
Young Writers Society


by canislupis

I sit on the front porch, feeling the warmth of Summer’s breath on my leg. Any warmth is welcome in the early morning chill. I reach my hand out to feel the back of Summer’s head. He licks my hand, making a smile appear on my face for the first time in days. Summer has always been there to comfort me, when I am sad or worried. His big head rests in my lap, and I breathe in his warm scent while staring into his huge, moist brown eyes. Then I look up at the huge oak tree, behind which the sun is making its first feeble attempt to pass the line of the horizon. The light seems strange, very golden and unrealistic, like a cartoon representation. The first wave of heat passes over me, and with its stimulation come the memories. I feel the sadness that I have felt so many times in the past month, thinking of him, remembering him….He is drifting away now, and though I try to hold on it is too late, and already I am starting to wake up.

I sit up groggily, and push my matted hair away from my bloodshot eyes. The darkness behind my curtain tells me that it must be before dawn. I had been dreaming again. A fresh wave of sadness washed over me as I remembered. I felt hot water dripping down my cheek, and I realize that I am crying. He is gone, and he will never again comfort me in my saddest times. I lift my hand and stare at it. I could still almost feel the fur beneath my hand as I remembered caressing the golden coat. A shrill bark disrupts my reverie. It is Bouncy, our new dog. His name is very fitting, just as Summer’s was. I wipe my eyes before reaching down to stroke the tiny head which has come running into my room. Bouncy excitedly put his front paws on my lap and licked my face. In spite of myself, I smile slightly. I pick up the jeans that are lying on the floor as a result of my casually flinging them of last night. They haven’t been washed for a month, but I don’t care. These jeans were the last things Summer touched before, well, before…..

I will not think of it, because if I do I know I will start crying again, and my eyes will not handle it. Bouncy jumps up on my lap again, whining annoyingly. I fall back on the bed, my eyes following a spiderweb-like design of cracks on the ceiling. With an superhuman effort I get up and wander aimlessly into the bathroom that I share with my sister. She has left toothpaste all over the counter, again. That never used to bother me, but it does now. Suddenly I feel confined and claustrophobic in the tiny bathroom, and I feel I must get outside.

Bouncy follows me as I tiptoe past my family’s bedrooms, trying my best not to wake them. I cannot resist looking in at my parents, still sleeping peacefully. They were not affected by Summer’s death as badly as I was. It seems so much longer since he died than it really has been. I still remember the last day. I push my thoughts away and run down the stairs, out through the door, and when I pass the steps I pause, trying to remember the last snippets of my dream that are still floating around my conscience. I try to bring it back together, but it is too far gone. I quickly stop myself as the memories are starting to creep back. Without thinking about it I start to run. It has started to rain softly, and little bits of icy cold hit my face with full force as I propel myself forward. I find myself being carried into the small grove of trees that serves as the house’s last protection against the biting wind that sometimes tore through the trees from the hills beyond. I run through and right past them, going faster and faster as I tried to outrun my memories. I finally throw myself down on a clump of grass. I am completely exhausted; the many sleepless nights are finally getting to me. I will not, and cannot outrun the pain any more. I let the memories flood over me, taking comfort in the swishing of the grass which is the only plant life for miles around. The rain splashed on my upturned face, but it didn’t feel biting any more. It felt soothing and refreshing, and helped me to cope with the insistent feeling.

I remembered running with Summer through this field, the wind blowing in our faces and the feeling of exhilaration strongly radiating from our faces. I remembered the shot being fired, far away, terrifying Summer. He had broken away from me, and ran far away, to where I couldn’t follow. Of course, it wasn’t really like that. There had been long hours of pain and worry, waiting in the animals hospital, and the last time was when he laid his gigantic head on my lap to fall asleep for the last time. I still like to think of the time when we were running through the field as the last time we were really together. He was the only one I was comfortable with, since I have never been comfortable around other humans. I have no friends, and though my family loves me, and I love them back, they are afraid of me. All of the humans that I have ever met are.

At first I didn’t understand, since when I look in a mirror, I look the same as everybody else. But I guess they could sense that I wasn’t like them. I didn't understand other humans, the way the manipulated and lied.

Summer was different. I never felt the need to tell him anything, and he understood what I wanted without my saying or doing anything. From him I learned to read the expressions and body language of others. It had been a trait which had come in useful in many cases. But then he had left me, and I would never see him again. I had stood up without realizing it, and was shredding a bit of grass between my twitching fingers. Suddenly a wave of excitement and joy washes over me, all reason forgotten as I see Summer, bounding towards me across the field. I almost faint with joy before the rational side of my brain kicks in. He’s dead, I tell myself, and he didn’t come back. But there he was, standing on the top of the hill closest to me. There is sadness in his eyes, but also joy and wildness. He steps cautiously up to me, and puts his nose in my hand. It feels warm, but also insubstantial. Suddenly, he is disappearing. I reach out to touch him once more, but with fear I realize that my hand and arm, clutching tightly to his scruff, are vanishing along with him. I pull back, but it is too late. I am being pulled with him.

