
Young Writers Society


Impossible Dreams

by bmw1996


Riley’s P.O.V

My name is Riley. I am 276 years old. I look like your typical 18 year old human boy, but I’m not human. I am a vampire. I know you’re thinking I’m probably some bloodthirsty psychopath but I’m not. Right now the only thing I want to do is escape…..

That probably confused you didn’t it. Let me explain then. You see about 400 years ago my kind, vampires, revealed ourselves to the humans. They were horrified by our existence and enslaved us as a way to control us and eliminate any threat we posed. It was idiocy of course since we only drink animal blood but they thought we were lying when we told them. Fact is a lot of human assumptions about my kind are false. We are born vampires not changed by being bitten, and we don’t survive by sucking humans dry. In fact human blood is poison to us. Also we do not burst into flames when we are in the sun. We get sunburn more easily than humans do so we stay inside it’s that simple.

Anyway back to the situation at hand. I am a slave, as I have been for all 276 years of my existence; recently things have been a bit different. Ok very different but that’s not the point. This is the story of how I learned to trust and how I got what I thought I would never have. Happiness. …..

Karina’s P.O.V

My name is Karina. Most people address me as princess. I am 17 years old. I am the princess and soon to be queen of the human race. I don’t want this power and I would give it up in an instant if it weren’t for one thing. The slaves. They need me to help them. A few hundred years ago humans enslaved vampires and ever since they have been suffering at the hands of people all over the world. I intend to make my first royal act the abolishment of slavery. It will be banned and everyone running an auction house will be arrested and thrown in prison for the remainder of their disgusting lives for what they have done to those poor vampires. Vampires are people too and they will be given equal rights when I am in power. There will be no cruelty under my rule of that I will make sure. This is the story of how I have gotten this close to reaching that goal in just the past two years.



I was huddled in the corner of my “room”, which is really just my master’s closet, trying to recover from my latest beating when he appeared in the doorway.

“Riley get your lazy carcass downstairs RIGHT NOW!” he bellowed at me. My master didn’t cuss a lot because according to him a gentlemen of his status had no use for vulgar words. I think he was just scared of what his wife would do. I was bought by this man as a plaything/ nanny for his 8 year old daughter and he beat me every time she thought I looked unhappy with the makeover she gave me daily, which was pretty much every time she gave me one so I was always nursing bruises and broken bones. He was a big guy and I never fought back so he thought I would learn, silly master.

I eased myself to a standing position and trudged forward looking at my feet. I went downstairs like a good boy hoping to avoid being hit but halfway down the stairs I must have done something wrong. I was hit from behind knocking me down the stairs where I stayed curled in a ball silently crying until master reached me. He yanked me up by my hair and threw me out the door where his driver stuffed me in the trunk of the limo. I had been outside of his house only once before. When he bought me and drove me home just like I was riding now, in the trunk. I could already tell that this would not be a good day. …..

We drove for about an hour before the limo stopped and I was dragged from the trunk. I stood stiff and sore from the trip before the place that had haunted my nightmares for 274 years. The auction house I hadn’t been in since I was 11 loomed up in front of me and my immediate, although admittedly stupid, reaction to the sight was to bare my fangs and try to get out of my master’s iron grip. This earned me a punch to the stomach and a knee to the face which left me once again curled up on the ground. I was carried by two guards into the holding area behind the auction stage and locked up with a few other vampires. I knew it. I was being sold.


I awoke on my fifteenth birthday and groaned as I realized what the day would bring. Today I would have to ditch my comfy band tees, torn jeans, and converse for ball gowns and high heels, ick. I’m kinda emo and dresses and me don’t get along. I would also be forced to endure yet another expensive surprise from my parents, the current king and queen of the human race. I don’t complain though I don’t want to hurt their feelings because I know they mean well. My long jet black hair covered half of my face as I got out of bed, the dark purple highlights showing when the sun hit them as it shone through my open curtains. My green eyes became more noticeable as I smudged on my black eyeliner and making their emerald color pop. I walked into the dining hall and sat down not looking at the poor vampire covered in bruises as she served breakfast while my mom and dad crossed the room to sit in front of me.

“Karina my dear how did you sleep last night?” my father questioned noticing my tired look.

“I slept ok daddy really” I said innocently. “I was just excited about the party tonight”

“you shouldn’t lose sleep like that darling” my mother interrupted. “it shows and people will be worried about you if you don’t look well.”

“yes mother” I mumbled as my father reached into his coat pocket and removed a small envelope. ‘must be my surprise’ I thought dejectedly.

“happy birthday my dear” he said as he handed it to me grinning. I opened it cautiously not sure why he was so happy, and nearly had a meltdown when I saw that it was a receipt for a seat reservation at the nearby slave auction today. I had always been opposed to the horrific things humans did to their vampire slaves. My father knew that. Why on earth would they think that I would want a slave?!

“I know you disapprove of keeping slaves Karina but as princess you will be expected to have a personal slave with you at all times now that you are 15” my mother said matter of factly. “now don’t be difficult dear just go to the auction and have a look around. See if anything catches your eye” She continued.

“fine mom I’ll go” I cut her off rudely. “but don’t expect me to come back with one of those poor people in chains” I added pushing my chair back and storming off to my room. Just as I was about to slam the door I heard my mother call up the stairs telling me to be ready in twenty minutes to go to the auction. I started screaming and throwing things and crying a lot when I got into the privacy of my room. I know I was being childish throwing a tantrum like that but I couldn’t help it. I was just so outraged and upset by what my parents were making me do. ‘I just need to calm down and play nice until it’s over’ I thought to myself as I got dressed in the stupid dress my mom had sent up for me to wear. It was a ridiculous frilly pink thing with matching pink heels and I hated it. I would love to just wear my BVB t shirt and some jeans but like my mother always says ‘a princess doesn’t wear such things in public’. I put my hair in a neat bun and went down stairs. The limo was already waiting and I climbed in the back seat hoping that this would be over soon.

We drove for half an hour before coming to a stop in front of the old warehouse where the auction would be held. I slowly stepped out as the driver opened my door, thanking him as I did, and walked through the front doors of the one place I hoped I would never enter. The clerk at the desk bowed as I approached and asked what I wanted. Handing her the receipt I requested a seat close to the stage, I wanted to memorize the faces of the people I would personally see thrown in prison after my coronation in a few years, and walked behind her into the auction room.



When I entered the auction room behind the clerk everything went quiet. The people there all knew who I was. ‘Great’ I thought to myself, ‘now I’m going to have to at least bid on someone’. After all it just wouldn’t look right if the princess went to an auction and didn’t buy anything. ‘Maybe I could just say that none of them interested me’. Just then the auction began and the first vampire was roughly dragged on to the stage. ‘let the torture begin’ I groaned inwardly.


I sat in the filth of the holding area with six other vampires. All of us looked relatively young so this must be a special auction for the wealthy. The humans recorded every detail of our appearance. I chained to the wall as they wrote down my weight and height, which is six foot even, they even recorded the exact shade of my ice blue eyes and jet black hair.

“you’ll be up third” the guard said. “don’t fight it’ll only get you killed”. I didn’t look at him as he walked away. Something was different this time. I could tell, the last time I was here there was a lot of noise, but right now I couldn’t hear anything. The first to go was a girl who looked like a 12 year old human. She wept as she was dragged out of the room and I knew she was scared. I was too, heck I was about to cry myself. That’s when the auctioneer said the most terrifying thing I have ever heard.

“the princess has decided not to bid on this one, so let’s get started” the auctioneers voice boomed in the silence. ‘Oh. My. God. The freaking princess is here?! Great just great now im really in trouble’ I thought panicking. I started to shake as the terror gripped me. Everyone knew that the royal family was the cruelest of them all. There used to be some ridiculous rumor that the princess was different, kinder, but I never believed it. After the girl was sold a guy about my age was taken out and once again the princess chose not to bid. ‘oh crap’ I thought ‘I’m next what if she picks me’. I stood as the guard approached and went quietly toward the stage with him like a good little slave was meant to. As I climbed up to the stage I tripped on the last step. I fell flat on my face and was dragged by the chains attached to my wrists the rest of the way to my place in the middle of the platform.

Pushing myself up off the floor and glanced towards the crowd. My eyes met with a pair of emerald green ones and I froze. I knew by the way she looked at me that this was the princess. I was going to look down, honest, but I couldn’t seem to do it I knew I would pay for this but her eyes held me, and as I lay there on the ground shaking and bruised I watched helplessly as one of the most feared people in existence raised her hand to bid on me. That’s when the guard kicked me and I blacked out…


The first two slaves were nothing special just your ordinary vampires. The poor things were so young, and they were covered in bruises. I knew I couldn’t help them now so I just shook my head at the auctioneer. I took notes on who bought them though so that they could be among the first I freed as queen. He continued the auction and called out a third slave. The name he said was Riley. I was about to dismiss this one as well when there was a commotion at the back of the stage. A boy lay on the ground having apparently tripped as he came up the stairs. I could tell by how pale he was that he was a vampire. The guard looked furious as he grabbed the chains around the boy’s wrists and drug him roughly to the middle of the platform. I was about to say something about this when he looked up and met my eyes with his ice blue ones. He looked petrified, and I felt bad. I could tell he recognized me as a royal and he knew my family’s reputation of cruelty. Without hesitation I raised my hand and looked at the auctioneer with determination.

“the princess has placed a bid” he shouted to the crowd as a guard kicked the boy in the head. The vampire fell unconscious and I barely heard the auctioneer yell “sold!” over my pulse pounding in my ears.

“touch my property again and I will see you executed” I said to the guard, my voice filled with menace. He looked up startled by my sudden anger and apologized fearfully, bowing as he backed away from the boy. I stepped forward and took hold of the chains that bound my new slave. ‘oh god I just bought a slave’ I thought as the realization hit me. I yanked on the chains wincing when the boy did and practically had to drag him to the limo. When we got outside he headed for of all places the trunk of the limo. He just stood there looking at his feet not saying anything so I figured I would have to explain the seating arrangements for the trip home.

“hey what are you doing” I said curiously as I approached him cautiously. I didn’t want to scare him so I was moving slowly, but before I knew what was going on he was curled in a ball on the ground shaking and begging not to be hit.

“p.. please” he stuttered. “I didn’t mean to do a.. anything wrong I just .. I thought I was supposed to ride in the trunk like I did with my old master” his voice trailed away and he refused to look up. I knelt next to the boy and put a hand on his shoulder, he flinched visibly but didn’t move away.

“ come on” I said quietly “ you ride in the back seat with me.” He peeked from behind his arm skeptically. “I promise nothing bad will happen to you while you’re with me. Just get in the car already will ya I wanna go home.” At this point I will admit I was trying to be funny so I walked back to the open door of the limo and got in making sure he saw me. “see its easy” I called out hoping it would make him less afraid of me. I heard movement outside and a few seconds later he appeared at the door. Hesitantly he got in, not even glancing my way he sat down in the floor. ‘guess I better let him in on my little secret’ I thought to myself. ‘I don’t want him to think I’m sadistic like my parents’. I slid off my seat and got in the floor of the limo with him. He didn’t even notice me till I bumped his knee with mine on accident as I scooted closer to him, the stupid dress was getting in my way and I couldn’t wait to get rid of it, but when that happened he nearly jumped out of his skin.

“hey it’s alright” I said trying to reassure him that it was an accident. “I didn’t mean to bump you like that sorry.” I added sheepishly. He just stared at his hands.

“ I’m not going to hurt you so chill ok” I huffed. “here I’ll prove it”. I hugged him gently so as not to hurt the bruises I could see on him and all of sudden I felt a wetness on my shoulder. ‘oh great now I made him cry’ I thought to myself ‘way to go Karina heck of a first impression you’re making here’.

“um… why are you crying?” I asked backing away a little to give him some space to calm down.

“ y… you’re going to do something awful to me.” He said still crying. “I just know it. You just proved it too there’s only one reason a human hugs a vampire like that and it implies what said vampire’s job will be when they get home.”

“don’t be ridiculous I was trying to show u that I don’t hit I hug” I said appalled by what he was suggesting. “and for your information mister I don’t like what you’re implying about me.”

“I… I’m sorry I didn’t mean it” he said. “ I was out of line I’ll never do that again I’m sorry please… please don’t punish me” he was curling into a ball again and I knew if he did that he wouldn’t move till we got home so I quickly tried to calm his fears.

“look that didn’t meant that you’re in trouble ok I was just saying I’m not that kind of girl ok.” I said. “please don’t be afraid of me I want to be your friend if you’ll let me and I had hoped you might be able to help me with something.”


I came to when I felt the chains being yanked on and I winced as my bruised wrists were brushed by the metal. I was still dizzy from the kick to the head so my new master pretty much had to drag me out of the auction house but I shuffled along as best I could. When we got to the limo that waited outside I realized that the princess had bought me and my heart sank as I walked toward the trunk of the car and waited to be stuffed in like usual.

“Hey ….. what are you doing” I heard someone says in a soft timid voice. Looking up I realized that the princess was walking toward me so I did what I always did; I curled up in a ball, covered my head with my arms, and begged.

“p.. please” I stuttered. “I didn’t mean to do a.. anything wrong I just .. I thought I was supposed to ride in the trunk like I did with my old master”. I sounded pathetic and I knew it but I just really didn’t want to find out how the royal family got their reputation just yet. I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched but didn’t move away, moving away would get me hurt for sure.

