
Young Writers Society

Fifteen Eternal Candles Chapter 1

by deleted1

Author's note: 48000 characters, 8500 words... Chapter 1. This is the full post so that everyone can connect and actually get the overall feel. I now have a beta tester to check through individual parts for me. Granted it still has grammatical errors, the story won't be delayed any longer. So to those of you who read this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoy the story, starting with this chapter.


Inside a dark, small room lined with armories and shelves; two figures moved about slowly and steadily. The tall figure was of a middle aged man clad in a white tuxedo, with the royal signet of a serpent emblazoned across his back. Stooping down on his knees he pulled open a small drawer and called out.

“Hard to believe you are almost sixteen,” he said with strong, nurturing tone.

Behind him, the smallish figure of a girl in a single piece blue dress rocked back and forth upon her heels with anticipation. A beautiful silken angel in the flesh, with a face as bright as a peach and long brown hair down to the small of her back. Swaying back and forth in place, “Two more days! Then I can finally represent Blackfall.”

Retrieving a large diamond pendant from the drawer, her father slowly closed it as he stood to face his daughter, who stared at the necklace in his hand.

“This was your mother’s necklace. Shining only for a woman of exceptional quality, this is her legacy to you.”

The large diamond was placed into a platinum lock, the reverse bore the royal signet of the serpent with the words inscribed, “Fabis Nabum Sala Sunia”. Slowly her father placed the necklace around the delicate soft neck of his daughter and with a soft smile looked at her with tearful eyes, “Victoria, you look so much like your mother.”

The diamond started to faintly glow a soft blue hue and truly shined on Victoria. Her father closed his eyes and two tears fell down his cheeks, “My girl is all grown up!”

The two embraced in the dark room, her father bumping the two of them against the cabinets, stirring up a bunch of dust in the process. Victoria rested her head against her father’s strong chest and wrapped her arms around his back in a tight hug, “Thanks, father. Does this mean I can dance at the festival tomorrow?”

Letting her free from the embrace, her father pulled back and scratched his cheek, “Seems only fair, but I don’t like you conversing with the commoners in town! Especially that Kate.”

Victoria grinned widely and gave a quick hug to her father before running out of the room and down the hall as fast as she could, leaving her stunned father in the wake. After a moment he shook his head disdainfully and left the jewelry room, closing and locking the door with a brass key, muttering to himself, “She’ll never change.”


The raspy voice of Constance replied to his mutterings, “Lord Pencharmer and Lady Victoria. Beautiful and simple, until her marriage.”

Pencharmer turned towards the old butler dressed entirely in a black suit, his voice soft and surreal, “Yes, marriage. Fleeting time.”

The two walked together down the halls of the large manor, walking down the white washed walls filled with beautiful paintings of windmills, castles and lake sides. Staring up at the modeling on the ceiling, Pencharmer sighed softly, “Constance--”

“Yes, sir?”

“How is our guest?”

“Fully recovered I imagine, but amnesia remains.”

Pencharmer sighed softly as he opened the heavy oak door to his study and he moved over to a table filled with leather bound books. The entire study was a scholar's dream, containing thousands of books on rows of cabinets up to the high ceiling. Drawing desks and tables littered the room as bundled up scrolls shot forth from the sides of the cabinets, over tables and even his desk. Flipping through an old dusty tome he read aloud, “Clashing to extinction the bastards of the Goddess annihilated each other until only humanity remained.”

Constance shook his head, “The ramblings of a madman no matter how detailed are still the ramblings of insanity. Entertaining yourself with legends is childish, sir.”

Closing the tome and throwing it to the floor, Pencharmer growled lowly, “Legends come from somewhere just as Avalon did. That name is not of commoner or royal blood.”

“Theft of a name--”

“Its one of their names. Despite his appearance--”

“Did the crystal react--” Constance stopped as a smirk spread across Pencharmer's face. “Your life is forfeit should it be revealed and with time it shall. Your father knew not to mess with their affairs, execution is the law.”

Pencharmer's smirk vanished instantly, “Even so I rather not outlive my daughter. Despite her blood a quiet life is better then no life at all. Sixteen years sure does fly, but it doesn't mean that I have not prepared for the day.”

Constance's eyes lit up as Pencharmer picked up a scroll on the table and said, “That pendant?”

“Why do you think witches exist? Love hides them from the world, right under the noses of their persecutors. Wanderers or hermits, they survive by not exposing themselves. Her mother--”

Constance sighed, “You are the one that never changes, sir. Just like your father before you.”


Victoria hopped down the steps of the elegant staircase and landed softly on the floor below, her pendant bouncing on her chest as it shined its tranquil blue. She started to tiptoe down the hallway with her ears pressed against the white walls. The sound of pots and pans clanging and rattling was hard to miss through the thick walls, but the much softer footfalls of the maid resounded faintly in the next room. With a malicious smile spread across her face, Victoria darted down the halls towards the safety of the guest room nearest to the pantry, only to hear the maids stern voice call out, “Where do you think you are going?”

Frozen in her tracks, Victoria turned to see Mrs. Alder standing behind her with a large metallic soup ladle pointed threateningly at her. She crossed her arms over her large chest and bloated belly, she stood before her in that black formal maid outfit which was confining and overly proper gave her the appearance of a Nun. With cold piercing eyes and untamed long hair, and all the fire of hell burning within her she scolded Victoria, “You were going to go bother that boy again! He needs rest and not to be pestered night and day by the likes of you.”

Victoria weakly made a stand, “Constance said he was all better now.”

Slamming the soup ladle against the wall with a loud crack as the soup ladle bent horribly out of shape under the force of her swing, she yelled, “That won't work this time, dear. Until I am informed otherwise, you will not bother him again!”

The sound of Constance's footfalls as he slowly descended the stairs were covered by his hoarse laughter. As the old butler turned to the two ladies he smiled weakly and stated, “Sorry Mary. He does appear to have recovered.”