I land on my feet, standing in a glade of trees unlike any which I have seen before, they are all green and waxy, and have a sharp refreshing smell, unlike the broad leafed and smelly trees of my land. A word pops into my head unbidden. Pine. I realize with a jolt that Summer is standing next to me, his body seeming somehow larger than usual. He seems to be smiling at me.

“You left me!” I said accusingly.

“Where have you taken me?” His doggy smile fades, and his golden face becomes serious. He looks again at the ground, covered in needles from the surrounding trees. I see the ground becoming transparent again; I see my house, the field behind it, the woods, and the firing range where Summer lost his life eating lead off the ground. I realize that he is offering me the chance to go back. But I can’t go back, not when he is going to stay here. I know in my heart that I belong here, and always have. I shake my head, but as it usually is with Summer, it is unnecessary. Before I start to speak, the portal closes. Suddenly I find my body morphing. My hands lose their thumbs and they become fingerless and clawed. My legs shorten and my nose extends. I writhe on the ground in fear, my brain not yet accustomed to its new confines. Summer noses me gently and I stand up, rather shakily. I can hear water somewhere nearby. I run towards it, and look at my reflection. I am a beautiful dark brown dog, slightly smaller than Summer, with liquid gold eyes. I feel somehow that I do not require sustenance any more. I tilt my head up to the sky, which is a pure, deep blue, unlike the usual whitish grey of my old home. I can see mountains in the distance, capped with tiny looking dots of snow. I will climb them someday, with Summer. I have a feeling that I will be able to do whatever I want here, without the restraints of physical difficulties. I will be here forever, in this beautiful land. I have come Home.

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Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:27 pm
canislupis says...

Hmm, thanks! I'll keep those suggestions in mind.

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Sat Nov 10, 2007 5:25 am
onceuponatim3xo says...

yeah, i agree with twit.

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Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:00 pm
Twit says...

Change the name? Or mention something that Summer did or whatever, in a way that is undubitably doggy. :)

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Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:44 pm
canislupis says...

Hah, I guess that is the problem with sharing a name with a season. :) Any suggestions on how to clear it up?

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:03 pm
onceuponatim3xo wrote a review...

Very descriptive, I like it! But, in the beginning (maybe this is just me being brain dead, but) I thought that summer was the season and was extremely confused! You might want to sort that out, and make sure the reader knows that Summer is a dog. (I thought that it was the season, and that you were overly using personification.)

Very good! :D

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:03 pm
canislupis says...

OOH! You're right, I DID switch tenses, I just noticed. AHA! I will go and edit when I have time. Thanks alot!

I guess it's because I'm not used to writing in present.....:lol:

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Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:19 pm
canislupis says...


Any suggestions on how to smooth out the beginning?

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Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:27 am
Weatherthestorm wrote a review...

Hmmmm...Tense problems, eh? I"m not so sure there are any technical nor mechanical problems with it, but it is a little difficult tricky to take a first person present tense like you have here, and also have a vivid sense of imagery and description. You've done a good job at it actually, mechanically, that is, but it's just a tricky thing to do in general. However, it does, all of it, pay off with that killer ending. It's the perfect point of view for it and the right situation, it's thick in the Romantic (Greek sense of the word) nuances. It's a little rough in the beginning, but it slowly shines out into a diamond in the end.

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Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:59 am
canislupis says...

Thanks for the review. I'll definitely keep your suggestions in mind.
About the first time, I was having her look at her reflection, but maybe it wasn't clear enough...... I also can't find any tense problems...... Help, anyone?

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Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:56 am
Barrio wrote a review...

Hey sorry i think i should clear it up. I'm not sure how to go about using the quotes, so i'll just throw them in inverted commas.

"I sit up groggily, and push my matted hair away from my bloodshot eyes"
"I am a beautiful dark brown dog, slightly smaller than Summer, with liquid gold eyes"

Well the latter, i think should be shown not told. As in "i tried to speak, but all of that came out was a bark" or whatever. I just don't think anybody notices these little subtleties about themselves. Probably because you've set it in a past tense at the start and the end present, i don't know it was a bit confusing though. Anyway, things that happen in those situations, the narrator was still there and experienced then, it's not objectively written so it's a bit hard to notice who you are, unless you're having an 'out of body experience'.

Moving on, i think you've used some good vocabulary, but the tense has to be re-checked i think, and if it is written in first person it should be more lucid, and the language not so complex.

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Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:46 pm
canislupis says...

Odd in a good way? Obviously SOMEONE thinks like that, since I wrote it like that :)
Anyway, thanks for telling me your opinion.

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Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:50 am
Barrio says...

I think this story is written pretty well and you have a pretty odd style, which is good. The one thing i have to ask because it is written in first person is, does anybody actually think like this?

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Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:56 pm
Azila wrote a review...

Yeah, I agree with what Skool15 and ShadowTwit said; It is an awesome story, but it needs some more editing. Try reading it through to yourself -- under your breath or aloud -- I've found that that helps it read smoother. And little typos should also be taken care of. *ahem*

But overall, I think it's a beautiful piece. I love the end, but the whole thing is very well-written and moving. Masterful!