“ come on” she said quietly “ you ride in the back seat with me.” I peeked from behind my arm skeptically, not sure if she was for real or just testing me. “I promise nothing bad will happen to you while you’re with me. Just get in the car already will ya I wanna go home.” She said walking back to the open door of the limo and getting in making sure I saw her do it. She moved slowly and deliberately as if showing a small child how to do something. “see its easy” she called back to me. At this point I was a bit miffed about being talked to like a kid, but rather than make her mad I got up and made my way to the open limo door. I didn’t even look at her. I just got in and sat in the floor like a good little vampire. I sat there zoned out thinking of how unfortunate I was to get one of the cruelest people on the planet as my new master. suddenly I felt something bump my knee and I nearly had a heart attack , yes vampires do have hearts and yes they do still beat just really slowly don’t start with me right now.

“hey it’s alright” she said “I didn’t mean to bump you like that sorry.” she added sheepishly. I just stared at my hands hoping she would go away now.

“ I’m not going to hurt you so chill ok” she huffed. “here I’ll prove it”. She said hugging me gently. ‘ oh crap’ I thought. ‘now I get why she wanted me, a guy who wasn’t already on the brink of death like the others being sold, as her slave’ with horror I realized that I was a plaything yet again but this time with a different connotation. I couldn’t hold back the tears as I came to this conclusion and she noticed them immediately.

“um… why are you crying?” she asked backing away in disgust.

“ y… you’re going to do something awful to me.” I said still crying. “I just know it. You just proved it too there’s only one reason a human hugs a vampire like that and it implies what said vampire’s job will be when they get home.” I added.

“don’t be ridiculous I was trying to show u that I don’t hit I hug” she said crossly. “and for your information mister I don’t like what you’re implying about me.” ‘crap now she’s mad at me’ I thought mentally kicking myself for being so stupid.

“I… I’m sorry I didn’t mean it” I said. “ I was out of line I’ll never do that again I’m sorry please… please don’t punish me” I was trying to take it back and I was working on curling into a ball again just in case. I didn’t plan on moving from that position till we reached our destination.

“look that didn’t meant that you’re in trouble ok I was just saying I’m not that kind of girl ok.” she said. “please don’t be afraid of me I want to be your friend if you’ll let me and I had hoped you might be able to help me with something.” She added cryptically.

CH. 3


‘oh so this is how they operate’ I thought to myself. ‘mind games, she’s going to make me think she wants to be nice and then go all psycho on me’ well she has another think coming cause I don’t believe this act for a minute.

“yeah sure” I said out loud and curled into my usual ball. I didn’t move till the car came to a stop. I peeked out to see her exiting the car.

“well if you don’t get up you’re going to end up spending the night in the car and that would kinda suck” she said as she waited by the door of the limo. I slowly got up and looked at the ground as I stepped out of the car. I was being careful not to anger her because I figured my smart mouth had probably gotten me in enough trouble already. I waited for a collar to be put around my neck and a leash attached to it but nothing happened. Curiosity got the better of me and I looked up to see her staring at me like I was crazy or something.

“what are you waiting for” she asked. “and I want an answer so don’t curl up in a ball again cause you’re a bit big for me to carry inside” she added trying to look stern but her eyes gave away how much my fear amused her.

“I was just waiting for you to put on my new collar and leash” I said looking back down at my feet. I had no shoes on because my old master didn’t allow them. “all vampires get one when they arrive at their new master’s home. Or at least that’s what I was told at the auction house”

“oh for crying out loud don’t you get it I’m not going to treat you like a dog alright why do you think the chains are gone” she shouted at me.

“I … I’m sorry I didn’t meant to make you mad I didn’t know! I’m sorry !” I stammered resisting the urge to cry. “please don’t hurt me I know I’m a smart aleck all the time but I swear I don’t mean to be”

“calm down” she said less angry this time. “I’m not angry I just wish I could make you understand that I’m a nice person” She took a step forward and grabbed me by the hand. This startled me but I didn’t resist her.

“we’re going to my room to get you settled in” she said. “and then I will take you to meet my parents” I stopped dead at her words and started shaking uncontrollably. “what did I do now?” she looked confused.

“not you your parents.” I said my voice barely a whisper.

“I won’t let them touch you” she said confidently. “they know my opinion about slavery and they won’t test me knowing that I’ll one day have the power to see them arrested.”

“yeah right how can I rely on you to protect me when you’re just the same as they are” I practically growled at her then I remembered who I was talking to. “oh geez I’m sorry I forgot my place please don’t kill me” I added quickly. When I looked she was doubled over with her arms wrapped around herself. “um are you ok ?” I asked then I realized that she was laughing at me I mean like literally laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes.

“what’s so funny” I grumbled hoping she didn’t hear me. She did of course but you can’t blame me for hoping.

“y… you are!” she gasped between fits of laughing. “you speak your mind fearlessly and then realize that you said it a moment later and assume you’ll be killed for it. It’s really funny because honestly you’re more likely to be killed by a bunny than me” she burst out laughing again.

“please don’t mention animals” I whispered. My throat was on fire at the mere mention of food.

“why” she asked genuinely puzzled, which shocked me since a royal of all people should know the basics at least.

“because it’s food” I said. “I haven’t eaten in over a month and I really can’t take food references like that right now. It makes my throat burn”

“wait should I be worried” she said. “you know about you eating me or something” she took a step back as though she expected me to spring right then and there. ‘typical’ I thought.

“look I don’t know what idiotic legend you have heard but let me make one thing clear” I said grumpily. “I pose absolutely no threat to you in that way. I can’t consume human blood, well I can but I’d rather not. It’s poison to my kind. I would die within minutes.” She looked taken aback whether by my boldness or by the statement itself I couldn’t tell.

“poison” she repeated as though she were in shock. “you mean the only reason a vampire would drink from a person is if they were suicidal. Poison like that?”

“obviously, what kind of poison did you think I meant” I said. “even being near people weakens us. the exposure to your blood, even if it remains in your body makes us so weak we can hardly out run a human. Lucky for you people too, cause if we were as strong as we naturally are you would be the slaves not us.” She looked appalled and I realized what I had said. “wait I didn’t meant that.” I added quickly. “I wouldn’t put anyone through what I’ve been through really I know how awful a life like this is, and you humans are so frail it would destroy you”

I was trying to make her stop looking at me like I was a monster, even though as far as she was concerned I was. “but anyway back to what I was saying don’t talk about animals please my throat is killing me”

“um ok” she said still looking a bit bewildered. “I’m sorry by the way” she said. “for everything that has happened to you and your kind now let’s get you settled in.”


I took his hand again and led him toward the entrance to the castle. As we walked up the stairs he looked down and didn’t speak another word. I wasn’t very talkative either considering what I had just figured out. One he had been starved which meant I needed to feed him asap, and the legends my parents used to justify slavery were entirely false. This would be perfect ammo for after my coronation when I ended the practice.

When we entered my room Riley’s eyes went wide. I guess he hadn’t expected it to be covered in posters and painted black. His face was priceless as he bumped the stereo and it started blaring Perfect Weapon by BVB. He jumped and backed away until his back hit the wall and he slid to the floor.

“what’s the matter with you” I asked as I turned off the radio.

“what on earth was that” he asked pointing at the stereo system. "and why did it sound possessed” I couldn’t help but laugh a little at that.

“that’s what my parents said when they first heard that song” I giggled. “maybe you guys have something in common”

“not funny” he said. He started to apologize but I cut him off before he could.

“before you say anything else” I said. “you need to know that you can say anything you want to me. You don’t need to apologize to me ever. Unless you break my stuff or hurt me then it’s only fair that you say sorry” I continued.

“I don’t believe you” He said. “how can I be sure you’re not lying?”

“Just trust me”

“not good enough” he protested. “wait I know if a royal goes back on their word they lose their claim on the throne right?”

“yes” I confirmed not sure where he was going with this. “that is true.”

“then give me your word as a royal that I won’t be punished for anything I say to you” he demanded.

“you have my word as future queen that nothing you say to me will get you punished on the condition that in public you try not to talk too much because then I will be forced to cover you in makeup to make it look like you were punished for it.” I added cracking a smile at his horrified look. “what now” I asked.

“my old master’s eight year old put makeup on me” he said shuddering. “I would rather not ever experience that again”

“ok deal” I said. “now let me show you to your room” he looked puzzled and I knew this was going to be good. “follow me” I led him into what used to be my art room. He looked around in awe when he saw that it was a fully furnished bed room. “like it?” I asked.

“I … is this for me” he said stunned. “I get a bed and everything” he was bouncing up and down like a kid who just opened a great Christmas gift.

“yes” I said. “I didn’t know what you liked so I left the walls unpainted” I said pretending that I had known I was getting him. This stuff had always been here I just turned it into an art room when I was a little girl.

“I like blue” he said. “dark blue like the night sky when the stars are out” he said. “before I was sold to my first master my mother used to show a picture of the night sky and tell me that it had been passed down in our family since before we were slaves.” He added explaining how he knew what that looked like.

“I’ll get the paint as soon as I can” I said. “do you have any other clothes Riley” I asked. “or shoes” I added noticing that he wasn’t wearing any.

“no” he said. “what I’m wearing is all I have” he said looking away. I made a mental note to go shopping later, and was about to say something when I heard my door swing open.

“Kari!!!!” my little sister squealed as she ran to hug me. “where did you go today? I missed you. What did you do? Mom said you were shopping did you get me something?” she babbled. My sister was five and insanely hyper. She didn’t even realize that Riley was there and he was looking at me questioningly.

“calm down lily” I said chuckling at her craziness. “I wasn’t shopping I was being tortured” I said knowing she would get it. I had taught her how wrong slavery is and she also understood that our parents didn’t get it.

“they didn’t” she gasped dramatically. “how did you get out of it” she said. “I need to know so I can use it to get out of doing my dance lesson later” she added looking at me innocently.

“oh no you don’t” I said sternly. “besides I didn’t get out of it. Which reminds me” I added standing and turning her around to face Riley. “this is our new friend Riley. He doesn’t know that we won’t hurt him so he is a little scared” I said out loud. I whispered in her ear so that he couldn’t hear the next part. “now go give him a real big hug to show him that we are nice” I watched as she grinned at him and he backed away nervously.

“what is she doing” he asked as she advanced on him. I just smiled as I watched my five year old sister charge at him and nearly knock him to the ground as she wrapped her little arms around him and squeezed.

“Do you want to play with my dollies with me” she asked sweetly. “it’s a lot of fun and I promise to let you pick which dolly you get” she added.

“oh no” he said looking at her like she had just asked him to put on a tutu instead of attend a tea party with a few dolls. “I will not be tormented with any more dolls and makeovers. I had enough of that to last me for the rest of eternity at the last place I lived. You’re little so you don’t get this but I’m a boy and boys don’t play with dollies.” He said not unkindly.

“pwease” lily said using her puppy face on him.

“kid I’m immune to that” he said. “but good try now go away” lily looked heartbroken and my protective side took over immediately.

“look you don’t have to be mean to her like that” I said. “she’s only five and she is trying to make friends give her a break you jerk!” He looked at me like I had just smacked him.

“I wasn’t trying to be mean” he said his voice quavering. That’s when I realized I had frightened him again. “I was just saying that before I got sold I had just spent four years doing nothing but getting awful makeovers and playing dollies with my master’s psycho kid so I am not exactly eager to do any of that stuff again.”

Lily noticed that he was crying again a second before I did and hugged him again. “please don’t cry Riley” she said. “I don’t mind we can do boy stuff then. We can play whatever game you want.” She smiled at him and skipped from the room calling back in a high pitched excited voice. “I made a new friend! I made a new friend!”

“well that went well” I sighed. “sorry about lily she’s a bit hyper”

“she’s adorable” he said to my surprise. “I usually don’t like little kids but I like her”

“good cause now that she thinks you’re her friend she will never leave you alone” I said laughing when he looked at the door like he expected her to be back already. “but she has a dance lesson and tutoring to go to now so you won’t have to worry for a few hours.” I looked around stalling because I knew where I had to take him now.

“what” he asked noticing my nervousness.

“it’s time for you to meet my parents” I said and I swear he nearly fainted. “just remember I won’t let them harm you” I added trying to reassure him.

Ten minutes later we stood outside of my parents’ office waiting for them to finish talking to whoever they were meeting with.

“the king and queen will see you now Princess” a servant said as he came out of the office.

‘here we go’ I thought to myself as I pushed open the door.



When we entered my parents’ office Riley stared at the floor like it was suddenly very interesting to him. He looked uncomfortable and stepped behind me when I tried to take his hand to reassure him. He seemed very afraid and I couldn’t figure out why until I noticed my parents staring at him with disdain.

“I don’t recall saying that a slave could enter this office” my mother said coldly. “Karina why did you bring that thing in here, and since I’m assuming you skipped the auction you’re grounded”

“chill mom” I snapped. “I didn’t skip out on the auction alright and I actually did make a purchase while there.” I reached back and pulled Riley forward so that she got a clear view of him. “this ‘thing’ as you called him is my new slave. His name is Riley and he will remain with me or in my room at all times. “I said looking at my mother. “the rules have already been explained to him and he will not participate in the usual initiation. Riley is mine. I paid for him with the money I got on my last birthday so you are not to touch him. You know the law about not touching the property of a royal, even if you are one yourself; you are not exempt from that.” I watched with a growing sense of triumph as my mother frowned and stalked out of the office leaving me with my much less difficult father.

“Karina” he said. “you shouldn’t be so harsh with your mother her feelings are fragile”

“yeah real fragile dad, let’s not forget who was responsible for that incident when I was little.” I said giving him an icy look that would have made my mom proud. “You know I have never forgiven her for that and she knows that she only has herself to blame for my current position on the slavery issue.” I added and turned to leave. “come on Riley we needn’t stay here and listen to my parents’ complaining”

“yes mistress” he said quietly as he trailed behind me out the door. I looked back at him when we got into the hallway again and he was still staring at the floor.