Mary's eyes fell to the bent and now spoon like soup ladle and sighed dejectedly at the contorted and flattened silverware. Turning to Constance with a cheerful voice she replied, “What a relief. Lunch is almost ready, I'll go set a place at the table for him!”

Victoria mouthed silently to Constance, “Thank you.” Before running down to the guest room and let herself in quietly.

The guest room was very plain, a four post canopy bed and a dresser was all the decorated it. The wooden floor planks creaked softly as she approached the sleeping boy under the covers of the bed. The pale and sickly looking boy had a dry washcloth over his forehead and was sleeping softly as Victoria watched over him for a minute. Leaning down to kiss the boy on the cheek she awoke him and those soft blue eyes stared into hers.

“Good morning, Avalon. How are you feeling today?” Victoria asked cheerfully, trying to hide her red face from his gaze.

Pulling himself up in bed, the boy brushed back his long brown hair and said softly, “Much better, thank you. Victoria?”

Victoria smiled at Avalon and asked, dangling the pendant over his head, “What is it?”

“It looks beautiful on you.”

Victoria blushed redder and ran her soft hands through his hair, messing it up, “You look like a girl with that long hair you know. Boys shouldn't look like this!”

Weakly moving away from her hand, Avalon grumbled, “You sure are in a delightful mood, did he-”

“YES!” cried out Victoria, “I was wondering when you were going to ask that. Want to come shopping for a dress with me?”

Avalon's eyes narrowed and he shook his head sternly, “Shopping with you, that doesn't seem like something I would do...”

“Sure you do!” Victoria leaned into him cheerfully, “All boys love to shop! Shopping for new clothes is one of the most fun things you can do?”

“It really...”Avalon sighed softly before saying, “A change of scenery would be nice.”

Victoria let out a soft gasp of joy and hugged Avalon tight, embracing him to her chest, as the pendant touched Avalon a bright light came from the diamond. It engulfed them in a dance of deep blue and white light until Victoria stepped back from Avalon in complete disbelief.

“What just happened?” the two said as they stared at each other in a state of mutual confusion.

The soft hue of the diamond faded away to nothing and became unremarkable around Victoria's neck. Whimpering softly she took it off of her neck and held the pendant and chain in the palm of her hand, “I think it broke...”

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to break.” Avalon replied softly, his eyes cast on the white blankets surrounding and warming him.

Victoria smiled softly and placed it around her neck again, “Perhaps this is what they call a 'Love charm'. Blue is tranquility and love after all-”

“L-L-Love charm?! What are you talking about?”

Victoria stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry before heading to the door and added cheerfully, “Get dressed, you'll be having lunch with the rest of us. The Alders are making a special meal just for you.”

“Give me a second to get dressed.” Avalon said as he started to pull the covers away, until Victoria shouted, “Wait for me to leave! Are you shameless or something?”

Walking out and closing the door harshly, Victoria continued, “Have you no decency, Avalon?”


Gathered in the dining room, the six figures of the Pencharmer house took their respective seats at the table. Father and daughter took their rightful place at the top of the table, leaving the Alders opposite of Constance and Avalon. As the custom was, Avalon took the seat nearest to Pencharmer.

Wearing a formal suit was usually required, but Avalon was a minor exception. Clad in white robes of fine silk, he was horribly out of place in a room filled of black suits and Victoria's formal blue dress. With long hair he resembled more of a lady then any man, his softness and delicate appearance was surely one of never knowing hardship or labor. No more expressive then his words were his peaceful eyes that gazed at everyone, a warmth of sunshine in a darkened manor. Fumbling around with silverware and consistently guided by Constance's nods, he enjoyed a simple meal of soup and meat stew that was easy on his weak body.

Pencharmer cut into a large steak with a sharp knife and gently stabbed a piece with his fork and savored the rich taste before swallowing and asking, “Would you care to get some fresh air?”

Avalon nodded softly as Victoria answered for him, “I will take him into town for shopping.”

Pencharmer's gaze fell onto his daughter and to her pendant, “Victoria, your pendant isn't shining-”

“I'm sorry, father. It stopped when I talked with Avalon.” Interrupted Victoria.

Pencharmer shook his head, “I see. In any case, it seems as if your heart as already been tied with our guest in his short visit.”

Victoria blushed red and Avalon looked away sharply, both denying it together with a stern, “No way!”

Pencharmer nodded softly as Mrs. Alder chimed in, “How wonderful.”

Red faced and gripping her fork in hand, Victoria stabbed a cherry and ate it in anger. Mrs. Alder's giggle only angered Victoria more as she hurried through lunch. Boiling just under the surface, she was the first one to stand and ask, “Thank you for the meal. May I be excused, father?”

Constance smiled widely with his eyes wide on her, his wrinkled face straining to maintain its dignified state in anticipation of Pencharmer's response. Mr. and Mrs. Alder exchanged little grins to each other as Pencharmer placed his index finger on his cheek and stared off into space.

“Very well, Victoria. Will you be taking Avalon with you?”

Victoria reached over and grabbed Avalon's left hand dragging him up while he was trying to eat. Squirming weakly, Avalon tried to resist, but was overwhelmed by Victoria's forcefulness.

Weakly saying, “Thank you for the meal.” Avalon was dragged out of the dining room by Victoria still clenching the spoon in his hand. Victoria dragged him through the front door and slowly closed it on Avalon's butt before shouting, “BASTARD!”

Swiftly kicking the air and jabbing with her fists she cried out, “Ass! Why does he do that!”

Turning around to Avalon and poking him hard in the chest with each word she drove it into him, “I don't love you! You get me into trouble. Don't embarrass me! And don't look so stupid!”

Flicking his head with her thumb and middle finger, Avalon threw his hands into his white robes and grumbled, “That's not nice, Victoria.”

