
Young Writers Society

16+ Language Violence Mature Content


by aouther2b

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for language, violence, and mature content.

I sit on the beach, waiting for him to arrive. Listening to the sounds of the ocean’s waves, confidence builds within me. I know what I have to find out, and he is the only person who has the answers.

I feel his presence as soon as he walks up. I have always had this inept ability to tell when he is near, and sometimes I wonder if he feels the same way. I glance his way as he joins me on the sand. I take his brown hair that flies whichever way it pleases. I gaze, so not to get trapped in them, at his florescent blue eyes. I rake my eyes down his toned torso in his signature tight black tee, and fall down to his plain blue jeans. He looks like any girl's dream, but I know the real him can sometimes be a nightmare.

“Why am I here?” he asks, breaking the silence that had settled over us.

I bite my lip, unsure of how to proceed. All of the confidence that had once pulsed through my body was now gone. Taking a deep and calming breath I start at my quest to find answers.

“You were the last person to see Amanda alive. You and I both know that you know who killed her. The police don’t know, and I won’t tell them if you don’t want me to, but Justin, I need to know. Who killed Amanda?” I look at him with a nervous glance then look away just as fast to avoid his eyes. I can’t be trapped in their depths. When I chance another glance at him I notice his hands twirling amongst each other; the wringing creating an intimate tango.

“Katelyn, I wish I could tell you, but it will just put you at risk of ending up the same way as her. I can’t loose you too.” He says. I hear his voice pleading with me, and it pulls on my heart strings, but the pull isn’t strong enough.

“Justin, I don’t care. I can handle it, and maybe I want to die. I miss Amanda everyday and maybe knowing will kill me, but that will bring me closer to her.” I clasp my fingers together, already anticipating his answer to my statement.

“Katelyn, don’t say that. I know it has been hard not having my sister, your best friend, around. It hurts me everyday I can’t hold my little sisters hand, I can’t protect her, shield her from all the hurt. I can’t be her big brother anymore.”

“Look, maybe knowing who did it could hurt me, but maybe it won’t hurt as much as not knowing does. Please, I am begging you here. Tell me who did this to her.”

“Katelyn, the people who do things like this, kill people, they aren’t people to mess with. Please stay out of it.” He starts to get up but I grab onto his arm using all of my weight to try to pull him back down.

“Please, don’t leave. Tell me who it is. I can see the weight that this has put on your shoulders. Tell me, please.” I beg. I try to hold his eyes like they’ve held mine and I succeed as he falls back into the sand next to me. We both break our gaze to look at the ocean again.

I start to play with the hem on my white t-shirt and then move to the frayed ends of my shorts. All the while Justin just sits there, fighting an obvious inner battle. I give him time to find the words. When he finally speaks I can hear the sorrow that drips from his once strong and sure voice.

“Katelyn, I know you want to know so badly, and I am scared to tell you because you could very well get hurt too, but if you must know who did it I will tell you.” He takes a deep inhale of breath before continuing. “I know who killed Amanda because I was there to see it happen. I watched as he raped her, beat her, and then shot her. That man, I don’t know his name, but I could point him out were he a mile away. I watched his hands, big white masses, climb over her body. I watched him tear at her and then hit her on every piece of skin available. I watched him hold the gun to her head. I heard his taunts, like that of a school, but those vile things that he was saying were no where near innocent. I watched it and I heard it and I couldn’t turn away.” He shakes his head as tears stream down his face, his body rocking as each sob tries to break free.

“Why didn’t you stop him?” I ask tentatively.

“He knew I was there. He had his goon’s tie me up and hold me down. After they were done they turned to me and beat me unconsious. You remember how I looked for those first few days after her death. You saw the scars they were capable of leaving.I don't knowwhy they spared me then, Iask myself that everyday.It kills me becauseI fought so hard to break free to save her. I hated those screams. I still hear them every damn day. I didn’t fight hard enough, and I wish I had.”

“Why didn’t you go to the police? Why haven’t you gone still?”