“Riley look at me” I said. “we aren’t in the office any more you don’t have to pretend you’re afraid now” I added when he still didn’t move. “The meeting is over you did great and you’ll be safe now that I’ve reminded them of the law”

“alright mistress” he said looking anywhere but at me.

“I’m hungry and I’m pretty sure you are too” I said. “let’s go to the kitchen and grab something shall we” I marched down the hall sure he was following me and went straight into the kitchen where one of the few slaves I knew by name waited knowing when I usually got hungry and what I would want.

“hey kid” she said as I walked toward her. “heard you went to meet your parents so I’m guessing you’ll be wanting some ice cream” she said. “and based on the look on your face the meeting went bad so cookies and cream it is”

“you know me too well Sarah” I said as I sat at the table in the corner. “and please stop calling me kid. I know you only look my age but it’s still kinda weird.” I added then I remembered Riley and I looked to see him standing awkwardly by the door.


I snuck a glance at the girl my master, or rather mistress since she was a girl, was talking to and had to do a double take when I realized that it was a vampire. She looked about fifteen which meant she was likely somewhere around two hundred years old. I looked back down at the floor trying to figure out how she dared speak to a royal so bravely. I mean even with my mistress’s word I was still afraid yet this girl had looked right at her and called her by a pet name as though they had been friends for years.

“and who might this be” the girl, I think mistress called her Sarah, said.

“oh my bad” mistress said putting down the spoonful of ice cream she had been about to put in her mouth. “Sarah this is Riley. He is the reason I had to meet with my parents. They made me go to an auction this morning and I ended up buying him, took all of last year’s birthday money too, but he seems cool when he isn’t cowering so it’s worth it I guess to get him out of there.”

“so he’s a skittish one” Sarah said. “well does he know about you being a pushover yet” she teased mistress like they were sisters. “or are you gonna let him stand in a corner quivering like that forever”

“I told him but he doesn’t believe me” mistress said. “he’s still scared and he even called me mistress earlier” she laughed. “if you want to give it a go be my guest” she added.

“hi there my name is Sarah” the girl said now addressing me. “You are one lucky guy” she added. “you got one of the sweetest kids I’ve ever met for your master. She doesn’t believe in this slavery crap see, so you won’t ever have to worry about being beaten or starved like the other humans do to their slaves. Speaking of which are you hungry? I have deer and rabbit blood in the fridge if you want some.” I nodded vigorously at that and stepped toward the refrigerator.

“It’s been over a month” I said. “I’ll need a lot”

“that’s fine” she said “I have plenty”

“thanks” I said as she passed me a few water bottles full of blood. It was cold and gross but I drank it anyway. Starvation can make you desperate like that. “So how do you know so much about my mistress” I questioned as I finished the last one.

“A I’m still here and B I have a name you know” mistress said from the table behind me. I whipped around in fear thinking I would at least be slapped for forgetting her presence but when I looked at her she just stuck her tongue out at me.

“Well then why don’t you tell me what your name is” I said baring my fangs and hissing at her playfully. “Then maybe I’ll call you by that, or I can give you a nickname” I added.

“My name is Karina” she said. ‘Nice name’ I thought as she continued. “And you can call me whatever you like just not mistress” she said making a face at the title.

“Ok deal” I said. “I’ll tell you what your new nickname is later when I figure one out” I said.

“Oh great now I’m gonna have a lame nickname” she muttered. “I’m warning you if mine is stupid yours will be the most embarrassing nickname ever.”

“Good to know” I said. I was definitely going to have to come up with a good one for her. Meanwhile I had just downed five bottles of blood and was feeling much better. “If you don’t mind I think I’d like to go back to your room now Karina” I added. I wanted to check out my new accommodations now that I could actually see straight. Vision is the first to go when a vampire comes close to starving to death and it only takes two months for that to happen so I was on thin ice when I got here.

“Sure” she said passing Sarah the bowl she had been eating out of. “We’ll go right up”

“Thanks for the blood by the way” I called to Sarah as we walked through the doors. “Nice girl” I commented. “I hope you psychos don’t end up killing her” suddenly Karina came to halt in front of me. She turned shoving me against the wall as she did so. ‘I knew it’ I thought to myself. ‘I knew if I pushed her enough she would show her true nature, and there is probably some loophole in the word of the royals that I don’t know about that she’ll use to get away with torturing me’

“Look” she hissed “this is the last time I’m going to tell you this so listen closely. I am NOTHING like my parents alright and don’t ever say that I am.” I thought she was done but she continued and I was trapped until she finished her rant. “I am so sick of people assuming things about me. I’m a girl so I have to like pink. I’m a princess so I have to like flouncing around in ridiculous dresses covered in jewels. I’m a royal so I must be sadistic and cruel like all the others. Well guess what jokes on you because I’m not any of that I don’t like pink, I hate dresses, and if I get my way anyone who is like my parents will be thrown in prison to rot for their crimes and my parents themselves won’t be exempt from that.” She was in tears now. “And don’t think for a minute that I actually want to be a royal. If it wasn’t for needing to save you vampires I would pass the throne to Lily in a heartbeat.” She stormed off and I was left standing too stunned to follow in the hallway.

“Whoa” I muttered. “That was intense” I wasn’t sure what to do now since I had no idea where in the castle I was or where her room was.

“Yes, yes it was. Now why don’t you tell what you’re doing in this castle” a female voice that sounded oddly familiar said from behind me.



I turned to face the person who had spoken and saw a woman who looked about twenty which means she could be anywhere from four hundred to a thousand years old since between those two ages all vampires look twenty. I couldn’t remember exactly who she was but I did recognize her from somewhere, maybe we had been owned by the same person at some point.

“Who are you” I asked. “And why were you spying on my mistress” I added studying her features still trying to remember who she was. There was something very familiar about those electric blue eyes and the way she was looking at me kind of freaked me out. She looked as though she was ecstatic yet heartbroken at the same time and I couldn’t figure out why.

“You don’t remember me do you” she asked. “You have no idea who I am?”

“You look familiar but I can’t seem to remember you from anywhere in particular” I said. “Were we once owned by the same master” I asked, since it was the only guess I could come up with.

“Yes but that isn’t the only reason you should recognize me” she said. “Only 274 years old and you’ve already forgotten your mother’s face” she said. My jaw dropped at her words and I leaned against the wall to steady myself. I remembered now why those eyes looked familiar. I had always had my mother’s eyes. The same blue color just a lighter shade.

“But that’s impossible” I said. A memory had surfaced of my mother being dragged away with the guards telling her she would be punished for her actions (I later realized that they meant having me) and hearing her beg for her life and then giving up when they said it was either her or me that would be punished. I had assumed she was killed. “My mother was killed when I was eleven for having me. I watched her get dragged away.”

“I wasn’t killed son I was sold to the cruelest people our master could think of, the royals.” She said. “He knew what would likely happen to me here, and he told me he was sending you to that wretched auction house” she was moving toward me.

“What are you doing” I said backing away. “You’re a liar. Don’t touch me you aren’t my mother.”

“I can prove it” my ‘mother’ said calmly.


“Karina knows who I am and she knows that I had a son before I was sold to her family generations ago.” She said.

“Then take me to her, I want proof that what you say is true” I said. She turned without a word and led the way down the hall where Karina had disappeared. We went down several long corridors and eventually ended up climbing the grand spiral staircase that I had gone up with Karina earlier when we first arrived. When we reached the top of the stairs she went to the third door on the right and knocked.

“Who is it and what do you want!” Karina called from inside. I could tell by the sound of her voice that she was still crying and I felt kinda bad that it was my fault.

“It’s me dear” the woman who claimed to be my mother said. “I’ve run into someone from my past and I need you to confirm my identity to him”

“Why do you still talk weird like that Arabella” Karina asked opening the door. She saw me standing in the hall behind the woman apparently named Arabella and frowned.

“Arabella why is he here? I thought you said you had run into someone from your past”

“I did” Arabella said calmly. “Karina I would like you to meet my son, his name is Riley and it appears that he doesn’t quite recognize me.”

“You’re kidding” Karina gasped. “This is incredible I can’t believe it! This explains why I felt like I knew him from somewhere when I saw him at the auction. He looks just like you except for the lighter eyes.” She paused in her excitement and looked up and down the hall. “You’d better come in” she said stepping aside to let us in the door. “Both of you” she added when I didn’t move. We walked through the door and Karina led us into the room that was now mine shutting the door behind us.

“Is this the room?” Arabella asked her.

“Yes it is, but he doesn’t know so don’t bring it up” Karina said quickly.

“Too late” I interrupted. “What about my room?”

“Your room? What do you mean? Oh Karina you gave him this room didn’t you” Arabella said. “Why didn’t you tell him?”

“Because I just met him this morning and it’s none of his business” Karina answered sharply.

“Hey look” I said. “If something bad or weird or something happened in this room I need to know don’t you think?”

“alright fine do you remember earlier in that meeting with my parents how I mentioned an incident when I was little that I had never forgiven my mother for” she said.

“Uh yeah but what does that have to do with this room?”

“I better start from the beginning” she said. “When a royal is very young it is customary for a slave to be appointed as the royal nanny. Mine was a girl name Cynthia. She looked about 17 but I knew she was much older even then. I knew that our servants were all vampires and that they weren’t working here by choice but I didn’t really care until then. I grew very attached to Cynthia because my parents were never around when I was little. They always had some sort of business to attend to. I was constantly by her side and my mother thought she might be convincing me to help her work so one day she followed us around the castle. I didn’t have a clue and Cynthia was too distracted by me to notice her either so as we went around the castle, me watching Cynthia do her chores as always I asked her a question that ended up causing a lot of trouble. I said ‘mommy why do you always have to work so much?’ my mother heard me call her mommy and was furious, but not with me. She claimed that Cynthia had corrupted my innocent young mind with a vampire’s lies and … and” she took a deep breath as though she needed to calm down. “She sentenced Cynthia to death by torture and assigned a new slave to be my nanny. I heard Cynthia screaming and then a commotion outside my parents’ office as they took her away. When we ran to investigate we found Cynthia dead on the ground and a guard beside her bleeding from his neck and holding a dagger. It appeared that she had attacked him in a desperate attempt to get away and he killed her to save himself.” She looked me dead in the eyes when she said the last part of her story. “But if what Riley told me about vampires and human blood is true she obviously committed suicide to avoid her gruesome fate. The new nanny I was assigned was your mother Riley, Arabella.”

“I had been here for generations by then and I was glad to have a child to care for because it took away some of the pain of losing you.” Arabella said putting her hand on my shoulder. I looked away to hide the look of shame on my face. I was ashamed that I hadn’t believed Karina about her opposition to slavery, and that I had doubted that my mother was really my mother even though my own memories confirmed it.

CH. 6


At first I thought I had bought Riley at that auction because he looked so scared, but now I guess it was because his eyes had reminded so much of his mother’s. He didn’t look at either of us as he got up and went to the door. He opened it and quietly asked us to leave saying he needed time to himself to let what he had just learned sink in. Arabella and I complied and left to talk in my room.

“What happened” Arabella demanded her eyes narrowing at me like they had when I was in trouble as a kid. The same look she had given me when I got my purple highlights done for the first time. “Why is my son here? Was he given to you? Or has he been at that auction his whole life” she questioned.

“Arabella calm down” I said. “Mom and dad made me go to an auction this morning and I couldn’t get out of there without bidding you know that.”

“So he has been in the auction house all this time”

“No” I interrupted quickly. “When I got in there the auction was the usual, you know bruised and weak vampires cringing on a platform, well they called up Riley and he had fallen on the stairs. When he looked up he ended up looking into my eyes. I thought he looked familiar and he was scared out of his mind. He knew I was a royal and it made me mad that he was that scared just to look at me so I bid on him. I figured I could prove to him that I’m not like them you know. Anyway when we were on the way home he mentioned something about a previous owner so I’m assuming he hadn’t been there his whole life.”

“Did he say if they treated him well” she asked, with a look of concern. “Did they hurt him?”

“He said that he had to let some little kid give him makeovers at the last place” I told her. “And that he was beaten and starved for not seeming to like it” this prompted an audible growl from Arabella. It surprised me because I had never heard her growl like that ever, I knew she could because I had heard other vampires do it when they fought, but never had I seen her angry enough to actually growl.

“Did he say anything else about it” she asked.

“No he didn’t tell about any of his previous masters other than that one, although I think we may have finally convinced him that I’m not going to turn evil and attack him.” I said with a smile.

“I’m sure you’re relieved to know that” Arabella said poking me in the side. She was about to continue when my little sister came skipping into the room.


I skipped into Kari’s room and looked around. Aunty Arabella was there but I didn’t see my new friend Riley.

“Kari, where’s Riley” I asked making my puppy dog face at her so she would tell me. That always worked on Kari but never aunty Arabella. “I’m done with my lessons for the day and I want to play with him now” I added.

“Does she know who he is” aunty Arabella asked Kari.

“No but you can tell her it shouldn’t do any harm she knows not to bring it up around our parents” Kari answered. I hated it when they ignored me like that.

“Hello I’m still here ya know” I said in a whiney voice. “Where’s Riley I wanna play”

“Ok I’ll tell you” said aunty Arabella. “But first I want to tell you a secret about him ok?”

“Oh goody! I love secrets! Tell me tell me tell me!” I squealed.

“He’s my son” she whispered to me.

“You’re Riley’s mommy!” I gasped. “Yay!” Aunty Arabella was laughing at me and Kari was trying to hide a smile but I knew she thought I was being a dumb little kid again so I quit talking and just stood there looking at them waiting.

“Alright, alright calm down Lily he’s in his room” Kari said. “It’s right through that door.


