
Young Writers Society

In My Head chap 1

by break~my~heart

Ok, here it is, but I'm not so sure I like it. But I have promised myself that I AM going to finish it haha oh yea, crits are much appreciated :D

ps: sorry it's kinda short,...at least I think it is :)

Zane Hawkins had curly, brown hair that was so shiny it reminded me of melted chocolate. His skin was light bronze and made him look Egyptian. His eyes were deep and kind and the exact same color as his hair. He stood at about 5'11'', but that was when he was in tenth grade. His birth date was January 7, 1992. But no one paid attention to that date anymore. Now, every one's pitying eyes gazed down sadly at the date right beside it. The date beside the hyphen. His death date.

No one really knew how Zane had died. His body had been found sprawled on the floor of his room, a small pocketknife resting in his fingers. Funny thing was, there were no stab wounds. The conducted autopsy had revealed absolutely nothing. His death was a complete mystery. He had simply ceased living.

Of course, our tiny town had left it at that. Never wanting to cause a disruption in our quiet community, everyone rejected the idea that any crime had been committed. Except I knew something was going on, something strange, something I couldn't put my finger on. Especially since I was convinced Zane was haunting my house.

Yeah, I know, haunting? That's why I couldn't tell anyone, not even my best friend, Taylor. Who's going to take some tenth grade kid-who-evidently-believes-in-ghosts-and-thinks-her-crush-who-died-two-weeks-ago-is-haunting-her seriously? But all the signs were there! Weird things had been happening to my house since his death, and who else could it be?

One time, Maitlin, my little sister, was drinking red Hawaiian punch in the den. She was just standing there holding it up to her mouth about to take a drink, when WHAM! Something shoved the cup right into her face! Of course, my mother had scolded her for spilling it in the den, but I just burst out laughing, because I was sure I knew who it was. But, of course, that was only one incident.

Ma had set her wallet and credit card on the counter once, and came back to find them gone. She sent me looking everywhere, but we couldn't find anything. Finally, she checked the counter in one last moment of desperation, and whaddya know; there they sat, like they had never even been touched. Maitlin and I still tease her that she's going senile. It appeared my ghost had a sense of humor.

I chuckled a little at the memory, as I stared down at Zane's obituary. But then I stopped myself. How could I laugh while he was dead? I would never even see him again- at least not in human form. I would never pass him in the hallway at school. Never watch him win another soccer game. I would never hear that contagious laugh of his in the cafeteria again; the kind of laugh that made people around him sneak glances at the owner of the sound, their eyes crinkle at the corners in a smile.

Suddenly, a crash echoed down the hallway and into the kitchen where I stood. I remembered I had let Annabella out so it couldn't have been her. It could only be one other person -er- thing. Zane.

I wanted to go in there so badly. I wanted to see him this time, to talk to him. But suddenly, I was afraid. What if he wasn't the same person that he used to be? Or what if he had never really been the person I thought he was- the kind, caring, and gentle high school boy who picked up my pencil everytime I dropped it in biology.

No, I couldn't think like that. He couldn't have changed. He hadn't changed.

I swallowed hard, and clutching the paper in my right hand, crept into the living room.

"Well," I murmured, taking in the scene.

A glass of water I had left on the coffee table now lay on the shiny wood floor in a million pieces, and the table had scooted a few inches away from its place.

"What happened here?" I asked, barely a whisper, and sank into the couch slowly. A stream of profanities, interrupted by a few "ow's!" followed.... only they weren't coming out of my mouth. This was the voice of a teenage boy. Yes! I knew it was him! This assured me, and I was able to relax, but just barely.

"Whoa. Who is that?" I asked drawing back. The voice stopped abruptly. "Y-you can hear me?" It finally managed.

"Um, yeah. Now please show yourself before I deem myself crazy," I joked. I knew I wasn't crazy. I had a pretty good idea of who I was talking to, I just needed to see to make sure. If only I could see him! Then I could be positively one hundred percent sure...

"Well, that might be a problem.... You see, I don't know how to make myself appear to anyone. I don't even know how you can hear me. I've been trying to talk to you for days, but you never seem to listen. And why in the world am I here? Why can't I leave? And why can't anyone but you hear me?? Or see me?" It burst out.

"Well, at least tell me your name," I compromised.

"That's another problem. What is my name? I don't even remember! What happened?"

"You're asking me? How should I know?" I said.

"But hey, you look familiar. Have I ever seen you before?"

"I highly doubt it," I grumbled. Don't I wish he had!