Starting to walk down the long road towards the town center, Victoria threw her arms into the air and cried out, “Be like a man. No complaints.”

Slowly walking side by side down the road, Avalon and Victoria stared up at the clear blue sky with only a few patches of cirrus clouds. The fresh spring air blowing against them from the sea, their air gently swaying back and forth against the wind. Meadows of wildflowers lined the stone pathway to the town. The glorious fields were filled with a variety of reds, blues and butter yellows. Dandelion seeds blew in the wind and fluttered in the air as little brown rabbits darted across the path in front of Avalon and Victoria's feet.

“Thanks, Avalon.” Victoria said, staring down at the path as a little rabbit darted into the safety of the wildflowers.

Avalon tilted his head towards her and replied, “For what?”

Victoria shook her head and laughed, “Never mind. Its not important.”


Entering the quiet town lined with nice cottages and brick walkways, people waved to Victoria and always said, “Good day,” or “So nice to see you again, Lady Victoria.” Walking down the roads lined with beautiful cottages and a few tiny shops marked with wooden signs. The warm scent of freshly made bread and confectionery treats guided Avalon and Victoria into the Rose Bakery. Opening the oak door and stepping into the candle lit room, Victoria called out, “Hello? Satori? Mati? Barhite?”

The Rose Bakery was no different then many of the homes in Blackfall, an old cottage with beautiful wood and a study frame standing through the decades. An unlit brick fireplace that provided ample heat and spread the smell of hickory smoke throughout the house during the cool spring nights. Small windows filled the room with light, but often aromatic candles were used to be more pleasing to the senses. The living quarters up the wrought iron spiral staircase was the private room of the house, usually just the master bed.

From upstairs a young woman called out, “Lady Victoria!”

“Satori!” cried out Victoria. A beautiful woman descended the stairs quickly. Wearing a blue and white dress similar to Victoria's dress, but made of cotton instead. With long flowing black hair and a soft small yellowish face, she was a merchant from far to the east.

Satori hugged Victoria tight and said, “So good to see you again! Looks like you brought company with you.”

Victoria smiled and introduced Avalon, “This is our guest, Avalon.”

Satori's face lit up as she looked at Avalon's soft face and long hair. Grinning she whispered to Victoria, “Nice catch!”

Victoria whispered back, alerting Avalon that they were talking about him, causing him to lean forward in an attempt to listen, “Its not like that!”

Resting her back against the wall, Satori sighed and wrapped her arms over her small chest, “Just when I thought you finally grown into a woman, you go straight back to childhood.”

Avalon took a step closer and Victoria's growl immediately made him stay back, “You are one to speak!”

As the two girls leaned closer to each other exchanging, “Oh yeah!?”'s at each other it appeared more and more like a fight, until the two were inches apart staring angrily into each others eyes. Satori sticked out her tongue and the two broke out in laughter.

“Oh! I'll make some tea for us.” gasped Satori as she ran down the corridor and into the spacious kitchen of their bakery.

Victoria sat down on the ground and looked at Avalon, suggesting him to sit down. Avalon cast a look around for chairs before finally sitting down on the wood floor and looking over to Victoria, “Where are the chairs?”

Victoria shook her head, “Spoiled alre-”

“Victoria! How do you want your tea?” called out Satori from the kitchen.

“Two sugars!” Victoria yelled back, before giving Avalon a soft smile and adding, “Avalon needs five sugars.”

“FIVE!?” cried out Satori before she nervously replied, “Alright.”

Carrying the tea on a small tray, Satori came back into the room and gave out the cups before sitting down on the floor between Victoria and Avalon. With backs pressed against the wall and knees tucked into her chest, Satori drank before asking, “Any word from the Council?”

Sighing softly, Victoria shook her head, “They are dodging the matter while out of session.”

Satori gasped, “During a war, those old codgers are on vacation?”

Victoria's soft nod filled Satori with disgust as she grumbled, “The blockade is really starting to hamper our business. Even if its not a war with us, we suffer.”

“The decisive battle is set to take place. After the festival, I'll be traveling to Narani to order a ceasefire-”

“Do your best. The season of war is upon us again.”

“Season of war?” asked Avalon, holding the cup of tea in his hands, staring into the tea blankly.

“The period during late spring to early fall. Between the main planting and harvesting cycles. Its an old term that defines the futility of war.” sighed Satori, “Coined from my home, it is the endless global struggle of power.”

Drinking their tea in silence the awkward moment was shattered by Satori's younger sister, Mati. Bursting through the door, the tomboyish girl wearing a dirty green tunic and cotton slacks suddenly shouted, “Victoria!”

Quickly taken up in her strong, but tiny arms, Victoria fought against the hug restricting her breathing. Mati's pale eyes settled over to Avalon, releasing Victoria from her grip, she lunged for Avalon with open arms, “Hello!”

Embraced tightly, Avalon went limp in the girl's arms, blushing red as Mati gave him a little kiss on the cheek. A menacing stare from Victoria freed Avalon from Mati's embrace. Feinting innocence, she brushing back her short black hair, “When did you get here, Victoria?”

“Airhead!” growled Satori as she pointed at Mati, “Get some self control!”

Whining and finally taking a seat next to her older sister, Mati stole the unfinished cup of tea from Satori and drank it down, “Still no ships today. The blockade is blocking the river on both sides, so even going upstream won't work now.”

Victoria sighed, “Wonderful, father is ready for war. Learning of this will plunge everyone into another war.”

Mati tilted her head, trying to understand Victoria's comment, but Satori cheerfully replied, “Don't be too hasty, it won't last for long. Krieg was ordered to bust the blockade. Maybe that Kirtner knows something?”

“Really!?” gasped Victoria.

“Really! Caelin came bursting in the other day and shouted all about how Krieg's fleet was spotted off the coast of Pamui heading back towards Narani.”