Lily skipped off joyfully to go harass Riley and I kinda felt bad for sending the five year old after him but I figured he could use some cheering up after the sad story I had told and Lily was the best girl for the job.

“Oooh Kari’s gonna get you for looking at that” I heard my little sister say from the other room and I wondered what on earth she could be talking about. Then I looked at the table beside my bed and realized that my sketchbook was missing. I ran into the other room and saw Riley holding open to the one page I had hoped no one would ever find, mainly because if my parents saw the drawing I would lose the throne for sure.

“GIVE ME THAT RIGHT NOW!” I screamed running across the room and snatching it away from him. I clutched the book to my chest and glared at him. “Why exactly were you looking through my things” I asked him.

“You said it was my room so I figured that it was decorations and decided to look around” he said looking nervous. “I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to look at the sketches, I thought it was empty and I was curious when I opened it and found the drawings”

“Do you realize what would happen if my parents ever saw these” I said. “I’d lose the throne if not my life for having these let alone being the one who drew them!”

“Why because you drew vampires and humans together at parties and hanging out in the mall, or because you drew yourself as a vampire” he asked.

“Both” I said. “Look just don’t do it again ok” I added. “I can’t risk my parents finding it, and they have guards search the slaves’ rooms, so I’ll take it and put it in my room somewhere for now.” I left the room telling Riley that it was late and that I was going to sleep.



I awoke the next morning and looked around me confused. ‘Why am I not in my closet, and since when does master let me sleep in a bed?’ I thought, and then the memories of the previous day came flooding back. I was in the royal castle with the only royal alive who wasn’t cruel and sadistic as my new owner, and had been reunited with my mother. Then I noticed Karina staring at me with an apologetic look on her face.

“Why are you looking at me like that” I asked nervously. “What are you planning you’d better not have any makeup in that bag because if you do you’re about to have a fight with a vampire” I warned.

“Do you want the bad news first or the really bad news” she asked solemnly.

“Really bad first” I said sitting up. “Let’s get that part over with”

“Fine” she said. “I have to go to school today since it’s Monday, and you have to go with me which means you have to get up.”

“Why do I have to go it’s not like I would learn anything” I whined. “Besides if that’s the really bad news what’s the bad news?”

“After school you have to go shopping with me so I can get you some clothes besides what you’re wearing now cause they’re filthy” she said with an amused look. I stared at her horrified.

“How is that not the really bad news” I asked.

“Because I figured compared to school shopping is the lesser of the two evils” she said. “And to answer your question about school you have to go because I refuse to take the stupid body guard my dad assigned”


“Because he won’t let my friends near me because they look like ‘bad kids’” she said angrily. “So you are my new body guard”

“Fine” I said. “But I’m warning you now I’m not a morning person” I added. By the time I was ready to go she had already packed us both lunches and gathered up her books. “Alright where are we meeting your friends and the tutor” I asked assuming that her ‘school’ was some room in the castle with a private tutor.

“At school silly” she said. “When I was old enough for middle school my parents let me choose between public, private, and home schooling and I chose to go to public school.”

“So I’m going to have to act like a fearful slave there” I asked already dreading it.

“no my friends are like me they don’t believe in slavery so they won’t care and everyone else stays away from us because I’m a royal and my friends are ‘scary’” she said making air quotes with her fingers when she said the word scary. “I chose public school under the pretense of connecting with the people who will be my subjects when I am queen but I really just wanted to be a normal kid for a while and get away from my parents.”

“Alright what will I do while you’re in your classes” I asked as we headed out the door and got into a fancy car. I was surprised when Karina hopped into the driver’s seat and started the car. “You drive yourself to school?” I added.

“yes I drive myself because the limo was too big for the parking lot at school and as for your other question you will sit in the desk next to me and wait till time to go that way no one can mess with you and no one will bug me” she said.

“Ok” I answered as I turned my head to stare out the window of the car and watch as the city flashed by while we drove towards the high school. When we got there it was still early so Karina parked the car in a spot close to the entrance of the school. As soon as she parked a group of kids broke from the crowd by the door and made their way toward us. My instincts kicked in when I saw several sullen looking vampires behind them and I started to open my door. “Stay in the car and lock the doors I’ll get rid of them” I said as she noticed the group.

“Riley wait.” she said putting a hand on my shoulder to stop me. “those are my friends just stay put while I tell them about you and I’ll let you know when to get out ok” I gave her a confused look as she got out of the car but she ignored me. This girl just got weirder and weirder. All of her friends had numerous piercings and their hair was brightly colored. They also all wore t-shirts bearing the logos and images of several different bands and each was wearing arm bands that were either studded strips of black leather or rubber with the name of a band on it. Their jeans were torn with chains hanging from their pockets, and were held up by studded leather belts. She was talking to them and pointing at the car for a while then she tapped the window and motioned for me to join her.


I motioned for Riley to join us after I had explained to my friends about what my parents had made me do the day before. They had been understanding and gave me sympathetic pats on the shoulder as I told them about the horrible auction house. I could tell Riley was nervous and had clearly never met anyone like my friends because of how he reacted when he first saw them. Liz had bright blue and pink hair and a nose and eyebrow piercing, and Kate her sister had Red streaks in her black hair as well as gauges and a tongue piercing. Josh and Mike my other two friends each had long black hair but Josh had white streaks in his while Mike had electric blue in his. Josh didn’t have as many piercings though just a nose ring. Mike on the other hand had two eyebrow piercings, gauges, a nose ring, and snakebites giving him a somewhat intimidating appearance when you added that to his height of 6’4. As Riley came around the back of the car one of the school’s snotty cheerleaders walked by.

“Look it’s little Miss Princess and her gang of emo freaks” she said loudly. My friends’ vampires all hissed at her and she hurried along with a squeak of fear. None of the vampires were like my friends the boys had close cropped hair and wore plain black t-shirts and jeans and the girls all wore plain dresses of different colors, but their fangs were enough to frighten most of the jerks at this school. They never got punished because their ‘masters’ didn’t care and they were known to be under my personal protection. Riley chuckled as he came to stand beside me and watched as the vampires all high fived each other and my friends congratulated them on making her run scared.

“Guys this is Riley” I said. “He is with me and Izzy, Sue, Chris, and Sam I hope you guys won’t mind but I figured you could show him around while we are in gym first period” I added addressing the group of vampires.

“No problem hun” Izzy said. “We’ll show him around the school but you guys should go before you’re late. Wouldn’t want the coach getting mad at you again” she added.

I rattled off the names of everyone pointing to them in turn as I introduced Riley to them and then hurried off with my friends to class. I was worried about leaving Riley alone but I knew the others would take care of him.



As Karina and her friends disappeared into the school I turned to look at the four vampires who would be my companions for the next hour. Each of them was about my age and we were all the same height as well, so I wouldn’t have to worry about dealing with the sometimes arrogant attitudes of older vampires.

“I’m Izzy” the short blonde girl said stepping forward and extending a hand for me to shake. “I’m the oldest of our little group so you could say I’m the leader but they never listen.” She added looking sideways at her friends. “I’m 230 how about you”

“275” I answered. I didn’t really say much as the others stepped forward to introduce themselves. There was a red head named Sue who belonged to Izzy’s master’s sister; a brunette guy named Sam who belonged to Josh; and a guy with black, blue, and green hair named Chris who belonged to the scary looking guy named Mike.

“Alright time for the tour” announced Chris loudly. “We have a lot to show you so try to keep up since we only have an hour” he added grabbing me by the arm and dragging me toward the doors of the school.

“Um could you let go please” I said my voice barely a whisper. I didn’t like being left with a bunch of total strangers and apparently this guy wasn’t clear on the concept of personal space.

“Oh sorry” he said as though he hadn’t noticed he still had a grip on me. He looked at me for a moment as though something about my face was suddenly very interesting.

“What” I asked. “Something on my face?”

“What? No, it’s nothing I just thought I knew you from somewhere.” Chris said.

“I don’t remember you but whatever” I said. Suddenly Sue elbowed him in the ribs and told him to shut up.

“Don’t mind him he’s weird sometimes” she said. “Let’s get moving there’s a lot to see.” The rest of the hour was spent touring the school. They showed me the sports fields and the lunchroom, and then walked me around showing me where all of Karina’s classes were in case we got separated in the crowded halls and I needed to find her. When I asked how they knew her schedule they said that the whole group had identical schedules courtesy of Karina’s royal status and they were all friends so it made sense to know their schedules. The tour ended at the gym with a few minutes to spare so we slipped in and sat in the bleachers to watch Karina and her friends play dodge ball with the rest of their class.

“So how long have you been with Karina” Sam asked. “She never mentioned having a slave”

“She bought me at an auction yesterday morning” I replied. “As far as I know I am the only slave she has ever owned herself”

“Oh well yesterday was your lucky day then I guess.” Izzy said. “You got the world’s sweetest human for a master, and you got to move into a castle”

“Actually she scared me senseless at first” I said remembering how terrified I had been the day before. “I thought she was like all the other royals. I had heard the rumors about their cruelty and when I realized she was the princess I was terrified”

“Yeah he curled into a ball on the floor of the limo cause he thought I was going to hit him for talking” Karina giggled behind me. I turned to look at her and saw her friends all laughing at her words.

“Very funny” I grumbled. “But if you ever tell anyone about that again I’ll tell Lily you were mean to me”

“No! Don’t do that she would never leave me alone about it not to mention the fact that Arabella would kill me” she said. “And you know that’s the first person Lily will go tattling to if you do that” she added.

“Don’t tell anyone then” I said.

“Um hate to interrupt this little chat but we really need to get to class we’ll be late if we don’t go now” Josh interrupted.

“Good call Josh” Karina said. “Come on Riley we have math next”

“Fine” I said. “Let’s get this over with.” We walked through the halls, which were surprisingly crowded for such a small school, to the humans’ lockers and then toward one of the class rooms the other vampires had shown me earlier. As we entered the room the teacher looked up and his eyes locked onto me immediately. He knew I hadn’t been here before and he watched me closely as I sat in the desk next to Karina like she had asked me to this morning. The group formed a large square with the four humans sitting in the desks around us and each vampire sitting next to his or her owner, but apparently the desk next to Karina was usually empty because the teacher raised his eyebrow at me when I sat there. He looked confused as he walked over to talk to her carefully avoiding getting too close to the vampires.

“Is this young man with you?” he asked Karina.

“Yes” she replied curtly. “His name is Riley and he is my new slave he is under the same protection as my friends’ vampires so don’t you dare try to kick him out” she added.

“Fine” the teacher said suddenly less interested in my presence. He returned to the front of the room and began the lesson without so much as glancing at me again.


The rest of the day went pretty much the same as math had. The teachers would ask about Riley and once they realized that he was a vampire would lose interest knowing that he was under my protection. It was nothing I hadn’t dealt with before though. When I first came to this school and started making friends it was pretty much the exact same way. Once I found out that my friends were all against slavery as well I made it clear to all of our teachers that their vampires were under royal protection. They only owned them for show and half the time none of us really even remembered that they weren’t human. They were always just four members of an eight person group. We had been ridiculed for our opinions and looks for a long time before that so the jeers about us going soft were just another insult that we ignored.

“So where to next” Riley asked me.

“Lunch then study hall then home” I said. “We usually have a whole table to ourselves so there should be plenty of room.” I added.

“Can’t we just skip to the home part” he asked. I stopped dead making him and a few others in the group crash into me. “Why’d you stop like that?” Riley demanded.

“Yeah are you nuts we’ll be trampled if we stop for too long you know that” Izzy said only half joking. We were already being shoved around as people hurried by.

“Riley did you just make a joke!?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah what about it” he said.

“Oh my gosh you do have a sense of humor! I was beginning to wonder if you had one at all” I said laughing at my own joke. Every one joined in as we started toward the doors to the cafeteria. As we walked in I made a beeline for our usual table and stopped to drop my bag before heading off to buy my food. In line my friends and I moved quickly knowing that it wouldn’t be long before the school’s resident jerks showed up and not wanting the vampires to be without one of us for backup when they got there. We sat down just as one of the cheerleaders walked over.

“Hey Karina I heard you got your own blood sucker congrats” she said. She was smacking bubble gum loudly and I was already annoyed by her presence.

“Yes I have a vampire now” I said. “What’s it to you”

“Nothing just never thought little miss softie would actually get a slave” she said rudely. “Hey blood sucker how are you liking the privileged life” she added turning to Riley. “Bet they feed you prisoners from the dungeons and everything” she said. Riley started to say something but Chris cut him off.

“Yeah he was telling me about it earlier, sounds great. Keep talking and you might be the next meal.” He threatened, and Mike high fived him.

“Why do you even hang out with these freaks” the cheerleader said. “You belong with the normal people not these losers” she added. “Why don’t you come sit with us sometime”

“Not on your life” I said glaring at her. “I wouldn’t hang out with you shallow arrogant morons if you paid me” at that she huffed and stormed away. I smiled as I watched her go. The rest of lunch was pretty peaceful. Mike and Sam got into a food fight but aside from a few French fries in my hair nothing really happened. Riley and I decided to skip study hall and head home early though. I figured he had had enough of high school for one day.



As we left the school and headed back toward the castle Karina turned on the radio in the car and flipped it to a station that played what she called ‘heavy metal’ music. I couldn’t stand it but I wasn’t about to say anything. I was still hoping she had forgotten about the planned trip to the mall. I needed new clothes sure but I wanted nothing to do with the actual shopping part. I would rather just tell her what I liked and let her go to the mall on her own.


As I drove Riley kept looking out the window of the car like he was trying to figure out where we were. I was hoping he would think I was just taking a different route home, but when I turned into the mall parking lot he knew exactly where we were and I could tell he had been hoping I would forget.

