
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

take me with you

by momonster


a plane filled with people.
though it has a pilot,
it seems to have a personality of its own.
i whisper, take me with you.

a butterfly on the flowers,
flitting from petal to petal.
carefree with no destination.
i whisper, take me with you

the moon shining above,
its face winking and twinkling.
taking a journey each night through the sky.
i whisper, take me with you.

i see the plane,
the butterfly, the moon.
i want t go with them,
but is it better this way?

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Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:15 am
Coffeeboyjay wrote a review...

Hi Momo,

First off Momo my suggestion is that Momo your poem was alright but really is in your feelings through Momo let me tell you why in the poem Momo a plane filled with people.
though it has a pilot,
it seems to have a personality of its own.
i whisper, take me with you.

a butterfly on the flowers,
flitting from petal to petal.
carefree with no destination.
i whisper, take me with you kinda in my suggestion is that it was made of feelings about you imagine stuff that's fine cause i does that to imagine things Momo.

My Compliment Momo is that reading your poem made me learning more experiments from you when i make a poem is write what imagine Momo but till then what i ever imagine i writes it down Momo.

Good luck writing Momo have a nice day/or night :wink:

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Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:36 pm
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AlyTheBookworm says...

This is lovely, and the repetition of "take me with you" makes my heart ache. It speaks to something unspoken and deeply human. Thank you for sharing! <3

momonster says...

aw, thank you! i'm so glad you liked it! <3

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Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:13 pm
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looseleaf wrote a review...

Hey, looseleaf here with a review! Sorry for taking so long to get to this, I've been busy. :) Just for a heads-up, the photo won't load for me because of my school's laptop so I'm going off of the text. Without further ado, let's get going.

I really liked this poem! It was short and sweet but you managed to convey your message very nicely. I also like the question at the end: is it better this way? It makes it seem like you're questioning the reader, and, it's open-ended and sort of existential. Good job!

The only grammatical mistake I saw was this:

i want t go with them

I assume that "t" is supposed to be "to." Also, in stanza two:

i whisper, take me with you

There is no period at the end of this sentence while there is on other stanzas. This is probably a silly mistake but, if it isn't, it makes more sense to me to either have all punctuation or no punctuation whatsoever. It makes it look nicer and flow better.

Stanza One

I like the analogy with the plane being pilotless although, I will admit, it doesn't fit with the other stanzas. Butterflies and the moon seem picturesque, mystical almost. A big, flying piece of metal doesn't really fit into that. Maybe if you changed it so it read like you were looking at the sky at planes that seem to have a mind of their own (and not mention the pilot), it would make sense. For now, it's just not working for me.

Stanza Two

I like the butterfly metaphor! It's simple and (kind of) makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. The one line I think you can change is this:

carefree with no destination

This is probably me being too literal, but they do have a destination to each flower and then to migrate. You don't have to change it on my behalf at all, but maybe consider a different line like "flying around without a care" or something along those lines. Otherwise, this is a lovely stanza!

Stanza Three

The moon comparison is great, too! The "taking a journey" is one of, if not, my favorite bits in this poem. I have one suggestion:

its face winking and twinkling.

I don't think you have to rhyme here. In the second line of the first two stanzas you don't rhyme so it throws off the flow when there's suddenly a very obvious rhyme in the middle of the poem. I also think "winking" is a weird thing to say about the moon and it may be something you want to change so it doesn't rhyme, unless it's an actual term people use, then keep it.

Stanza Four

Great ending! I love how you list all the previous stanzas' topics. I think the third line can be stronger. As opposed to "I want to go with them," maybe switch it to something along the lines of "I long to go with them, but I ask myself." Besides that, it's a wonderful stanza!

Last Critique

My last critique is that I don't like the "I whisper" bit of some of the last lines. I think "take me with you" will suffice.

Anyways, that's all I have for today! I enjoyed this poem and I can't wait to read more of your stuff. Keep up writing so well!

momonster says...

thanks so much!!

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Sat Feb 26, 2022 5:44 pm
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MaybeAndrew wrote a review...

Andrew here with you're Harsh Review! sorry that's a bit late, but the last couple days have been wild!
I am bad at poetry, so my critique skills are limited, but I'll try my best, just take my reviews with even more grains of salt than normal.
Overall, I like this poem, to me, it captures that distant longing for *more.* That magical adventure of the great open world of ever... if you know what I mean. It's a really hard feeling to describe, but your poem does it well. Also, unlike most poetry, I understood it, so that's a huge plus.
But into specifics!

a plane filled with people.
though it has a pilot,
it seems to have a personality of its own.
i whisper, take me with you.

