
Young Writers Society

the wreck

by blotty

i wrote this from the point of view of a house for an English test but i really would like to expand on it maybe use it as an introduction for a story so any thoughts would be enthusiastically received i apologize for the atrocious punctuation it's really not my thing :lol:

The Wreck

‘What a wreck!’, I hear people claim as they stroll by . Some come inside, slowly pushing open my doors for fear they may break. These humans, who stand in the middle of me, stare in disgust my crumbling walls; then they leave. I come alive when someone comes inside but they see me for what I have become, a shell; then they are gone and I am unused, derelict, I sag. Sometimes my roof tiles fall silently to the ground, smashing as they land, now I am scared that soon I will be bald

‘If walls could talk’, the truth is no one would listen, if cold stones suddenly formed a mouth; no one would stay. I’m talking now, in a way, but it’s not sound, it’s thought.

I’m old: my paint work flakes like dandruff and I am green from moss. Walls crumble: like decayed bone. Once I was magnificent: shining, stately. Suddenly the world progressed and I was almost forgotten, ‘a quaint old mansion but now I’m a place where people come to do the unmentionable things such as ‘murder’ and to kill of the family pets.

Blood stains my cold, grey floors. Damp turns my once whit walls a murky yellow like uncleaned teeth. Once I heard a group of hard-hatted adults complain about how decrepit I was, but they can’t do anything about it. Now every Friday young adults come rolling over the hills that surround me and drink a vile substance from tin cans, which later rest, rusting in my flower beds.

I remember a time when I was dressed with scarlet roses, my soil was dark and rich, when I was lost in a maze of luxurious green hills. Now I am dressed with damp and decay and I am lost in a nightmare but my soil is still rich and dark; if only I could reach out and sift through it with my hands, but I have no arms and no hands: I am only bricks and mortar.

At midnight on Sundays, the clock strikes six times which leaves my shell-like form in silence. At which the ghosts appear and a fiddle strikes up, it’s ancient melody bound through my walls which turn a bright, glowing white and ghostly dances begin.

The roses rise from my soil and grow to heights no man has seen. The ornate wooden decorations begin to gleam and are restored to glory. When the time has passed the ghostly dancers fade out my doors and the roses wither and die; the glow fades from my walls and bricks begin to crumble. The clock strokes its’ last six dooming bells and darkness falls upon my windows.

The soil shines like the stars in the stars in the sky and I know as long as they do I will have my midnight hour.

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Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:00 am
Emerson wrote a review...

I really like the idea you have, its cute and could turn into something great. I'll ignore punctuation because you said yourself its not your thing, and i don't know the link Phorcys gave, but he knows what he's talking about, so I'd go look at it.

and drink a vile substance from tin cans
How would the house know the drinks are vile? You do a lot of telling throughout the story and here is a really good example of how you could not only stop the telling, but expand and make the story better.

why not describe the young adults acting stupid or dancing or cussing or general drunkenness? But don't say they're drunk, say they drank something and act weird. The reader will get what is going on. With this story, you can use the power of description to do amazing things, use it as much as possible.

Throughout the whole thing you do a lot of telling, and everyone knows 'show don't tell'! hee hee, this could be such a good story! It really could. Just makes it longer. (Or, wait. Don't listen to what I just said. Keep reading.) Give the house its own voice. Don't talk so much about how old it is now; you said it once, so we get it. Unless its a reoccurring theme *is tempted to link to that article about repetition and redundancy* Try to give it more of a story, rather than just the house talking.

Like, why is the house abandoned? But I'm sure you could come up with your own ideas. If you have any questions or want some help, you can PM me :-) I'd really like to see where you go with this.

Oh, and I saw some minor typos/missing words here and there, but I'm sure you'd be able to catch them with a quick run through on your own. G'luck!

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Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:44 pm
Swires wrote a review...

Sometimes I wish I was Griffin or Imp so my sole duty would be to space peoples work out. Thats what i would do with my life. :)

This was a nice idea but you need to sort language out.

Read this aloud and see where bits dont sound write, then try and rephrase the sentence another way.

Add a little variety into your sentences. And, learn apostraphe rules.

http://hollylisle.com - You can learn alot from that webby.

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Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:34 pm
Esmé wrote a review...

Firstly, format (spaces between paragraphs, that is).

I came alive when someone comes inside but they see me for what I have become, a shell; then they are gone and I am unused, derelict, I sag and sometimes my roof tiles fall silently to the ground, smashing as they land; now I am scared-soon I will be bald
Wow. This sentence is wayyy to complex, i got omepletely lost, Really. Also, you have some problems with times in it, e.g. 'comes', not 'came'.


‘If walls could talk’, the truth is no one would listen, if cold stones suddenly formed a mouth; no one would stay.
The semicolons in osme places not needed - full stops and commas would do. Also, I do not understand why the 'if walls could talk' is taken in '. It does not make sense that way.

In fact, you use the ' a lot, mostly when it is unnecessary. I also don;t get what for is the last sentence.

I get the general feeling that this is in a bit of chaos, though I liked your vocabulary =)

Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.
— Neil Gaiman