Mati inched over to Avalon while Satori and Victoria talked, too involved in their own discussion to miss Mati's whispering into his ear, “Want to have lunch?” Avalon and Mati disappeared into the kitchen quietly without being spotted.

Mati pulled a long loaf of bread from a rack and moved over to a cutting board, pulling out a long knife she slowly cut four thick slices of fresh bread before asking, “Want a steak or roast ham?”

“Both sound delicious!” Avalon said, watching Mati's closely as she prepared a thick slab of steak for the both of them. Placing it between the two pieces of bread, she handed him the sandwich.

Together they took a bite into the sandwich and both said happily, “So good!” Fresh baked bread and delicious cured steak was a better meal that Avalon got to finally enjoy.

Between mouthfuls, Mati rested her back against the brick oven and asked, “So they finally set you free from that dusty manor?”

Avalon nodded and finished swallowing before replying, “Victoria is taking me shopping, it is supposed to be fun.”

“Eh!? You don't remember anything do you?” she seriously asked.

Avalon softly shook his head and took another bite into his rapidly disappearing sandwich. Mati him on the shoulder, “It'll come back. Its not everyday someone floats ashore, beaten to a pulp and-”

The pained expression on Avalon's face silenced Mati with a soft, “I'm sorry, that was rude of me.”

“I am fine. This is a really good meal!” he said, breaking the awkward silence by taking the last bite of the sandwich.

Mati blushed very faintly, “Thanks. What are you going to do when you get your memory back?”

Swallowing the last mouthful, Avalon said, “Probably return home. I do not belong here.”

Mati shook her head furiously, “You are home anywhere you make it. We started up the Rose Bakery after Barhite got sick, but have lived here for five years. This is our home now.”

Victoria appeared at the threshold to the kitchen, overhearing Mati's words she smiled at Avalon and said, “You could stay with us if you want.”

Avalon headed over to Victoria, “Thank you for the meal, Mati.”

Mati smiled warmly at Avalon and called out, “Are you two going to the festival? Or is he still being a stick in the mud?”

“Father finally accepted and gave me my mother's pendent.” she said, pointing to the pendant that hung so naturally off of her that it already seemed to be a part of her everyday appearance.

“It looks pretty, but I didn't want to be rude. See you at the festival, I'll be cheering you on.” Mati replied.

Leaving the Rose Bakery, Avalon was knocked to the ground by a small boy as soon as he stepped onto the street. The street urchin in tattered baggy clothes stood up and yelled, “Watch were your going, jackass!”

Avalon coughed and struggled to get up, visibly aching from the impact, Victoria moved out into the street to help him up, “Hunlaf! Watch were you are going!”

The dirty young boy tilted his head to Victoria as she helped Avalon and gasped, “Oh! Sorry, Vicky! Katie wanted me to run down to Morgan's shop to pick up her dress.”

“Excuses! Apologize right now!” scolded Victoria as she stood up over the twelve year old, her finger pointing at his face threateningly.

Hunlaf stood up straight and bowed to Avalon, “I humbly beg your forgiveness, sir!”

“Thank you, I am fine now,” Avalon said, still shaken from the sudden impact.

Hunlaf made a slight detour around Avalon and Victoria before starting to sprint down the streets again at full speed towards the far end of town. “Vicky...” growled Victoria as she realized her mutilated name still went unpunished.

“Vicky?” repeated Avalon, staring at the boy dashing out of sight in the distance, but Victoria's growling only increased as she surged with anger.

“Come on, Avalon! We are going.” Victoria growled as she started off towards the shop without him.


During the long walk down to the shop, Victoria's anger had finally cooled off as she approached the old cottage that was the tailor's home and business. A proud sign painted in red with a exotic elaborate way to spell “Morgan” almost made it incomprehensible.

Knocking on the oak door, Victoria called out, “Mrs. Morgan, are you there?”

The deadbolt on the door was unlocked and slowly the door opened. The slender figure of Mrs. Morgan stood at the entrance way in a beautiful red dress then hung off of her exquisitely. Showing off a bit of skin, the dress made her womanly curves only greater as the dress flaunted her luscious and healthy body. Her long wavy brown hair was done up with little curls displaying all the fire and wildness that could be possibly be contained within her youthful figure.

“Oh my, Lady Victoria! Come on in.” she said, beckoning them forward with her hand and opening the door wide for them.

Dozens of dresses were on display, worn on the various poses of wooden mannequins with delicate brass joints. Beautiful works of art proudly displayed white nightgowns, black mourning and church vestments, suits and even everyday attire. Softly illuminated room was lit up by the lowering sun and the colors of the dresses were all dimmed from their true glory, but alone one dress stood out. A fine blue silk dress lined with ribbons and a complex floral pattern of spring flowers was painstakingly stitched across the stomach down to the seam just below the knee. With two shoulder straps it was a suggestive low-cut dress, but its radiance was captivating.

“Its perfect!” Victoria gasped as she ran over to the a mannequin from which her dress was displayed in. She ran her fingers over the soft silk and bit her lip to contain herself.

“Wonderful, perhaps you should thank our courier. Came all the way from Riventz he did,” Morgan said.

Victoria turned around as the wooden hatch to the basement was opened with a creak from the corner of the old house. A bald man ascended the stairs and caught sight of Avalon and Victoria, his deep voice filled the room softly, “This is truly wonderful! It fits.”

Pulling himself up the stairs, he flipped the hatch closed with his sturdy steel greaves. The large man clad in shining chain mail from chest to his greaves clinked with each step as he approached them. Extending a large calloused hand out to Victoria, the two shook hands, “Bruno Weiste at your service, ma'am.”

Victoria's eyes widened as she felt the man's strong grip and the feel of his hand against her soft skin, “I am Lady Victoria Pencharmer of Blackfall, pleased to meet you.”