“This doesn’t look like the castle to me” he said.

“Very observant aren’t you” I said sarcastically. “No it’s not the castle but I did tell you this morning that before we went home we would be going to the mall to get you some clothes.” I added giving him a sideways glance. I half expected him to bail out and make a run for it considering the look on his face but he stayed in the car until I parked.

“You know this is going to be awful” Riley said. “I hate shopping so why are you making me do this”

“Because” I said. “For one thing I don’t know what you like and for another I think you should get to pick your own clothes. Doing it for you seems like I’m not giving you a choice”

“But if I asked you to then why would it be a problem?” he asked.

“The problem is that I refuse to do it so just suck it up get out of the car and start shopping” I said angrily.

“You have quite a temper don’t you” he said smiling at me.

“Maybe I do” I said. “But if you’d quit trying to make me mad I might not lose my temper so much” I added. “I know you do it on purpose”

“So what if I do” he said.

“It’s a little annoying” I said.

“Good” he said with a smirk. “That’s the goal now let’s go I want to get this over with”

“Now you want to go shopping?” I said confused. “A minute ago you were ready to make a run for it”

“Well I would but if I did I would just be caught by guards and dragged back to the castle where your mother would no doubt be waiting to punish me for running off” he said. “So I figure this torture will be much easier to deal with than the one she would have planned so let’s go” he added getting out of the car. I followed him into the mall and when he started to go the wrong way grabbed him by the hand and led him to the nearest clothing store.

“Alright pick anything you want” I said. “I can afford pretty much anything you could want” I said.

“Ok” he said walking around looking through the clothes. We were in an old navy store at the moment and he didn’t look pleased with what he saw.

“Can we go to a different store” he said. “This stuff would look ridiculous on me” he added pointing at the display mannequins as though it was obvious.

“Ok I have an idea” I said. “We’ll go to my favorite store next” I grabbed his hand again and made a beeline for the hot topic across the mall. “I don’t know if you’ll like anything there but it’s a better option than that place” I said.

“I was fine till you said that” Riley said. “Now I’m worried”

“Oh calm down it isn’t that bad” I said. “Just look around and see if you like anything we’re only looking for shirts here and we can get you some jeans somewhere else.”

“Alright whatever you say” he replied as we entered the store. “Why is it so dark in here” he added.

“Because it’s dark that’s why” I said. I was about to tell him that we could leave when he spotted the shirts displayed on the wall at the back of the store and headed that way.

“These look cool” he said looking through the shirts. I couldn’t help but laugh when he picked a BVB shirt with the wretched and divine album cover on it.

“What’s so funny” he asked.

“That” I said. “Is the band that made the music you said sounded possessed when you turned on my radio yesterday when I showed you my room”

“Oh” he said. “Well maybe I’ll have to listen to that again one day now that I’m not waiting for you to snap on me”

“You can borrow it whenever you want” I said. “But why would you want band merch for bands you’ve never even heard of” I asked as he picked up a pierce the veil shirt and added it to the stack he was carrying.

“Because it looks cool” he said. “And I might end up liking the music if I ever get to listen to it” he added.

“Ok like I said just get whatever you want” I said as we walked toward the register. As the cashier rang up the stuff Riley got I grabbed a few pairs of ear rings and a new my chemical romance wrist band and added it to the stack.

“Will that be all Karina” the cashier said. She knew me by my first name because I had been in there so often.

“Yes that’s it” I said. “This is Riley by the way” I added. She said hi and finished ringing up the clothes.

“Have a nice day” she said. Riley gave me a confused looked as I grabbed the bags and headed out the door.

“Did I forget to mention that the royal discount is 100%” I said. I had seven bags in my hands and Riley noticed that I was struggling to hold them all.

“Aw is the poor weak human having trouble with all those bags” he teased. “Here let the vampire handle this” he said taking the bags from me. “They are my clothes after all”

“Thanks” I said. “And I’ll remember that ‘weak human’ crack when you want to borrow that CD” I added. “Speaking of which we need to get you a stereo so you can listen to music”

“Whatever you say” he said. “You’re the one who decided to go shopping”

He was like that the whole time we were in the mall. Teasing me when the bags he carried so easily were too heavy for me, and acting like he could care less what I got him even though I could see the excitement in his eyes as I got him a laptop and a stereo at an electronics store. We were loading the stuff into the car when he finally let it slip that he was excited to get home and try out the laptop.

“Aha” I said. “So you did enjoy it”

“Ok I admit it” he said. “I did kinda like getting to pick my own stuff and getting more than just one outfit” he admitted getting into the car. “I’ve never really had things of my own like that so thank you” he said. “I’m sorry for being a jerk about it earlier but I really thought you were just going to make me try on a ton of stuff and then pick for me”

“Well I’m glad you had fun” I said. “Just know that I despise shopping so it will probably not be happening again for a long, long time”

“would you mind telling me why you hate it so much?” he asked.

“I hate it because I have spent my whole life trying to be like a normal kid” I said. “And when I go shopping all the stores just give me everything for free and I feel like everyone sees me as this spoiled brat who just expects it but I’m not like that”

“Sounds like a pretty good reason to me” Riley said looking out the window as we pulled into the garage at the castle.



As time passed I found myself becoming used to life at the castle. I became good friends with Karina, and was officially a member of her group of friends at school after my first week. Looking in the mirror in my room four months later on the last day of school I looked totally different. My hair was no longer tangled and filthy, it was styled neatly and my clothes were essentially the same style as everyone else in the group wore. I had on black jeans and a band t-shirt and had wrist bands on both arms. I was well fed and nowhere near as weak as I had been when I arrived in the castle.

“Come on Riley it’s time to go” Karina said standing in the doorway. “You wanna drive today?” she added. Karina had let me do a lot of things that I had never done before since I got here. Cooking was one, and driving was by far the scariest at first. I had been driving us to school every other day for two months now, and I loved it.

“Yeah sure I’ll drive” I said. “Race you down stairs” I challenged. Just then my mom popped up behind Karina.

“Oh no you don’t” she said. “Either one of you could get hurt doing that. What if you tripped?”

“Aw come on Arabella” Karina whined. “You’ve been overprotective of us both since he got here. You used to be so much fun what happened?” she teased.

“My kid showed up and you gave him all of your bad habits” my mom said jokingly. “Him I will not have showing up with purple hair.”

“Hate to interrupt” Josh said poking his head into the room. “But my friends and I kinda need to get going before we are late.” He was down the stairs by the time we left the room tapping his foot impatiently at us. For a human the guy moved fast especially considering the fact that he had just spent the whole night up playing video games with me.


Riley beat me down the stairs as usual. He took them three at a time running despite Arabella’s warning as usual, and reached Josh just before I did.

“Would you guys mind keeping it down next time” I said. “I couldn’t sleep at all last night thanks to you two screaming about zombies”

“That was not our fault” Riley said. “Left for dead is an intense game”

“Yeah sure just pipe down next time or it might turn up broken beyond repair” I warned.

“Is she always this crabby in the mornings” Josh asked Riley.

“Only when I keep her up with whatever game I’m playing” he replied. We bickered like that the whole way to school while Riley drove.

“Uh oh I think we’re in trouble” Riley said pointing to Izzy, Sue, Sam, and Chris advancing towards the car.

“Riley what did you forget this time” I asked knowing it was probably him they were after.

“Yeah there’s no we to it man that’s all you” Josh chimed in. Riley parked the car and got out with me and Josh right behind him.

“Riley!” Izzy said.

“Called it” I whispered to Josh.

“I heard that Karina, and what did I do now Izzy” Riley said.

“Since you clearly forgot” Izzy said fuming. “I feel that I must remind you that our end of the year party is tonight at the castle. And YOU forgot to meet us last night to set up the ball room!” she added. “The guards nearly threw us in the dungeon for trespassing on royal land! It’s just a good thing your mom remembered and told them we were with Karina before they could.”

“Oh” Riley said. “Sorry about that”

“Riley I swear your memory just gets worse and worse” Chris said. “What were you doing anyway?”

“That would be my fault” Josh said. “Impromptu game night my bad didn’t know he had plans”

“So did you get the place ready” I asked.

“Yeah” Izzy said. “It’s ready, and we made sure the invites said it was a casual party so you don’t have to wear a dress Karina”

“Did I mention how awesome you are for that” I said.

“Wouldn’t kill you to say more often but yes” Izzy said. “Come on you guys have to get to gym” she added as we hurried toward the school.


I got lectured the whole hour while we waited for Karina and the others to get out of gym. The end of the year party was a big thing for everyone and I had forgotten to help with the most important part. I deserved the lecture but I still didn’t like it.

“Ok I messed up” I said. “I get it you can stop now I said I was sorry”

“It wouldn’t be so bad any other year” Sam said. “But this year is supposed to be a big blowout celebrating them being officially seniors since the little brainiacs all skipped a grade”

“Yeah we’re celebrating the fact that we’re all nerds” Mike said walking over to us.

“Oh shut up you’re not helping” I said. “If you need something useful to do why don’t you go make Karina hurry up so we can get this day over with and go to the party”

“What was that slow poke” Karina asked coming up beside Mike. “Need I remind you I am not the one who takes an hour to get ready in the mornings?”

“Seriously an hour?” Josh said walking over. “Dude what the heck could possibly take you an hour to do every morning”

“Easy the extra 50 minutes of sleep I get when she isn’t paying attention that I now probably won’t get because you had to open your big mouth” I said. “Hey Karina why don’t we just skip the day and go put the final touches on the ball room?”

“Sounds like a good idea” she said. “Let’s go, you guys wanna come too” she added talking to the others. They all agreed so we headed to the castle to prepare for the party.



When we got to the castle we all headed to the ballroom. I was surprised by how much Izzy, Sue, Sam and Chris had gotten done the night before. They had streamers everywhere and confetti covered the floor. It looked like a rainbow had thrown up on the place with all the colors they used, but it was pretty cool. The only thing left to do was put together the gift bags and set up the projector for the music videos we were going to play at the party.

“So what should we do first?” Josh asked.

“Well there are only a few things left to do” I said. “So why don’t we split the work down the middle”

“Ok what do you have in mind?” Sue said.

“Vampires do the gift bags and humans set up the entrance” I said. “That way you guys can’t get busted for roaming the castle alone. Everything you need should be in the storage room over there” I added pointing to the door on the opposite side of the room. “Make sure you leave one in each seat”

“Yeah all 20 of them” Chris said. “Why didn’t you guys invite more people?”

“Because” Mike replied. “There are only 20 people in that school that we don’t hate that don’t despise us so they are the only ones we invited”

“Chris take my advice” Riley said. “Just stop asking questions and accept the fact that we belong to the weirdest bunch of humans alive. I did and now I don’t get confused as often”

“Yeah but you still can’t remember anything” Sue teased.


I was about to reply to Sue’s remark about my memory when Karina interrupted.

“Oh yeah I almost forgot to tell you guys” she said. “We got a new kid last week who skipped a grade like us”

“We know that already” Liz said. “What about her”

“Well she’s like us” Karina said. Everyone stared at her as she continued. “She’s against the whole slavery thing she transferred here because she heard rumors about me being soft towards vampires and figured I might be against it to”

“I still don’t see why that is so important to tell us” Kate said.

“It’s important because she has a problem” Karina said. “Her parents made her get a slave but she doesn’t know what to do with him.”

“What are we? an advice column” Josh said. “How are we supposed to know what she should do with the guy?”

“well her problem is he is really young as far as vampires go and really traumatized from his last owner so she was wondering if we could sort of ‘babysit’ him for a few days and try to bring him around” Karina said. “She can’t get him to talk to her and he refuses to eat, she’s had him for three weeks and he’s starting to get weak so she’s worried he might end up dying”

“Excuse us a moment” I said. “The vampires need to discuss something, guys follow me” I added leading Chris, Sue, Sam, and Izzy to my room. When we got there I turned to my new friends. “Guys we gotta help this kid” I said. “I don’t know what Karina and the others will decide but we need to do this”

“Why are you so interested” Sam asked.

“Because that used to be us” I said. “Scared senseless and ready to give up before we ended up with the humans we’re with now” I looked them in the eyes as I said. “This kid doesn’t realize that not all humans are as evil and scary as they seem and he deserves to find out before he ends up killing himself not eating like he is. Or do you guys just not care that we could very well be the only ones who could save his life”

“Ok I see your point” Izzy said. “I’m in what about you guys” she added looking at Sue, Chris, and Sam. They were so we went back to the ball room to tell our human friends that we were up for it.

“Great” Karina said. “Cause we just called her and she’ll be here in ten minutes with him.”

“Any idea what his name is or anything like that?” Sue asked.

“No but when they get here we’ll make sure to find out what we can from Sarah, that’s his owner’s name” Liz said. Just then one of the castle slaves walked in leading a small, skinny girl who looked like Karina with blonde hair, I assumed this was Sarah, and a thin vampire who looked like he was about to pass out.

“Hi Karina” the girl said. “Thanks for doing this but I should let you know he’s convinced himself he’s being either sold or punished for not eating so try not to scare him”

“What’s his name and how old is he” Karina asked her. “The vamps wanna know so they can try to get him to talk”

“His name is Jessie and he is only 110 I know that’s young for a vampire which is why I figured you guys’ vampires could help since they are all a little older” she said. “My name is Sarah by the way”

“Riley, Sue, Chris, Sam, Izzy, Josh, Kate, Liz, Mike come meet Sarah and Jessie” Karina called to us. The vampire, Jessie, looked up at the sound of his name and then looked away quickly when he saw us walking toward them.