Just then, the low, steady purr of my mom's Toyota something interrupted our short conversation. I let out my breath in frustration. Why'd she have to come home now?

"Oh, crap. um okay, listen, don't talk to me around them, okay?" I said.

"But, why?"

"Because I will feel compelled to answer, and my family will then send me to an insane asylum," I explained, rolling my eyes. Whatever his response was, it got interrupted by Mom's key jiggling the lock, and he fell silent.

The door swung wide, letting the dim evening light in, and I realized it was quite dark in my house. That was kinda creepy. Mom hurried in, followed by Maitlin, both carrying about five grocery bags each. Maitlin ran to the kitchen counter and dropped the bags, gasping. Dramatic, as always, I thought sourly.

She turned to where I still sat on the couch. "Gee, thanks for all your help, Vivi." She stared me down and flipped her perfectly highlighted hair off of her forehead, before whirling around and stomping back into the kitchen.



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Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:35 am
Pippiedooda says...

Hi again! :D I think you have edited brilliantly- I really loved the changes!! I noticed a couple of little things but in general this is a big improvement :)

something I couldn't put my finger on.

This might sound better with 'quite' before 'put my finger on'.

Ma had set her wallet and credit card on the counter once, and came back to find them gone. She sent me looking everywhere, but we couldn't find anything.

I think 'came' should be 'come' here. Instead of 'looking' here I think 'searching' might be a better word to use.

I would never pass him in the hallway at school. Never watch him win another soccer game.

I'd maybe have this as one sentence with a comma instead of a full stop :)

the kind of laugh that made people around him sneak glances at the owner of the sound, their eyes crinkle at the corners in a smile.

I think 'crinkle' might be better as 'crinkling'.

Or what if he had never really been the person I thought he was- the kind, caring, and gentle high school boy who picked up my pencil everytime I dropped it in biology.

As you are asking a question I think the full stop should be a question mark.

I asked, barely a whisper, and sank into the couch slowly.

Instead of the comma I think 'in' might work better.

Yes! I knew it was him! This assured me, and I was able to relax, but just barely.

Instead of 'but just barely' 'slightly' might work well as a simpler replacement. Instead of 'This' I think saying 'His voice' or 'the sound of him' might be better :)

"You're asking me? How should I know?" I said.

As this is a question I'd maybe have it as 'asked' instead of 'said'.

"Oh, crap. um okay, listen, don't talk to me around them, okay?" I said.

I think you could say something better than 'said' here like 'pleaded'.

Overall: There isn't anything wrong overall, like I said I am so pleased with the adjustments you have made :D I'm a lot clearer on their relationship and I think by showing another ghostly experience it made her assumptions much more believable. As always the small things I have mentioned are just suggestions, Great work! :) *star*

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Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:40 am
Monstrar wrote a review...

I like it, but try to start the story off with something catchier, instead of just full on describing a character. To me that's sort of boring, no offense. You can say something like "My crush died two weeks ago" or to that extent and then slowly inch into describing what the character looks like etc, so we don't get an ear full all at once.
Good job, though.
Keep writing.

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Reviews: 233

Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:13 pm
Pippiedooda wrote a review...

Hi :D I like this idea! I haven't read anything on here about hauntings so it was interesting to go over this piece, I think you start well too. Generally describing a character all in one chunk is not a good idea but here I think it worked :)

He stood at about 5'11'', but that was when he was in tenth grade. His birth date was January 7, 1992.

When you say 'but that was when he was in tenth grade' it sounded a bit strange to me, wouldn't he still be that height when he's dead? I think you could reword it a bit, maybe just saying that he had been that height leaving out the tenth grade part. 'birth date' sounded a bit strange to me, I think 'date of birth' or 'birthday' might sound better :)

The date behind the hyphen.

Its not really 'behind' it, maybe beside or next to would be more accurate.

His body had been found sprawled in the floor of his room, holding a knife.

I think 'on the floor' would make more sense than 'in the floor'. Instead of just 'holding a knife' I think you could make it a bit more dramatic- maybe 'his right hand clutching a knife' or something like that.

Never wanting to cause a disruption in our quiet community, no one would believe that a crime had been committed.

It's just an idea but as they are kind of ignoring the evidence, maybe instead of just saying they wouldn't believe something 'refusing to believe' would be good. For instance- 'Everyone refused to believe that a crime had been committed.'

Yeah, I know, haunting?