Bruno moved over to Avalon and extended his hand once more, “Bruno Weiste at your service, sir.”

Avalon weakly shook his hand, unable to make eye contact, “Avalon, pleased to meet you, sir.”

Mrs. Morgan clapped her hands together and said, “Oh! Lady Victoria, did you come all the way out here to pick up your dress? Sorry for the delay, I promised Lord Pencharmer it'd be there for lunch.”

Victoria smiled and shook her head, “Truthfully, I had business to attend to and just wanted to see it before the day of festival.”

Avalon scoffed behind her back, the expression on his face was not one of the fun of shopping, but rather the ceaseless boredom of being dragged around the town and shown off. Victoria turned around to face Avalon, glaring at him with evil eyes.

“Lady Victoria, is it alright with you if the delivery will be made by nightfall?” Morgan asked.

“Perhaps I good carry it to the house for them.” asked Mr. Weiste, turning back to Mrs. Morgan, “Would definitely make the trip easier for you.”

“As long as Lady Victoria approves...”

“If he is willing, then by all means.” Victoria turned to Mr. Weiste, “Would you care for dinner and a room?”

“Thank you. It will give me a chance to reacquaint with your father. That old bookworm never could hole a sword, but damn that man has got the devil's eye! Tell me, has he been practicing or is he slipping into old age already?”

Victoria bit her tongue and calmly said, “Just don't show up in the armor and he won't mistake you for an assassin.”

The large man laughed so deeply that his armor clinked as he said, “Twenty years and I have never seen a better shot. He has grown a soft spot in these last sixteen years I see.”

“Well, I must be going. Goodbye Mrs. Morgan. Goodbye Mr. Weiste.” Victoria waved as she turned towards the door and headed outside with Avalon in close pursuit.


Victoria lead Avalon down the streets and up the hills on a different road towards a watchtower overlooking the entire town. Stopping to gaze out at the top of the hill, she sat down on a large boulder and let out a soft sigh as she took in the scenery.

Beautiful lines of houses without a true pattern or layout winded through the plains and hills of the rough landscape. Vast stretches of farmland lay to the south on the top of the high unnaturally carved cliffs. Tiny ships lay at the river's edge, that was far below them, “Avalon, do you want to stay with us until your memory returns?”

“Of course. Do you want me to leave?”

“Do not even ask such nonsense, but you should know,” Victoria clenched her fists, “Avalon, something is terribly wrong.”

Avalon moved over to Victoria and sat by her side, he laced his hand with hers and leaned against her. Sharing a brief moment of weakness, Victoria gently rested her head against his. Avalon softly asked, “How do you know?”

“He is a soldier... no... more of a rogue mercenary. If he really knows my father, he must be bringing a proposition or worse... ” Victoria went silent and shook her head, “Avalon, he thought you were one of my father's guards.”

“Guards? You mean-”

Victoria spoke softly, “The Divine Executors. Eight powerful guardians of the ruling house of each nation. They use divine power from the Goddess to ensure order and maintain the sanctity and preservation of the entire nation. Each one stronger then a hundred men, they are the tools through which my father rules. I am not lying Avalon. Please believe me. This is a secret that is guarded so closely that no one knows of it outside of the immediate family.”

“Why do you trust me with your secrets?” asked Avalon.

“You have already been saved by them. Morgan was the one who pulled you from the water. Do you remember?”

Staring out over the horizon to a small line of ships at the mouth of the river, Avalon said, “No. Nothing reminds me of anything.”

“To be perfectly honest, I dragged you out here in hopes of your memory returning, but it seems as if drastic measures must be taken. Something which I am afraid must be tested. A test for a witch.”

Avalon's eyes widened and slowly repeated as if in a trance, “Witch....”

Turning to look at Avalon as he started to break out in a cold sweat, Victoria bit her lip and asked, “Are you a witch, Avalon?”

“Chosen by the Goddess, divine power-”

More sternly, Victoria repeated, “Are you a witch?”

“No. It is accursed witchcraft that strips away humanity,” Avalon replied, still entranced.

Victoria stood up and jumped off the rock, looking towards another large manor behind them that hid behind a veil of trees and brush, “After a quick test by the high priest you will be allowed to stay with us for as long you wish. That is-”

“Easy,” finished Avalon, jumping off the rock to face Victoria. “The word witch is painful, but a part of me knows I am not one. What separates the Divine Executors from witches?”

As if repeating by rote, Victoria said, “Permission and power is both bestowed by the Goddess's highest servant through a blood pact. To serve as both protector of the ruling house and executor of the unholy witches within thy nation. A sacred order of paladins. If you are trying to hide the truth, please run. I wouldn't be able to stand your execution.”

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Avalon shook his head, “I'm not a witch. Don't say things like that.”

Blushing bright red, Victoria turned away and broke form his soft embrace. Feinting anger she said with a grin, “Don't touch me like that. What you do with those hands could kill you as well.”

Victoria and Avalon started to walk down the forgotten trail towards the manor. The peaceful forest enveloped them on a winding trail around large oaks and maple trees. Deer freely roamed throughout the forest, scrounging for berries and fruit. Birds sang various songs from the trees tops, the cries of their hungry children rang out from time to time. A fox dashed in front of Victoria before fleeing into the bushes, making Victoria scream out of surprise, “Red devil!”

Picking up a rock, she threw it into the bushes, making the fox dart out deeper into the forest. Readying another rock, Avalon shook his head and said, “Its already gone.”

Victoria stuck out her tongue, dropping the rock to the ground again, “I scared it away.”

“That face of yours will scare anyone away,” said Avalon until a sudden swift punch to his stomach knocked the wind from him, “Ugh! That hurt!”

Stomping off with her chest puffed out somewhat akin to a gorilla. Punching a tree hard enough to strip the bark off, she growled, “Jackass! All men think they are comedians, especially when its not funny!”