“Welcome to the crew” I said attempting to get him to look up again. “The cool ones are putting together gift bags for the party tonight, while these losers go decorate the entrance hall” I added pointing to the humans. That definitely got him to look up. His eyes were wide as he stared at me. He looked no older than a 14 year old human. He shocked us all when he spoke up supposedly for the first time in nearly a month.

“I’d shut up if I were you” he said quietly. “Do you have any idea who is standing right there you moron that’s the princess. A royal would rather kill you than look at you so I suggest for all our sakes you shut your trap” We all just stared. And when he saw the look on Karina’s face he added, “please forgive me for speaking out of turn it was stupid I promise never to do it again just don’t hurt me”.

“Whoa slow down kid” Chris said. “For one princess softie here won’t do a darn thing to anyone no matter what you say to her”

“And for two you can speak freely here and not be punished” Karina said. “Don’t be afraid no one is going to hurt you while you’re with us”

“Why don’t you go help the other vampires with the gift bags Jessie” Sarah said gently placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’m going to go help Karina with the entrance and talk about some things with her and her friends” she added walking out the door with the humans leaving him alone with us.

“Well I guess we better get to work” Sam said. “You guys get acquainted while me and Sue go get the stuff for the goody bags”

“Whatever” Izzy said. “Just don’t get lost on the way” she added laughing. Sue stuck her tongue out at her as they walked away but didn’t say anything about it.

“My name’s Riley” I said. “Nice to meet you Jessie”

“Which one of you belongs to the princess?” Jessie asked.

“That would be this useless thing here” Izzy said poking me in the stomach and making me hiss at her. She knew I was ticklish and used it against me all the time.

“What’s it like” Jessie asked me. “Belonging to the most feared human alive I mean. What does she do to you what kind of work do you have to do”

“well the simple answer is I am known to others as her ‘personal slave’ which means I just have to stay with her all the time, and as far as what it’s like it’s awesome” I said.

“That’s not funny” He said. “I want to know what to expect when my mistress sells me to her”

“You’ve got the wrong idea about Karina and her friends” Sue said returning with Sam carrying the stuff for the gift bags.

“Yeah they’re all great” Sam said. “Hey where did Chris go isn’t he supposed to be helping us”

“What I got hungry” Chris said walking into the room through the door that led to the kitchen. “I went to grab some blood”

“You stole from the royal kitchen?!” Jessie asked shocked.

“No I didn’t” Chris said. “Karina already told us we could help ourselves years ago”

“If mistress finds out about this I’m dead” Jessie fretted. “But I want at least someone to know the truth.”

“The truth about what” Sam asked eyeing him warily.

“My last owner” Jessie said. “And why they got rid of me”



We all stared expectantly at the young vampire waiting for him to continue.

“I… I …. Um…. I don’t really know how to explain” Jessie stuttered suddenly nervous. “At least not without you misunderstanding”

“Who’s misunderstanding what?” my mom said walking into the room. “New friend of yours Riley?” she added when she noticed Jessie who immediately looked away.

“Sort of” I said. “He belongs to a new kid at Karina’s school and he’s only 110. He hasn’t eaten in three weeks, and he was just about to tell us why his previous master sold him to her” I added. “Also his owner, Sarah is like Karina and the others”

“Well then first thing’s first” my mom said. “You and your friends are to stop asking him questions this minute and get him some blood immediately”

“No that’s not necessary” Jessie tried to interrupt but my mother was on a mission and nothing was stopping her.

“Hush child” she said sternly. “You need to eat and that is exactly what you’re going to do now wait here I’ll be back in a moment”

“Who was that?” Jessie asked as soon as my mother was out of the room.

“That would be my lovely mother” I said. “You may as well give up on not eating now that she knows she’ll force it down your throat herself if she has to”

“I can’t” Jessie said. “If I eat I’ll live and I can’t live like this anymore”

“You don’t have to live in fear now Jessie” Izzy said. “Like we’ve been trying to tell you since you got here there is a difference between the humans you met here today and the ones you met in the past”

“And that would be?”

“They are against slavery all of them are even your owner Sarah” Sue said. “She’s worried about you in case you haven’t noticed, and she brought you here hoping we could get you to eat and save your life”

“Which with Arabella on the case is no longer a problem” Chris teased. Sue hit him in the back of the head and muttered something about him interrupting a serious conversation and dragged him off toward the kitchen to help my mom.

“How do I know you’re not lying” Jessie said. “How do I know you weren’t told by your masters to say these things?”

“I have an idea” Sam said. “If we were truly slaves we would have fresh wounds from beatings right? Especially being in the royal castle”

“Yes you likely do” Jessie agreed. “What of it”

“If we could show you that we are unhurt aside from old scars would you believe us” I said catching on to what Sam was thinking.

“Yes but how could you prove it” Jessie asked skeptically.

“Easy be right back” Sam said heading towards the entrance hall.

“Is he always so weird” Jessie asked us but before we could answer the weirdo in question was back with Karina in tow.

“I give you all permission to go out to the pool for a swim. Arabella has agreed to do the gift bags so you’re off the hook and Jessie you can borrow one of Riley’s swim suits” Karina said. “Will that do Sam” she enquired sarcastically.

“Good human that will do nicely” Sam said jokingly patting Karina’s head.

“Watch it vampire” Karina said. “Keep that up and I’ll switch all your anime DVDs for chick flicks” Sam opened his mouth to reply but closed it as Karina walked away laughing at his expression.

“Um why are we swimming I thought you were supposed to prove to me that you were uninjured” Jessie asked.

“Would we willingly go into a pool if we had any open wounds on us?” I asked. Jessie shook his head so we all headed out to the pool after a quick change into our swimming attire. Jessie borrowed a pair of my swimming trunks but he refused to get in the water. He looked astonished to see Sue and Izzy in bikinis.

“Well I suppose that proves that the girls are unharmed” Jessie said. “But how do I know you guys aren’t just covering your wounds with your shirts” he said just as Sam Chris and I were getting into the pool. We had to get him to believe us so we all removed our shirts and tossed them to the side.

“Good thing this is an inside pool” my mom said walking in. “If it wasn’t you would all be red as tomatoes” she added. “Now Jessie you are going to drink these four bottles of blood right now whether you like it or not”

“No ….” Jessie tried to resist taking the bottles but once the scent of the blood reached him his survival instincts kicked in and he finished them off quickly.

“Told you she’d make you eat” Sam said. “Now how about finishing that story of yours since you’re not about to die anymore”

“What story?” my mom asked.

“Jessie here was about to tell us why his owner before Sarah got rid of him” I said. “And we’re all quite curious about that Jessie so do tell” I added addressing the young vampire.

“Pushy much” Izzy scolded. “You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to dear” she added. “Only if you’re ready”

“Ok I’ll tell you” Jessie said. “But I’m going to edit certain things so don’t ask me to elaborate if I’m being vague some things are meant to stay private”

“They won’t pry” my mother said. “Will you” she added giving us a look that basically said agree or die.

“Oh sure! Yeah! Of course! Wouldn’t dream of it!” we all said at the same time.

“Well with my old master I was bought as a companion for his son” Jessie said. “I was meant to be a punching bag so that he could take his frustrations from being bullied at school out on me and not the expensive stuff in his room but he instead used me as a sort of human diary. He was nice to me and I thought we might actually be friends. He denied that every time I asked him but I think he secretly thought of me as a friend and a couple of months ago he told a real important secret and told me never to tell a soul especially not his father. His dad had been questioning me every day to find out what he had been telling me about. When I told him that night that the boy had said nothing to me that day he knew I was lying and threatened to have me tortured if I didn’t tell. He was about to start hitting me when his son came down stairs and stopped him. My master told his son that if he didn’t tell him what the secret was he would kill me so the boy told him and the master said that his secret was a disgusting abomination. He said it was against nature and that I was the one to blame for it happening so he sold me the first chance he got. He got his chance a month ago when his friend’s daughter needed a slave and he sold me to him on the spot.” He finished his story and looked down at the ground. “I’ve been with my new mistress ever since and now I fear she may sell me to the royals because I refused to eat for so long”



I watched as Jessie spoke to the other vampires by the pool. I listened as he told them about his last master. I knew it was my fault he had been sent to that place. I was probably the only vampire that was free from slavery at the time. However, I had every intention of returning to him very soon though for that day I settled for watching him from afar through the castle window. I knew I would be with him again soon.


We finished with the entry way soon after the vampires ditched for the pool so we decided to join them. I let Sarah borrow one of my swimsuits before we all headed to the pool. We got there just in time to hear Sam talking.

“So the kid was gay big whoop so is Riley and nobody freaks out about that” Sam said loudly as we entered the pool room. “And since his father blamed you for it that leads me to the conclusion that you are gay too am I right”

“Um I um h…how did you know that?” Jessie stuttered. “How could you possibly have known? I didn’t even hint at that being the secret how could you possibly have known”

“Well the whole against nature thing made it kinda obvious” Chris said. Jessie was looking between Riley, Sam, and Chris. He seemed genuinely shocked that they had figured this out so quickly while I was in no way surprised. Our vampire friends tended to be very observant when they wanted to be.

“So since we apparently missed something here mind filling us in” I said. “This sounds interesting”

“Oh. Well basically Jessie’s last owner was a homophobe whose son was gay. He blamed Jessie for his son being gay and sold him. Oh and Jessie is gay too.” Riley said. “And Sam sorta just dropped the bomb on him that I’m gay as well as you already know since you were in here when he did it”

“Well Jessie you seem to be handling that one well” I said turning to him and laughing when I realized that his eyes were still locked onto Riley like he had grown an extra head. He looked up at me as though he hadn’t noticed that I was there until that moment.

“I … I just never thought that there were any others like me” Jessie said.

“Uh guys I just realized something” Mike cut in. “We have maybe ten minutes before the party is supposed to start so maybe we should get going.”

“Oh wow you’re right Mike” I said. “Let’s go guys” I added as we all ran to get ready for the party. In my room I slipped on my favorite outfit of black jeans and a black top. I invited Sarah to stay and enjoy the party but she decided to avoid the crowd and leave Jessie with us for the remainder of the summer break. She said she would visit every two weeks to see how he was doing.

“I’m not really a people person so I think I’ll go now” she said when I asked her to stay. “Thanks for the offer though and I hope you have fun at your party.”

“Ok well bye” I said. She left just as the other guests arrived. Only about half of the people we invited were no shows so it ended up just being the eleven of us and ten guests putting the attendance at a whopping 21 people. It was a bit disappointing since it was meant to be a big celebration of our becoming seniors but it was more people than we normally got to come. We started the party by having a huge buffet set out for the guests and then we played music for a few hours so that everyone could dance for a while. It was about eleven when my parents decided to make an appearance. ‘Too bad’ I thought to myself when I saw my mother smiling. ‘This was turning into such a nice night.’

“May I have your attention please” my father said as he and my mother walked to the center of the room. “My wife and I would like to thank you all for attending our daughter’s party. We are both proud of her and her friend’s for their great achievement in skipping a grade. As a reward for this achievement we have decided to move Karina’s coronation as queen up. As you all know the tradition is for the throne to be taken by the next heir on their 18th birthday but in light of her achievement we have decided her coronation will be a year early.”

“And” my mother interrupted. “We have one final announcement” she shot me a look of triumph. “In order to account for the time needed to plan for the wedding before the coronation ceremony my daughter will need to choose a husband by her 16th birthday.” She left the stage with my father and after telling me to meet them in their office after the party left the room. I didn’t pay attention to the rest of the party I was too numb with the shock of what my parents had just said. If I wanted the throne I would have to get married, and I would have to choose a groom by my next birthday in a mere 8 months. The party lasted till around one in the morning. It was then that the guests started to trickle out. Once they all left I couldn’t stall anymore I had to go see my parents.

“Riley I want you to go to my room and stay there until I come back” I said turning to him. “And take Jessie with you he can stay in your room for the time being” I added. As I entered my parents’ office I felt like I was going to throw up.

“Come in” my mother said smiling at me “and close the door behind you.”

“Of course mother” I said coldly. I was trying not to show how I was really feeling. “What is it you wanted to tell me?”

“We merely want to give a few simple cautions dear” my father said. “This engagement, as you know, will mean that a lot of provincial princes visiting to court you. If you do not choose a suitor you will lose your claim and we will retain the throne and your sister Lily will be next in line for the throne.”



When Karina left to go meet with her parents I went to find Jessie. He was standing by the drink table looking confused.

“What was that all about” Jessie asked as I approached him.

“Oh that” I said. “That was Karina’s mom. Totally evil, mildly psychotic and not someone you want to tick off”

“Oh” he said. “So what do we do now where did Karina go?”

“She went to meet her parents in their office” I said. “We are going to go to my room where we will wait until Karina comes back.”

“Why your room”

“Well if you’re going to be bunking with me for the next week or so then I may as well show you where you’ll be sleeping” I said. “Besides it’s not like there’s anything fun to do down here anyway now that everyone’s gone” I added leading him upstairs to the room I shared with Karina. When we got to my room I turned to see him fidgeting nervously. “What’s the matter with you” I asked

“N… nothing” he said.

“Bull” I said. “Now why do you look like you think someone’s about to hit you?”

“I was just wondering if… if this means that I was right and my mistress really did sell me to Karina” Jessie said.

“No you’re just staying here for a week so you can get used to living with an abolitionist is all” I said. “Want to play some video games I have all the good ones, assassin’s creed, left for dead, halo…”

“Um I’ve never really played video games before” Jessie said. “What would you suggest?”

“Wow really? Well then I guess we better start simple how about some Mario Cart it’s pretty easy” I said putting in the game. “I can’t believe you’ve never played a video game”

“Well I haven’t exactly had the chance to” Jessie said. “I’ve been living in basements for most of my life”

“So have I” I said. “But at least four of my previous masters were sore losers whose friends wouldn’t play with them so I ended up having to purposely lose but at least I got to play” I explained.