“They threatened to kill all us. My mom, my dad, me, your mom, andyou. He had followed Amanda and me the past few weeks. He knew how much I cared about you. Just think about it, my and your whole family wiped out. All if I said a word. Trust me, if they had said they were just going to go after me, then I would have told the cops in a heart beat, but I can’t let you risk your life and your families’ life.” His voice is filled with not only regret but frustration. I take his hand in mind hoping my small hand will offer some sort of warmth and comfort.

“Thank you.” I say, barely above a whisper.

“For what? I couldn’t stop them. If it weren’t for me, she would still be alive.” He holds a death grip on my hand. I squeeze back with equal force.

“Justin, look at me.” When he doesn’t I take his jaw in my hand and turn his face so that he can see my eyes, and hopefully see the truth that they hold. “This is not your fault. You didn’t take her down that alley way, they dragged her. I know a few details about that night and none of it, none what-so-ever, points to you being at fault.I’m thanking you for saving me and my family when you couldn’t save her. I am thanking you for telling me the pieces of the puzzle I was missing. I am thanking you for loving your sister. She was my best friend. Every time I talked about, she sang nothing but your praises. She loved having you as a brother.”

I release his face after my speech and stand up. When he sees me do so he rises and wraps me in his arms. I feel the warmth that his sister had always felt and I hear the steady beating of his heart against his chest. The one that used to beat for my best friend and probably always will. I try to absorb some of Justin’s strength and resilience. I try to give him the love he shared with his sister. Walking arm in arm I say my goodbye to Justin and watch him drive away knowing, now that he has some kind of peace of mind, this is the last time I will see those deep blue eyes and messy hair.

I let the boy that I had fallen in love with walk away. I did it because I knew that it would hurt him more to let him stay. I could already see that looking at me, he could see his little sister. Though my days were filled with sorrow after he left, I kept a place in my heart for the boy who, when he couldn't save his sister, saved me.

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27 Reviews

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Reviews: 27

Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:11 pm
Joe wrote a review...

I never read romantic stories. I just don't like em but this one was different, kinda dark too.

First of all I just want to say that its almost all dialogue which isn't necessarily a bad thing but you might want to add a bit more description.

I don't really get why those guys killed her and he knew who they were.

I also think Justin should be more resilient if they might rape, beat and kill the main character too.

But overall it was a great story nice emotion and at some parts great descriptions.

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72 Reviews

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Reviews: 72

Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:13 am
BadNarrator wrote a review...


okay for this story, I kinda liked it, I kinda didn’t. I liked the air of mystery surrounding Justin and his sister. also, I appreciate the fact that you didn’t make Justin a complete a**hole. the “troubled but cute” trope would’ve just been too much to tolerate in conjunction with everything else going on in this story.
as for the things I didn’t like. the biggest one which made me feel obligated to review your story today was the issue of conflict. Justin’s sister and Katelyn’s best friend, Amanda, was raped and murdered in front of her brother and instead of focusing on that your story leaves us with Katelyn basically swooning over him while she thinks about what a great guy he is. let me make this clear, unless Katelyn actually does something about her friend’s murder, the only two character’s in this story who the reader is going to care about are Justin and the murderer. I honestly couldn’t think of any reason why Katelyn needed to be in the story at all.
there’s a movie by Lars Von Trier called Dogville. the main character, Grace played by Nicole Kidman, reminds me of Justin. like him, she is portrayed as the image of saintly goodness. she is faced with tremendous hardship but she puts on a strong demeanor for the people she cares about. she is abused and brutalized in every way imaginable, yet she refuses to lash out or fight back. but Grace’s character differs from yours in that she changes tremendously from beginning to end.
and that brings me to the biggest issue of the story. Justin, your central character, doesn’t change at all. the conflict in character driven stories like these stems from how much the main characters become like their polar opposites. the villain should become more likeable, or at least more human. and the hero should become more…I don’t know…evil.
Justin is too attractive in this story, both physically and in personality. you should change that. as readers we want to see Justin track down his sister’s murderer. the murderer should have a wife or kids or a frail old grandmother in a wheel chair. Justin should tie up the murderer’s wife and immolate her with an acetylene torch. he should force the murderer to choose which one of his kids he loves the most before slitting their throats. he should chuck his grandma down a staircase (I’m running out of ideas). the point is, no matter what Justin does he should at least do something instead of sitting on his a** staring wistfully at the sunset. and when all is said and done he should go home and look at himself in the mirror and see that he has become the very monster he has set out to destroy.
some other things: consider rewriting the story in past-tense. the continuous present-tense tends to be pretty awkward, especially if you are going to stick with the first-person point of view. also, the dialogue in this story came across as clichéd and oddly expositional. remember, you don’t need to include every last word in the conversation. it’s okay to use summary or indirect dialogue to get past all of the everyday how-do-you-dos.
hope this was helpful.