“So quick to anger...how can anyone expect her to rule?” Avalon thought out loud, holding his stomach and following her towards the manor.

The old manor made of stone and brick was covered with ivy and trees tore up the walkway with their roots. Nature was reclaiming the old manor and concealing it within the thickening forest. Approaching moss and covered ivy stairs, Victoria said to Avalon, “The high priest lives here, formality is enforced. Strictest of code and speech, just as in church.”

Avalon nodded softly as Victoria banged the brass knocker twice. The doors slowly opened to reveal a kindly old priest in black vestments. Completely bald and withered by age, the man moved slowly back as he beckoned them in, “Please come in Lady Pencharmer. Excuse my use of a first name, but Sir Avalon, please come in.”

Slowly the two crossed the threshold into the manor and gazed up at the towering ceiling with large glass panels illuminating a wide hallway floor made of purest white marble. The marble floor was scarred with deep cuts and holes in some places, across the stone walls lay scorches and deep cracks. Signs of conflict filled the manor, even the glass ceiling was out of place as stone archways and support beams lead to nothing. The old priest showed them into a small waiting room and excused himself with, “Father Ealdmund will arrive momentarily.”

Taking a wooden chair that lined against the whitewashed wall in the empty room, Avalon said, “What happened in here?”

Victoria leaned back against the wall, giving a soft sigh she said, “This was the last battleground of Blackfall. Three hundred years ago, a small force from Narani trapped King Sigric within these walls in a siege lasting for over a week. They broke through the door and the Sigric appeared before the invaders with a proposition of peace, but in defiance of the rules of warfare they attacked him. What was to be a sure loss turned into the decisive battle, the high priest unsheathed his sword and ended the battle singlehandedly. My father's family took over and constructed the new manor upon the cliffs, but this was the first-”

“Did they break through the ceiling with explosives?” Avalon asked.

“Rammed it open with a battering ram they made, but this battle was between mortals and-” Victoria cut off as soft footsteps echoed in the hallway, coming closer towards them.

A pale faced man dressed in pure white robes entered the room with a soft smile upon his face. His pale white eyes gazed at Victoria and Avalon as he softly said, “Lady Pencharmer so good to see you again.”

Victoria stood up straight and bowed to the man, “It is a honor and a privilege to see you again, Count Fahd.”

Avalon gasped as he saw Count Fahd eyes focus onto him, his body becoming tense as Fahd's eyes entrapped him, barely able to say, “It is an honor to meet you, Count Fahd.”

Count Fahd grinned and shot a glance at Victoria, “Oho, has the Lady Pencharmer regaled you with stories of me? Perhaps it is fear of the test? I assure you, no need to be afraid, Master Avalon.”

Victoria bowed her head and put both hands together in apology, “I'm sorry. Forgive me!”

Count Fahd chuckled heartily, “High hopes for Master Avalon, but do be more careful in introductions and conversing in these matters. The Goddess is particularly vengeful if word spreads of our deeds and power is truly realized..”

“So you are the true ruler?” Avalon asked, looking up at that appeared to be still a child like him when compared to Lord Pencharmer.

Count Fahd nodded softly, “As a servant of the goddess, order was sanctioned for my role as advisor and spiritual leader. Ruling is delicate matter that is more of nudging in the proper course with a deft hand. Writing the pages of history is an affair of mortals, only rarely does the divine will act upon the Pencharmer house.”

“Just how old are you?” Avalon asked skeptically.

Count Fahd stood up straight and became lost in thought, “That is a very good question. It must be around eight hundred years by now. How fleeting time is when you are at work.”

Victoria added, “So lonely, outliving anyone who you fall in love with-”

“That is why we are forbidden to have such affairs, my dear. Though even still, attachment comes and it is the realization of that grim reality that is most damaging.” He looked up at Avalon, “Enough of the dreary stuff, shall we conduct the test? I assume you have the pendant, Lady Pencharmer.”

Fahd reached out his hand and Victoria took it off the pendant. Perplexed, she asked, “What does that do?”

Count Fahd held the stone in his hand and eyed Victoria, his voice shaky, “Nothing. Nothing. Forget it.”

The sudden realization shot through Avalon as Count Fahd stared at Victoria. Without hesitating he got up from the chair and said, “I was the one who broke it....I am..”

Count Fahd gave a great sigh and shook his head, “Fate is a cruel mistress, but by the laws of the Goddess, a witch cannot be allowed to live.”

His left hand drifted towards his waist, from concealed within the robes he grabbed hold and pulled a bright blue sword from its sheath. The blade had thousands of rippled layers across the blade, made of Damascus steel it cut through the silk robe as he drew it from the hidden scabbard. As he drew the blade he pointed it at Victoria and said, “This is not the real blade you saw before, but this will have to do.”

Victoria moved back into a corner as Count Fahd extended the sword towards her, Avalon stood in disbelief and shouted, “I'm the one you want.”

Fahd turned his head towards Avalon, “Very well, but the law is the law.”

Count Fahd raised the blade higher towards Victoria's neck and frowned, “Your father planned for everything except this. While the stone is ancient, it has become a tool to hide behind. If it had shone then you would have been saved, but even your father could not fool...Impossible.”

Count Fahd looked at the pendant that still did not shine, slowly he lowered his sword and bit his lip, “It is not a fake, but it does not glow...”

“I broke it,” Avalon struggled to say under the crushing wind that pinned them to the walls, “Victoria had nothing to do with it.”

Sheathing his sword, he embarrassingly handed back the pendant, “Fate has saved you and even though I can tell, you used no power to strike back. Without such proof of the stone you are in fact safe, Lord Pencharmer has indeed predicted my movements all too well.”

Victoria took back the pendant and put it around her neck, visibly shaken she replied, “Then we are witches...it glowed until...”

Count Fahd raised his hand and shook his head, “Please, do not give me reason to take action. Without the evidence, your ignorance protects you. It seems as if your father has manipulated me at long last, a fitting victory indeed.”