“I wasn’t so lucky” Jessie said. “None of my masters were into video games so I just spent each day hoping I wouldn’t get beaten” he looked embarrassed to be talking about it so I decided to change the subject.

“I don’t really have a couch or anything so me and Josh usually just play from the bed” I said. “Get comfortable and grab a controller” at his wary look I added “Oh come on I don’t bite”

“I know that” Jessie said sitting next to me on the bed. “so how do you play?” He asked eyeing the controller. I showed him how to play the game and once we got started we didn’t even notice the time passing until I heard Karina running up the stairs and slamming her door. “What was that about” Jessie said looking towards the door.

“I don’t know” I answered. “You keep playing and I’ll go check on her” I added putting down my controller and hopping off of the bed. I went into Karina’s room and found her having a meltdown. She was crying and pacing and mumbling something about not letting her parents keep the throne. “Karina…. Karina stop” I said putting my hands on her shoulders to stop her. “Look at me and tell me what’s wrong what did your parents say that made you this upset”


I looked up to see Riley staring at me with concern. He seemed so worried but I just couldn’t tell him what my parents had just told me. “I … It’s nothing Riley” I said. “I’m just a little overwhelmed with the idea that I have to get married within a year”

“I know you’re lying Karina but I won’t push you” he said. “Can you at least tell me something?”

“Riley how am I supposed to find a husband who is against slavery like me” I said. “I’ve met most of the provincial princes and they all support the practice entirely. I’m sure the ones I haven’t met are just the same as they are” I added.

“Actually” Arabella said coming into the room. “I may be able to help with that”

“How?” I asked sitting on my bed. “How can you possibly help?”

“Well” she said. “Does the law state that it has to be a human prince that you choose?”

“No but...” I started.

“Just listen” Arabella said. “I haven’t told anyone this because I was afraid of what they might do to Riley and I. But I think now might be a good time to tell you a little bit about Riley’s heritage”



I looked at Riley but he seemed just as confused as I was. “What do you mean his heritage?” I asked looking back at Arabella.

“You see” Arabella said. “Before we were enslaved by the humans we vampires had our own royal family” she moved to sit beside me. “I know because I am 650 years old and I was the queen of all vampires. My husband was born Royal and I was the daughter of a high ranking official. When we married I was only 70 and he was 80”

“I still don’t see how that helps” Riley said. “How does you being the vampire queen solve her problem finding a royal who is against slavery?”

“Well for one it makes you a prince” I said when what Arabella had just said sank in.

“A... a p…prince?” Riley stuttered. “But wait” he said. “I get that I’m a royal and all but I still can’t help with her problem. I mean I love you and all Karina but sorry I don’t swing that way” I had to laugh at his words.

“If you two would let me finish I could tell how this helps” Arabella said sternly. “When I was 100 I had a son as was tradition at the time for the royal family. When I was 250 we decided to reveal ourselves to the humans so that our subjects wouldn’t have to hide anymore. We met with your ancestors Karina and they told us that they wanted peace but when my husband went to meet them they put him in chains. He fought but was killed. When the humans began rounding up vampires and enslaving them I enlisted a group of elders many of them were at the time 800 years old or older to take my son who was about 100 then into the mountains to hide until we found a way to get out of slavery.” She finished. “If we went into the mountains now to find him we could bring him back and let him pose as a human friend of yours for the time being. That will allow you two some time to get to know one another and give you time to decide if you wish to marry him” she finished. “It’s the only solution I can think of to your problem but it’s your choice entirely Karina.”

“What’s his name?” I asked already sure that I would do whatever it took to marry someone who would help me end slavery.

“His name is Kai” Arabella said. “Does this mean you wish to go look for him?”

“Yes it does” I said. “Inform my parents that I wish to take a week’s vacation to the mountains to clear my head. Tell them that the only company I will require is you Riley and Jessie. Also please call Sarah and tell her that Jessie will be accompanying me on a brief vacation and will return to her when we get back”

“What’s going on where are we going?” Jessie said appearing in the doorway of Riley’s room.


“Jessie my dear boy we are going on vacation” I said. “Oh and guess what. I’m a prince!” I was being childish I know but hey I was excited.

“You are?” Jessie asked. “How?”

“Apparently my mother here is secretly the vampire queen making me a prince” I said.

“Wow” Jessie said. “Um can I talk to you in your room for a second?”

“Yeah ok” I said. I followed him back to my room and turned to him surprised when he closed the door. “You ok man” I asked. “You look really nervous for some reason”

“Was Sam serious when he said that you’re gay” Jessie asked avoiding my eyes.

“Yes he was why” I asked eyeing him.

“I just didn’t want to do this if I wasn’t sure” Jessie said stepping toward me.

“Do wha…” I started to ask. Before I knew it Jessie was standing right in front of me. He leaned in and the next thing I knew Jessie was kissing me.



The kiss was over quickly. Jessie jumped back almost immediately as if I had burned him.

“Sorry” he said. “I didn’t mean to just jump you like that”

“Um it’s fine” I mumbled. “Can I ask you something?”


“Why exactly did you just kiss me?” I asked my surprise evident in my voice.

“Because I like you” Jessie said. “And I didn’t know how to tell you so I figured that would probably get the point across.”

“Oh ok well I… I like you too Jessie really I do but…” I said.

“But what?” Jessie asked.

“Well” I said. “I like you but why don’t we try being friends first”

“Friends?” Jessie asked looking hurt. “You just want to be friends”

“For now I mean for all you know you may not even be able to stand me after spending some time with me let’s just get to know each other a bit ok” I said quickly trying to calm him down. Just then Karina knocked on my door and stepped into the room.

“Am I interrupting something here?” She asked when she saw the look on Jessie’s face. If vampires could blush Jessie would have been and Karina noticed this immediately. “I am aren’t I” she gasped. “What have you two been up to in here” I wasn’t sure how to answer her since I didn’t want to upset Jessie so I just changed the subject.

“So when are we leaving to retrieve your future husband?” I asked teasingly.

“Hey I don’t know if I’m marrying him I’m just going to meet the guy” Karina said. “I don’t know if I could handle you as a brother anyway you’re bad enough as a roommate.”

“What my brother not good enough for you human?” I joked.

“Oh shut up” Karina said smacking my arm. “You don’t know him either”

“Hey no hitting” I whined trying to annoy her. “Mom! Karina hit me!”

“Will you shut it already” Karina said. “Do you want your mother to kill me?”

“Oh fine but seriously when are we leaving” I asked.

“We leave first thing tomorrow and Jessie will be coming with us so I suggest you guys pack some clothes. We’ll stop and get some camping gear on the way to the mountains.” Karina replied. She left then and I went to my closet to start packing. I packed two bags though since Jessie didn’t really have anything to take.

“Here” I said handing him the extra bag. “You can borrow these for the trip.”

“Thanks” he said not looking at me.

“Jessie” I said. “Are you going to be all awkward around me from now on or something cause I don’t think I could take that. I hate it when people ignore me or treat me differently.”

“No, that wouldn’t be fair to do that” he said. “I did kinda just attack you out of nowhere” he added.

We went to bed soon after that Jessie slept in the guest room right next to mine and Karina’s.


When I woke up the next morning I was both excited and nervous. I was excited because I was getting a much needed vacation without my parents but nervous because this was in reality a secret mission to find the vampire who very well may end up being my husband. I gathered my things and took them out to my car where Jessie, Riley, and Arabella were waiting to load their stuff as well.

“You ready for this” Arabella asked as I walked up to them.

“I guess I have to be” I said. “I’m not too worried though I mean you did have a whole 100 years with him so I’m hoping that considering you’re his mom he won’t be a total jerk”

“If he is I’ll fix that problem immediately” Riley said.

“Aw are you being protective” I teased. “I don’t know if your mom will like you beating up her first born”

“If he is unpleasant to you in any way I’ll be helping Riley” Arabella interrupted. “Now why don’t we stop talking and get this show on the road”


I returned to the castle the morning after Jessie was taken there. When I got there I hid in a tree near the front gate so that I could see the entrance to the castle. I wanted to check on Jessie and I was trying to figure out which part of the castle to check first. Then I saw movement at the entrance to the garage. Jessie was there with the princess and two other slaves putting bags in a car. I listened to their conversation carefully.

“Jessie, Riley you two ride in the back, and Arabella you can drive since you know the way to the mountains. We should get there by nightfall right?” the princess said. I couldn’t believe my ears. They were taking Jessie on a trip to the mountains probably to do who knows what to him. I made up my mind then and there to follow them and rescue him.



Arabella stopped at a camping store a few hours after we left the castle so that we could all stretch our legs and so that we could buy the tents and stuff for the trip.

“Karina there’s one thing I don’t get” Jessie said. “You’re the princess so why are we sleeping in tents shouldn’t you have some luxurious RV or something like that to stay in?”

“Well I usually don’t go for the luxury stuff like my parents do” I explained as we entered the store. “Besides we don’t know what kind of terrain we’re going to be crossing so an RV wouldn’t make sense. Also do you realize what you just called me?” I added.

“What?” he asked startled. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No you didn’t but you just called me by my name and not princess” I said smiling at him. “I think you finally might be getting used to the idea that nobody is going to hit you for talking.” He looked embarrassed so I added for his benefit “Don’t worry I had the same problem with Riley when I first got him too so you’re not the only one.”

“Hey in my defense I did have to meet your mother like 20 minutes after I got to the castle” Riley said. “And that woman is nuts in case you hadn’t noticed.”

“Trust me I noticed” I said. We had reached the tent section of the store by then and we were looking at some nice durable three room tents that way we would have one for me and Arabella, one for Riley and Jessie and one for the supplies we would have with us like lanterns etc. We weren’t the only ones in the store though and I noticed a guy standing farther down the aisle we were on staring intently at us.

“Hey guys don’t look now but I think I’ve been recognized by one of our fellow shoppers” I said. Riley and Jessie moved to the side the other guy was on to block me from view and that’s when I noticed that his eyes followed Jessie’s every move. I didn’t say anything though because I just figured he had a problem with the vampires getting in the way.

“Let’s get this one and get out of here” Arabella said grabbing the bag that contained the tent we had chosen. “I don’t like the way that guy is looking at you.” With that we headed to the register where I was immediately recognized and offered every possible thing you could need for a camping trip you could imagine. I turned down the offer of an expensive RV and led the vampires back out to our car where we loaded our stuff. The strange man from the tent aisle was right behind us and was parked only two cars down. He got straight into his car but didn’t leave which raised my suspicions immediately.

“Arabella if that car follows us out of here I want you to get us to the mountains and pull over.” I said pointing. “And if he gets out restrain him so we can have a little chat”

“When you say chat is that code for I get to beat him up if he comes after us” Riley interrupted.

“It depends on what he says when I ask him what his problem is and who he is when I get that hood off of him.” I said. “With that jacket on I could only see his eyes under the hood the rest of his face was hidden in the shadow of it.” I added. “But yes it very well may mean that you and Jessie get to beat him up while me and Arabella figure out what tree to tie him to” I laughed at the thought of leaving the creepy stranger tied to a tree and stranded.

“Cool sounds like this trip might be fun after all” Jessie said as we all got into the car. We pulled out and as soon as we got going on the road again I checked behind us and sure enough the strange car was following us. “Arabella looks like we’re going to have to tie someone to a tree” I said.

“So he’s following us then” she asked checking behind us. “I’ll get us safely into the mountains before I stop that way no one will see us and think he’s getting mugged and try to stop us” she added. We sped along at about 80 miles an hour and I could tell she was in a hurry to get this guy out of the way. “ we should be there in about five minutes” she said and she was right because five minutes later we pulled over with rock walls on either side of the road where it cut through a mountain on the way to the campsite. The car stopped behind us as I thought it would and its mysterious driver got out.



He went to the driver’s side and tapped on Arabella’s window. She rolled it down half way and looked at him expectantly.

“Having some trouble?” he asked. Arabella looked at him coldly. “Pop the hood and I’ll check it out for you if you want” he said. I nodded slightly to Arabella indicating she should do it. It would be the perfect distraction for us to get out and grab him. She reached for the button beside her seat and popped the hood up for him to look at the engine of the car. When he was where he couldn’t see us I turned to the boys in the back of the car.

“Get out and stand on either side of him guys” I said. “Arabella will go for him and if he runs don’t let him get away.”

“He won’t get away” Riley assured me. He and Jessie opened there doors silently and got out moving in unison to either side of the front of the car blocking the man’s escape routes. Arabella followed moving faster than I’d ever seen to stand behind him. I opened my door and moved to stand beside Riley. Arabella tapped his shoulder and he straightened up and turned to her.

“What’s going on?” he asked looking around and seeing that he was basically surrounded. Arabella stepped toward him reaching to grab him but he dodged her stepping to the side ducking under her outstretched arms. “What are you doing?!” he asked seeming surprised.

“Guys remember what I said.” I said and Riley and Jessie advanced on the stranger. He began backing away and stumbled over a rock. His hood fell back as he regained his balance and I realized that he was a vampire. “Catch him!” I shouted. “He’s a vampire which means he has to be working for someone.” Riley darted forward and grabbed the shocked vampire by the throat and threw him to the ground. He pinned him there and Jessie joined him each grabbing an arm and hauling the stranger up holding him tightly while Arabella grabbed some rope to tie him up with.

“How did you know I was a vampire?” he asked looking at me.

“You bared your fangs a little when the guys started going after you” I said. “And I’m the one that’s going to be asking the questions here so listen carefully.” I added. “Now who is your master who sent you?”