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Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:25 pm
canislupis says...

thanks for the ideas. I will definitely keep them in mind.

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Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:50 am
sokool15 says...

Ah, yes, that's much better *wipes brow in relief.* :wink:

I'll get the nasty crits over with first, then gush about the good stuff, 'kay? :)

I fall back on the bed, my eyes following a spider web-like design of cracks on the ceiling.

This is slightly confusing. I had to read it twice to really get it. Spider web-like? Or spider-web like? It was hard to tell what you meant. In reality, 'spiderweb' is one word, so you should say: "spiderweb-like." And that would be correct.

In the first two paragraphs, you use 'wave of sadness' and 'wave of heat' and 'wave of warmth' and...er...there are a lot of waves going on there. This is not the ocean! :wink: Try to cut down on the usage of the term 'wave' and make a more imaginative term.

Like, "Sadness sweeps over her, engulfing her, and she can see it coming like a desert storm, but it is inevitable and she can't escape it, and it encloses her in it's stifling grip, and hot tears drip off her chin and leave tiny wet spots on the bed" Or something like that. Not exactly like that (it's too long) but you get the picture. Be original in your descriptions.

So yeah, enough harping about that. Moving on.

Oh, shoot, gotta go! There wasn't much wrong after that, anyway, so here's a quick gush: A really good story, imaginative, different, really good! I enjoyed it a lot. Congrats on a good story!

Yours hurriedly, *sorry!* 8)

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Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:55 pm
canislupis says...

Thanks so much!
sorry about the spacing thing, it turned out differently than I expected it to. I will edit it in accordance with your suggestions!
thanks again!

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Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:42 pm
sokool15 wrote a review...

Wow, yeah...huge block of text. From what I could actually read, your writing looked very good, but you need to break it up in between paragraphs. Look at other people's crits and posts to see what I mean.

Again, your writing looked wonderful, but I couldn't read it a lot. If you space it out, I beg of you, pm me and I'll revisit it, because I want to read it! It looked interesting.

Yours truly, The Kool One 8)

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Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:42 pm
Twit wrote a review...

Very nice, and I like the ending. Nice and unusual. :)

But you HAVE to space this out more. Put paragraphs in, and leave a line between each paragraph.

This is difficult to read, and you'll scare people off by having it all bunched up like this,; I speak from personal experience.

I'm not a fan of present tense pieces, and you switch tenses quite a bit here. See,

canislupis wrote:I sit on the front porch, feeling the warmth of Summer’s breath on my leg.

Present, here, fine. But...

canislupis wrote:I ran through and right past them, going faster and faster as I tried to outrun my memories.

... here you change to past tense.

Apart from that, and the errors that biancaryne pointed out, this was very good. :D Especially the ending; I don't know why, but the ending just felt right.

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Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:30 pm
biancarayne wrote a review...

Separate the paragraphs, I thik it's a wee bit hard for people to read as it is like this, which might be why there isn't any comments on this.

I pick up the jeans that are lying on the floor as a result of my casually flinging them of last night.

Maybe do something about the repetition of the "ing" words, and also an extra f on the end of of.

Bouncy jumps up on my lap again, whining annoyingly.

Again the "ing" thing...although I definitely see how it's almost impossible to avoid it, but at the same time it does kind of distract me. Although it might just be me.

With an inhuman effort I get up and wander aimlessly into the bathroom that I share with my sister.

Not entirely sure that inhuman is the best way to explain it, although I can't really think of why. Maybe explain on what exactly an inhuman effort is?

I find myself being carried into the small grove of trees that serves as the house’s last protection against the biting wind that sometimes tore through the trees from the windswept hills beyond.

I'm not sure if the windswept is necessary before hill as it's kind of repetitious...if the wind comes from the hills beyond, then we can pretty much assume that the hills are windswept.

I finally through myself down on a clump of grass.

Wrong through. I think you meant threw.

It felt soothing and refreshing, and helped me to cope with the insistent feeling. I remembered running with Summer through this field, the wind blowing in our faces and the feeling of exhilaration strongly radiating from our faces.

Aii, the "ing" thing again. You might wanna get a second oppinion about the "ing" thing again, but it just bothers me for some reason. Sounds really awkward.

He was the only one I was comfortable with, since I have never been comfortable around other humans.

If he was the only one you were comfortable with, we can pretty much assume that you weren't comfortable with humans either.

I have no friends, and though my family loves me, and I love them back, they are afraid of me. All of the humans that I have ever met are. At first I didn’t understand, since when I look in a mirror, I look the same as everybody else. But I guess they could sense that I wasn’t like them.

Maybe elaborate on why the character is so different? Right now we just have to take your word for it...maybe show us the character doing something to further illustrate this fact?

Other than the little things like that, this definitely is really good and has a lot of potential in it that can still be pulled out with some editing and stuff, I think. The ending especially was very surprising and very satisfying, too. All in all, good job! :D

Some call me a legacy, others call me a hero. But I assure you, dear admirers, I am only human.
— Persistence