“So you are not going to kill us?” Avalon asked weakly.

Count Fahd shook his head and smiled warmly even though his lamenting, “It cannot be helped. One who cannot be proven cannot be caught. It appears that this pendant is indeed broken, it does not respond to my touch. It seems as if I can pass on something of worth during my absence...”

Victoria moved closer to Avalon as Count Fahd turned around and crossed the threshold. Both exchanging nervous looks, Victoria said softly, “Father played us both, that is unforgivable.”

“At what point did manipulating me become acceptable?” Avalon replied, only to receive an elbow to his rib cage.

Victoria growled, “It was for your own good!”

“So was your father's! Look where they got us!” Avalon growled back louder.

Count Fahd turned down the corridor into a large open study as he said, “Squabble later, this is the last favor I can ever give.”

The large restored study was adorned with red wallpaper with gold leaves, beautiful cherry desk and chair sat in the middle of the room, in front of an old fireplace. Over the mantle were two sheathed short swords. Count Fahd walked over to the fireplace and pulled one of the identical blades from the wall mount, “This blade shall be the symbol in which Avalon shall take up the role of a Divine Executor, but not perform their duties.”

As Count Fahd presented the blade in its sheath to Avalon he accepted the sword, feeling its weight he said, “Thank you, I swear this blade will give me the strength to protect Victoria should anyone try to hurt her again.”

“That blade is dangerous, never draw it without purpose and resolve,” Fahd warned Avalon as he took his hands from the blade, “Lady Pencharmer, I regret that I cannot pass on a proper weapon, but I extend the use of this sword to you, if you wish to accept it. Your rank however prevents you from taking up this blade and wielding it as long as you are heiress to Blackfall.”

Victoria shook her head, “It is just as you say. I cannot accept that blade.”

“Again, please excuse the harsh reality of the test, you passed even if the signs where doubtful. Consider this a benevolent loophole.” said Count Fahd as he took his seat, “Oh, and Lady Pencharmer, word has already reached me through Mrs. Morgan. You are to dance at the festival?”

“Yes, she's delivering the dress to the house tonight.”

Count Fahd dipped his quill in a bottle of ink and started to write on a piece of paper, “Wonderful, it will be a pleasure to see you perform. I look forward to it.”

Victoria bowed her head and replied, “Thank you, I will do my best.”


Retreating from the confines of the manor, Victoria and Avalon gazed out at the bright sunlight that obscured their vision. Rushing towards the far off Pencharmer Manor that sit on the far cliffs the setting sun stretched their shadows long as twilight approached. As the setting sun painted maroons and crimsons across the clouds, the gentle breeze caressed them all the way home.

Bursting through the door as her anger surged upon seeing her father sitting at the table, Victoria yelled, “How could you manipulate me, father!”

The eyes of Constance, the Alders and Bruno turned to Victoria with sudden shock, but Lord Pencharmer calmly sipped from his cup of tea. Avalon in a bold attempt to slip past Victoria was grabbed suddenly and used as her proverbial shield.

“How could you manipulate our guest? We were lucky to be alive after your plan backfired! Count-”

“Silence!” growled Lord Pencharmer, “We have another guest, calm yourself and take a seat. No more outbursts shall interrupt our reunion.”

Bitting her lip in defeat, Victoria released Avalon and both quickly took their respective seats at the table. Lord Pencharmer placed his cup back onto the saucer as the two took their seats and addressed Bruno Weiste, “The matter is a delicate one, but a move would be rash considering the current situation.”

Mr. Weiste took his eyes from Victoria and turned them back to Lord Pencharmer, he nodded his head in agreement, “Considering the current situation, but the blockade has not only prevented normal travel, it has greatly damaged long standing trade relations with the other ports. An economic attack is often a precursor to a military one.”

“A neutral stance on all political matters has what lead Blackfall to the last four hundred years of peace. We shall take no part in any action that might risk that peace.”

“My Lord, losing your control and honor through pacifism is not worth this false peace. Letting these offenses continue only hurt you diplomatic standing, no piece of parchment or word will prevent war from these shores. The signs are obvious, yet you do nothing to defend yourselves.”

Pencharmer slowly took another sip of his tea and set it down before replying, “There is nothing that can be done should war come, a long time has past since the military was disbanded. No preparations or planning could ward off an attack, as such diplomacy is the only method in which Blackfall retains its position of power. Without the power or means to defend itself and nothing of value to seize, our good graces have prevented Blackfall from becoming any target. There is no threat to our people.”

Slowly, Mr. Weiste stood up from his chair and bowed to Lord Pencharmer, “My apologies, but we have nothing more to discuss.”

As the man left and the door closed behind him, Lord Pencharmer turned his attention to Victoria and Avalon with the same calmness, but the facade was apparent to Victoria, “The townspeople are worried, its really going to happen...” Victoria thought aloud.

“I'm sure nothing bad will happen,” Avalon replied unconvincingly.

“Oh? What leads you two to be so gloomy? Lord Pencharmer said it himself. ” Mrs. Alder said as she took a sip of her own cup of tea.

“He is going to die,” said Victoria, tears welling up in her eyes, “He gave Avalon one of his swords as in which to protect...”

As Lord Pencharmer lifted his cup close to his lips habitually, his eyes darted to Avalon. Slowly Avalon pulled the blade from the folds of his robe, the sheathed blade gripped firmly in his hand. The cup of tea fell to its saucer and cracked on impact, Lord Pencharmer stared at the sword with wide eyes, “What is going on?”

Victoria recounted their brief visit with Count Fahd while her father stared in total shock, breaking down with each word she spoke. Until at last he rested his hand on his head and said, “This doesn't make sense, how could anything scare him...”

Pushing the issue, Victoria asked, “How long did you know, father?”