“I don’t have a master” he said smugly. “I am no one’s slave”

“Don’t lie.” Riley threatened twisting his arm making him grimace. “You are talking to the princess in case you forgot.”

“I’m not lying” the vampire hissed. “I came here of my own free will. I’m probably the only free vampire in existence or at least I was up till now”

“Let me ask differently then.” I said getting annoyed. “Why did you follow us?”

“I came for him.” He said jerking his head toward Jessie. “He is the only reason I am here.”

“Me?!” Jessie said shocked. “What do you mean me?”

“Jessie I got this” I said. “Who are you?” I asked the vampire as Arabella returned and tied his arms behind him.

“I’m surprised you don’t recognize me” he said looking at Jessie. He didn’t seem to want to look away from him for more than a second.

“Why would I recognize you?” Jessie asked. “I don’t know any other vampires well enough to remember them.”

“Prove it” I said. “Prove to me that you know him.”

“Fine” the vampire said. “His name is Jessie and he is 110 years old and he was recently sold to a girl named Sarah who brought him to you because he wasn’t eating.” Jessie gaped at him.

“Who are you?” I asked again this time genuinely curious and not just annoyed at being followed.

“That’s what I want to know” Jessie said.

“I’m the reason you are here” the vampire said. “My name is Zephyr Delaney I don’t know if you remember but I was the last one to own you before you went to the auction house.” I didn’t understand a word but apparently Jessie did because he looked like he might be sick.

“Zephyr?” he asked in disbelief looking closely at the vampire’s face and stumbling back a few steps. “No way. That’s impossible. How … How did you find me? W… why did you find me?” He stuttered beginning to shake fear now plain on his face.

“Jessie… Jessie what is it?” Riley asked moving towards him. “Jessie who is this guy?”

“H…he’s the last member of the family I was with for the first hundred years of my life that owned me.” Jessie said. “He made sent me to the auction house where I was sold to the man who owned me before Sarah. He’s no Vampire he’s a human and a cruel sadistic one at that.”

“You’re wrong about that.” Zephyr said. “I’m not human. Not anymore.”



Jessie was obviously freaking out. The guy named Zephyr watched coldly as Jessie tried to process what he had just heard.

“How can you be a vampire” Jessie said. “I…It’s not possible there’s no way for a human to become a vampire the blood is poison to us and we are born vampires there is no way to be one of us unless you were born that way.”

“Actually there is a way to make a human a vampire” my mom said. “But only the Royal family knew it and we never told a soul so how could someone change this man?” she looked to Zephyr. “You are a vampire now so you should know that I am your queen. I demand to know who turned you and how.”

“Right after I sold Jessie I was depressed because I missed him so badly.” Zephyr said.

“Missed me!” Jessie sounded outraged. “How dare you! You wouldn’t miss me! You played me! You made me think you might actually care and then you sold me! Do you have any idea what that did to me! You wouldn’t know depression if it smacked you in the face you lying no good…” he was going to continue but I stopped him. I dragged him toward the back of the car.

“Jessie stop.” I said. “Calm down and tell me what’s going on here”

“I’ll tell you but this stays between us” Jessie said. “I don’t want anyone else to know ok.”


Riley dragged Jessie to the back of the car while Arabella and I watched surprised at Jessie’s outburst.

“You can explain that to us as well while you’re answering my question” Arabella said.

“Like I was saying” Zephyr said. His voice quieter and he sounded as though he might be fighting tears. “After I sold Jessie I became depressed because I missed him so badly. I had been forced by my cousin Zeke to send Jessie to the auction house because he had overheard me admitting to Jessie that I was gay and was going to kill Jessie and maybe even me. The only way to save Jessie was to tell Zeke that I had been saying it to break Jessie and send him to the auction house to prove I wasn’t lying. The slave I got after Jessie was sold noticed my depression and was brave enough to ask me about it and when I told her she offered me a way that I could be free of my family and be with Jessie. She said she could make me a vampire and she only asked that I not tell anyone how I was changed or who changed me.”

“Convenient” I scoffed.

“If it’s the only way you’ll believe me I’ll tell you” Zephyr said.

“Then start talking” Arabella said.

“Her name was Josephine and she told me that the only way to turn a human into a vampire was to have the human consume the blood of a born vampire.” Zephyr said. “I was against it at first but I finally told her that I would do it if she could find a way to make it so that I wouldn’t know it was blood I was consuming so she mixed it into my drink one day when I wasn’t looking.” He looked up at Arabella. “The next thing I knew I was a vampire so I went into hiding until I could figure out what had happened to Jessie. I made some calls and found out who had bought him and when I heard he had been sold I tracked down the new owner and followed her to the castle when she took him there. I feared what might happen to him if he was sold to the royal family but I heard you all talking and decided to wait a few days and sneak him out while you weren’t paying attention but when I came back to check on him the next day you were leaving so I followed you. I figured I would rescue him when you got to the mountains but instead I got myself caught like a fool.”

“How did you hear us talking” Arabella asked suspicious. “The abilities of vampires are weakened by the mere presence of humans hearing included.”

“When a human is turned we are immune to the weakening effects of human blood” Zephyr said. “We used to possess it so it isn’t as potent to us. Consuming it still kills us but it doesn’t weaken us to be near it. So we keep the usual abilities of speed, strength, hearing etc. even around humans.”



“So you became a vampire so that you could track down Jessie and what?” I said. “Ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after”

“Basically” Zephyr said. “The plan didn’t really go beyond freeing him from slavery. I wasn’t sure how he would react to seeing me again.”

“I would say that that was romantic but considering what you put him through beforehand it’s not” I said.

“I’m not asking you to understand” Zephyr retorted. “Just give me your word you won’t punish Jessie for my actions. What I did was not his fault.” He added.


By the time Jessie finished telling me the story of what Zephyr had done to him he was on the verge of tears.

“He had me completely convinced that he really might care about me Riley.” Jessie said looking at me his eyes brimming with unshed tears. “Even after all the beatings and name calling I fell for it so completely I must be the biggest idiot alive” he added as the tears spilled over and he began to curl in on himself like I used to when I was afraid. I stepped closer to him grabbing his wrist and pulled him to me wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly.

“Jessie you are not an idiot.” I said. “That creep messed you up so bad that you thought he hurt you because he cared. That makes him the bad person not you” He looked up at me his expression unreadable. “Jessie if you let this guy get to you like this he wins.” I continued. “Don’t let him win Jessie don’t give him that power over you.”

“I know” he whispered. “You’re right but Riley I don’t know if I can face him. Even now I feel the pain from what he said as though the words just left his mouth and I don’t know if I can be around him and not relive that over and over again every time he speaks.” He broke down sobbing and held onto me like his life depended on it burying his face in the material of my shirt. He was so much shorter than me that his face only came to my chest so it was almost like holding a crying child. I felt his shoulders shake as he cried and I suddenly felt a flash of anger toward the man who had hurt him. I wanted to rip this Zephyr guy’s throat out for what he had done to Jessie. I didn’t realize I had gone rigid until Jessie squirmed in my arms. “Riley what’s wrong?” he asked. “Why do you look so mad did I do something wrong?” at his words my head snapped down so that I was looking into his eyes instead of off into space like I had been. He looked afraid and it hurt to think that I was the cause of his distress. I made my decision then and there. Forget friends I had heard about this bond before and I knew what it meant. Jessie and I were mates. Meant to be together whether he knew it or not. This wasn’t something I could control this was in our blood.

“Riley?” he asked his voice quiet as though unsure of what to do. I place a finger under his chin and leaned down toward him. This kiss was different a sort of electrical current seemed to shoot through me as our lips connected and I knew I was right about him being my mate. I kissed him gently and said “trust me Jessie you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong”. I let him go when I realized that he looked very confused.

“Riley what was that?” he asked.

“I’m pretty sure you already know what a kiss is” I said trying to lighten things up a bit. “So you’ll have to be a bit more specific with your question.”

“Why did you kiss me like that” Jessie said. “I thought you wanted to stay friends until we got to know one another.” He added.

“I changed my mind” I said smiling at him. He smiled widely back as I took his hand. “Let’s go join Karina and my mom” I said. Noticing the fear in his eyes as he looked toward the front of the car I added “Don’t worry I’ll be right there with you”

“Just don’t let go of my hand” Jessie said. I gently squeezed his hand to reassure him as I led him back towards the front of the car.



I was beginning to tire of being interrogated by this irritating human and I had been ignoring her for a few minutes when Jessie and the other vampire came back toward the front of the car. Jessie looked like he had been crying and I knew it was because of me. I felt bad for that but I forgot that when I noticed that they were hand in hand. Jessie was smiling up at the tall boy who had black hair and cold blue eyes. “Get your hands off of him” I yelled. “You are not to touch him do you hear me stay away from my Jessie or I swear I will kill you!” I struggled against the ropes that bound me.


Zephyr fought against the ropes he was tied with, apparently trying to launch himself at Riley. Arabella delivered a swift kick to his ribs which ended his struggles as he gasped trying to regain the breath that had been knocked out of him by the blow.

“Yours?” Riley said coldly. “Don’t make me laugh. Jessie doesn’t belong to you”

“If you think I belong to you, you have lost your mind.” Jessie said.

“You belong with me not to me” Zephyr said. He sounded almost as if he was pleading with Jessie.

“Excuse me” Riley hissed a growl rumbling from his chest. “Jessie doesn’t belong to you! After everything you put him through you think you can just show up and be like ‘you’re mine’ and he will go with you just like that!”

“Riley… Riley calm down already” I said. “I don’t know what has gotten into you but I will worry about that later right now we need to decide what we’re going to do with our new guest here”

“I’ll call Josh.” Arabella said. “He has his own car now so he can come and pick up Zephyr here and take him to his house for the week until we return to deal with him.” She added. A few hours later Josh pulled up in his new SUV.

“I hear I have a babysitting gig” Josh said hopping out of the car.

“Oh shut up” Riley said. “Take this scum to your place please and don’t untie him. We need him contained until we get back to deal with him.” He was standing as close as he could to Jessie and wouldn’t leave his side. Every time Zephyr looked their way Riley hissed menacingly at him. I was definitely going to have to find out what was going on between those two. Josh noticed too.

“Dude is there something up with you and Jessie” He asked. Startled they looked at him like he’d grown an extra head. I couldn’t help but do the same. Riley looked nervous and was fidgeting uncomfortably stepping in front of Jessie as though he was trying to hide him from view.

“Shut it, load the creep, and I’ll explain later” Riley said flatly. Josh didn’t push it and seated Zephyr in the back seat of his car speeding away minutes later.

“You two” Arabella said turning to Riley and Jessie. “Start talking”

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Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:52 pm
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Evander wrote a review...


I got Chapter 8, before I had to stop. But this is what I spotted.

My name is Riley. I am 276 years old. I look like your typical 18 year old human boy, but I’m not human. I am a vampire. I know you’re thinking I’m probably some bloodthirsty psychopath but I’m not. Right now the only thing I want to do is escape…..

Intros like these are pretty common, and not recommended.

“I slept ok daddy really” I said innocently. “I was just excited about the party tonight”

Please, please use punctuation! Not using punctuation makes a story hard to read.

Great just great now im really in trouble

Stuff in purple: It should be I'm.

“calm down lily

Stuff in blue: You need to capitalize the first letter in every sentence.
Stuff in green: You need to capitalize names.

Somewhere in chapter 4, you started to capitalize the start of your dialogue, so that's good!
As MooCowPoop said, you just need to edit!

Keep on typing!


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bmw1996 says...

thanks for reading it :) I know it needs a lot of editing which is the part I need the most help with. I'm really bad with grammar.

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146 Reviews

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Reviews: 146

Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:58 am
MooCowPoop wrote a review...

Okay, that was very, very long. So long that I couldn't finish reading it. But that's no matter, for I shall still review with as much might and (hopefully) efficacy as I can! REVIEWING POWERS ACTIVATED! I

Right off the bat you start by telling us the who, what, when, where, and why of your characters. I personally believe that no story should start like that because 1) it allows for the reader to predict the ending and 2) it just doesn't look pretty. These two things are what to avoid in fictional stories! If the reader can predict the ending, then what's the point in reading the story, or better yet, writing it ? I think the point to writing most stories is to give reader a new thrill. It can be the same kind of problem, but what about that problem makes your story stand out (besides the plot)?

Secondly: is there a real need to be descriptive about what kind of make up the girl puts on? Or that she is emo? What about what she's thinking as she does these seemingly mundane tasks? Why do you choose to emphasize that she has" long jet black hair" and "dark purple highlights" that gleam when the sun hits them? Is there even reason? If not, then that is okay, but realize that though description of scenes or details is beautiful, what's the point of them if they detract from the task at hand? (btw just cuz someone is emo does not mean that they can not like dresses. Maybe you should mention that she's a tomboy or something).

Grammar: You need to insert some commas after that dialogue, darling. And please, please, please DO NOT USE CAPITAL LETTERS TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE YOU'RE SHOUTING!!!!!!!! This works perfectly fine even though it looks less cool! I am a hypocrite, I know, but yours is a story. Oh, and also stick with the same verb tense throughout. Try not to go: This is the day I go work, but first I had to put the keys in the car, pushed the pedal, and sped away! That was a terrible example, but you catch my drift, right?

So a summary: thrill us, tell me something I don't know. 2) why are the detailed descriptions there? 3) tense, tense, TENSE AND COMMAS! (and that shouting thing!).

You are a good writer-- a damn good one. You just gotta fix these tweaks, but most of all find what'll work for you and your readers! But feel free totally just disregard anything I just said, because after all it's your work and desicision. Good luck, and happy writing!

The Twelve Makeovers of Haircules is the stuff of legend. He defeated the Erymanthian Beard. One could say it was a hair raising adventure.
— KateHardy