I'd say that this part is the weakest part of the poem. Pilot/personality of it's own wasn't particularly interesting to me. This may be because that's not an evocative idea to me, or because it wasn't said correctly to affect me. I understand that each part is short, but I feel this doesn't do nearly as much as with the words allotted it. At the same time, I kinda understand that, because this poem kinda has an on-ramp of getting more and more metaphorical. A plane *can* take you with it, but by the end, we are at literal light, which barely can take itself anywhere.
a butterfly on the flowers,
flitting from petal to petal.
carefree with no destination.
i whisper, take me with you

Very pretty, butterflies, though cliche, earned their magic through actually beauty, not through unfair repetitions
I feel that the emboldened sentence could have done more carefree/no destination feels like the same idea and kinda repetitive.
the moon shining above,
its face winking and twinkling.
taking a journey each night through the sky.
i whisper, take me with you.

This might be my favorite part of the poem, the moon is a perfect mix of exquisite calm and peace, but wanderlust and adventure all rolled up in one
I like how for the last two paragraphs the second line had repeated words (petal to petal, / winking and twinkling) and I only wish that theme would have been continued throughout all the paragraphs.
i see the plane,
the butterfly, the moon.
i want tgo with them,
but is it better this way?

simple problem, that's missing an o.
This ending is good, but in a way I wonder if it really could have punched home harder with that bittersweet feeling of being stuck on earth. I wish maybe some more metaphorical language would have been used.
I normally answer three questions in my review, normally on the mindset of a novel or collection of short stories, but I'll think of this as in a collection of poems
Would I read this poem outside of reviewing
I don't actively read poetry, except for academic purposes, but if I stumbled across this in one of my peotry collection books or online, I'd enjoy it.
Would I share it
If I came across it on like Instagram, I might send it to a friend, if we had recently been talking about this feeling, because it captures it very well.
Would I pay for it
If this was the first poem in a poem collection book, I would be glad to find I understood it, and I'd consider paying for the rest of the book, especially if it had a good reputation because I am looking to understand poetry better.
But that's all just my two cents!
I'd say my complaints about it 'not doing enough' from a perspective could be it's strength, since it does have a beautiful simplicity, but at the same time, the poem doesn't hit me with it's well-placed words until I can do nothing but feel it. Y'know?
Well done though, you made andrew like a poem.
Thanks, and keep writing!

momonster says...

thank you so much! it really does help to have a harsher review sometimes, so i really appreciate it. :)

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Sun Feb 13, 2022 1:20 am
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Avis wrote a review...

Hi, Avis here for a short review ^-^

I really enjoyed this poem, it was simple (I mean this is a good way btw), but very sweet. It really exuded a feeling of wanderlust. I especially liked the theme of flight, as each of the subject you cycled through (plane, butterfly, moon) fly (well technically the moon doesn't fly, but technicalities don't really matter) or otherwise move through the sky.

(Personal anecdote: when I was a kid, I was pretty obsessed with the idea of flying and honestly, what I wanted more than anything, was to be able to fly. It felt like it would be so freeing and empowering, which is probably why I feel particularly drawn to this poem).

I also really enjoyed the imagery you used in describing each of these, especially in giving the plane "personality of its own" and in showing the butterfly's "carefree" sort of flight. You also personified the moon with the line "its face winking and twinkling" which I really enjoyed. By ending each of those stanzas with "i whisper, take me with you" you are able to show the speakers emotions and intent, as well as tie the poem together, which is another reason I really loved this.

Your ending, with a question, does a great job of making the reader pause and think. It made me think about freedom and flight, and why I still, at least partially, want that. It forces the reader to weigh the pros and cons of what this escape would mean.

Great job, I hope to see more of your work soon! <3

momonster says...

thank you!

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Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:22 am
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pineapple321 wrote a review...

Hi @dancingontheclouds, Pineapple here for a short review!

I really enjoyed reading this poem. It was short, sweet, and had a recurring theme. I love the sort of trope of wanting to break the status quo but being a little frightened. The repeating line "take me with you" showed the narrator seeming to want to be a different person than they were. That was my take, not sure if it was what you were going for.

My favorite line was "I want to go with them, but is it better this way?". I feel as though that is so relatable. To want something but at the same time wonder if it's okay the way the situation is. Overall, great job and I cannot way to see more of your work!


momonster says...

thanks so much!

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