Avalon looked up at Victoria and shook his head, but Lord Pencharmer gave a great sigh and confessed, “Since you were just a baby. Do not hate me for keeping it a secret and forgive me for being unable to aid you.”

Constance and the Alders stood up and cleared the dishes, as an awkward silence consumed father and daughter. Avalon with pursed lips tried in vain to break the stifling atmosphere. Slowly, Victoria nodded her head and looked to Avalon for his agreement, “Count Fahd called it a test, but the truth was so apparent. It was terrifying, but he was more terrified. Some baroque fear consumed him, his eyes were dead and devoid of the spark.”

Avalon nodded and placed the sword on the table, “Even with defeat he placed the future in our hands.”

Lord Pencharmer stood up from the table and nodded his head, “Excuse me, but this is a grave matter. Without the divine protection of our Count Fahd, war is an inevitability. However, I forbid you to mention this to anyone. Tomorrow go see Sir Kirtner, and in two days time you must take my place as preparations are made-”

“Father! I've never gone alone to Narani-”

“Victoria, no longer can I hold your hand. Sir Kirtner will escort you to the palace and swiftly align Blackfall with our ancient home,” Pencharmer looked to Avalon, “Do as you please. The blessing makes you a member of this noble house, I wish it was only better circumstances. The both of you should rest, all should continue as normal. The festival will be the last celebration before war descends upon us again.”

Lord Pencharmer turned and walked upstairs, his footfalls fading as he ascended the staircase. Victoria and Avalon looked at each other weakly from across the wide table.

“This feeling...” Victoria started, “This choking feeling. Is it fear's grasp over my neck and heart is crushing me?”

Avalon reached his hand across the table to grasp Victoria's soft hand, “Be strong, I won't leave your side when you need me. I have to repay the kindness after all.”

A soft grin streaked across Victoria's face as she tightened her grip on Avalon's hand, “Good. Looks like I have a chivalrous brother now. Avalon Pencharmer.”

As they broke from each other's grasp towards their rooms, the two exchanged last looks at each other before bidding goodnight and the warmth of their beds.

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:15 pm
deleted1 says...

Thanks. All errors have been fixed. I've made a slight change to chapter 2 to cover the changes already called on by Snoink and somewhat in conflict to Vernon's chat poking for lack of dramatic effect and some purpose. It is just a reader to reader preference so far that I've seen, but the way in which people view different aspects of the story.

Vernon was looking for more details that didn't matter, which people like Snoink didn't like, but people like Kittykat and DR think gives it more depth. Go figure, but then again, any story can be read in a number of ways and bring out different interpretations or emotions with each reading.

Since I feel that no one wants to go piece by piece through a chapter, I'll just start the entirety of each chapter, as I've gotten enough of a jump on typing it up to post in a timely manner. Vernon, your 'pacing issues' should be fixed by chapter 2 as the story becomes more firmly routed (unlike the very beginning) and takes on a larger depth of characters with their own backgrounds more developed in the next two chapters then our brief introduction we saw in this chapter.

Pencharmer, Constance, Hunlaf, Mati, Satori and Barchite Rose, the rest of 'Street Urchins' and some new characters like Sir Kirtner.

Oh...one of the changes I made was a brief prayer in German by Gustav Fritz. So look forward to the first battle in the story at the start of Chapter 2.

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:27 pm
kittykat wrote a review...

I've gotten better at critiquing work and this is definitely my longest review yet. As always, this was very good! I can't wait till chapter 2! Well... My corrections have "you put" or "another" and other such things like that. I just put whatever and then wrote down what you had wrote. I hope I got all of them! :D

You put: “Give me a second to get dressed.” Avalon said as he started to pull the covers away, until Victoria shouted, “Wait for me to leave! Are you shameless or something.”

At the end of the last sentance, you need to put a question mark because it's a question after all, right?

Another: Clad in white robes of fine silk, he was horrible out of place in a room filled of black suits and Victoria's formal blue dress.

Supposed to be: Clad in white robes of fine silk, he was "horribly" out of place in a room filled of black suits and Victoria's formal blue dress.

You wrote: Avalon nodded and finished swallowing before replying, “Victoria is taking me shopping, its supposed to be fun.”

The word "its" needs an apostrophe.

You wrote: “This is truly wonderful! Its fits.”

No "s" in the word "it."

Another: That old bookworm never could hole a sword, but damn that man has got the devil's eye! Tell me, has he been practicing or is he slipping into old age already?”

Correction: That old bookworm never could "hold" a sword, but damn that man has got the devil's eye!...

Yours: The doors slowly opened to reveal a kindly old priest black vestments.

Don't you mean "in" black vestments?

You wrote: “This was the last battleground of Blackfall Three hundred years ago, a small force from Narani trapped King Sigric within these walls in a siege lasting for over a week.

Is the word "Three" really supposed to be capitalized? I thought it was just supposed to be "...Blackfall three hundred..." sort of like that?

Another: Sheathing his Count Fahd sword, he embarrassingly handed back the pendant, “Fate has saved you and even though I can tell, you used no power to strike back.

"Sheathing his Count Fahd sword,...?" Whoa... when was he able to sheath himself? I think you meant to put, "Sheathing his sword Count Fahd,..." and so on.

Okay then, that wall all I caught. I don't know if I missed some misspelled words or not. I dissagree with Vernon, I don't think it's going to fast at all. But since I'm going to fast with my writing you might be, but still... The last scene was the best for me. Tell me when you post chapter 2! :D

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 4:16 pm
deleted6 wrote a review...

Okay, I still feel this starts too fast. You need to make somethings clearer. You need some more character development and check grammar, you mispell some words. Also transition bit off. It's a good story and certainly consider reading rest some time. Very well written except that transition and relationship seems tad rushed. Something I never expected but overall pretty original idea.

Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and the shadows will fall beyond you.
— Walt Whitman