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228 Reviews

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Reviews: 228

Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:11 pm
Twinkle4ever wrote a review...

Absolutely beautiful and dramatic. I loved it so much. You even managed to create the suspense in between the lines even though the whole time the two were just sitting there and talking. But somehow that talk, the way you wrote, the way you managed the dialogues, everything, the narration, everything fit in perfectly. I could feel myself miles away from home and standing on that sand right then as I read. And I don't usually like sad endings but this one I think is very nice. It's sad but also causes a faint ache in my heart. You have great potential as a writer. You have the ability to touch people with your writing. And I would love to read more from you. Do keep it up, :) :) :D

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16 Reviews

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Reviews: 16

Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:21 am
Chinkstuhhh wrote a review...

I really like the way you write, it's very casual yet unique. Good job with the story! I hope you can continue this one though! It has a very good plot to it, and it could definitely grow! One thing I could advise would be to add a little bit more description but other than that, this is beautiful work! I also like the relationships you built up here as well. As a reader I can definitely imagine how the story is presenting itself. In other words, keep up the good work! Can't wait to read more form you!


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160 Reviews

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Reviews: 160

Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:56 pm
Rurouni wrote a review...

Ohh I loved this!!

I saw some places where words hadno space, such as......

I don't knowwhy they spared me then, Iask myself that everyday.It kills me becauseI fought so hard to break free to save her


I found this story interesting, that she had to save him fron his guilt, and he saved her from her mystery, it's very well put together.

I would work on describing the scene a little more, perhaps when he is thinking.

Though the ending is sad, I would like to see more, more about our narrator, and more about Justin, and Amanda.

I am very curious, and this has been very nice to read (You know what I mean..).



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933 Reviews

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Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:09 am
Iggy wrote a review...

Hello. Iggy here to review.

One thing I feel you can work on is your punctuation, particually your commas. There are a lot of sentences missing commas in the right places. For example:

I sit on the beach[,] waiting for him to arrive.

I bite my lip[,] unsure of how to proceed.

Taking a deep and calming breath[,] I start at my quest to find answers.

There's some more, so take another read through and see if you can find them yourself

He looks like any girl[']s dream, but I know the real can sometimes be a nightmare.

Add in that apostrophe.

"You didn't take her down that [ally[/b] way, they dragged her.

Change that to "alley".

Okay, so I think that's all of the grammar nitpicks. Moving on, I feel that this made very little sense. Why would she want to know who raped and killed her friend? Obviously, as soon as those thugs left, Justin would have called an ambulance. They wouldn't even need Justin to tell them Amanda was raped, they can tell by the damage done to her genitals. And of course Justin doesn't know who they were, exactly,because if he knew their names, he would have told the police regardless of the consequences.

Besides that, it was still somewhat of a realistic piece, and you did a good job. You, thankfulky, spared us the gory details of the rape and the murder. I feel that this would have been much more of a rated 18+ if this was told from Justin's POV, who would have relived the memory as he told Katelyn.

Another thing I don't get is: why is that the last time Katelyn sees him? Isn't she infatuated with him? He is, after all, her savior and her best friend's brother. I didn't see an explaination, so maybe edit the work and add in reason(s) why? That would help us readers understand more.

Overall, nice work. It was well written, and I look forwars to seeing more from you.

~ Iggy.

aouther2b says...

Thank you for pointing out the grammatical errors, sometimes it takes a freash set of eyes. I took your advice and added a little bit more of an explanation regarding why he didn't go to the police. I wrote in the rape because her best friend wouldn't have been given the police report, but the brother would have. I hope you really enjoyed this piece and thank you for your review.

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