cruel idea going through her mind. She rocked the shelves hard knocking items off and breaking many things. She ran off and a few moments later, she heard Jacob furious yelling, “Quit this you bloody bitch. I’ll make your death all the slower if you continue this.”

Quinn chortled the reply, “No, it’s fun.”

She grinned and knocked more stuff off the shelves, running off once again. It was then she arrived where she needed to. Ages ago when she’s been paranoid she had set up traps everywhere. The last trap she had kept, it was right at the back and it was this sort of emergency. Quinn heard Jacob clearly fuming, “You fucking bitch I’ll gut ya for this!”

Quinn laughed loudly and yelled, “I’m over 'ere yer edgit.”

She ran behind a pile of crates and waited as he came stomping down the aisles. Screaming such expletives, anyone would think he’d never been had by a girl, she pondered giggling loudly.

Jacob screamed in triumph and ran towards the voice, “Ah! I’ve got ya now you bi…whoahelpargh.”

Quinn burst out laughing as she came out seeing him hanging by his ankle from a rope connected to part of the roof. He looked at her angrily while she giggled. Watching him rock as he screamed threats he couldn’t perform, “I’ll get ya! Ya slut! Ya’ll rue the day you humiliated me like this! Get me down here and quit giggling! I’ll kill ya!”

Quinn made a straight face watching him as he some how managed to animate all his body so well in mid air. Just eyeing this made her burst out laughing all over again.

Then with one last giggle she looked away from him remembering why she had done this. She had to keep a straight face, “I ask again where’s Alex?”

Jacob stopped screaming, “I’d rather die than tell you!”

Quinn found the rope holding him up, “Very well.” She smirked beginning to untie the rope holding Jacob up.

Jacob sneered, “You wouldn’t you bitch!”

He looked down, realizing just how high he really was and turned slightly green. Quinn smirked, untying the rope. He gave a shout of surprise. Her smirk widened

Quinn giggled loudly, “Yer sure yer want ter test that!” She replied continuing to untie the knot.”

Jacob blubbered a protest eyes wide open in terror, “No, please I give in! I’ll tell, please don’t kill me!”

Quinn continued to untie the knot ignoring this, “Not interested yer took Alex oray me.”

“Please, you can’t be that cold! I’m only doing my job…”

At this point Quinn stopped untying knot and snapped, “No Jacob yer barely do yor job, right, yer wotched me and Alex yer stalked us as it’s become an obsession. Yer were only given the bleedin' job of getting rid of all the so-called lower class today. Jacob I know yer’ve killed so many blokes for pure enjoyment. Yer keep insistin' this is yor job wen in actual fact it’s a bloody perverted addiction. Oh and wot do we find 'ere a nice boy from long ago. Cor the bleedin' world full of surprise!”

Jacob stared at in utter shock, unable to say anything as she ranted on at him and his crimes.

When she finished she calmly added, “Jacob wot I’m doin' now is a mercy, if yer were on the ground I’d rip yor still beatin' 'eart out blind yer wiv me 'ands break all yor limbs and lastly wen pain seems never endin', I’ll snap yor scrorny neck.”

With one last gasp of desperation Jacob screamed, “Alex is gone to war, but if you let me live I’ll get you across to the Ranna lands where it’ll be easier to find him.”

Quinn stopped untying and eyed him warily, “Have I got yor word?”

“I’m blinking going to die if I don’t give my word, fine!”

She walked away turning around as he protested this, “Hey you can’t leave me this!”

Quinn shrugged and grinned, “Consider this yor punishment for takin' oray me Alex.”

She walked away to pack some thing, Alex never fear, nuffink will separate us.

Jacob hung upside down full of fear eyeing the knot for anything like it loosening. Only thing keeping him from a fatal fall was a rope wound tightly round his ankle creating a rope burn. He let out a loud sigh of frustration and swung, strung up.

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Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:16 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

Wow...that's a lot!

Aw, it's so sweet! They're in love! JACOD SHOULD DIE!!! XD He's so evil, I hope that rope breaks!


It's good! I hope they find each other!

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Mon Jul 09, 2007 5:16 pm
Elizabeth wrote a review...

Jacob is bad, but I still think that Jared is worse. people with J names seem to be really terrible :P


I'm kididng... well anyway... Iliked this... Ithought it was sick though... maybe you could put all thedifferent parts into entirely different chapters, but I'm not sure, it would depend.

That's good.

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Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:54 am
Nutty wrote a review...

*starts chanting* Drop! Drop! Dro-
Oh, wait, sorry.
Heh. I hope he dies a horrible, painful death.
Anyway, this is a great chapter! When they finally realise it... then that
Hurry up and write the next one.

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Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:51 am
Alteran wrote a review...

Quinn is hysterical and sacry all at once. I love the way she toyed with Jacob. It was brilliant. And when you said Alex got kicked in his manhood that was brilliant.

This si my favorite chapter so far. :D

Great to see Jacob get screwed over for all he's done. I hope the rope Breaks.

*sigh* Only one more!

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Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:31 am
Riedawriter23 wrote a review...

8s …whoa, so Alex and Quinn…And then…That was a lot that happened! Jacob should fall and die. I’m shocked really. I hadn’t expected so much in so little time! That was awesome, Quinn is one tough girl and I think she’s like my favorite character. Yes, I’ve said that before. But that was when Quinn was a guy and now that Quinn is a girl she’s become my favorite again (lol) This was really great, Vernon. Can’t wait for the next one!!


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