Reading this it sounded a bit odd, I know she is questioning how believable her idea is but I think it didn't fit well here. Perhaps instead you could say something about knowing its not very believable, for example- 'Yeah, I know- not the most reasonable explanation.'

WHAM! something shoved the cup right into her face! Of course, my mother had gotten on to her for spilling it in the den

'something' needs a capital 's' and I'd maybe change 'gotten on to her', I haven't really heard that description before in telling someone off (although that could just be me) perhaps something like 'my mother had started lecturing her' or something on her getting angry. I don't know where you are referring to when you say 'the den', so I'd explain that at some point either in this piece or in the ones that follow just to clear things up :)

How could I laugh while he was dead? His family must have been so sad....

I think it should be three dots at the end, I would think his family would still be upset and so would she so I'm not sure about ending it like this. Perhaps instead something about it being strange not having him around or how she couldn't believe she would never see his face again, that way it is relating back to her own sadness on his death.

It could only be one other person, er, thing.

I think this might sound better with a dash after 'person' instead of a comma so it shows that the next comment has been added on as an after thought :)

A stream of profanities, interrupted by a few "ow's!" followed.... only they weren't coming out of my mouth. This was the voice of a teenage boy. Yes!

I'd maybe extend a bit more on the 'Yes!'- perhaps adding on the end something like 'It's him!' or something similar to show why she is happy.

"Y..you can hear me?" It finally managed.

If you are showing him stammering, maybe using a dash would be better here, like 'Yo-you can hear me?'.

"Um, yeah. Now please show yourself before I deem myself crazy," I snorted.

I don't really understand why she is snorting here, that's more of a dismissive thing and it didn't really seem at place to me here. Perhaps an action like folding her arms or glaring would be more appropriate.

"Well, that might be a problem.... You see, I don't know how to let you see me. I don't even know how you can hear me. I've been trying to talk to you for days, but you never seem to hear. And why in the world am I here? Why can't I leave? And why can't anyone but you hear me?? Or see me?" It burst out.

You repeat 'see' and 'hear' a few times here, I'd maybe replace a couple with something similar like for see you could say something about appearing to people and for hearing maybe something on people picking up on what he is saying.

The low, steady purr of my mom's Toyota something interrupted our short conversation, just then.

'just then' sounds kind of tagged on the end, I'd maybe have it at the beginning or leave it out entirely.

The door swung wide, letting the blue evening light in, and I realized it was quite dark in my house.

why is the evening light blue? It would be the sky that is blue, not the light so maybe you could comment on the sky or just describe the light as bright or dim :)

Mom hurried in, followed by Maitlin, both carrying about five grocery bags. Each.

The separation of 'Each' here makes it seem kind of dramatic but it's not really, people tend to carry a lot of grocery bags after they have been shopping and five isn't a very large amount, I'd maybe just have it as part of the previous sentence.

She rolled her eyes and pushed her perfectly highlighted hair off of her forehead.

You have had the main character rolling her eyes quite recently so I'd maybe change this action- perhaps sighing? Or something else to show her annoyance, and maybe instead of 'pushing' 'flicking' or another more subtle motion would be better here.

Overall: I thought this was a good start :D Like I said, the storyline is an interesting one and I am curious to see how you will develop it!

When you are talking about her being haunted, you only use one example and to be honest that could have been down to anything- I don't know if you would necessarily jump to the conclusion of a ghost. Perhaps you could relate it more to why he would do something like that- was that the typical pranks he would pull so that's why she thought of him? I'd also maybe write a couple more experiences that could be a ghost so that there is more evidence.

I was a bit confused as to why she did not tell him straight away who he was as she already seemed pretty certain about it. I would think she would say, so a bit more explanation on that might be good- if she doesn't tell him then reasons why would help the reader to understand. I don't really know much about their relationship with one another- you say she has a crush on him but nothing else really. Were they friends? She says something about her wishing he had noticed her, but why would he then choose to haunt her house? I think a bit more detail on how well they know one another would help with the story. I also haven't got much of an image of the main character although a good one is built up of the boy- A little bit every now and then on her appearance might be a nice touch :)

I think you have written this really well :D Something you could possible do would be to have the main character's thoughts in italics in the present to separate them from the narration, like when she says 'Yes!' and 'Don't I wish he had!'. I think its fine as it is though :) I really enjoyed your story and look forward to reading more! All my comments are just suggestions so ignore them if you like ;) Hope I've helped :D

Courage, my soul! Now learn to wield the weight of thine immortal shield...
— Andrew Marvell